Chapter 2

Historical Development of the Gas Turbine


The development of the gas turbine took place in several countries. Several different schools of thought and contributory designs led up to Frank Whittle’s 1941 gas turbine flight. The development of the gas turbine is a source of great pride to many engineers worldwide and, in some cases, takes on either industry sector fervor (for instance, the aviation versus land-based groups) or claims that are tinged with pride in one’s national roots. People from these various sectors and subsectors can therefore get selective in their reporting. So for understanding the history of the gas turbine, one would have to read several different papers and select material written by personnel from the aviation, and land-based sectors. This chapter covers three different accounts of the gas turbine’s development, each mainly a matter of perspective.


Jet propulsion; history of gas turbine; microturbines; aircraft engine development; on-land/surface vehicles

“I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse.”

—Walt Disney

Early History of the Gas Turbines

The development of the gas turbine took place in several countries. Several different schools of thought and contributory designs led up to Frank Whittle’s 1941 gas turbine flight. Despite the fact that NASA’s development budget now trickles down to feed the improvement of flight, land-based, and marine engines, the world’s first jet engine owed much to early private aircraft engine pioneers and some lower profile land-based developments.

The development of the gas turbine is a source of great pride to many engineers worldwide and, in some cases, takes on either industry sector fervor (for instance, the aviation versus land-based groups) or claims that are tinged with pride in one’s national roots. People from these various sectors and subsectors can therefore be selective in their reporting.

So for understanding the history of the gas turbine, one would have to read several different papers and select material written by personnel from the aviation and land-based sectors. At that point, one can “fill in the gaps.”

What follows therefore are three different accounts of the gas turbine’s development. Each version is correct; it is mainly a matter of perspective.

Land-Based Gas Turbine Development Perspective

The first timeline contains many of the relevant land-based gas turbine design developments.1 Note that this also contains some timeline references to aircraft engine development.

Switzerland (and Swiss abroad, in italics)

1921 J. Ackeret, high-speed aerodynamics scientist at ETH Zurich, arrives at L. Prandtl’s AVA (Aerodynamische Versuchs-Anstalt), Gottingen; stays seven years.

1925 CEM (G. Darrieus), a French subsidiary of BBC (Brown Boveri Company), produces a series of windmills, using airfoil design theory.

1926 BBC’s four-stage axial test compressor designed, first with untwisted blades, later swirl adapted.

1932 BBC sold a number of 11-stage axial compressors, PR = 3.4, for the Mondeville project and high-speed windtunnels at ETH-Zurich and Rome.

1934 C. Keller, assistant to J. Ackeret at ETH Zurich, designed one of the windtunnel blowers (second blower for high-speed tunnel came from BBC).

1939 A. Meyer, BBC’s technical director, presents a comprehensive paper on GT design achievements (including gas turbine usage for compact and lightweight ship/destroyer propulsion) at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, London. First commercial industrial gas turbine (GT) from BBC is operational at Neuchâtel. BBC delivers first industrial GT to RAE, 1.6 MW, 20-stage axial compressor. In 1940, BBC delivers axial aircraft superchargers, 190 hp, PR = 2.5, to complete a Rolls Royce (RR) purchase order.

Germany (and Germans abroad)

1922 W. Bauersfeld suggests the use of airfoil theory for fluid machinery.

1935(?) At AVA Gottingen, a four-stage axial turbocharger, seven-stage compressor design undergoes development (Encke et al. design), PR = 3.8 [in production PR = 3.1].

1935 H. P. von Ohain gets a secret turbo-engine patent no. 317/38.

1937 H. P. von Ohain’s test engine HeS313 runs.

1939 The first jet-powered flight He 178 aircraft with HeS313, on Sunday August 27, 1939. R. Friedrich, Junkers Magdeburg, designs the 14-stage axial compressor for the RTO engine (Riickstoss-Turbine ohne Leistungsabgabe with a propeller), for the helium aircraft S30 engine, based on a Gottingen airfoil design.

1942 Me 262 fighter aircraft enters service with two Jumo 004 engines, first test flight on August 18.

England (and English abroad, in italics)

1926 A. A. Griffith releases “An Aerodynamic Theory of Turbine Design,” which discusses a GT as an aircraft’s power plant.

