List of Acronyms

ABSAsset-backed securities
ADVAverage daily volume
AFXAmerican Financial Exchange
AmeriborAmerican Interbank Offered Rate
APAuthorized participant
ARMAdjustable-rate mortgage
AUDAustralian dollar
AXIAcross-the-Curve Credit Spread Index
BISBank for International Settlements
BOJBank of Japan
BRLBrazilian real
BSBYBloomberg Short-Term Bank Yield Index
CADCanadian dollar
CCPCentral counterparty
CDSCredit default swaps
CHFSwiss franc
CLOCollateralized loan obligation
CLOBCentral limit order book
CMOCollateralized mortgage obligation
CMTConstant-maturity Treasury
CPCommercial paper
CPRConditional or constant prepayment rate
CRTCredit risk transfer
CVACredit value adjustment
DTSDuration times spread
DVPDelivery versus payment
DV01Dollar value of an '01
ECEuropean Commission
ECBEuropean Central Bank
EFFREffective fed funds rate
ENNsEntity-netted notionals
EONIAEuro Overnight Index Average
ESGEnvironmental, social, and governance
ESTEREuro Short-Term Rate
ETFExchange-traded fund
EURIBOREuro Interbank Offered Rate
FCMFutures commission merchant
FHLMCFreddit Mac or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
FICCFixed Income Clearing Corporation
FNMAFannie Mae or Federal National Mortage Association
FOMCFederal Open Market Committee
FRAForward rate agreement
FRNFloating-rate note
FVAFunding value adjustment
GBPBritish pound
GCGeneral collateral
GCFGeneral collateral finance
GSEGovernment-sponsored enterprise
HFThigh-frequency trading
HQLAHigh-quality liquid assets
HQMHigh-quality market-weighted
IDBInterdealer broker
IMInitial margin
IMMInside market midpoint
IMMInternational money market
IOInterest only
IOERInterest on excess reserves
IORBInterest on reserve balances
IRSInterest rate swap
JPYJapanese yen
LCHLondon Clearing House
LCRLiquidity coverage ratio
LIBORLondon Interbank Offered Rate
LTROLong-term refinancing operations
MACMarket agreed coupon
MBSMortgage-backed securities
MPORMargin period of risk
MROMain refinancing operations
MTNMedium-tern note
NAVNet asset value
NOINet open interest
NPVNet present value
NSFRNet stable funding ratio
LSOCLegally separated operationally comingled
OADOption-adjusted duration
OASOption-adjusted spread
OISOvernight index swap
PACPlanned amortization class
PCAPrincipal component analysis
POPrincipal only
PTFPrincipal trading firm
P#38;L Profit and loss
REMICReal estate mortgage investment conduit
RFQRequest for quote
RRPReverse repo
RSATReplication synthetic asset transaction
SARONSwiss average rate overnight
SATOSpread at origination
SDRSwap data repositories
SEFSwaps execution facility
SEKSwedish krona
SEQSequential pay class
SIMMStandard initial margin model
SLUGsState and local government series
SMMSingle monthly mortality
SOFRSecured Overnight Financing Rate
SONIASterling Overnight Interbank Average
STRIPSSeparate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
TACTargeted amortization class
TIBORTokyo Interbank Offered Rate
TIPSTreasury Inflation Protected Securities
TLTROTargeted long-term refinancing operations
TONARTokyo Overnight Average Rate
UMBSUniform mortgage-backed securities
USDUnited States dollar
VMVariation margin
WACWeighted-average coupon
WALAWeighted-average loan age
WAMWeighted-average maturity
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