Scheduling CPU constraints

Let's look at another type of resource management, the constraint. We'll use the CPU dimension here, and we'll explore how to set the maximum and minimum values for available resources for a given container and pod in a namespace. There are a number of reasons you might want to limit CPU on a Kubernetes cluster:

  • If you have a namespaced cluster that has different levels of production and non-production workloads, you may want to specify higher limits for your production workloads. You can allow quad-core CPU consumption for production; put pin development, staging, or UAT-type workloads to a single CPU; or stagger them according to environment needs.
  • You can also ban requests from pods that require more CPU resources than your nodes have available. If you're running a certain type of machine on a cloud service provider, you can ensure that workloads that require X cores aren't scheduled on machines with <X cores.
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