

Absorption current, 5758, 155

Accelerated water-treeing test (AWTT), 380

Acceptance tests, 341. See also Field assessment of power cable systems

AC/DC ratios, 5051

Admittance, 72

AEIC. See Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC)

Aging effects

cellulose, 122

dielectric fluid, 122

paper–fluid combination, 122123

Air gaps, 388

Air insulated conductors

corona, 15

voltage, conductor and ground, 1415

Alternating current

corrosion, 407

spark test, 232

voltage withstand test, 232

water tank test, 232

Alternative test methods, 346

Aluminum Association (AA), 205

Ambient temperature, 97, 123

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 206

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 41, 4647, 88, 110, 150, 159, 172, 206207, 213, 292, 305306

American wire gauge (AWG), 25, 207

AWG/kcmil system, 27

definitions, 26

estimations shortcuts, 2627

Ampacities of Cables in Open Top Trays, 283

Ampacity of cables, 9, 2425

bonding jumper capability, 318

calculations, 273279, 282283

center ground, 315

conductor losses

AC conductor resistance, 276

DC conductor resistance, 275276

hysteresis and eddy current effects, 277

proximity effect, 277

dielectric loss, 277

heat, 315

heat transfer model, 273

simplified thermal circuit, 274

load and loss factor, 274

metallic shield losses

approach, 279

magnitude of voltage, 277, 278

spacing effect, 278

programs, 283284

shield conductivity

electrical resistivity of metals, 317

single-conductor cables, 316

shield losses

conductor, 316

current flows, 316

single-conductor transmission cables, 316

under short circuit conditions methods, 284


computer programs, 283284

manufacturers, 283

and voltage drop calculations, 284

Annealing, 47, 86, 159, 208, 219, 379, 421

Annular conductors, 4546

Anodic corrosion

point, 406

street railway systems, 405

Antioxidants, 102103, 109, 126127, 153, 229

Armor, 272, 283, 413419

types of, 182185

Armor corrosion

EPRI Project EL-4042, 419

single-conductor cables, 419

URD cables, 419

Arresters connection, 393394

Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC), 176, 178, 204, 209210, 246, 374, 380, 396397

documents, 206

specifications, 205206

ASTM. See American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

AWG. See American wire gauge (AWG)


