
This chapter introduced users to designing and building a DataProvider class using TestNG DataProvider features, along with the concept of encapsulating data in JSON file format. As we proceed further into data-driven test development, it will be important to have the DataProvider available for use when creating new test methods.

As we learned, the DataProvider method will sort data during extraction based on the test method name. Filters for including and excluding specific sets of data can also be added, and finally, users can "stuff" specific data like rowID and description into Java objects on the fly to be used later on for reporting purposes.

The next chapter will cover the data-driven test development model in respect to designing and building Java test classes, methods, and data files. The TestNG annotations will be used to specify which test methods are setup and teardown methods, and which ones are actual test methods that require data to run.

After the next chapter, the user will have the basic structure of the framework complete, from the Selenium driver class to the utility classes, page object classes, test classes, and data files.

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