1930 F. Whittle gets the first patent for a turbo aeroengine. Tizard, Gibson & Glauert committee denies that the gas turbine could be superior to the piston engine.

1937 F. Whittle, radial compression engine, has a test run on December 4.

1938 A delegation at BBC decides that “Exclusivity on the BBC (axial) compressor design would not be granted.”

1941 The Whittle engine has its first flight.

Note that, in the early 1930s, BBC designed components used for the Velox project boilers. It developed a turbine that had enough power to drive the compressor and could generate excess power through the inverse operation of the electric starter motor. Also, in 1936, BBC’s 4 MW all-axial process gas turbine/blower train with PR = 4 was supplied to a US refinery. In July 1939, BBC commissioned the world’s first utility gas turbine at Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The gas turbine had one 23-stage axial compressor, one single-can combustor, one 7-stage axial turbine, and a synchronously operated generator on the same shaft (Figure 2–1).

FIGURE 2–1 Cross-section of first gas turbine for public power generation, BBC, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 1939. (Courtesy: Alstom Power.)

Aircraft Engine Development: A US Perspective

The second timeline presents an aircraft engine development perspective (more a US perspective).2

Attempts to develop gas turbines were first undertaken in the early 1900s, with pioneering work done in Germany. The most successful early gas turbines were built by Holzwarth who developed a series of models between 1908 and 1933. The first industrial application of a gas turbine was installed in a steel works in Hamborn, Germany, in 1933. In 1939, a gas turbine was installed in a power plant in Neuchâtel.

1925 R. E. Lasley of Allis-Chalmers receives the first of several patents on gas turbines. Around 1930 he forms the Lasley Turbine Motor Company in Waukegan, Illinois, with a goal of producing a gas turbine for aircraft propulsion.

1929 Haynes Stellite develops Hastelloy alloy for turbine buckets, allowing operation up to gas temperatures of over 1800°F. This superior alloy was later crucial to the successful operation of the I-A and it gave US turbine manufacturers the ability to use uncooled designs rather than include the complexity of blade cooling.

1931 US Army awards GE a turbine-powered turbosupercharger development contract.

1934 US Army personnel from Wright Field visit Lasley’s shop and inspect his hardware and the engine he had filmed in operation earlier that year. However, neither the Army nor Navy would fund Lasley.

1935 US Army, Northrop, TWA, and GE combine to test fly a Northrop Gamma at 37,000 feet from Kansas City to Dayton. This led to a production contract for GE to build 230 units of the “Type B” supercharger and to establishment of the GE Supercharger Department in Lynn, Massachusetts (later the site of the I-A development based on the Whittle engine).

1938 Wright Aeronautical Corporation designs its own vaned superchargers for its own engines, although the superchargers were manufactured for Wright by GE.

1939 GE studies gas turbine aircraft propulsion options and concludes the turbojet is preferable to the turboprop. Note, however, that two years later the company changed its mind and proposed a turboprop to the Durand Committee.

1940 NACA joins with Wright, Allison, and P&W to standardize turbosupercharger testing techniques.

1941 GE Steam Turbine Division (Schenectady) participates in the Durand Special Committee on Jet Propulsion and proposes a turboprop, designated the TG-100 (later the T31), which ran successfully in May 1943 under Army sponsorship.

1941 GE Turbosupercharger Division (Lynn, Massachusetts) receives the Whittle W.1.X engine and drawings for the W.2.B improved version. A top-secret effort begins to build an improved version, known as the I-A, for flight test in the Bell P-59.

1941 The Durand Committee also awards Navy contracts to Allis-Chalmers and Westinghouse. The Westinghouse W19, a small booster turbojet, resulted from this but Allis-Chalmers dropped out of the “gas turbine race” in 1943.

1942 In April, the GE I-A runs for the first time in a Lynn test cell. In October, it powers the Bell P-59 on its first flight at Muroc Dry Lake, California.

