Resource exhaustion and orchestration security

Similar to the denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, we've seen in various other areas of computing that resource exhaustion is very much a pertinent concern in the container world. While cgroups provide some limitations on resource usage for things such as CPU, memory, and disk usage, there are still valid attack avenues for resource exhaustion. Tools such as Docker offer some starting defaults to the cgroups limitations, and Kubernetes also offers additional limits that can be placed on groups of containers running in the cluster. It's important to understand these defaults and to adjust for your deployments.

While the Linux kernel and the features that enable containers give us some form of isolation, they are fairly new to the Linux operating system. As such, they still contain their own bugs and vulnerabilities. The built-in mechanisms for capabilities and namespaces can and do have issues, and it is important to track these as part of your secure container operations.

The final area covered in the NCC paper is the attack of the container management layer itself. The Docker engine, image repositories, and orchestration tools are all significant vectors of attack and should be considered when developing your strategy. We'll look in more depth at how we can address the repositories and Kubernetes as an orchestration layer in the following sections.

If you're interested in knowing more about the specific security features of Docker's implementation, take a look here:
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