

Acetaldehyde, 99

Acid rain, 15, 379

Acid Rain Program (EPA), 20

Activity-based costing, 399

Addition reactions, 185–186

Adsorption, 276

Advective transport, 370–371

Aggregate risk, 58

Agricultural activities, contaminants originating from, 23

Air CHIEF software, 222, 532

Air pollution, 14–15

Air quality issues, 14–22

air pollution, 14–15

air toxics, 21–22

criteria air pollutants, 15–21

Air releases, 218

Air-soil transport, 368–369

Air toxics, 21–22

Air/water transport, 368

Allen, David T., 93, 177, 199, 397, 419, 461

Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study, 527

American Chemistry Council, 25, 87

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 46, 52, 204

water quality issues, 22–23

website, 527

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIchE) website, 527

American Institute of Chemical Engineers code of ethics, 87

American Petroleum Institute, 25

Pollution Prevention Task Force of, 74

AMOCO/US EPA Pollution Prevention Project, 311

Anastas, Paul T., 177

AP-42, 224, 231

Aquatic biota, effective chemical releases to surface waters on, 161–164

Aqueous environment lifetimes, estimating, 122–124

Area monitoring, 145–146

Area sources, of air pollution, 14–15

Arnold, Fred, 35, 139

Atmospheric distillation tower, 347

Atmospheric inversions, 17

Atmospheric lifetimes, estimating, 118–122 Atom economy, 181

Automobile, as inefficient user of primary energy, 8


Back-end costs, 400

Background cancer level, 57

Balance equations, 372–374

Barbier-Grignard reaction, 183

Beaver, E., 245

Bellows valves, 292

Benchmark Dose concept, 48, 52–53

Best available control technology (BACT), 69

Bhopal accident, 82–85, 192

Bioaccumulation, 131, 203, 209, 212, 214

Bioavailability of a substance, 54, 169

Bioconcentration factor, 95, 108–110, 129

Biodegradability, 129

estimating, 124–125

Biomarkers, 55

Blouin, John, 35

Boiling point/melting point, 97–100

Breathing losses, 238–239


Cancer slope factor, 46

Canned motor pumps, 293

Capital, 399

Capital budgeting, 399

Carbaryl, 192–193, 195

Carbon dioxide, 10

Carbon monoxide (CO), 17–18, 70, 433

health hazard posed by, 17–18

transportation sources, 18

Carcinogenic toxicity, 387–390

Cargo carrier loading, 232

Center for Waste Reduction Technologies (CWRT), 407, 410

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 205

ChemAlliance regulartory tour, 528

Chemical and physical property estimation:

bioconcentration factor, 108–110

boiling point/melting point, 97–100

Henry’s Law constant, 112–115

octanol-water partition coefficient, 103–108

soil sorption coefficients, 115–117

vapor pressure, 100–103

water solubility, 110–112

Chemical engineer responsibilities, 81–90

for chemical process safety, 82–85

Bhopal accident, 82–85

Flixborough Works of Nypro Limited, 82

for environmental protection, 85–87

ethics, 87

Chemical exposures, 45, 54–55, 140, 143

controlling dermal exposure, 152–153

Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA), 87

Code of Product Stewardship, 419, 421

Chemical processes/chemical products, role of, 4–6

choice of refrigerant for low-temperature condenser, 6

industrial cleaner, formulation of, 5

paint solvent, formulation of, 5

ChemSTEER, 532–33

CHIEF site, 525

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 10, 12–13, 182

Chromium, 54

Cis-2-butene, 121

Clean Air Act (1970), 15, 19–20, 24, 41, 67, 68, 259, 261, 410, 480–482

enforcement, 482

hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), 482

New Source Performance Standards, 480–482

state implementation plan, 480

Clean Water Act (1972), 41, 67, 68, 69, 482–484

dredge and fill permits and discharge of oil or hazardous substances, 484

industrial pretreatment standards, 483–484

monitoring/inspection requirements, 483

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), 483

publicly owned treatment works (POTW) construction program, 483

Co-products, 428–430

Coarse particle inhalation, 20

Coarse particles, 19

Coating Alternative Guide (CAGE), 529

Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), 63

Code of Product Stewardship, 419, 421

Competitive-consecutive reaction, 270

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 67, 68, 486–487

potentially responsible party (PRP) liability, 487

Compressors, 293

Computerized image analysis techniques, 152

Continuous-flow stirred-tank reactor (CSTR), 266, 298

Criteria air pollutants:

carbon monoxide (CO), 17–18

hydrocarbons, 17

lead, 19

and National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 15–16

oxides of nitrogen (NOx), 17

particulate matter (PM), 19–20

sulfur dioxide/nitrogen oxides, and acid deposition, 20–21

VOC emissions, 17–18

Cumulative Exposure Project—Toxicity Database, 529

Cumulative risk assessment, 58

CWRT Total Cost Assessment Manual (TCA), AIchE website, 527

Cyclohexane, 240

Cyclohexanol, 240, 244

Cyclohexanone, 244


Data aggregation, 431–432

Deck-fitting loss factors, 503–504

Dedicated service, 234

Dermal exposure, 4, 54–55, 144–145, 151–156

assessing, 151–156

to chemicals in the ambient environment, 160–161

framework, 144–145

modeling, 153–155

Desalter, 347

Design for the Environment (DIE) program, 524

Designing safer chemicals, 167–170

reducing dose, 168–169

reducing toxicity, 169–170

Developmental toxicity, 45

Diaphragm pumps, 293

Diaphragm valves, 292

Dichloroethylene, 107–108

Diels Alder reactions, 183

Diphenyl carbonate (DPC), 259

Diphenyl ether, 111–112, 125

Direct release to the environment, 71

Dispersion coefficients, regression equations for, 159

Dispersion models, 149

Distillation, 277

Domed external floating-roof tank, 287–289, 288

Dose-response, 42, 52–54

concerns associated with, 54

dose-response curve, 52–53

developing data to support, 52

and non-cancer risk, 57

outcome of effort, 53

testing, 54


E-FAST, 533

Eco-industrial parks, 468–471

Ecology, 23–24


Ecosystem risk estimation, 126–127

Ecosystems, shared characteristics of, 23

ECOTOX Database System, 530

EFRAT, 533

Elimination reactions, 185–186

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), 24, 67, 68, 487–488

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), 488

Emission factors, 157–158

Emission monitoring, 291


balance equations, 372–374

estimation of environmental fates of, 362–374

fugacity/fugacity capacity, 364–367

intermedia transport, 367–371

advective transport, 370–371

air-soil transport, 368–369

air/water transport, 368

soil-to-water transfer, 370

water-sediment transport, 369–370

reaction loss processes, 371–372

tier 3 metrics for environmental risk evaluation of process designs, 375–390

acid rain, 379

global warming, 376–378

ozone depletion, 378–379

smog formation, 379–386

toxicity, 386–390

Energy consumption, 7–9

Energy sources, availability of, 7–8


Clean Air Act (1970), 482

Clean Water Act (1972), 483

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 487

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act EPCRA, 488

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), 478

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 479

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 486

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 476–477

Enviro$en$e Solvent Substitution Data Systems, 526, 530

Envirofacts, 530

Environmental Accounting Project, 525

Environmental cost accounting, 397–416

activity-based costing, 399

capital, 399 capital budgeting, 399

definitions, 398–400

external costs, 398

external intangible costs, 413–414

financial accounting, 398

full-cost accounting, 399

indirect costs, 398

internal costs, 398

internal intangible costs, 412–413

liability costs, 407–411

life-cycle costing, 399–400

management accounting, 398

overhead, 398–399

total cost assessment, 399

Environmental costs:

framework for evaluating, 402–405

hidden, 405–407

magnitudes of, 400–402

Environmental Fate Database, 530

Environmental fate, evaluating, 93–138

Environmental fate, using property esti-mates to estimate, 127–131

Environmental impact potentials tables, 509–513

Environmental issues, 3–33, 4–6

air quality issues, 14–22

chemical processes/chemical products, role of, 4–6

ecology, 23–24

global, 7–14

major, 6–7

natural resources, 24

waste flows in the U.S., 24–28

Environmental Law Handbook

Environmental law/regulations, 63–79

administrative agencies, creation of, 64–66

defined, 64

details of, 475–489

evolution of regulatory/voluntary programs, 67–70

federal environmental statutes, 66–67

pollution prevention concepts/terminology, 70–76

sources of, 64

Environmental Law Statutes, 64

Environmental performance, assessing, 244–246

Environmental performance during process synthesis, 199–249

tier 1 environmental performance tools, 200–215

tier 2 environmental performance tools, 215–246

tier 3 environmental performance tools, 246

Environmental persistence:

aqueous environment lifetimes, estimating, 122–124

atmospheric lifetimes, estimating, 118–122

estimating, 118–126

overall biodegradability, estimating, 124–125

Environmental phase partitioning, properties influencing, 96

Environmental Priority Strategy (EPS) system, 438

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 93–94

Environmental release assessment, 216–219

basics of releases, 216

process analysis, 217–219

releases to land, 218–219

underground injection releases, 218

water releases, 218

release assessment components, 216–217

Environmental risk screenings, 93–95

Environmental risks, classifying based on chemical structure, 131–133

EPA CHIEF website, 239

EPISUITE software package, 203, 213, 533–535

EPS Terminology Reference System (TRS), 526

Estimation of environmental fates of emissions/wastes, 362–374

fugacity/fugacity capacity, 364–367

air phase, 364–365

soil phase, 366

water phase, 365–366

Ethanol, 99

Ethanol-water distillation, energy savings in, 279–280

Ethylene glycol, 100

Evaporative losses from static liquid pools, 237–238

Exit costs, 400

Exposure, 57

defined, 57, 145

evaluating, 139–175

occupational exposures, 140–156

recognizing, 140

route and magnitude of, 4

using property estimates to estimate, 127–131

Exposure assessment, 42, 54–56, 55

biomarkers, 55

for chemicals in the ambient environment, 156–167

defined, 54

dermal exposure, 54–55

ingestion, 55

personal monitoring data, 55

routes of exposure, 54–56

Exposure Assessment Tools and Models website, 523–524

Exposure pathways, occupational exposures, 143–145

External costs, 398

External-floating roof tank, 288, 296

External intangible costs, 413–414,

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 23


Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) System, 222

Fault tree analysis, 40

Federal environmental statutes, 66–67

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), 66, 68, 477–478

enforcement, 478

labeling, 477

pesticide registration, 477

Federal Register, 64

Feedstocks, 178–181

Financial accounting, 398

Fine particle inhalation, 19–20

FIRE (Factor Information Retrieval Data System), 535

Fixed-roof storage tanks

paint solar absorbance for, 501

total losses from, 494–496

Fixed-roof tanks, 239, 287, 288

Flixborough Works of Nypro Limited, 82

Floating roof tanks rim-seal loss factors for, 502

Floating-roof tanks, 239

Fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU), 254

Fluidized bed reactor (FBR), 298

Forestry practices and erosion of topsoil, 23

Formaldehyde, 17

Fossil fuels, 8, 24

Friedel Crafts reaction, 186–188, 196

Froiman, Gail, 35

Fugacity/fugacity capacity, 364–367

air phase, 364–365

soil phase, 366

water phase, 365–366

Fugitive source pollution prevention, 286–293

emission reduction methods, 291–293

fugitive emission profiles, 289–291

reducing emissions, 289–293

Full-cost accounting, 399

Functional units, 424


Gas pipelines, failure frequency of, 41

Gaussian dispersion model, 158

Genotoxic chemicals, 45–46

global energy issues, 7–9

Global energy use, disparity in, 8

Global environmental issues, 7–14

global energy issues, 7–9

global warming, 9–10

ozone depletion in stratosphere, 10–14

Global warming, 9–10, 376–378, 433

Glove materials, performance characteristics of, 153

Glycols, 100

Granular activated carbon (GAC), 276

Green accounting practices, 400

Green chemical synthesis pathways, quantitative/optimization-based frameworks for the design of, 191–195