By the latter part of 1942, the following “native” aircraft gas turbine efforts were proceeding. These projects included:

1. Northrop Turbodyne turboprop

2. P&W PT-1 turboprop

3. GE/Schenectady TG-100 turboprop

4. Allis-Chalmers turbine-driven ducted fan

5. NACA piston-driven ducted fan

6. Westinghouse 19A turbojets

7. Turbo Engineering Corporation’s booster-sized turbojet

Ultimately, the history of gas turbines is a subject that has almost as many versions as there are engineer historians. Each person credits one development more or less than another and every account has some merit. Also of interest is the following perspective, in a more narrative style.

The development3 of the gas turbine engine as an aircraft power plant has been so rapid that it is difficult to appreciate that, prior to the 1950s, very few people had heard of this method of aircraft propulsion. The possibility of using a reaction jet had interested aircraft designers for a long time, but initially the low speeds of early aircraft and the unsuitability of a piston engine for producing the large high velocity airflow necessary for the “jet” presented many obstacles.

A French engineer, René Lorin, patented a jet propulsion engine (Figure 2–2) in 1913, but this was an athodyd and was at that period impossible to manufacture or use, since suitable heat resisting materials had not then been developed. In the second place, jet propulsion would have been extremely inefficient at the low speeds of the aircraft of those days. However, today the modern ramjet is very similar to Lorin’s conception.

FIGURE 2–2 Lorin’s jet engine. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

In 1930, Frank Whittle was granted his first patent for using a gas turbine to produce a propulsive jet, but it was 11 years before his engine completed its first flight. The Whittle engine formed the basis of the modern gas turbine engine and from it was developed the Rolls Royce Welland, Derwent, Nene, and Dart engines. The Derwent and Nene turbojet engines had worldwide military applications; the Dart turbopropeller engine became world famous as the power plant for the Vickers Viscount aircraft. Although other aircraft may be fitted with later engines termed twin-spool, triple-spool, by-pass, ducted fan, unducted fan, and propfan, these are inevitable developments of Whittle’s early engine.

The jet engine (Figure 2–3), although appearing so different from the piston engine/propeller combination, applies the same basic principles to effect propulsion. As shown in Figure 2–5, both propel their aircraft solely by thrusting a large weight of air backwards.

FIGURE 2–3 A Whittle-type turbojet engine. (Source: Rolls Royce.)
FIGURE 2–4 Propeller and jet propulsion. (Source: Rolls Royce.)
FIGURE 2–5 Hero’s engine—probably the earliest form of jet reaction. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

Although today jet propulsion is popularly linked with the gas turbine engine, there are other types of jet-propelled engines, such as the ramjet, the pulse jet, the rocket, the turbo/ramjet, and the turborocket.

Principles of Jet Propulsion

Jet propulsion is a practical application of Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion, which states that, “for every force acting on a body there is an opposite and equal reaction.” For aircraft propulsion, the “body” is atmospheric air that is caused to accelerate as it passes through the engine. The force required to give this acceleration has an equal effect in the opposite direction acting on the apparatus producing the acceleration. A jet engine produces thrust in a similar way to the engine/propeller combination. Both propel the aircraft by thrusting a large weight of air backwards (Figure 2–4), one in the form of a large air slipstream at comparatively low speed and the other in the form of a jet of gas at very high speed.

This same principle of reaction occurs in all forms of movement and has been usefully applied in many ways. The earliest known example of jet reaction is that of Hero’s engine (Figure 2–5) produced as a toy in 120 BC. This toy showed how the momentum of steam issuing from a number of jets could impart an equal and opposite reaction to the jets themselves, thus causing the engine to revolve.

The familiar whirling garden sprinkler (Figure 2–6) is a more practical example of this principle, for the mechanism rotates by virtue of the reaction to the water jets. The high-pressure jets of modern firefighting equipment are an example of “jet reaction,” for often, due to the reaction of the water jet, the hose cannot be held or controlled by one firefighter. Perhaps the simplest illustration of this principle is afforded by the carnival balloon, which when the air or gas is released, rushes rapidly away in the direction opposite to the jet.

