
To all my engineering friends, including but not limited to: the late Jim Hartsel, Dave Wisler, Dick Greenland, Stan Nathanson, the late Jim Pugh, John Russell, Peter McDermott, Graham Reynolds, Bob Kobierski, John Allingham, Roy Cleaver, and Fred Geitner. You taught and encouraged me.

To the dozens of men who appeared on the annual ASME IGTI conference panel sessions (1985 through 2003) on “Engine Condition Monitoring Systems as They Relate to Life Extension of Gas Turbine Components.” The vision I gained from working with all of you is the basis for much of this book.

To Dr. D. Brian Spalding who got my career started. A better start, no engineer could have.

To Heinz Bloch who asked me to coauthor my first book.

To my family and friends, for all your patience. Thank you for just being there.

To the gas turbine engines in my life, especially IAE’s V2500 “My lady V.”

“The measure of a man is the friends he keeps.”


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