Generating element locators

The plugin has a nice feature for creating WebElement definitions, adding locators of choice, and validating them in the class. It provides a set of tooltips to tell the user what is incorrect in the syntax of the locator, which is helpful when creating CSS and XPath strings.

Here is a screenshot of the locator strategy feature:

Selenium settings configuration dialog

Once the WebElement structure is built into the page object class, you can capture and verify the locator, and it will indicate an error with a red underline.

When moving over the invalid syntax, it provides a tooltip and a lightbulb icon to the left of it, where users can use features for Check Element Existence on page and Fix Locator Popup. These are very useful for quickly finding syntax errors and defining locators.

Here is a screenshot of the Check Element Existence on page feature:

Check Element Existence on page dialog

Here is a screenshot of the Fix Locator Popup feature:

Fix Locator Popup dialog
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