FIGURE 2–6 A garden sprinkler rotated by the reaction of the water jets. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

Jet reaction is definitely an internal phenomenon and does not, as is frequently assumed, result from the pressure of the jet on the atmosphere. In fact, the jet propulsion engine, whether rocket, athodyd, or turbojet, is a piece of apparatus designed to accelerate a stream of air or gas and to expel it at high velocity. There are, of course, a number of ways of doing this, as described next, but in all instances the resultant reaction or thrust exerted on the engine is proportional to the mass or weight of air expelled by the engine and the velocity change imparted to it. In other words, the same thrust can be provided either by giving a large mass of air a little extra velocity or a small mass of air a large extra velocity. In practice the former is preferred, since by lowering the jet velocity relative to the atmosphere, a higher propulsive efficiency is obtained.

Methods of Jet Propulsion

The types of jet engine, whether ramjet, pulse jet, rocket, gas turbine, turbo/ramjet, or turborocket, differ only in the way in which the “thrust provider,” or engine, supplies and converts the energy into power for flight.

The ramjet engine (Figure 2–7) is an athodyd, or aero-thermodynamic-duct to give it its full name. It has no major rotating parts and consists of a duct with a divergent entry and a convergent or convergent/divergent exit. When forward motion is imparted to it from an external source, air is forced into the air intake, where it loses velocity or kinetic energy and increases its pressure energy as it passes through the diverging duct. The total energy is then increased by the combustion of fuel and the expanding gases accelerate to atmosphere through the outlet duct. A ramjet is often the power plant for missiles and target vehicles but is unsuitable as an aircraft power plant because it requires forward motion imparting to it before any thrust is produced.

FIGURE 2–7 A ramjet engine. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

The pulse jet engine (Figure 2–8) uses the principle of intermittent combustion, and unlike the ramjet, it can be run at a static condition. The engine is formed by an aerodynamic duct similar to the ramjet but, due to the higher pressures involved, it is of more robust construction. The duct inlet has a series of inlet “valves” that are spring-loaded into the open position. Air drawn through the open valves passes into the combustion chamber and is heated by the burning of fuel injected into the chamber. The resulting expansion causes a rise in pressure, forcing the valves to close, and the expanding gases are then ejected rearwards. A depression created by the exhausting gases allows the valves to open and repeat the cycle. Pulse jets have been designed for helicopter rotor propulsion and some dispense with inlet valves by careful design of the ducting to control the changing pressures of the resonating cycle. The pulse jet is unsuitable as an aircraft power plant because it has a high fuel consumption and is unable to equal the performance of the modern gas turbine engine.

FIGURE 2–8 A pulse jet engine. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

Although a rocket engine (Figure 2–9) is a jet engine, it has one major difference in that it does not use atmospheric air as the propulsive fluid stream. Instead, it produces its own propelling fluid by the combustion of liquid or chemically decomposed fuel with oxygen, which it carries, thus enabling it to operate outside the earth’s atmosphere. It is, therefore, suitable only for operation over short periods.

FIGURE 2–9 A rocket engine. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

The application of the gas turbine to jet propulsion has avoided the inherent weakness of the rocket and the athodyd, for by the introduction of a turbine-driven compressor, a means of producing thrust at low speeds is provided. The turbo-jet engine operates on the “working cycle” as already described. It draws air from the atmosphere, and after compressing and heating it, a process that occurs in all heat engines, the energy and momentum given to the air forces it out of the propelling nozzle at a velocity of up to 2000 feet per second or about 1400 miles per hour. On its way through the engine, the air gives up some of its energy and momentum to drive the turbine that powers the compressor.

The mechanical arrangement of the gas turbine engine is simple, for it consists of only two main rotating parts, a compressor and a turbine, and one or a number of combustion chambers. The mechanical arrangement of various gas turbine engines is shown in Figure 2–10. This simplicity, however, does not apply to all aspects of the engine, for as described in subsequent sections, the thermo- and aerodynamic problems are somewhat complex. They result from the high operating temperatures of the combustion chamber and turbine, the effects of varying flows across the compressor and turbine blades, and the design of the exhaust system through which the gases are ejected to form the propulsive jet.