Banbury process, 109

Basic impulse level (BIL), 386

Birmingham wire gage (BWG), 27

Blocked strand, 208

Bonding, 323326

Bow tie growing from contaminant, 375

Branching, 8385

Breakdown and failure

data analysis, 162163

intrinsic strength, 160

strength considerations, 160162

Breakdown strength, 1415, 17, 19, 132, 157, 160163, 190

Brown and Sharpe gage (B&S), 27

Bunch stranding, 42

Bush tree growing from shield, 375

Butyl rubber, 79, 77, 107, 111


Cable installation

pipe cable section lengths, 246

pipe-type cable, 246

research results

EPRI research, 247

field conditions, 246247

underground extruded power cable pulling guide, 246

Cable pulls, 235

advances, 236

coefficient of friction, 238

electric power research institute, 236

group of, 236

maximum allowable tension on conductors, 237

pipe-type, 236

pulling multiple cables in duct

clearance, 243244

cradled configuration, 240

jamming of cables, 241243

triangular configuration, 240241

weight correction factor, 241, 242

pulling tension calculations, 237238

sidewall bearing pressure, 238

pulling forces, 239


AEIC data, 400

capacitance, 5961

conductor impedance, 6364

data analysis

cumulative miles, 400

expression, 399

failure rates, 399

DC charging current, 5759

dissipation factor, 6465


data, 395396

locating, 330

statistics, 400

inductive reactance, 6263

installation, 246247


dielectric loss in, 59

resistance, 56

jacket materials, 214

low-voltage cable ratings, 5556

in magnetic metallic conduit, 50

manufacturers, 400

mutual inductance, 63, 70


AEIC cable failure data, 396399

EEI, 396

electrical failures of, 396, 397

PILC cable failures, 396

response, 155

spacing, 302

street light, 178

submarine, 299300, 413, 422

surface resistivity, 57

telegraph, 23

as transformer

single-point grounding, 314

voltage rating of, 5455

volume insulation resistance, 5657

Cable with extruded insulations

cooling, thermoplastic materials, 222223


CV tube, 221222

ethylene propylene rubber, 221

Monosil, 222

polyethylene, 221

Sioplas, 222

extrusion, 220221

Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 206

Capacitance, 333, 349351, 353, 355, 358, 362363, 391, 422

of cables, 71

Capacitive reactance, 61

Capacitive–resistive (CR), 19

Carbon black, 79, 95, 114115

Carbon–hydrogen polymeric structure, 81

Cathodic corrosion

elimination of, 406

hydrogen ions, 406

potential of, 406

Cathodic protection, 410411

Cellulose, 122

Chain branching phenomenon, 83

Charging current, 5758

for alternating current operation, 6162

Chemical corrosion, 407

Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), 127, 179

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE, Hypalon), 117, 127, 181

Circular mils (cmil), 27, 36, 43, 48, 207, 213, 276, 317

Class B and C stranding, 41, 207208

Clearance, 241, 243244

3/C Low volt cable with sector-shaped conductors, 199

Coefficient of friction, 238

Cold shrink splices, 268

Combination thumper and TDR equipment, 331332

Compacted granular backfills, 302303

Compact sector, 4344

Compact stranding, 42

Compressed stranding, 4142, 207

Concentric-lay-stranded conductor resistance, 2835

Concentric neutral cables

coated wires, 172

complicating factor, 172

ICEA standards, 172

Concentric neutral corrosion

cable failures, 408

causes of, 408

electric power systems, 408

electromotive series (see Electromotive series)


AC corrosion, 409410

combinations, 410

decaying vegetation, 410

differential aeration, 409

dissimilar metal, 410

galvanic influence, 410

oxygen content, 409

stray DC current, 409

unjacketed cable, 409

research efforts, 408

soil composition

physical and chemical characteristics, 408

properties of, 408409

Concentric stranding, 4042

Concrete as backfill, 306

for cable, 307

Florida test installation, 307308

test results, 308

Condition assessment tests, 342. See also Field assessment of power cable systems

Conductance, 67, 68

Conduction, 154

Conductivity, 6869

Conductor losses

AC conductor resistance

electromotive force, 276

DC conductor resistance

aluminum conductor, 276

conductor material, 275

hysteresis and eddy current effects, 277

proximity effect, 277

Conductors, 20

AC and DC resistance, 4849

American wire gauge (AWG), 2627

characteristics, 2627

covered, 1617


and jacket layer, 192194

with single layer of, 189

with insulation and insulation shield, 1718


annealing, 219

diameter, 218

stranding, 219

temper, 219

wire drawing, 218


aluminum, 4647

copper, 4647

resistance, 4849

shield, 1819

standards and specifications

blocked strand, 208

compressed strand, 207

identification, 208

resistance, 207

shielding, 208209

temper, 207208

Conductor shielding, 171

materials, 170

purpose of, 169

semiconducting extruded layers, 170

super smooth, super clean, 170

water-impervious material, 170


installation in, 428

and manhole systems

Murray Loop bridge, 328329

percent fill, 243

Cone, stress, 253254, 256257

Consensus organizations, 206207

Contaminants, 103, 153

Continuous vulcanizing (CV) tubes, 9

Controlled molecular weight distribution technology, 8990

Copolymerization, 8788

Corona, 15

Corrective thermal backfills

compacted, 302303

field installation, 303305

FTB, 305306

quality control, 305

use of, 301

Corrosion, 1920, 401, 404405

AC conditions

electrochemical potentials, 418

threshold of, 418

weight loss tests, 418

alternating current, 407

anodic, 405406

armor wires, 417

cathodic, 406

chemical, 407

under direct current (DC) conditions performing weight loss studies, 417

forms, 407408

galvanic, 406

local cell, 407

location sites, 411


for copper, 405

electrochemical action, 404

nature of, 404

oxidation, 405

release of, 405

resistivity measurements of neutral wires, 411

service-inflicted conditions, 417

types of metals, 417

“Covered” conductor, 1516

Cradled configuration, 240

Critical heat rate, 299300

Critical soil moisture, 292

Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), 8, 144, 150, 153, 155, 157, 161163, 167, 386, 396

