The capture screen method

There are many ways to capture and name the image of the screen. Using the test method name and a timestamp for the image name is a common practice. This aligns the captured screens with the test methods that created them, putting a date on the filename, and so on:

* screenShot - method that takes iTestResult as parameter
* @param result - The result of test
* @return String
public static String screenShot(ITestResult result) throws Exception {
DateFormat stamp = new SimpleDateFormat("");
Date date = new Date();

ITestNGMethod method= result.getMethod();
String testName = method.getMethodName();

return captureScreen(testName + "_" + stamp.format(date) + ".png");

* captureScreen - method to capture the entire screen of the Browser
* or Mobile App
* @param filename - The filename to save it to
public static String captureScreen(String filename) throws Exception {
String bitmapPath = "myPath";
WebDriver driver = CreateDriver.getInstance().getCurrentDriver();
File screen = null;

( Global_VARS.DEF_ENVIRONMENT.equalsIgnoreCase("remote") ) {
// cast to Augmenter class for RemoteWebDriver
screen = ((TakesScreenshot)new Augmenter().augment(driver))

else {
screen = ((TakesScreenshot)driver)

FileUtils.copyFile(screen, new File(bitmapPath + filename));
return filename;
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