Sysdig Cloud

We will take a look at the Sysdig tool and some of the useful command line-based UIs in a moment. However, the team at Sysdig has also built a commercial product, named Sysdig Cloud, which provides the advanced dashboard, alerting, and notification services we discussed earlier in the chapter. Also, the differentiator here has high visibility into containers, including some nice visualizations of our application topology.

If you'd rather skip the Sysdig Cloud section and just try out the command-line tool, simply skip to The Sysdig command line section later in this chapter.

If you have not done so already, sign up for Sysdig Cloud at

After activating and logging in for the first time, we'll be taken to a welcome page. Clicking on Next, we are shown a page with various options to install the Sysdig agents. For our example environment, we will use the Kubernetes setup. Selecting Kubernetes will give you a page with your API key and a link to instructions. The instructions will walk you through how to create a Sysdig agent DaemonSet on your cluster. Don't forget to add the API key from the install page. 

We will not be able to continue on the install page until the agents connect. After creating the DaemonSet and waiting a moment, the page should continue to the AWS integration page. You can fill this out if you like, but for this walk-through, we will click on Skip. Then, click on Let's Get Started.

As of this writing, Sysdig and Sysdig Cloud were not fully compatible with the latest container OS deployed by default in the GCE kube-up script, Container-optimized OS from Google:

We'll be taken to the main Sysdig Cloud dashboard screen. We should see at least two minion nodes appear under the Explore tab. We should see something similar to the following screenshot with our minion nodes:

Sysdig Cloud Explore page

This page shows us a table view, and the links on the left let us explore some key metrics for CPU, memory, networking, and so on. Although this is a great start, the detailed views will give us a much deeper look at each node.

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