Green chemistry, 177–198, 199

defined, 177–178

functional group approaches to, 190–191

design for innocuous fate, 191

elimination of toxic functional group, 190–191

reduce bioavailability, 191

structure-activity relationship, 190–191

methodologies, 178–191

feedstocks, 178–181

solvents, 181–185

synthesis pathways, 185–189

Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES), 170, 178, 195, 535

case studies, 195–196

Green Chemistry Program website, 524

Green Engineering Program website, 523

Greenhouse effect, 9–10

Ground-level ozone, 17

Groundwater contamination, 164–167

origin of, 22


Hammet constant, 123–124

Hazard assessment, 42, 44–52

for cancer/other toxic effects, 45–47

hazard references, 50–52

for non-cancer endpoints, 48–49

Structure Activity Relationships (SARs), 50

Hazard, defined, 38

Hazard Quotient, 46, 57–58

Hazard references, 50–52

Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), 21

Hazardous Substances Data Bank(HSDB), 51, 530

HAZ-OP analysis, 40, 294–296, 309

and pollution prevention assessment, 294–296

Health Effects Notebook for Hazardous Air Pollutants, 531

Healthy ecosystems, maintenance of, 7

Held effects studies, 45

Henry’s Law constant, 95, 97, 112–115

Hexanol, 111, 116

Hidden environmental costs, 405–407

High-density polyethylene (HDPE), 260

Hydrocarbons, 7, 17

Hydrodynamic dispersion, 165

Hydrogen abstraction rate constants, group contributions and substitutent factors for, 122

Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), 298–299

Hydrolysis, 123–124

Hydrophobic compounds, absorption of, 154

Hydropower energy generation, 9

Hydroxyl radicals, 118–119


Impact scores, 434–436

In-process recycle, 71, 72–74

Inderect costs, 398

Industrial cleaner, formulation of, 5

Industrial ecology, 461–474

assessing waste exchange/byproduct synergies opportunities, 471–472

basic principles of, 470

defined, 465–466

eco-industrial parks, 468–471

material flows in chemical manufacturing, 466–468

Industrial Hygience and Toxicology (Patty), 52

Ingestion exposure, 4, 55, 145, 156

Inhalation exposure, 4, 54–55, 143–144

dispersion models, 149–150

mass balance model, 146–149

modeling, 146–150

Inhalation reference concentrations, 204, 207–208

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 10

Intermedia transport, 367–371

advective transport, 370–371

air-soil transport, 368–369

air/water transport, 368

soil-to-water transfer, 370

water-sediment transport, 369–370

Internal costs, 398

Internal-floating roof tank, 287, 288, 296

Internal intangible costs, 412–413, 412–413

Internal Standards Organization (ISO), 400

Interpretation step, 425

Inventory control, 72

Involuntary risk, 36

IRIS, 51, 207, 531

ISSDS (Integrated Solvent Substitution Data System), 531


Kalundbord (Denmark) Ecopark, 468–470


Land, releases to, 218–219

Lead, 19

Leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs, 291–293

Leakless valves, 292

Liability costs, 407–411

Life-cycle assessment, 421–432

defined, 422

definitions/methodology, 422–425

functional units, 424

interpretation step, 425

life-cycle impact assessment, 425

life-cycle inventory, 424–425

movement analysis, 425

practical limits to, 440–441

streamlined, 441–447

advantages, 447

data gathering for inventories/characterization, 441–442

guidance, 447

pitfalls, 447

qualitative techniques for inventories/characterization, 442–447

system boundaries, 422–424

Life-cycle costing, 399–400

Life-cycle data, interpretation of, 440–441

Life-cycle impact assessment, 425, 432–441

characterization step, 432–437

classification step, 432, 433

impact scores, 434–436

potency factors, 434–437

valuation step, 433, 437–440

Life-cycle inventories, 425–432

co-products, 428–430

data aggregation, 431–432

defined, 424–425

Life-cycle of studies, 448–453

product comparison, 448

product design and improvement, 450–453

improving existing products, 451–452

supplier selection, 450

using light-cycle concepts in early product design phases, 452–453

public sector uses, 448–450

strategic planning, 448

Life cycles, 419

Light-cycle costing, 400

Loading operations, saturation factors for, 236

Loading transport containers, 231–237

Localized ventilation, 149

Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources (L&E), 222

Locating and Estimating (L & E) documents CHIEF site, 525

Lost capacity, 406

Lost raw materials, 406

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), 260

Lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL), 48–49


Mackay Level III Version 2.20, 535

Major environmental issues, overview of, 6–7

Management accounting, 398

Mass-balance model, 146–149, 150

Mass exchange network synthesis, 333–346

Material flows in chemical manufacturing, 466–468

Material Safety Data Sheet (MDSD), 51, 68, 142–143, 528

Material selection for unit operations, pollution prevention in, 253–257

Measured release data for a chemical, 220–221

Mechanical seals, 292–293

Melting point, 97–100

Membrane separative reactors, main modes of operation for, 285

Meteorological data, U.S. locations, 501–502

Methanol, 284

Methyl isocyanate (MIC), 82–85, 266

Methyl methacrylate, 201, 203, 211–212

Michael addition reaction, 170

Mobile sources, of air pollution, 14, 157

Modeled release estimates, 231–239

evaporative losses from static liquid pools, 237–238

loading transport containers, 231–237

storage tank working and breathing losses, 238–239

Modified selectivity, 263

Molecular connectivity, 491–492

Molecular diffusion theory, 150

Molina, Mario, 12

Montreal Protocol, 13–14

Movement analysis, 425


Naphthalene, 103

National Air Quality Emission Trends Re-port, 15

National Ambient Air Quality Standards(NAAQS), 15, 41, 221

National industrial waste trends data, sources of, 25

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 205

website, 528

National Library of Medicine, 51

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA)

Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, 528

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), 69, 483

National Primary Drinking Water Standards, 164

National Research Council (NRC), 42

National Toxicology Program (NTP), 529

Natural disasters, 36

Natural resources, 24

depletion of, 7

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, 51, 531

Nitrogen oxides(NOx), 17

No-observed-averse-effect level (NOAEL), 48-49

Non-carcinogenic toxicity, 386-387

Nongenotoxic carcinogens, 46

Nuclear power, 9

Nypro Limited, Fixborough Words, 63


Occupational exposures, 139–175

characterization of the workplace, 141–143

dermal exposure, 151–156

assessing, 151–156

modeling, 153–155

exposure pathways, 143–145

dermal exposure, 144–145

ingestion exposure, 145

inhalation exposure, 143–144

inhalation exposures, modeling, 146–150

limitations on exposures to chemicals, 140–150

worker exposure, monitoring, 145–146

Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA), 67, 68, 140, 205, 478–479

enforcement, 479

Hazard Communication Standard, 479

recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 479

website, 529

workplace health and safety standards, 479

Ocean water, evaporation of, 22

Octane, 121

Octanol-water partition coefficient, 103–108, 115

Off-site recycle, 71

On-site recycle, 71

OncoLogic, 536

Online databases, 529–32

Oral response factors, 204

Oral slope factor, 208

Organic Chemical Manufacturing (OCM), 222

Organic liquids, vapor pressure equation constants for, 499–500

Organic vapor analyzer (OVA), 291–293

OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits(OSHA PELs), 141

OSHA-regulated carcinogens, 47

Overhead, 398–399

Oxidative coupling of methane (OCM), 283

Ozone depletion, 378–379, 433

Ozone depletion in stratosphere, 10–14


P2Workshop, 528–529

Packed seals, 292–293

Paint solvent, formulation of, 5

Parallel reaction, 263

PARIS II program, 536

Particulate matter (PM), 19–20

PCBs, 24

Percutaneous exposure, 55

Permissible exposure limits (PELs), 204–207

Persistence, 131, 203, 209, 212, 214

Persistent Bioaccumulative and Toxic(PBT) Chemical Program website, 524

Personal monitoring, 145–146

Personnel costs, 406

Petrochemicals, properties of, 497–498

Phosgene process, 259

Point sources, 22

Pollution prevention:

flowsheet analysis for, 309–359

levels for hierarchical analysis for, 311

process design modification for, 75

process energy integration, 313–316

process flowsheet, case study of, 347–354

process mass integration, 317–346

mass exchange network synthesis, 333–346

segregation/mixing/recycle of streams, optimizing strategies for, 327–332

source-sink mapping, 317–327

Pollution Prevention Act (1990), 67, 68, 70–72, 74–75, 488–489

Pollution prevention applications for sepa-rate reactors, 283–286

Pollution prevention assessment, and HAZOP analysis, 294–296

Pollution Prevention Code of Management Practice, 87

Pollution prevention for chemical reactors:

material use and selection, 258–261

catalysts, 260–261

raw materials and feedstocks, 259–60

solvents, 260

reaction type and reactor choice, 261–268

reactor operation, 268–274

effect of reactant concentration, 273

mixing, 269–273

reaction temperature, 268–269

Pollution prevention for separate devices, 274–282

mass separating agent, choice of, 274–276

process design and operation heuristics for separation technologies, 275–280

Pollution prevention for unit operations, 251–308

energy consumption, 252

material selection, 251, 253–257

material storage and transfer, 251

operating conditions, 251

process safety, 252

waste generation mechanisms, 251

Pollution prevention in storage tanks/fugitive sources, 286–293

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 24

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocrbons (PAHs), 21

Polyethylene, 433

Polypropylene, 260

Polystyrene, 260

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 259, 266

Potency factors, 434–437

Potentially responsible parties (PRPs), 69, 407

Preliminary risk screenings, 93–95

Premanufacture notice (PMN), 63, 94

Pressure tanks, 288

Pressurized tanks, 239

Primary pollutants, 15

Primary producers, 23

Primary standards, 15

Process design, 453

Process energy integration, 313–316

Process flowsheet:

case study of, 347–354

environmental performance of, evaluating, 361–396

Process hazard analysis, 40

Process life cycles, 420

Process mass integration, 317–346

mass exchange network synthesis, 333–346

segregation/mixing/recycle of streams, optimizing strategies for, 327–332

source-sink mapping, 317–327

Product life cycles, 419–421

life-cycle assessment, 421–432

defined, 422

definitions/methodology, 422–425

functional units, 424

interpretation step, 425

life-cycle impact assessment, 425

life-cycle inventory, 424–425

movement analysis, 425

system boundaries, 422–424

life-cycle inventories, 425–432

co-products, 428–430

data aggregation, 431–432

Propanol, 114, 125

Propylene, 128

Prothero, Scott, 199

Publicly owned treatment works (POTW), 161–162, 161–163, 217, 483

Pumps, sealless designs for, 293


Raoult’s Law, 235

Raw material acquisition, 425–426

Reaction coupled with membrane separation, 285

Reaction loss processes, 371–372

Reaction selectivity, 263

Reactor operation, 268–269, 268–274

effect of reactant concentration, 273

mixing, 269–273

Recommended exposure limits (RELs), 204–207

Recycling, 426

Reference Concentration (RfC), 48

Reference Dose (RfD), 48–49

Reformulated gasoline (RFG) production, 261

Refrigerant, choice of, for low-temperature condenser, 6

Release characterization and documentation, 239–243

case study, 240–243

Release quantification methods, 220–231

emission factors, 221–222

emissions from process units and fugitive sources, 222–225

losses of residuals from cleaning of drums and tanks, 225–227

measured release data for a chemical, 220–221

release data for a surrogate chemical, 221

secondary emissions from utility sources, 228–231

Renewable fuels, 9

Renewable resources, 24

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA), 24, 26, 67, 68, 484–486

generator requirements, 485

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA) (cont.)

identification/listing of hazardous waste, 485

other requirements, 485–486

Resource management techniques, 24

Reversible reactions, 263, 264

Risk, 35–62

aggregate, 58

categories of, 36

cumulative, 58

defined, 35

description of, 36–39

hazard, 38

hazard assessment, 44–52

involuntary risk, 36

natural disasters, 36

and probability, 38

voluntary risk, 36

Risk assessment, 35–36

dose-response, 42, 52–54

exposure assessment, 42, 54–56

hazard assessment, 42

integrating with process design, 296–301

overview of concepts, 42–44

process, 44

risk characterization, 42, 57–58

team, 42–44

value of, in engineering profession, 39–41

Risk-based environmental law, 41–42

Risk characterization, 42, 57–58

adding risks, 58

of cancer endpoints, 57

of non-cancer endpoints, 57–58

Risk management, 44

Risk shifting, 252–253

Rosselot, Kirsten, 397, 419

Rowland, Sherwood, 12


Safe Drinking Water Act, 409

Safer chemicals, designing, 167–170

SAGE (Solvent Alternative Guide), 531

Second Law of Thermodynamics, 8

Secondary emissions from utility sources, 228–231

Secondary pollutants, 15

Secondary standards, 15

Secondary trophic producers, 23

Secure disposal, 71

Segregation/mixing/recycle of streams, optimizing strategies for, 327–332

Separative reactor, 283

Series-parallel reaction, 270

Shonnard, David, 3, 63, 81, 199

Skin exposure, direct methods for measurement of, 151–152

Skin washes, 145–146

SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) tutorial, 526

Smog formation, 15, 379–386

Software, 532–37

Soil sorption coefficients, 115–117

correction factors for, 117

Soil-to-water transfer, 370

Solar power, 9

Solar radiation, 17, 24

SOLV-DB, 532

Solvents, 181–185

Source reduction, 71–72, 74

federal definition of, 72

Source-sink mapping, 317–327

Splash loading method, 231

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)Codes, 26

Standing losses, 238–239, 287

Static liquid pools, evaporative losses from, 237–238

Storage tank pollution prevention, 286–293

emissions, 287

limited HAZ-OP analysis, 296

safety aspects of, 295–296

storage tank types and pollution reduction strategies, 288

Storage tank working and breathing losses, 238–239

Storage tanks, 494–496

estimating emissions, 493–508

fixed-roof storage tanks:

paint solar absorbance for, 501

total losses from, 494–496

floating roof tanks, 239

rim-seal loss factors for, 502

Stratospheric ozone layer, 12

Streamlined life-cycle assessments:

advantages, 447

data gathering for inventories/characterization, 441–442

guidance, 447

pitfalls, 447

qualitative techniques for inventories/characterization, 442–447

Structural analog, 50

Structure activity relationships (SARs), 50, 97

Subchronic effects studies, 45

Submerged loading, 232

Substituton reactions, 185–186

Sulfur dioxide/nitrogen oxides, and acid deposition, 20–21

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), 24

Surface contamination, origin of, 22

Synthesis pathways, 185–189

Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing

Industry (SOCMI) emission factors, 224, 289

System boundaries, 422–424

Systems Analysis Branch (SAB) website, 526


Tables of environmental impact potentials, 509–513

TANKS program, 536

Tetraethyl lead, 19

Third trophic producers, 23

Threshold limit values (TLVs), 52, 143, 204–207

Tier 1 environmental performance tools, 200–215

alternatives synthetic pathways, evaluating, 209–215

economic criteria, 201–202

environmental criteria, 202–204

permissible exposure limits (PELs), 204–207

recommended exposure limits (RELs), 204–207

threshold limit values (TLVs), 204–207

toxicity weighting, 207–209

Tier 2 costs, estimating, 515–521

Tier 2 environmental performance tools, 215–246

environmental performance, assessing, 244–246

environmental release assessment, 216–219

modeled release estimates, 231–239

release characterization and documentation, 239–243

release quantification methods, 220–231

Tier 3 environmental performance tools, 246

Tier 3 metrics for environmental risk evaluation of process designs, 375–390

acid rain, 379

global warming, 376–378

ozone depletion, 378–379

smog formation, 379–386

andtoxicity, 386–390

Toluene, 99, 103, 287

Total cost assessment, 399

Toxic agents, interaction of, 39

Toxic air pollutants, exposure to, 156–160

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), 26, 67, 181, 208, 244, 48, 526

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 66, 68, 93–94, 126, 132, 211, 475–477

existing chemicals testing, 476

information gathering, 475

new chemical review, 476

regulatory controls and enforcement, 476–477

Toxicity, 131, 212, 386–390

carcinogenic toxicity, 387–390

developmental, 45

non-carcinogenic toxicity, 386–387

Toxicity weighting, 207–209

Toxicology, the Basic Science of Poisons(Casarett/Doull), 52

Toxnet, 51


Tracking material flows, 426

TRIAGE Chemical Studies Database, 532

Trichlorofluoromethane, 12

Tropospheric ozone, 10–12


UCSS (Use Clusters Scoring System), 536

Ultimate aerobic biodegradation index, group contributions to, 125

Underground injection releases, 218

United States Code (U.S.C.), 63

US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), See Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

U.S. Geological Survey, 163

U.S. safety/health/environmental statutes implying risk assessment, 43

Utility sources, secondary emissions from, 228–231


Vapor balance service, 234–235

Vapor pressure, 100–103, 129

Variable-vapor-space tanks, 239, 288

Vinyl sulfones, 190

VOC emissions, 17–18

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 15, 70, 182, 289

Voluntary risk, 36


WAR (WAste Reduction Algorithm), 536–37

Waste flows in the U.S., 24–28

Waste treatment, 71

Waste treatment costs, estimating, 405

Wastes, estimation of environmental fates of, 362–374

Water pollution:

and leaking underground storage tanks, 22

and transportation sources, 23

Water quality issues, 22–23

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 23

Water releases, 218

Water-sediment transport, 369–370

Water solubility, 110–112, 129

Water vapor, 10

Web resources, 523–529

Wind/wind speed, 17

Wipe samples, 151–152

Worker exposure, monitoring, 145–146

Working losses, 238–239, 287

Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL), 143

Workplace exposure, techniques for modeling, 56

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