FIGURE 2–10 Mechanical arrangement of gas turbine engines. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

At aircraft speeds below approximately 450 miles per hour, the pure jet engine is less efficient than a propeller-type engine, since its propulsive efficiency depends largely on its forward speed; the pure turbojet engine is, therefore, most suitable for high forward speeds. The propeller efficiency does, however, decrease rapidly above 350 miles per hour due to the disturbance of the airflow caused by the high blade-tip speeds of the propeller. These characteristics have led to some departure from the use of pure turbojet propulsion, where aircraft operate at medium speeds by the introduction of a combination of propeller and gas turbine engine.

The advantages of the propeller/turbine combination have to some extent been offset by the introduction of the bypass, ducted fan, and propfan engines. These engines deal with larger comparative airflows and lower jet velocities than the pure jet engine, thus giving a propulsive efficiency that is comparable to that of the turboprop and exceeds that of the pure jet engine (Figure 2–11).

FIGURE 2–11 Comparative propulsive efficiencies. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

The turbo/ramjet engine (Figure 2–12) combines the turbojet engine (which is used for speeds up to Mach 3) with the ramjet engine, which has good performance at high Mach numbers.

FIGURE 2–12 A turbo/ramjet engine. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

The engine is surrounded by a duct that has a variable intake at the front and an afterburning jet pipe with a variable nozzle at the rear. During takeoff and acceleration, the engine functions as a conventional turbojet with the afterburner lit; at other flight conditions up to Mach 3, the afterburner is inoperative. As the aircraft accelerates through Mach 3, the turbojet is shut down and the intake air is diverted from the compressor, by guide vanes, and ducted straight into the afterburning jet pipe, which becomes a ramjet combustion chamber. This engine is suitable for an aircraft requiring high speed and sustained high Mach number cruise conditions where the engine operates in the ramjet mode.

The turborocket engine (Figure 2–13) could be considered as an alternative engine to the turbo/ramjet; however, it has one major difference in that it carries its own oxygen to provide combustion.

FIGURE 2–13 A turborocket engine. (Source: Rolls Royce.)

The engine has a low-pressure compressor driven by a multistage turbine; the power to drive the turbine is derived from combustion of kerosene and liquid oxygen in a rocket-type combustion chamber. Since the gas temperature will be on the order of 3500°C, additional fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber for cooling purposes before the gas enters the turbine. This fuel-rich mixture (gas) is then diluted with air from the compressor and the surplus fuel burned in a conventional afterburning system.

Although the engine is smaller and lighter than the turbo/ramjet, it has higher fuel consumption. This tends to make it more suitable for an interceptor or space-launcher-type of aircraft that requires high speed, high altitude performance, and normally has a flight plan that is entirely accelerative and of short duration.

The Gas Turbine Global Fleet: Model Designation and Production Prognosis as of 2013–2022

The following appendices indicate the current complexity of the gas turbine market in terms of different models, sizes, and applications. The appendices for the first edition have been left in, so that the reader can gauge the shift in the gas turbine market over the last several years.

Appendix 2A-1: Gas Turbine Engines Powering Aircraft: Aircraft Engine Production4