AC breakdown, 161

antioxidants role, 102103

cross-linking, 90

insulation, 78

jacket, 181

peroxide-induced, 9397

radiation, 9495

radiation-induced, 9798

silane-induced, 98100

temperature influence, 100102

tree-retardant, 104105

Cross-linking process, 91

chain length of polyethylene effects, 91

coiled chains, 92

“hot modulus”, 9293

peroxide-induced, 9397

radiation-induced, 9798

silane-induced, 98100

“sol” fraction, 92

Crystallinity, 8587

Curing process, 99, 221222

Currents in armor system

alternating current, 414

effective values, 416

multi-grounded system, 416

schematic of, 414, 415

shield loss, 415416

single-conductor cables, 414

three-conductor cables, 416417


Defect angle, 6465

Deformation resistant thermoplastic (DRTP) shield, 178

Dicumyl peroxide, 9495


absorption, 58

constant, 59, 149

loss, 151

spectroscopy, 364365

strength, 66, 157158

Dielectric spectroscopy, 364365

Dielectrophoresis, 370371

Differential decay method, 334

Dimethyl benzyl alcohol, 95

Direct current

advantages and disadvantages, testing, 347348

high voltage testing, 347

resistance, 157158

spark test, 232

water tank test, 232

Direct voltage testing, 344345

high and low voltage direct current tests, 346347


contaminants, 153

function of frequency, 151152

polymer chains, regions, 151

TR-XLPE, 153

Dissipation factor (DF), 64, 124, 144145, 151153, 167


advantages and disadvantages, 355

dielectric loss, 353354

measurement and equipment, 355

method, 354

with very low frequency sinusoidal wave form, 355356

Double needle test specimen, 379

“Dry cure” cables, 10

Dual style crosshead, 226

Duty-cycle test, 386


Early Edison cable, 4

Early telegraph lines, 13

Earth gradient, 332

Earth interface temperature, 309

Earth resistivity, 293

Edison Electric Institute (EEI), 395

Electrical breakdown, 414

Electrical insulation (dielectric), 21


branching, 8385

crystallinity, 8587

polyethylene copolymers, 8083, 8788

Electrical tests

for low voltage cables, 332

for medium voltage cables, 332

Electrical treeing, 368

growing from contaminant on conductor shield, 376

possibilities, 374

Electric fields, 21

capacitive coupling, 173

tapes supplemented, 173

and voltage, 1314

Electric lighting, 3

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 390, 395

Final Report EL-2847, 236

research, 8

Electromagnetic fields, 173, 200201

Electromotive series

concentration tends, 403

electrochemical equivalents

theoretical amount, 403

hydrogen ion concentration

equivalent weight, 403

significance of, 404

tendency for metals, 402

Electrostatic flux, 252253

Elements of testing, 342

Energy distribution for lighting, 35

EPR. See Ethylene propylene rubber (EPR)

EPRI. See Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Equipotential lines, 21, 253

Ethylene copolymer insulations (EPR), 110

AC breakdown stress retention of, 112

Banbury process, 109

Buss kneader, 109

in cable insulation, 107109

composed of, 106

compounds, 111112

as elastomers, 107

long-life EPR formulations, 113

Ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), 8, 106, 144, 153155, 162, 167, 182, 386, 396

