Chapter 1: Introduction to Kubernetes

  1. Minikube, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure Kubernetes Service.
  2. Virtual Machines, FreeBSD Jails, LXC (Linux Containers), Open VZ, and Solaris Containers.
  3. Memory, filesystem CPU, threads, processes, namespaces, and memory interface files.
  4. It allows companies to ship incremental updates to software. It also allows packaging of software from a developer laptop all of the way to production.
  5. An account and billing set up. You'll also need to enable the API on GCE.
  6. kube-apiserver, etcd, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager, and cloud-controller-manager.
  7. kops, kubespray, kubeadm, and bootkube.
  8. kubeadm.
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