Keeping containers contained 

One of the most obvious features that is discussed in the paper we mentioned in the preceding section is that of escaping the isolation/virtualization of the container construct. Modern container implementations guard against using namespaces to isolate processes as well as allowing the control of Linux capabilities that are available to a container. Additionally, there is an increased move toward secure default configurations of the out-of-the-box container environment. For example, by default, Docker only enables a small set of capabilities. Networking is another avenue of escape and it can be challenging since there are a variety of network options that plug into most modern container setups.

The next area discussed in the paper is that of attacks between two containers. The User namespace model gives us added protection here by mapping the root user within the container to a lower-level user on the host machine. Networking is, of course, still an issue, and something that requires proper diligence and attention when selecting and implementing your container networking solution.

Attacks within the container itself are another vector and, as with previous concerns, namespaces and networking are key to protection here. Another aspect that is vital in this scenario is the application security itself. The code still needs to follow secure coding practices and the software should be kept up to date and patched regularly. Finally, the efficiency of container images has an added benefit of shrinking the attack surface. The images should be built with only the packages and software that's necessary.

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