Aircraft Engine Production

CompanyDescriptionTotal Units 2013–2022
Aviadvigatel OJSCTF3
Aviadvigatel OJSCTF13
Aviadvigatel OJSCTF17
Aviadvigatel OJSCTF87
Aviadvigatel OJSCTF120
Avio SpATS91
Avio SpATS142
Avio SpATS233
CFM International IncTF156
CFM International IncTF21
CFM International IncTF253
CFM International IncTF1728
CFM International IncTF12
CFM International IncTF19
CFM International IncTF23
CFM International IncTF50
CFM International IncTF57
CFM International IncTF246
CFM International IncTF518
CFM International IncTF921
CFM International IncTF3513
CFM International IncTF38
CFM International IncTF513
CFM International IncTF1035
CFM International IncTF4135
CFM International IncTF13238
China Aviation Gas Turbine Co LtdTJ226
China National South Aeroengine CoTP132
Dongan Engine Manufacturing CompanyTP21
Dongan Engine Manufacturing CompanyTP33
Dongan Engine Manufacturing CompanyTP54
Eurojet Turbo GmbHTF85
Eurojet Turbo GmbHTF358
Eurojet Turbo GmbHTF443
Europrop International GmbHTP964
GE AviationTF122
GE AviationTF234
GE AviationTF82
GE AviationTF890
GE AviationTF380
GE AviationTF79
GE AviationTF351
GE AviationTF269
GE AviationTF296
GE AviationTF25
GE AviationTF174
GE AviationTF57
GE AviationTF138
GE AviationTF3
GE AviationTS365
GE AviationTS318
GE AviationTS396
GE AviationTS36
GE AviationTS26
GE AviationTS13
GE AviationTS37
GE AviationTS152
GE AviationTS77
GE AviationTP50
GE AviationTP127
GE AviationTF12
GE AviationTF202
GE AviationTF31
GE AviationTF85
GE AviationTF117
GE AviationTF38
GE AviationTF52
GE AviationTF81
GE AviationTF193
GE AviationTF128
GE AviationTS323
GE AviationTF6
GE AviationTF47
GE AviationTF370
GE AviationTF1279
GE AviationTF90
GE AviationTF580
GE AviationTF1099
GE AviationTF396
GE AviationTF311
GE AviationTS189
GE AviationTS357
GE AviationTS4
GE AviationTS9
GE AviationTS107
GE AviationTS167
GE AviationTS274
GE AviationTS4
GE AviationTS40
GE AviationTS530
GE AviationTS33
GE AviationTS82
GE AviationTS469
GE AviationTS1416
GE AviationTF/TP/TS13818
GE Aviation Czech s.r.o.TP58
GE Aviation Czech s.r.o.TP260
GE Aviation Czech s.r.o.TP318
GE Honda Aero Engines LLCTF973
GE-P&W Engine Alliance LLCTF713
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd—Engine DivisionTJ226
Honeywell AerospaceTF331
Honeywell AerospaceTF194
Honeywell AerospaceTF431
Honeywell AerospaceTF397
Honeywell AerospaceTF478
Honeywell AerospaceTS19
Honeywell AerospaceTS36
Honeywell AerospaceTS541
Honeywell International IncTS33
Honeywell International IncTF54
Honeywell International IncTF12
Honeywell International IncTF45
Honeywell International IncTF247
Honeywell International IncTF307
Honeywell International IncTF362
Honeywell International IncTF303
Honeywell International IncTP11
Honeywell International IncTP3
Honeywell International IncTP26
Honeywell International IncTP62
Honeywell International IncTP198
Honeywell International IncTP20
Honeywell International IncTP50
IHI Aerospace Co LtdTF131
IHI CorporationTS36
IHI CorporationTS70
IHI CorporationTS16
IHI CorporationTS8
IHI CorporationTF/TS261
International Aero Engines AG (IAE)TF1412
International Aero Engines AG (IAE)TF133
International Aero Engines AG (IAE)TF194
International Aero Engines AG (IAE)TF580
International Aero Engines AG (IAE)TF2319
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI)—Gas Turbine DivisionTS16
Klimov CorporationTF28
Klimov CorporationTF218
Klimov CorporationTF192
Klimov CorporationTS375
Klimov Scientific Industrial EnterpriseTS200
Klimov Scientific Industrial EnterpriseTS91
Klimov Scientific Industrial EnterpriseTS186
Klimov Scientific Industrial EnterpriseTS1953
Klimov Scientific Industrial EnterpriseTS2617
Klimov Scientific Industrial EnterpriseTS433
Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Co (LHTEC)TS12
Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Co (LHTEC)TS114
Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Co (LHTEC)TS210
Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Co (LHTEC)TS336
Microturbo IncTJ100
Microturbo IncTJ365
Microturbo IncTJ303
Microturbo LtdTJ151
Microturbo SATJ378
Microturbo SATJ598
Microturbo SATJ217
Microturbo SATJ443
Microturbo SATJ2555
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI)TJ33
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI)TJ15
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI)TJ44
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI)TJ92
Motor Sich JSC/Progress (ZMKB)TF167
Motor Sich JSC/Progress (ZMKB)TF290
Motor Sich JSC/Progress (ZMKB)TP130
Motor Sich JSC/Progress (ZMKB)TS77
Motor Sich JSC/Progress (ZMKB)TP9
Motor Sich JSC/Progress (ZMKB)TF133
Motor Sich JSC/Progress (ZMKB)TF/TP806
MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce (MTR) GmbHTS38
MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce (MTR) GmbHTS59
MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce (MTR) GmbHTS92
MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce (MTR) GmbHTS93
MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce (MTR) GmbHTS282
Nationalist Chinese ArsenalsTJ400
NPO Saturn OJSCTF802
NPO Saturn OJSCTF290
NPO Saturn OJSCTF130
NPO Saturn OJSCTF1222
PowerJet JSCTF458
Pratt & WhitneyTF14
Pratt & WhitneyTF50
Pratt & WhitneyTF4
Pratt & WhitneyTF17
Pratt & WhitneyTF66
Pratt & WhitneyTF150
Pratt & WhitneyTF230
Pratt & WhitneyTF921
Pratt & WhitneyTF737
Pratt & WhitneyTF265
Pratt & WhitneyTF329
Pratt & WhitneyTF2776
Pratt & WhitneyTF798
Pratt & WhitneyTF17
Pratt & WhitneyTF19
Pratt & WhitneyTF278
Pratt & WhitneyTF8
Pratt & WhitneyTF23
Pratt & WhitneyTF70
Pratt & Whitney AeroPowerTJ3594
Pratt & WhitneyTJ/TF10366
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP148
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP92
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP50
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP36
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP119
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP72
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP879
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP365
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP124
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP71
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP126
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP184
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP357
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP56
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP186
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP417
