Chapter 3

  1. Which are the different formats we can use to output a screenshot?

The OutputType interface support screenshot types in BASE64, BYTES, and FILE formats.

  1. How can we switch to another browser tab with Selenium?

We can switch to another browser tab using the driver.switchTo().window() method.

  1. True or false: The defaultContent() method will switch to the previously selected frame.

False. The defaultContent() method will switch to the page.

  1. What navigation methods are available with Selenium?

The Navigate interface provides to() , back()forward() , and refresh() methods.

  1. How can we add a cookie using Selenium?

We can add a cookie using the driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie cookie) method.

  1. Explain the difference between an implicit wait and an explicit wait.

An implicit wait once set will be available for the entire life of the WebDriver instance. It will wait for the element when findElement is called for the set duration. If the element doesn't appear in DOM in a set time, it will throw the NoSuchElementFound exception.

An explicit wait, on the other hand, is used to wait for the specific condition to happen (for example, the visibility or invisibility of the element, a change in title, a change in attribute of the element, thee element becoming editable or for a custom condition). Unlike an implicit wait, the explicit wait will poll the DOM for the condition to fulfill instead of waiting for a fixed amount of time. It will come out if the condition is fulfilled before the defined timeout, else it will throw an exception. We can use various predefined conditions from the   ExpectedConditions class with the explicit wait.

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