

2D Textures nodes, 296-302

3D Textures nodes, 302-315

Additive Transparency option, Surface Editor, 79

Advanced tab, Surface Editor, 69-80

air polygons, 356

replicating effect of, 356-357

Airbrush tool, 122-123

Alpha Channel option,

Image Editor, 256-257

Surface Editor, 69-72

alpha channels, 211

blending with, 377

using in images, 211-212

Angle node, 316

Ani-Reflections node, 339

Ani-Refractions node, 346

Anisotropic node, 340

anisotropy, 48-49, 88

architectural surfaces tutorial, 589-606

area lights, 16-17

atlas UV mapping, 423-438

Automatic Sizing option, Texture Editor, 277


backlight, 19

Basic tab, Surface Editor, 28-29

Bias node, 317-318

blending modes, Node Editor, 291

Blending Modes options, Texture Editor, 265-274

Blinn node, 340-341

Bloom filter, 472-473

BodyPaint 3D, 246-248

BoxStep node, 318

BRDF shader, 48, 86-89

Brick procedural texture, 134-135

Bricks node, 303

Bricks2D node, 297-298

brightness, 35-36

Brightness slider, Image Editor, 259

Bump Array procedural texture, 135-136

Bump Layer node, 327

bump map, creating, 238-242

bump mapping, 63-65

using in texturing, 65-67

vs. displacement, 67-68


Camera node, 326

caustics, 312-313

Checkerboard node, 303-304

Checkerboard procedural texture, 136-137

Checkerboard2D node, 298-299

Clear Map command, 441

color, 30-31

ensuring accuracy of, 32-33

manipulating, 33-37

using in texturing, 31-32

Color connections, Node Editor, 289

Color Filter option, Surface Editor, 59-60, 79

Color Highlights option, Surface Editor, 47, 59, 79

Color Layer node, 327

color map, creating, 214-223

Color node, 316

Color Scalar node, 347-348

color space, 32-33

ColorTool node, 348

Comment field, Surface Editor, 29

compositing, 69

Conductor node, 327-328

Constant nodes, 316-317

contrast, 36

Contrast slider, Image Editor, 260

CookTorrance node, 341

Copy Vertex Map command, 440-441

Coriolis procedural texture, 157-159

Corona filter, 474-478

using with Special Buffers, 74-75

Crackle node, 304-305

Crumple node, 305

Crumple procedural texture, 137-138

Crust node, 306

Crust procedural texture, 139-140

cubic projections, 394

Cull Map command, 441-442

Cyclone procedural texture, 159-160

cylindrical objects, capping, 379-380

cylindrical projections, 378-386

cylindrical UV mapping, 411-423


Deep Paint 3D, 244-246

Default button, Image Editor, 261

Delete Vertex Map command, 441

Delta node, 328

Dented procedural texture, 160-161

destination node, 287

Dielectric node, 328

diffuse, 37-38

using in texturing, 38-39

using with reflection, 54-55

diffuse map, creating, 226-227

diffuse shader nodes, 336-339

Diffuse Sharpness option, Surface Editor, 80

diffusion, 38

Direction node, 316

discontinuous UV maps, 452-454

displacement node network, creating for natural surface, 546-551, 561-564

displacement vs. bump mapping, 67-68

distant lights, 14-15

distortion, fixing in subdivision surfaces, 455-457

Dots node, 306

Dots procedural texture, 140-141

Double Sided option, Surface Editor, 29

double-sided surfaces, assigning textures to, 354-356


Edge Transparency shader, 89-90

edit modes, Surface Editor, 24-25

Edit Nodes button, Surface Editor, 28

enveloping, 465-467

Environment tab, Surface Editor, 80-84


creating, 80

creating for reflection, 51-53

eyes, creating, 357-358


falloff, 279

blending with, 372-374

using, 279-281

Falloff tab, Texture Editor, 279-281

Fast Fresnel shader, 94-95

FBM node, 306-307

fBm Noise node, 315

FBM Noise procedural texture, 161-162

FBM procedural texture, 161-162

file options, Surface Editor, 26

files, organizing, 242-243

fill light, 18-19

filtering options, Surface Editor, 25-26

First Frame setting, Image Editor, 258

Flip UVs command, 444

Fractal Noise procedural texture, 141-143

Frame Rate setting, Image Editor, 258

Fresnel effect, 58-59, 94

front projections, 395-397

Full Precision Blur filter, using with Special Buffers, 75-76

Function connections, Node Editor, 291

Functions nodes, 317-322


G2 shader, 48

Gain node, 318

Gamma node, 319

Gamma slider, Image Editor, 260-261