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP324
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP745
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP984
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP33
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP30
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP22
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP65
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP424
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP412
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP115
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP151
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP782
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP100
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP118
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP140
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP198
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS243
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS568
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS196
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS1374
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS55
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP66
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP16
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP153
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP162
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP260
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP17
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP109
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP1344
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTP875
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS62
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS304
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS1097
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS71
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS73
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS134
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS927
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS134
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS315
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS809
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF9
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF8
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF425
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF1317
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF549
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF9
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF29
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF103
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF1028
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF474
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF1297
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF1165
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTF/TP/TS23702
Rolls-Royce CorpTP33
Rolls-Royce CorpTP12
Rolls-Royce CorpTP50
Rolls-Royce CorpTS66
Rolls-Royce CorpTS54
Rolls-Royce CorpTS11
Rolls-Royce CorpTS25
Rolls-Royce CorpTS26
Rolls-Royce CorpTS10
Rolls-Royce CorpTS22
Rolls-Royce CorpTS35
Rolls-Royce CorpTS38
Rolls-Royce CorpTS128
Rolls-Royce CorpTS101
Rolls-Royce CorpTS115
Rolls-Royce CorpTS49
Rolls-Royce CorpTS825
Rolls-Royce CorpTS7
Rolls-Royce CorpTP28
Rolls-Royce CorpTP39
Rolls-Royce CorpTP155
Rolls-Royce CorpTP508
Rolls-Royce CorpTP512
Rolls-Royce CorpTP30
Rolls-Royce CorpTF2
Rolls-Royce CorpTF3
Rolls-Royce CorpTF3
Rolls-Royce CorpTF4
Rolls-Royce CorpTF5
Rolls-Royce CorpTF6
Rolls-Royce CorpTF6
Rolls-Royce CorpTF33
Rolls-Royce CorpTF41
Rolls-Royce CorpTF530
Rolls-Royce CorpTF13
Rolls-Royce CorpTS16
Rolls-Royce CorpTS41
Rolls-Royce CorpTS365
Rolls-Royce CorpTS2782
Rolls-Royce CorpTP140
Rolls-Royce plcTF91
Rolls-Royce plcTF560
Rolls-Royce plcTF695
Rolls-Royce plcTF71
Rolls-Royce plcTF212
Rolls-Royce plcTF519
Rolls-Royce plcTF11
Rolls-Royce plcTF16
Rolls-Royce plcTF575
Rolls-Royce plcTF332
Rolls-Royce plcTF473
Rolls-Royce plcTF1419
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KGTF323
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KGTF396
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KGTF448
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KGTF1037
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KGTF444
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KGTF2648
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTF80
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTF27
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS5
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS8
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS15
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS17
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS32
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS61
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS73
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS134
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS239
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTS12
Rolls-Royce Turbomeca LtdTF/TS703
Samsung Techwin Co LtdTS568
Shanghai Aviation Industry Group Corp (SAIC)TS15
Shanghai Aviation Industry Group Corp (SAIC)TS29
Shanghai Aviation Industry Group Corp (SAIC)TS40
Shanghai Aviation Industry Group Corp (SAIC)TS204
Shanghai Aviation Industry Group Corp (SAIC)TS288
Teledyne Turbine EnginesTJ3456
Teledyne Turbine EnginesTF629
Turbomeca SATJ150
Turbomeca SATS549
Turbomeca SATS21
Turbomeca SATS505
Turbomeca SATS107
Turbomeca SATS198
Turbomeca SATS251
Turbomeca SATS3
Turbomeca SATS6
Turbomeca SATS4
Turbomeca SATS109
Turbomeca SATS115
Turbomeca SATS23
Turbomeca SATS535
Turbomeca SATS1737
Turbomeca SATS560
Turbomeca SATS32
Turbomeca SATS160
Turbomeca SATS189
Turbomeca SATS23
Turbomeca SATS54
Turbomeca SATS869
Turbomeca SATS17
Turbomeca SATS247
Turbomeca SATS198
Turbomeca SATS142
Turbomeca SATS109
Turbomeca SATS39
Turbomeca SATS48
Turbomeca SATS17
Turbomeca SATS262
Turbomeca SATS503
Turbomeca SATS107
Turbomeca SATJ/TS7889
Volvo Aero CorpTF2
Williams InternationalTJ191
Williams InternationalTF1544
Williams InternationalTF438
Williams InternationalTF56
Williams InternationalTF731
Williams InternationalTF515
Williams InternationalTF929
Williams InternationalTJ20
Williams InternationalTF/TJ4424
WSK PZL-Rzeszow SATS49
WSK PZL-Rzeszow SATS60
WSK PZL-Rzeszow SATS109