insulation, 106

jacket, 182

Ethylene silane copolymer cross-linking, 99

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), 113

Excitation voltage, 342343

External thermal environment, 292

Extruded cable rejuvenation

in-service procedure for

diagnostic procedures, 134135

rejuvenation chemistry

oligomerization process, 133

PMDMS, 132134

Extruded cables, 170

Extruded dielectric power cables, 78

Extruded insulation shields

resistivity, 212

strip tension, 211212

thickness, 212

Extruded thermoplastic shields, 9

Extruder, 220

and crosshead, 221

Extrusion line

assembly, 227

extrusion heads, 226

finishing operations, 226227

single extruder line, 223

single pass extruder, 224225

true triple extrusion, 225226

two pass extrusion, 223224


Failures analysis, 268

Failures, cable, 8, 268

Failures locating

cables, 330

capacitance measurements, 333

capacitor discharge (thumper) set, 331

cut and try, 330331

earth gradient, 332

instruments infrequently used in North America, 333334

radar or time domain reflectometry, 331

Faulted circuit indicators, 334

automatic reset with, 336

designed with reset button, 335

magnetic fault indicators, 334

manual reset fault indicator, 335

for overhead application, 338

remote target, 337

separable connector, 337

Fault location, 327328, 330334

Field assessment of power cable systems

acceptance tests, 341

alternative test methods, 346

condition assessment tests, 342

direct voltage testing, 344345

installation tests, 341

maintenance tests, 341342

need for, 343344

on-line and off-line testing, 344

withstand tests, 342

Field experience

damage, 248249

installation, 247

older conduits, 247

paper-insulated lead covered, 248

steel armor wires, 418

weight loss of, 418

Field molded splices, 267

Field testing, 341342

Fill, conduit, 243

Flat configuration multiconductor cables, 195197

Florida test installation, 307308

Fluidized thermal backfills (FTB), 305306

Friction, coefficient, 238


Galvanic corrosion

corrosive force, 406

dissimilar metals, 406

Geometric spacing, 63

Global evaluation and pinpointing defects, 343

Good thermal soils, 300301

Grounding, 313


HDPE. See High-density polyethylene (HDPE)

Heat shrink splices, 267268

Heat transfer, 273274, 288292, 296

model, 273274

in soil, 288289

High-density polyethylene (HDPE), 178179

High molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE), 89, 81

High potential testing, 124

High stress, 156

“High temperature” XLPE, 10

High thermal resistivity soil, 290

High voltage direct current tests. See also Direct voltage testing

direct current withstand test, 347

leakage current—time tests, 347

step-voltage/leakage current tip-up tests, 347

Hilborn loop, 333

Hoop stress, 7374

Hypalon, 127


ICEA. See Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA)

IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

IEEE Standard Power Cable Ampacity Tables, 283

Impedance, 6364, 72


compounds, 228229

control, 230

and drying, 229230

fluid, conditioning, 230

Impulse current differential method, 334

Impulse strength, 66

Inception voltage and extinction voltage

cable wall, 165

gas pressure, 165

geometry of void, 165

void size, 166

Inductance, 69

in coaxial cables, 70

in multiconductor cables, 6970

mutual, 63

Installation, cable

breakdown, 160163

properties, 136

resistance, 57

shields, 1718

thickness, 210211

Installation tests, 341. See also Field assessment of power cable systems

Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA), 204

divisions in, 204

membership, 204205

standards, 205


AC dielectric strength, 66

AEIC specifications, 209210

dielectric strength, 66

electrical requirements, 211

impulse strength, 66

layer requirements, 19

resistance test, 232

test voltages, insulation thickness, 210211

voltage stress in cables, 6566

Insulation materials

operating stress

cable response, 155

conduction, 154

dielectric losses, 151

dispersion, 151153

interfacial polarization, 153154

mineral filled systems, 153154

paper/fluid systems, 155156

permittivity, 149151

polarization, 146149

specific inductance capacitance, 149151

Insulation response, high stress in

breakdown and failure, 160163

dielectric strength, 157158

partial discharge, 163166

test methods, 158160

Insulation shield, 1718, 169

for medium voltage cables

concentric neutral cables, 172

metallic shield, 171172

stress relief layer, 171

Interlocked armor, 183

cables of, 182

galvanized steel, 182

low voltage cable, 200

mechanical protection, 182

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 206207

AWG/kcmil sizes, 36

IEC 60228, 36

IEC TC 20, 36


Jacket layer insulation

low smoke zero halogen jacket, 194

polyvinyl chloride jacket, 193194

ruggedized cables, 192193

sunlight and flame resistance, 193

THHN and THWN, 193

Jackets, 1920, 116118, 175, 192194, 410

materials, 116118

Jamming, 241243

Jam ratio, 242

Jointing theory

cable preparation, 263264

connecting conductors, 264

connector, 263

insulation for joints, 263265

jackets for joints, 265267

metallic shield, 263

penciling, 263

shield materials, 265

taped splice, 262


kcmil, 27


Laboratory testing, 379381

Lay length, 199

Lead length, 393

Leakage current, 155, 347

Lightning protection of distribution cable systems

arresters connections, 393

natural lightning strokes, 390

surge arrestor operation, 388389

surge protection, 386387

traveling waves, 391

velocity of propagation, 392

wave shape and rate of rise, 387

Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), 177179

Line-to-line voltage, 386

Load factor, 274

Local cell corrosion

differential aeration, 407

electrolytic cells, 407

rate of, 407

specific form, 407

Losses, shield, 316

Loss factor, 274

Low smoke zero halogen (LSZH) jackets, 180

Low thermal resistivity soil, 290

Low-voltage armored cables, 200

Low-voltage cables, 44, 56, 60

conductor considerations, 188

jacket layer insulation, 192194

metallic coverings, 188

multiconductor cables, 195201

nonmetallic coverings, 188

plexed single conductor wires and cables, 194195

ratings, 5556


electric fields, 173

magnetic fields, 173

single layer insulation, 189192

Low-voltage polymeric

insulation materials, 125130

secondary cables, 130

LSZH/LSHF, 117, 129, 180, 194


Magnetic fault indicators, 334

Magnetic fields

shielding factor, 173

Maintenance tests, 341342. See also Field assessment of power cable systems

Manual reset fault indicator, 335

Material considerations in conductors

ampacity, 25

direct current resistance, 25

short circuits, 25

voltage regulation, 25

weight, 25

Medium density polyethylenes (MDPEs), 8889

Medium voltage cables

development, 910

insulation shielding

concentric neutral cables, 172

metallic shield, 171172

stress relief layer, 171

Medium voltage insulating materials, 135137

Medium voltage shielded cables, 20

Metallic armor, 413

Metallic sheath, 414

Metallic shield

materials, 171

single-conductor cable, 172

Metallic shielding

concentric neutral cables, 213214

options for, 213

Metal oxide arresters (MOV), 389

distribution systems, 389

load break elbow arresters, 389

schematic of, 389390

URD system, 390

Metal oxide varistor (MOV) arrester, 386

Methylene blue dying technique, 382383

Metric designations, 3740

harmonization, 36

Mineral filled systems and interfacial polarization, 153

conventional polarization, 154

EPR compound, 154

Molecular weight, 8081

Multiconductor cables

flat configuration, 195197

low voltage armored, 200

round configuration, 197200

shielded low voltage cables, 200201

Multiple-point grounding

advantages, 318

current flow, 318

disadvantages, 318

Murray Loop bridge, 328329

Mutual inductance, 63, 69


National Electrical Code (NEC), 188, 190191, 193, 195197, 200, 207, 243

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 205

National Electric Light Association (NELA), 395

Native soil thermal resistivity, 293295

Natural lightning strokes

EPRI, 390

inductance of, 391

rate of rise, 390

standard, 391

NEC. See National Electrical Code (NEC)

Neoprene, 126, 181

compounds, 181

thermosetting characteristics of, 181

New British standard (NBS). See Standard wire gauge (SWG)