glossiness, 49-50

using in texturing, 50

glossiness map, creating, 230-232

glow, using with luminosity, 42-44

Glow Intensity option, Surface Editor, 42-43, 78

gMIL Occlusion shader, 105-106

gobo, 15

Gradient node, 324-326

gradient ramp, 164

gradients, 164-165

blending with, 374-377

creating for weight maps, 192-193

input parameters for, 165-169

tutorials, 172-178, 178-182, 183-187

using to blend images, 351-353

using with weight maps, 188-190

working with in Node Editor, 322-326

Gradients nodes, 322-326

grayscale images, using, 203-204, 212

Grid node, 307

Grid procedural texture, 143-144

Grid2D node, 299

Guess Viewport UV Image command, 449


Halftone shader, 96-97

HDR images, 51

Heal UV command, 445

Height Tile option, Texture Editor, 282-283

Hetero Terrain procedural texture, 162

HeteroTerrain node, 307-308

High Dynamic Range images, see HDR images

highlight, see backlight

Honeycomb node, 308

Honeycomb procedural texture, 144

hue, 34-35

Hue slider, Image Editor, 260

human interaction, effects of, 7-8

Hybrid Multi-Fractal procedural texture, 162-163

Hybrid-MultiFractal node, 308-309


Image Editor, 251

Editing tab, 259-261

preview options, 254-255

Processing tab, 261-262

Source tab, 255-259

image filters, 472

using, 472-479

image formats, 610-614

image maps, 200

creating, 204-206

painting, 213-242

using photographs as, 206-209

Image node, 300

image resolution, 200-203

image sequence, 255

working with, 255-256

Image World, using, 51-52


applying with projections, 369-370, 379, 387-388

blending with gradients, 351-353

cloning, 254

loading, 251-252

replacing, 253

sizing, 200-203

using alpha channels in, 211-212

viewing in Image Editor, 254-255

In slider, Image Editor, 258-259

Incidence node, 322-323

Input Parameter options, for gradients, 165-169

Integer connections, Node Editor, 290-291

Integer node, 316

Interference shader, 97-99

Interlace option, Image Editor, 257

Invert button, Image Editor, 261

Invert Layer option, Texture Editor, 275-276

Item Info node, 326

Item Info nodes, 326


Kappa node, 343

using, 359-362

Kappa II node, 344

key light, 18

keys, 164

creating, 169

working with, 169-172

kicker light, see backlight


Lambert node, 336

Last Frame setting, Image Editor, 258

Layer Opacity option, Texture Editor, 264

Layers nodes, 326-327


adding surface to, 116

creating, 118-119

light, 13-14

types of, 14-17

Light Info node, 326

light probes, 51

lighting setups, 17-19

Limiter node, 349

linear color space, 32-33

linear lights, 17

logarithmic color space, 33

luminosity, 40

using in texturing, 40-42

using with glow, 42-44

luminosity map, creating, 223-225


Make Color node, 349

Make Material node, 329

Make UVs command, 443

Make Vector node, 349

Map tab, Modeler, 440-450

mapping, 108-109, 367-368

Marble node, 309

Marble procedural texture, 145-147

Material connections, Node Editor, 291

Material Mixer node, 329

Materials nodes, 327-329

Math nodes, 329-334

metal surfaces tutorials, 487-492, 493-506, 506-513

Minnaert node, 336

Mixer node, 349

Modulate node, 319-320

Morph Map node, 350

MultiFractal node, 310

Multi-Fractal procedural texture, 163


natural surfaces tutorials, 545-559, 560-572

New UV Map command, 442-443

node, 286

Node Editor, 286-289

working with gradients in, 322-326


2D Textures, 296-302

3D Textures, 302-315

Constant, 316-317

Functions, 317-322

Gradients, 322-326

Item Info, 326

Layers, 326-327

Materials, 327-329

Math, 329-334

Ray Trace, 335

Shaders, 335-346

Spot, 346-347

Tools, 347-349

Vertex Map, 350


connecting, 292-296

types of connections, 289-291

working with, 351-364

Noise node, 320

Normal Map node, 300-301

Normalize Map command, 442


object, assigning surface to, 23

Object mode, Surface Editor, 24-25

observation, importance of, 3-5

Occlusion node, 337

Occlusion II node, 337-338

Omega node, 344-345

using, 362-364

omni lights, see point lights

opacity, 264

OrenNayar node, 338

organic surfaces tutorials, 527-530, 530-544

Out slider, Image Editor, 258-259


paint programs, 243-244

