Inspecting mobile elements

The following screenshot displays the Appium inspector, running the iOS simulator with the sample Apple UICatalog application. It is a native iOS application, so it is not running in a browser on the mobile device. On the bottom portion of the inspector, users can select the Locator button and "test" the locators they are building by ID, class name, tag name, or XPath:

Appium iOS mobile inspector

The Appium inspector for Android is similar, except that it launches the Android emulator in the tool window. The basic functionality of it is the same. Users can select each component in the Inspector window, and view the attributes of the elements to build the locators.

The following screenshot displays the Appium inspector running the Android emulator with the sample contacts application. It is a native Android application, so it is not running in a browser on the mobile device:

Appium Android Mobile inspector

Xcode has an Accessibility Inspector tool itself that can also be used to view the attributes of elements in the mobile pages. Apple bundles the tool with Xcode, and it can be launched from within the IDE. The Appium inspector, however, seems to work better in most cases.

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