Nitrile rubber, 181182

Non-shielded cable, 197198

Nonshielded power cable, 20

“Number average”, 8283

Nylon, 180


Off-line power frequency testing

characteristics, 350

with system voltage, 350351

test apparatus requirements, 349350

On-line and off-line testing, 344

On-line power frequency testing

advantages, 348

disadvantages, 348349

measurements, 348

Open circuit sheath, 278

Organic soils, 293

Oscillating wave, 362364


advantages and disadvantages, 363

apparatus, 363

criteria, 362

general description of test method, 362

procedures, 364

Oxidative degradation, 102


Paper/fluid systems, 155156

Paper-insulated cables, 57

aging effects, 122123

cabling, 227228

cooling cycle, control

cylinder, 231

seal, 230231

drying and impregnating, 228230

insulation, 227

taping, 227228

test methods, 123125

Paper-insulated lead-covered cables (PILC), 76, 257, 395

Paper insulation, 56, 119120, 155156, 227

Partial discharge, 163, 165, 167, 343

insulation, 164165

phenomena parameters

inception and extinction voltage, 165166

residue voltage, 166

time lag, 166

testing, 233, 351

equipment, 352353

measurement, 352

voids, 163164

Peak failure rates, 385

100 percent level, 55

133 percent level, 55

173 percent level, 55

Permittivity, 60

and specific inductance capacitance, 149151

Peroxide, 7980, 9394, 221

Peroxide-induced cross-linking, 9397

Phase-to-phase voltage, 16

Phenyldimethyl siloxane (PMDMS), 132133

polymerization, 133

PILC. See Paper-insulated lead-covered cables (PILC)

Plasticizer, 117

Plexed single conductor wires and cables, 195

triplexed and quadruplexed cables., 194

Plexing, 194195

Polarization, 146147, 148, 153154

charge migration, 146147

Maxwell–Wagner polarization, 149

nonpolar regions, 147

orientation, principles, 146

polar functionality, 147

process, 149

Polyethylene, 8788, 177178

carbon black, 177

controlled molecular weight distribution technology, 8990

conventional methods, 8889

copolymers, 8788

densities, 177

HDPE, 178

jackets, 177179

LLDPE, 177

structures of, 84

types of, 87

“Polyhydric” alcohol, 122

Polymerization process, 83


antioxidant(s), incorporating, 149

charge migration on, 147

electrical properties, 143

physicochemical properties, 143144

polar functionality, 147148

under voltage stress, 148

Polyolefin-based polymers, 78

Polypropylene, 179

Polyvinyl chloride/nitrile-butadiene, 182

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 127, 144, 150, 176177, 191192

compounds, 176

jacket, 176

limitations of, 176

moisture resistance, 177

Poor thermal soils, 301

Power Cable Ampacities, 272

Power engineering, 7273

Power factor, 7273, 156

Present-day medium voltage insulations, 79

Primary voltage cables, 8

Propagation velocity, 331332

Proximity effect, 50, 277

Pulling cable, 236244

Pulling calculations

directions, 245246

tension out of horizontal bend values for various exponents, 244245

Pulse decay, 333

PVC. See Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)


Radar/time domain reflectometry, 331

Radiation-induced cross-linking, 9798

Random coiled configuration, 84

Reactance, 61, 64, 7172

capacitive reactance, 72

inductive reactance, 71

total reactance, 72

“Ready-to-extrude” compounds, 220

Rejuvenation, 131

Resistance, 25, 4849, 5051, 6768, 275

Resistivity, 24, 69, 145146, 293295

Rising voltage, 16

electric field lines, 17

tracking, 17

Rogowski electrodes, 159

Rope stranding, 4243

Round configuration multiconductor cables, 197200

Round-wire armor, 183185

Route thermal survey elements

analysis, 310

corrective thermal backfill and thermal stability, 310311

field testing, 309310

laboratory testing, 310

quality assurance, 311

review and planning, 309

RTV silicone, 129

Rural Utilities Service (RUS), 206


Seasonal temperature changes at operating depth, 295

Sector conductors, 43

dimensions of, 44

Segmental conductors, 4445

and aluminum conductors, 45

Selection of joints and terminations

environmental conditions, 268

Self-inductance, 69

Semiconducting jackets

ANSI/ICEA S-94-649, 178

moisture transmission, 178

thermo-mechanical bending test, 178

Type I and Type II, 178

URD cable, 178

value of, 179

Semiconducting materials, 178179

Separator, 190

Service entrance cables, 197

Sheath bonding and grounding

ampacity, 314318

cable systems, 314

multiple-point grounding, 318

single-point, 313314

and cross-bonding, 319326


AEIC and ICEA standards, 175176

metals of, 175176

Shield, 113, 200, 213

conductor, 1819, 169171, 208209

insulation, 1718

Shielded cables, 18, 172173

Shielded low voltage cables, 200201

Shielding layer requirements, 19

Shield materials

nonconducting, 115116

role of carbon black, 114115

role of polymer, 113114

Short circuit current, 284

SIC. See Specific inductive capacitance (SIC)