Parquet2D node, 301

Phong node, 341-342

Phong shading, 28

photographs, using as image maps, 206-209

Pi node, 317

Pixel Blending option, Texture Editor, 283

planar projections, 368-378

planar UV mapping, 406-411

Planks2D node, 301-302

point lights, 16

Point Maps command, 445

Polygon Normal UVs command, 446

polygons, grouping into part, 404

Position tab, Texture Editor, 278-279

Post Behavior setting, Image Editor, 259

Preset Shelf, 115-116

adding to, 116

assigning preset from, 116-117

creating new libraries for, 118-119

organizing, 117-118

preview options, Surface Editor, 26-28

procedural textures, 127

options for, 155-157

using, 127-128, 133

viewing, 128-131

procedural textures, in LightWave, 134-163

Brick, 134-135

Bump Array, 135-136

Checkerboard, 136-137

Coriolis, 157-159

Crumple, 137-138

Crust, 139-140

Cyclone, 159-160

Dented, 160-161

Dots, 140-141

FBM, 161-162

FBM Noise, 161-162

Fractal Noise, 141-143

Grid, 143-144

Hetero Terrain, 162

Honeycomb, 144

Hybrid Multi-Fractal, 162-163

Marble, 145-147

Multi-Fractal, 163

Puffy Clouds, 163

Ridged Multi-Fractal, 163

Ripples, 147-148

Smoky, 148-150

Turbulence, 150-151

Turbulent Noise, 163

Underwater, 151-152

Value, 152

Veins, 152-153

Wood, 154

Projection Master, ZBrush, 580-581

projections, 367-368

cubic, 394

cylindrical, 378-386

front, 395-397

planar, 368-378

spherical, 386-389

Puffy Clouds procedural texture, 163


Ray Trace nodes, 335

Ray Trace Reflection option, Render Globals panel, 60

Ray Trace Transparency option, Render Globals panel, 60

RayCast node, 335

RayTrace node, 335

Real Fresnel shader, 95-96

Reference Object option, Texture Editor, 276

references, 11-12

reflection, 50-51

creating environment for, 51-53

using in texturing, 53-54

using with diffuse value, 54-55

Reflection Blurring option, 84

reflection map, creating, 232-235

Reflection Options settings, Surface Editor, 81-82

reflection shader nodes, 339-340

reflections, activating, 55

Reflections node, 339-340

refraction, 56-57

using in texturing, 57-58

Refraction Blurring option, 84

refraction index, 57

chart, 615-617

Refraction Options settings, Surface Editor, 82-83

Refractions node, 346

Rename Vertex Map command, 441

Render Buffer Export filter, using with Special Buffers, 76-77

Render Outlines option, Surface Editor, 78

resolution, image, 200-203

RGB color space, 32

Ridged Multi-Fractal procedural texture, 163

RidgedMultiFractal node, 310-311

rim light, see backlight

Ripples node, 311

Ripples procedural texture, 147-148

Rotation tab, Texture Editor, 279


Sasquatch, 480-483

saturation, 35

Saturation slider, Image Editor, 260

Scalar connections, Node Editor, 290

Scalar Layer node, 327

scalar math nodes, 330-332

Scalar node, 317

Scale options, Texture Editor, 131-132

Scale tab, Texture Editor, 277-278

Scene mode, Surface Editor, 24-25

seamless mapping, 381-382, 388-389

seamless textures, creating, 210-211

seams, 381

hiding, 381-382

placing, 403-404, 412-413

Sequence Digits setting, Image Editor, 257-258

Set Map Value command, 440

Set UV Value command, 445-446

shader, adding to surface, 85

shaders, 84

BRDF, 86-89

Edge Transparency, 89-90

Fast Fresnel, 94-95

gMIL Occlusion, 105-106

Halftone, 96-97

in LightWave, 85-108

Interference, 97-99

Real Fresnel, 95-96

Stress Map, 107-108

Super Cel Shader, 99-103

Surface Baker, 90-94

Surface Mixer, 104-105

Thin Film, 103-104

third-party, 108

Z Shader, 104

Shaders nodes, 335-346

Shaders tab, Surface Editor, 84-85

shading, 13, 85, 109-110

models, 84

Sine node, 320

size, image, 200-203

Smoky procedural texture, 148-150

Smooth Threshold option, Surface Editor, 28

Smoothing option, Surface Editor, 28

SmoothStep node, 321

Soften Reflections filter, 478-479

using with Special Buffers, 77

Special Buffers option, Surface Editor, 72-77

specular map, creating, 227-230

specular reflection, see specularity

specular shader nodes, 340-342

specularity, 44-45

anisotropic, 48-49

tinting, 47-48

using in texturing, 45-47

spherical projections, 386-393

