Chapter 11: Kubernetes SIGs, Incubation Projects, and the CNCF

  1. Kubernetes and Prometheus.
  2. Linkerd, rkt, CNI, TUF, Vitess, CoreDNS, Jaeger, Envoy.
  3. Spiffe, Spire, Open Policy Agent, Telepresence, Harbor, TiKV, Cortex, and Buildpacks. See more here:
  4. Committees are there to define meta-standards and address community-wide issues.
  5. It's a great way to understand the core concepts and inner workings of Kubernetes. It's a fun way to meet other motivated, smart people. Lastly, Kubernetes, at its essence, is a community project, and relies on the contributions of its members and users.
  6. SSH keys and SSL connectivity.

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