Prometheus installation choices

As with previous examples, we'll need to either use our local Minikube install or the GCP cluster that we've spun up. Log in to your cluster of choice, and then let's get Prometheus set up. There's actually lots of options for installing Prometheus due to the fast moving nature of the software:

  • The simplest, manual method; if you'd like to build the software from the getting started documents, you can jump in with and get Prometheus monitoring itself.
  • The middle ground, with Helm; if you'd like to take the middle road, you can install Prometheus on your cluster with Helm (
  • The advanced Operator method; if you want to use the latest and greatest, let's take a look at the Kubernetes Operator class of software, and use it to install Prometheus. The Operator was created by CoreOS, who have recently been acquired by Red Hat. That should mean interesting things for Project Atomic and Container Linux. We'll talk more about that later, however! We'll use the Operator model here.
The Operator is designed to build upon the Helm-style management of software in order to build additional human operational knowledge into the installation, maintenance, and recovery of applications. You can think of the Operator software just like an SRE Operator: someone who's an expert in running a piece of software.

An Operator is an application-specific controller that extends the Kubernetes API in order to manage complex stateful applications such as caches, monitoring systems, and relational or non-relational databases. The Operator uses the API in order to create, configure, and manage these stateful systems on behalf of the user. While Deployments are excellent in dealing with seamless management of stateless web applications, the Deployment object in Kubernetes struggles to orchestrate all of the moving pieces in a stateful application when it comes to scaling, upgrading, recovering from failure, and reconfiguring these systems.

You can read more about extending the Kubernetes API here:

Operators leverage some core Kubernetes concepts that we've discussed in other chapters. Resources (ReplicaSets) and Controllers (for example Deployments, Services, and DaemonSets) are leverage with additional operational knowledge of the manual steps that are encoded in the Operator software. For example, when you scale up an etcd cluster manually, one of the key steps in the process is to create a DNS name for the new etcd member that can be used to route to the new member once it's been added to the cluster. With the Operator pattern being used, that systematized knowledge is built into the Operator class to provide the cluster administrator with seamless updates to the etcd software.

The difficulty in creating operators is understanding the underlying functionality of the stateful software in question, and then encoding that into a resource configuration and control loop. Keep in mind that Kubernetes can be thought of as simply being a large distributed messaging queue, with messages that exist in the form of a YAML blob of declarative state that the cluster operator defines, which the Kubernetes system puts into place.

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