
Now that we have all this great information, let's create some notifications. Scroll back up to the top of the page and find the bell icon next to one of your minion entries. This will open a Create Alert dialog. Here, we can set manual alerts similar to what we did earlier in the chapter. However, there is also the option to use BASELINE and HOST COMPARISON.

Using the BASELINE option is extremely helpful, as Sysdig will watch the historical patterns of the node and alert us whenever one of the metrics strays outside the expected metric thresholds. No manual settings are required, so this can really save time for the notification setup and help our operations team to be proactive before issues arise. Refer to the following screenshot:

Sysdig Cloud new alert

The HOST COMPARISON option is also a great help as it allows us to compare metrics with other hosts and alert whenever one host has a metric that differs significantly from the group. A great use case for this is monitoring resource usage across minion nodes to ensure that our scheduling constraints are not creating a bottleneck somewhere in the cluster.

You can choose whichever option you like and give it a name and warning level. Enable the notification method. Sysdig supports email, SNS (short for Simple Notification Service), and PagerDuty as notification methods. You can optionally enable Sysdig Capture to gain deeper insight into issues. Once you have everything set, just click on Create and you will start to receive alerts as issues come up.

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