Naming conventions

When developing the framework, it is important to establish some naming convention standards for each type of file created. In general, this is completely subjective. But it is important to establish them upfront so users can use the same file naming conventions for the same file types to avoid confusion later on, when there are many users building them. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Utility classes: Utility classes don't use any prefix or suffix in their names, but do follow Java standards such as having the first letter of each word capitalized, and ending with .java extensions. (Acronyms used can be all caps). Examples include,,,, and so on.
  • Page object classes: It is useful to be able to differentiate the page object classes from the utility classes. A good way to name them is, where PO stands for page object and is capitalized, along with the first letter of each word. End the name with a  .java extension.
  • Test classes: It is useful to be able to differentiate the test classes from the PO and utility classes. A good way to name them is, where Test stands for test class, and the first letter of each word is capitalized. End the name with a .java extension.
  • Data files: Data files are obviously named with an extension for the type of file, such as .json, .csv, .xls, and so on. But, in the case of this framework, the files can be named the same as the corresponding test class, but without the word Test. For example, would have the data file LoginCreds.json.
  • Setup classes: Usually, there is a common setup class for setup and teardown for all test classes, that can be named So, as an example, would be the setup class for all test classes derived from it, and contains only TestNG annotated methods.
  • Test methods: Although we will explore test method naming conventions more in Chapter 14, Developing Data-Driven Test Classes, most test methods in each test class are named using sequential numbering, followed by a feature and action. For example: tc001_gmailLoginCreds, tc002_gmailLoginPassword, and so on.
  • Setup/teardown methods: The setup and teardown methods can be named according to the setup or teardown action they perform. The following naming conventions can be used in conjunction with the TestNG annotations:
    • @BeforeSuite: The suiteSetup method
    • @AfterSuite: The suiteTeardown method
    • @BeforeClass: The classSetup method
    • @AfterClass: The classTeardown method
    • @BeforeMethod: The methodSetup method
    • @AfterMethod: The methodTeardown method
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