Appendix 2A-2: Electrical Generation/Mechanical Drive/Marine Power Turbine Engines

Electrical Generation/Mechanical Drive/Marine Power Turbine Engines

CompanyTotal Units 2013–2022
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd25
Daihatsu Diesel Manufacturing Company Ltd151
Dresser-Rand Co16
Ebara Corp25
GE Energy3888
Hitachi Ltd169
Ingersoll-Rand Energy Systems318
Ingersoll-Rand Energy Systems1418
Ingersoll-Rand Energy Systems1905
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI)—Gas Turbine Division1336
MAN Group179
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI)395
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Company Ltd329
OPRA Optimal Radial Turbine BV365
Pratt & Whitney Canada86
Pratt & Whitney Power Systems572
Solar Turbines Inc5899
Vericor Power Systems Inc101

Appendix 2A-3: APU Engine Production

APU Engine Production

CompanyDescriptionTotal Units 2013–2022
Honeywell AerospaceTS14603
Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Co (LHTEC)TS2
Microturbo SATS1192
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI)TS10
Pratt & Whitney AeroPowerTS7022
Pratt & Whitney CanadaTS387

1Source: ASME 2001—GT-0395, “Advanced Gas Turbine Technology—ABB/BBC Historical Firsts,” by Eckardt, D., and Rufli, P., Alstom Power Ltd.

2Reference: J. St. Peter, “The History of Aircraft Gas Turbine Development in the United States,” published IGTI, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999.

3Source: Adapted, with permission, from Rolls Royce, The Jet Engine, 1986, Rolls Royce Plc: UK.

4Source: Forecast International, CT, USA. Please contact Forecast International for additional information regarding this data. In the interest of space, this data is a summary of what Forecast International has on file.

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