spherical UV mapping, 411-413

Spot Info node, 346-347

Spot nodes, 346-347

spotlights, 15-16

SSS, see subsurface scattering

Standard node, 329

Start Frame setting, Image Editor, 258

Strength setting, Texture Editor, 284

Stress Map shader, 107-108


eliminating, 457-460

in planar projection, 370-372

subdivision surfaces,

distortion in, 405

fixing distortion in, 455-457

subsurface scattering, 62-63

shader nodes, 342-345

using, 358-364

Super Cel Shader shader, 99-103

Surface Baker shader, 90-94

Surface Editor, 24

Advanced tab, 69-80

Basic tab, 28-29

edit modes, 24-25

Environment tab, 80-84

file options, 26

filtering options, 25-26

opening, 23

preview options, 26-28

Shaders tab, 84-85

Surface Mixer shader, 104-105

surface node network, creating for natural surface, 551-559, 564-571


adding shader to, 85

adding to library, 116

applying preset to, 116-117

assigning to object, 23

details of, 3-11

loading, 26

renaming, 26

saving, 26

Switch node, 329


Texture Amplitude setting, Texture Editor, 284-285

Texture Antialiasing option, Texture Editor, 284

Texture Axis option, Texture Editor, 276

Texture Color option, Texture Editor, 131

Texture Editor, 263

Falloff tab, 279-281

image options, 282-285

options, 131-132, 264-285

Position tab, 278-279

Rotation tab, 279

Scale tab, 277-278

Texture Guide tool, 449-450

texture maps, see image maps

Texture Value option, Texture Editor, 131

Textured Environment, using, 52-53


assigning to double-sided surfaces, 354-356

creating seamless, 210-211

texturing, 110-112

Theta node, 338

Thickness node, 323-324

Thin Film shader, 103-104

three-point lighting, 18

tiling, 380

time, effects of, 7

Tools nodes, 347-349

Transform UV command, 444

translucency, 60-61

using in texturing, 61-62

translucency map, creating, 236-238

Translucency node, 338-339

transparency, 56

using in texturing, 57-58

transparency map, creating, 235-236

transparency shader nodes, 345

trigonometry math nodes, 332-333

Turbulence node, 312

Turbulence procedural texture, 150-151

Turbulence2D node, 302

Turbulent Noise node, 312

Turbulent Noise procedural texture, 163


architectural surfaces, 589-606

atlas UV maps, 426-438

cylindrical projections, 383-386

cylindrical UV mapping, 413-423

gradients, 172-178, 178-182, 183-187

metal surfaces, 487-492, 493-506, 506-513

natural surfaces, 545-559, 560-572

organic surfaces, 527-530, 530-544

planar UV mapping, 408-411

spherical projections, 389-393

weight maps, 194-199

wood surfaces, 514-520, 521-525


Underwater node, 312-313

Underwater procedural texture, 151-152

Unweld command, 454-455

UV mapping, 398-399

atlas, 423-438

cylindrical, 411-423

planar, 406-411

spherical, 411-413

UV maps,

and discontinuity, 452-454

and subdivision surfaces, 405

combining, 460-461

creating, 399

editing options, 439-442

editing tips, 451-461

mapping tools, 442-450

planning, 400-402

tips for working with, 402-405

using multiple, 402-403

UV Spider command, 446-448

UV Texture Editor, 399-400


Value procedural texture, 152

Vector connections, Node Editor, 290

vector math nodes, 333-334

Vector node, 317

Vector Scalar node, 349

Veins node, 313

Veins procedural texture, 152-153

Vertex Color Map option, Surface Editor, 79

vertex color maps, 120-121

applying, 79, 126

creating, 121

Vertex Map node, 350

Vertex Map nodes, 350

Vertex Paint plug-in, 123-126


weather, effects of, 5-7

Weight Map node, 350

weight maps,

creating, 190-192

creating gradients for, 192-193

tutorial, 194-199

using with gradients, 188-190

Weld UV command, 444-445

Width Tile option, Texture Editor, 282-283

Wood node, 313-314

Wood procedural texture, 154

wood surfaces tutorials, 514-520, 521-525

Wood2 node, 314-315

World Coordinates option, Texture Editor, 277

Wrap node, 321-322


Z Shader shader, 104

ZBrush, 248-250

importing objects into, 575

preparing model for, 573-574

Projection Master tool, 580-581

rendering maps in, 581-583

sculpting in, 577-580

UV tools, 576-577

working with in Layout, 584-587

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