Selenium standalone server and client drivers

To start setting up the Selenium Grid hub and node VMs, you must first download the required JAR and Selenium browser driver files. Firefox now uses the geckodriver, which was new in the Selenium 3.x release, and the Apple Safari driver is now built into the browser, so the SafariDriver.safariextz is no longer required.

The Selenium Grid JARs and driver files can be downloaded or directed to third-party sites at the following location:

Here is a list of the files you will need:

  • Server: selenium-server-standalone-3.x.x.jar
  • Chrome: chromedriver/chromedriver.exe (linux64, win32, mac64; use 64-bit when possible)
  • Firefox: geckodriver/geckodriver.exe (linux64, win64, macOS; use 64-bit when possible)
  • Safari: Apple now builds the Safari driver extension into the browser as of the Safari 10 release
  • IE11: IEDriverServer.exe (use 64-bit when possible)
  • Edge: MicrosoftWebDriver.exe
  • Opera: operadriver/operadriver.exe (linux64, win64, mac64)
  • Appium: appium/appium.exe
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