Processing JVM args

Users can also set or override suite or global default settings using JVM args. This again is done in Java using the -D switch. So, in other words, if you are running a test suite that has parameters set up in the XML file for browser, mobile device, platform, environment, and many more and you want to change them on the fly to run against another platform, you can set a JVM argument using -Dbrowser=browser, -Dplatform=platform, and so on.

These can be set in an IntelliJ IDEā€”run configuration or in a Jenkins project setting. To summarize, a suite XML may have the following settings:

<parameter name="browser" value="chrome" />
<parameter name="platform" value="Windows 10" />
<parameter name="environment" value="local" />

If it does, those settings can be overridden using a -D switch, and nothing in the XML file has to be changed.

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