Parallel properties method

In the suite file example, there was a parameter set for the environment property file. In order to keep the parallel sessions from interfering with each other, different sets of servers and/or users must be used, and the thread that holds the properties during the test must also run in parallel. The following method extends the Java Properties class to accomplish that:

* ParallelProps method - extends Properties class to isolate
each thread instance
public class ParallelProps extends Properties {
public static final long serialVerionUID = 12345678L;
private final ThreadLocal<Properties> localProperties =
new ThreadLocal<Properties>() {
protected Properties initialValue() {
return new Properties();

public ParallelProps(Properties properties) {

public String getProperty(String key) {
String localValue = localProperties.get().getProperty(key);
return localValue == null ? super.getProperty(key) :

public Object setProperty(String key, String value) {
return localProperties.get().setProperty(key, value);
The JavaDoc for the ThreadLocal class is located at
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