Using the HUD and Renderer classes

Declare an instance of the HUD and Renderer classes as members of GameEngine as highlighted in this next code.

class GameEngine extends SurfaceView implements Runnable,
GameStarter {
    private Thread mThread = null;
    private long mFPS;

    private GameState mGameState;
    private SoundEngine mSoundEngine;
    HUD mHUD;
    Renderer mRenderer;

Initialize the instances of the HUD and Renderer classes in the GameEngine constructor as highlighted next.

public GameEngine(Context context, Point size) {

   mGameState = new GameState(this, context);
   mSoundEngine = new SoundEngine(context);
   mHUD = new HUD(size);
   mRenderer = new Renderer(this);

Now we can add a call to the draw method of the Renderer class in the run method as highlighted next.

public void run() {
   while (mGameState.getThreadRunning()) {
          long frameStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

          if (!mGameState.getPaused()) {
                // Update all the game objects here
                // in a new way

          // Draw all the game objects here
          // in a new way
          mRenderer.draw(mGameState, mHUD);

        // Measure the frames per second in the usual way
        long timeThisFrame = System.currentTimeMillis()
                    - frameStartTime;
        if (timeThisFrame >= 1) {
              final int MILLIS_IN_SECOND = 1000;
              mFPS = MILLIS_IN_SECOND / timeThisFrame;

The project should now run without any errors.

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