Chapter 12. Configuring Records Management Parameters

This chapter looks in more detail at some of the configuration capabilities of the Records Management Console. In previous chapters, we touched on some of the things that can be done from the Management Console, such as the editing of roles and the auditing of system activity. In this chapter, we look more thoroughly at some of the other features that are available.

In this chapter, we will describe:

  • How to create custom metadata properties associated with record object types
  • How to map metadata extracted from e-mails to Records Management properties
  • How to create and name custom events to use when building disposition schedules
  • How to create custom mapping types to specify relationships between two records

At the end of this chapter, in a "How does it work?" section, we will discuss from a developer perspective some of the internals of how the Records Management Console works.

The construction of the Management Console is very similar to that of the Administration Console. We will look at some of the similarities between the two types of consoles and we will also look at how data dynamically configured and edited by the console tools are retrieved and stored.

The Records Management Console

We've already looked at parts of the Records Management Console in previous chapters. Recall that the Management Console is available from the Records Management dashlet found on the administrator's home page:

The Records Management Console

In Chapter 9, when we discussed Search and Auditing within Alfresco, we looked at how auditing capabilities are built into the Management Console. Then, later in Chapter 11, we discussed security and saw how role management is built into the Management Console. We also saw how the Console could be used to create roles for users of the Records Management site and how we could run a User Rights Report to show the relationships between users, groups, and Records Management roles.

Let's take a tour now of some of the remaining capabilities available in the Management Console that we have not yet discussed.

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