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Part I: Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Approximations

Chapter 1: First-Order Scalar Equations

1.1 Constant coefficient linear equations

1.2 Variable coefficient linear equations

1.3 Perturbations and the concept of stability

1.4 Nonlinear equations: the possibility of blow-up

1.5 Principle of linearization

Chapter 2: Method of Euler

2.1 Explicit Euler method

2.2 Stability of the explicit Euler method

2.3 Accuracy and truncation error

2.4 Discrete Duhamel’s principle and global error

2.5 General one-step methods

2.6 How to test the correctness of a program

2.7 Extrapolation

Chapter 3: Higher-Order Methods

3.1 Second-order Taylor method

3.2 Improved Euler’s method

3.3 Accuracy of the solution computed

3.4 Runge-Kutta methods

3.5 Regions of stability

3.6 Accuracy and truncation error

3.7 Difference approximations for unstable problems

Chapter 4: Implicit Euler Method

4.1 Stiff equations

4.2 Implicit Euler method

4.3 Simple variable-step-size strategy

Chapter 5: Two-Step and Multistep Methods

5.1 Multistep methods

5.2 Leapfrog method

5.3 Adams methods

5.4 Stability of multistep methods

Chapter 6: Systems of Differential Equations

Part II: Partial Differential Equations and Their Approximations

Chapter 7: Fourier Series and Interpolation

7.1 Fourier expansion

7.2 L2-norm and scalar product

7.3 Fourier interpolation

Chapter 8: 1-Periodic Solutions of time Dependent Partial Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

8.1 Examples of equations with simple wave solutions

8.2 Discussion of well posed problems for time dependent partial differential equations with constant coefficients and with 1-periodic boundary conditions

Chapter 9: Approximations of 1-Periodic Solutions of Partial Differential Equations

9.1 Approximations of space derivatives

9.2 Differentiation of Periodic Functions

9.3 Method of lines

9.4 Time Discretizations and Stability Analysis

Chapter 10: Linear Initial Boundary Value Problems

10.1 Well-Posed Initial Boundary Value Problems

10.2 Method of lines

Chapter 11: Nonlinear Problems

11.1 Initial value problems for ordinary differential equations

11.2 Existence theorems for nonlinear partial differential equations

11.3 Nonlinear example: Burgers’ equation

Appendix A: Auxiliary Material

A.1 Some useful Taylor series

A.2 “” notation

A.3 Solution expansion

Appendix B: Solutions to Exercises



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