Sidewall bearing pressure (SWBP), 236, 238239

Silane, 99, 107, 222

Silane-induced cross-linking, 98100

Silicone oil, observation in, 383

Single-conductor, 413

Single layer insulation

crystalline insulations, 189

shrink back, 189

tape separator, 189

thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride wire, 191192

URD designs, 190191

Single pass

with one dual extruder, 225

with three extruders, 224

Single-point and cross-bonding

advantages, 319

auxiliary cable bonding, 325

continuous cross-bonding, 324325

cross-bonded circuits, 324

disadvantages, 319

induced sheath voltage, 319320

flat arrangement, 321322

right angle arrangement, 321

multigrounded cable run, 323

open-circuit sheath, 319

single-point bonding methods, 319320

standing voltage, 319

“Sioplas,” 99

Skin effect, 4950


components, 289

drying time concept, 297299

moisture on ampacity, 291292

texture, 289

thermal stability, 295

heat rate, 296

moisture, 297

type and density, 297

water influence on, 291

Soil thermal resistivity, 272273, 288292

Solid conductor

resistance, 2835

single-core and multicore cables, 37

Spacing, 6364, 278279

Specific inductive capacitance (SIC), 59, 60, 149151

Splice box, 5


design and installation

cable preparation, 263264

insulation for joints, 264265

jackets for joints, 265

premolded splices, 265267

shield materials, 265


cable ends, 262

conducting layer and splice and metallic shield, 263

penciling and insulation, 263

tape splice, 262

Standard Penetration Tests (SPT), 309310

Standard wire gauge (SWG), 27

Strand blocking, 48, 118119

Stranded conductors

single-core and multicore cables, 3839

Stranding, 4046, 219

annular conductors, 4546

bunch stranding, 42

compact stranding, 42

compressed stranding, 4142

concentric stranding, 4041

rope stranding, 4243

sector conductors, 4344

segmental conductors, 4445

unilay conductors, 46

Strand shields, 113114

Stress relief, 171

extruded insulation shield, 171

ICEA, 171

nonmetallic layer, 171

polymer layer, 171

Strip tension, 211212

Submarine cables, 183184

Surge arrestor, operation

air gaps, 388

MOVs, 389390

valve, 389

Surge protection

coefficient of grounding, 387

discharge, 387

highest power voltage, 386

insulation resistance discharge voltage, 387

protective margin, 386

sparkover, 387

voltage rating, 386


TDR. See Time domain reflectometry (TDR)

