
ABB Asea Brown Boveri

ABRT Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology

AC ammonium carbonate

ACC active clearance control

ADC adjusted direct cooling

ADH advanced diffusion healing

AI Artificial intelligence

AIC adjusted indirect cooling

AMB active magnetic bearings

AOH Actual Operating Hours

APS Arizona Public Service's

APU Auxiliary Power Units

ARC Albany Research Center

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASU air separation unit

ATF Altitude Test Facility

ATS Advanced Turbine System

AVA Aerodynamische Versuchs-Anstalt

AVT All-Volatile Equipment

BAT best available technology

BFO blended fuel oil

BOOT build, own, operate, transfer

BOP balance of plant

BOV blow-off valves

BP booster pump

BPST Back-Pressure Steam Turbine

BVM Blade Vibration Monitor

CAS close air support

CC Combined-Cycle Power Plan

CCPP combined cycle power plant

CDA controlled diffusion airfoils

CE Coulombic efficiency

CEC Community Environmental Council

CEM continuous emission monitoring

CF cycle fatigue

CFCC continuous fiber reinforced ceramic composites

CFD computational fluid dynamic

CHP Combined Heat and Power Plant

CMC ceramic matrix composite

CMM coordinate measurement machine

CMS condition monitoring system

CO carbon monoxide

COD chemical oxygen demand

COG Coke Oven Gas

CP Constant Pressure

CPP captive power plant

CPUC California Public Utilities Commission

CSP concentrating solar power

CV Constant Volume

DCS Distributed Control System

DDA direct drive alternator

DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DLE Dry Low Emissions

DLN dry low NOx

DOE The US Department of Energy

DS directionally solidification

DSS Daily Start and Stop

EAM electronics assembly module

EC engineering criteria

ECMS Engine Condition Monitoring Systems

EEL Exxon Energy Limited

EGAT Electrical Generating Authority of Thailand

EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation

EGT European Gas Turbine

EIA Energy Information Administration

EOH equivalent operating hours

EOH equivalent operating hours

EPA engine performance analysis

EPC Engineering, Procurement, and Construction

EPDC Electric Power Development Co.

EPEC Existing Plants, Emissions & Capture

ESR effective structural repair

ESS engine section stator

ETATH Thermal efficiency for shaft power engines

ETN European Turbine network

FADEC full-authority digital engine controls

FBH front bearing housing

FCCU fluid catalytic cracking units

FCFC full coverage film cooling

FGD flue gas desulfurization

FHV fuel heating value

FIC fixed indirect cooling

FOCM Fiber Optic Communication Module

FOG Finex Oven Gas

FOVM Fiber Optic Vibration Monitor

FPA fuel purchase agreement

FT Fischer-Tropsch

GE General Electric's

GEAE General Electric Aircraft Engine

GG gas generator

GM General Motors


GTCU gas turbine change unit

GTUA Gas Turbine Users Association

HAP hazardous air pollutants

HAT humid air turbine

HCF high-cycle fatigue

HEFPP High Efficiency Fossil Power Plants

HFO Heavy Fuel Oil

HGP hot-gas-path

HHV higher heating value

HIP hot isostatic pressing

HMIP Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution

HP High Pressure

HPC high-pressure compressor

HRATE Heat rate for shaft power cycles

HRSG heat recovery steam generator

HTDU high temperature demonstration unit

IAE International Aero Engines

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IBA independent bearing assembly

