Coding the Level class

The Level class is a place to design the level. If you want more enemies of a certain type or less lasers to make the fire rate less rapid, then this is where to do it. In a game you were planning to release you would probably extend Level and design multiple instances with different enemies, quantities and backgrounds. For this project we will stick with just one rigid level but in the next project we will take the level design idea further.

Create a class called Level and add all the following members and import statements.

import android.content.Context;

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Level {

    // Keep track of specific types
    public static final int BACKGROUND_INDEX = 0;
    public static final int PLAYER_INDEX = 1;
    public static final int FIRST_PLAYER_LASER = 2;
    public static final int LAST_PLAYER_LASER = 4;
    public static int mNextPlayerLaser;
    public static final int FIRST_ALIEN = 5;
    public static final int SECOND_ALIEN = 6;
    public static final int THIRD_ALIEN = 7;
    public static final int FOURTH_ALIEN = 8;
    public static final int FIFTH_ALIEN = 9;
    public static final int SIXTH_ALIEN = 10;
    public static final int LAST_ALIEN = 10;
    public static final int FIRST_ALIEN_LASER = 11;
    public static final int LAST_ALIEN_LASER = 15;
    public static int mNextAlienLaser;

    // This will hold all the instances of GameObject
    private ArrayList<GameObject> objects;

Most of the variables we just coded are public, static and final. They will be used to keep track of how many aliens and lasers we spawn as well as keep track of where in our GameObject ArrayList certain objects are stored. As they are public, static and final they can be easily referred to but not altered, from any class.

There are two variables which aren't final these are mNextPlayerLaser and mNextAlienLaser which will be used to loop through the lasers that we spawn to determine which one to shoot next.

The final declaration in the previous code is an ArrayList of GameObject instances called objects. This is where we will stash all the instances that the GameObjectFactory assembles for us.

Next add the constructor method.

public Level(Context context, 
                PointF mScreenSize, 
                GameEngine ge){
   objects = new ArrayList<>();
   GameObjectFactory factory = new GameObjectFactory(
               context, mScreenSize, ge);

In the constructor the ArrayList is initialized. Next, a new instance of GameObjectFactory is created. The final line of code calls the buildGameObjects method and passes in this new GameObjectFactory instance called factory.

Now code the buildGameObjects method.

ArrayList<GameObject> buildGameObjects(
         GameObjectFactory factory){
   objects.add(BACKGROUND_INDEX, factory
          .create(new BackgroundSpec()));
   objects.add(PLAYER_INDEX, factory
          .create(new PlayerSpec()));

   // Spawn the player's lasers
   for (int i = FIRST_PLAYER_LASER; 
         i != LAST_PLAYER_LASER + 1; i++) {
         objects.add(i, factory
                .create(new PlayerLaserSpec()));

   mNextPlayerLaser = FIRST_PLAYER_LASER;

   // Create some aliens

   // Create some alien lasers

   return objects;

ArrayList<GameObject> getGameObjects(){
   return objects;

To start with the ArrayList is cleared in case this isn't the first time the method has been called. We wouldn't want two or more levels worth of objects being updated and drawn.

Let's look at the next line of code again because if we can understand it we can understand how all the GameObject instances are created.

objects.add(BACKGROUND_INDEX, factory
          .create(new BackgroundSpec()));

The code starts with objects.add which is to add a new reference into the ArrayList. The first argument is BACKGROUND_INDEX and indicates the position in the ArrayList where we want the background to go.

The second argument passed to the add method needs to be a reference to a GameObject. It is just that, but it is a little convoluted. This is the code:

factory.create(new BackgroundSpec())

This calls the create method on the GameObjectFactory instance which you might remember returns a GameObject of the required type. So, at this stage there is a properly built background in the form of a GameObject just waiting to be updated and drawn.

Next, we add a player in the same way and then we loop through a for loop from FIRST_PLAYER_LASER to LAST_PLAYER_LASER and add a bunch of lasers for the player to shoot.

The variable mNextPlayerLaser is initialized to the value of FIRST_PLAYER_LASER ready for the GameEngine class to spawn when it is needed.

The last method is the getGameObjects method. It returns a reference to objects. This is how we will share objects with other classes that need it.

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