Setting the limit on browser instances

We have seen that, by default, there are 11 instances of browsers getting registered to a node. We have seen how to register our own browser. In this section, we will see how many instances of those browsers we can allow in our node. For this to be controlled, Selenium Grid comes out with a configuration parameter, called maxInstances, using which we can specify how many instances of a particular browser we want our node to provide. The command to do that is as follows:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.12.0.jar -role node -hub -browser "browserName=firefox,max Instances=3" -browser "browserName=chrome,maxInstances=3" -browser "browserName=safari,maxInstances=1"

Here, we are registering a node that provides three instances of Firefox, three instances of Chrome, and one instance of Safari. 

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