IEEE Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers

IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle

IGV Inlet Guide Vane

IHPTET Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology

IMO International Maritime Organisation

IOR improved oil recovery

IP Infrared Pyrometry

IP intermediate pressure

IPC Integrated Pollution Control

IPC intermediate pressure compressor

IPG International Power Generation

IPP independent power producers

IR infra-red

IR Ingersoll Rand

ISA International Standard Atmosphere

ITM ion transport membrane

JDF Japan, the DME forum

JSF Joint Strike Fighter

LCA life cycle analysis

LCA life cycle assessment

LCC Life Cycle Cost

LCF low-cycle fatigue

LD liquidated damages

LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LHV lower heating value

LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

LNCFS low NOx concentric firing system

LP Low Pressure

LPG Liquefied petroleum gas

LSB last stage blades

LTSA long-term service agreements

MAT moisture air turbine

MCA multiple circular arc

MCFC molten carbonate fuel cell

MCR maximum continuous rating

MFC Microbial fuel cells

MI Minor inspection

MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry

MMI man-machine interface

MPI multi-passage injector

MPS Mitsubishi Power Systems

MSF multistage flash

MTU Motoren Turbinen Union

NG Natural Gas

NGTE National Gas Turbine Establishment

NIC newly industrialized country

NO nitrogen oxides

NPC National Power Corporation

NREC Northern Research and Engineering Company

OA overfire air

OEM Original engine manufacturers

OGV outlet guide vanes

OHSU Oregon Health and Science University

OMCR Oil Movements Control Room

ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory

OTM oxygen transport membrane

PA performance analysis

PA performance assessment

PAE Project application engineers

PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

PC pressure compressor

PCA parametric cycle analysis

PCC Post-combustion capture

PCFBC pressurized circulating fluidized-bed combustion

PCS Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore

PDI Product Design and Improvement

PDP Siemens Product Development Process

PEM polymer electrolyte membrane

PFBC pressurized fluidized-bed combustion

PHCR Power House Control Room

PI power island

PM Particulate matter

PMG Power Marketing Group

PR pressure ratio

PRDS Pressure Relieving Desuperheating Station

PT personal turbine

PTC Performance Test Code

PTET power turbine entry temperature

PV Paxman Valenta

QC quality control

RAM reliability-availability-maintainability

RBT Resistance Bulb Thermometers

RC Rankine Cycle

RCC Residue Catalytic Cracker

RCT refinery crude train

RFG Refinery Fuel Gas

RFM Radio Frequency Monitor

RFP request for proposal

RH relative humidity

RIC reactive ion coating

ROI return on investment

RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard

RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle

RR Rolls Royce

SAE scale altitude effect

SAGBO stress assisted grain boundary oxidation

SB service bulletin

SB service bulletins

SCE Southern California Edison

SCR selective catalytic reduction

SEV sequential environmental

SFC specific fuel consumption

SFR steam fuel ratio

SGT Siemens Westinghouse's

SGT Small Gas Turbine

SIL sound intensity level

SMP standard maintenance procedures

SOFC solid oxide fuel cell

SOP standard operating procedures

SPL sound pressure level

SPP small power producers

SPW Specific power or thrust

SRB surface reaction braze

SRI sound reduction index

ST static temperature

ST Steam Turbine

STOL short takeoff and landing

STOVL short/vertical takeoff/landing

SWPC Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation

T/C Thermocouple

TBA Test Bed Analysis

TBC Thermal Barrier Coating

TCM Test Centre Mongstad

TCP Topologically close-packed

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

TE Temperature Element

TF tangential firing

TFO treated fuel oil

TGA thermo gravimetric analysis

TGO thermally grown oxide

TI Turbulence Intensity

TIT turbo inlet temperature

TMF thermal-mechanical fatigue

TNB Tenaga Nasional Berhad

TOC Total Organic Carbon

TRU thrust reverser unit

TSC Turbine Stress Controller

TSTC Texas State Technical College

TT temperature transmitter

UAE United Arab Emirates

UCG underground coal gasification

USAFA US Air Force Academy

USC ST Ultra Supercritical Steam

VA vibration analysis

VAN variable area nozzles

VCRF Vertical Combustion Research Facility

VDU visual display unit

VGV variable guide vanes

VIS Viscosity

VM vibration monitoring

VOC volatile organic compounds

VPC variable production cost

VR variable reluctance

VTOL Vertical takeoff and landing

VWO valve wide open

WB World Bank

WFO Waste Fuel Oil

WI Wobbe Index

WW World War

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