Temper, 47, 207208, 219

aluminum, 4748

copper, 47

Tensile strength, 124

Tension, pulling, 237238



PILC cable, 257258

sealing, 258

paper-insulated cable terminations, 257

separable connectors, 258

conductor PILC cable termination, 257, 260

connector, 260

gas-filled termination, 257, 259

grounding eye, 261

load-break elbow, 259, 262

probe, 259260

terminal lug, 258, 261

test point, 260261

stress cone design

capacitive graded termination, 256

departure angle, 257

voltage gradient design

capacitive and resistive graded materials, 257

Termination theory

electrical stress, 253

equipotential lines, 252253

field plots

conductor, 252

electric flux lines, 252

with simple stress relief, 253

creepage/leakage distance, 254255

equipotential plot, shield removed, 254

stress cone, 254

splice and joint, 251

voltage gradient terminations

cold shrink, 255

material, 255256


factory, 232

field, 341

Test methods, 160

configurations, 158

curved Rogowski electrodes, 158159

Thermal circuits of cables

continuous load

external thermal circuit, 282

external thermal circuit and cable in duct, 281

primary cable with metallic shield and jacket, 280

shielded cable with several heat sources, 280

single layer of insulation, 279280

internal thermal circuit for shielded cable with jacket, 279

Thermal stability, 295296


insulation, 7

jacket, 116118

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), 180

Thermoplastic jackets

chlorinated polyethylene, 179

LSZH/LSHF jackets, 180

nylon, 180

polyethylene, 177178

polypropylene, 179

polyvinyl chloride, 176177

semiconducting jackets, 178179

thermoplastic elastomer, 180


insulation, 7, 10

jacket, 80, 116118

Thermosetting jacket materials, 180

chlorosulfonated polyethylene, 181

cross-linked polyethylene, 181

ethylene–propylene rubber, 182

neoprene, 181

nitrile rubber, 181182

polyvinyl chloride/nitrile-butadiene, 182

Three conductor round cable, 198

Thumper, 331332

Time considerations, 343

Time domain reflectometry (TDR), 393

Total cable reactance, 64

Tracking, 17

Traveling waves

attenuation, 391

electric system, 391

surge impedance, 391

worst-case scenarios, 392

Treeing, 367, 395

combination of water and electrical trees, 377379

electrical, 368

technical discussion, 381382

tree-like deterioration in paper insulation, 368

water, 368

Tree-resistant cross-linked polyethylene (TR-XLPE), 10, 77

commercial, 105

fundamental approaches, 104

as insulation materials, 105

modification, 105

Tree-retardant cross-linked polyethylene (TR-XLPE), 104105, 144, 153, 167

Triple style crosshead, 226

Triple tandem single pass extrusion, 223224

Triplexed and quadruplexed cables, 194195

True triple extrusion, 225226

Two-pass extrusion process, 9, 223224

Type W Flat 4 Conductor Mining Cable, 196


Underground cable systems, 12

Underground residential distribution (URD), 7, 18, 20, 178179, 190191, 329, 390, 395, 419

Underground system, fault locating, 327

cable locating, 330

capacitance measurements, 333

capacitor discharge (thumper) set, 331332

conduit and manhole systems, 328329

cut and try, 330331

earth gradient, 332333

faulted circuit indicators, 334338

instruments infrequently used in North America, 333334

radar/time domain reflectometry, 331

residential distribution, 329330

Underground Systems Reference Book, 236

Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 207

Unilay conductors and strand, 46

URD. See Underground residential distribution (URD)

User organizations, 205206


Valve arresters

blocks, 389

high voltage of, 389

nonlinear resistance, 389

Vapor transmission, 117

Varley loop, 333

Velocity of propagation, 331332

distribution systems, 392

doubled wave, 392

protection of, 392

radar, 392

slightly slower, 392

TDR, 392393

traveling wave, 392

Vented fan trees, 372

Very low frequency (about 0.1 Hz) testing, 356

with cosine-pulse waveform, 358359

with sinusoidal waveform, 359360

with VLF sinusoidal waveform, 360362

withstand testing, 357358


air, dielectric strength, 163

degradation process, 164

“0” voltage line, 14

Voltage rating, 5455

Voltage regulation, 25

Voltage stress, 6566, 156157, 253

Volume resistivity (VR), 5657, 6869, 144, 145146

insulation resistance, 145

surface resistivity, 145

Vulcanization, 221222

“Vul-cup,” 96


Wall thickness, insulation, 156157

Water blocking technology, 118119, 208

Water treeing, 368

accelerated testing, 374

deterrents to, 373

electrical trees and, 371

examples of, 371

influenced by, 369

mechanisms, 369370

methods to minimize, 372

from pie plate indent, 381

propagation/growth, 370371

test specimen, “pie plate,” 380

Water trees, 10, 103, 124, 131, 157158, 368

Wave shape and rate of rise

combination of, 388

lightning artificial, 387

natural lightning, 387

slope of, 388

surge arresters, 388

Wavy line, 81

“Weight average” (Mw), 8283

Weight correction, 150, 185

Weight correction factor, 241

Wire drawing, 219

Withstand tests, 342. See also Field assessment of power cable systems

Withstand voltage, 347


XLPE. See Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)

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