
Accountability, 75

Action learning, 18

Actions boundary, 74

Adaptability, effectiveness and, 55, 56

Adaptive learning, 1516

Administrative processes, 42

Alignment, 125

Allaire, Paul, 291, 292, 298, 299

Ambiguity, 712

Anticipation, 312

AT&T, 2401

Autonomy, 27, 62, 923

Baker, Marc, 251

Balanced scorecard (BSC), 1012

Barchan, Margareta, 16572

Behavioural processes, 423

Bell Laboratories, 240, 241

Best practice:

best practice transfer, 1224

Chevron Corporation case study, 1813, 184

IBM case study, 2278

BP Amoco, 15664

Connect system, 1578

developing Connect, 15961

building and sustaining momentum, 160

generating content, 1601

keeping content updated, 161

knowledge architecture challenge, 15960

likely future developments, 161

other tools and practices, 1623

After Action Review (AAR), 1623

Operations Value Process (OVP), 163

Peer Assist, 162

Retrospect, 163

Breakdowns, 28

British Airways, 14355

knowledge management myths, 1446

managing culture and people for sharing, 1501

overcoming resistance, 1489

stories to fuel internal energy and interest, 1468

strategic approach to knowledge management, 14950

British Petroleum (BP), 147

Browne, Sir John, 1567

Bureaucracy, 75

Caltex, 173

Capitalization cycle, 401

Celemi, 16572

handling tacit knowledge, 1667

importance of knowledge management, 1656

measuring intangibles, 16772

broader applications, 1712

Intangible Assets Monitor, 1689

Champions, role in knowledge sharing, 689

British Airways case study, 1489

Change, 50, 54

adaptability, effectiveness and, 55, 56

culture change, 625

Chevron Corporation, 17394

as a learning company, 1756

best practice success stories, 1813

capital projects, 1812

community best practice, 183

energy efficiency, 181

environmental best practice, 183

human resource best practices, 183

process masters, 182

technology brokers, 182

Vision Objective Teams best practice, 183

business principles, 190

committed team values, 191

corporate metrics, 193

decentralization, 1768

enhanced learning and sharing through Global Information Link, 1838

benchmarking for best practice, 1845

managing sharing through goals, rewards and empowerment, 1857

motivating sharing through leadership, 1878

history, 1734

managing learning and knowledge, 1745

organizational capability, 1912

protecting people and the environment, 1923

sustaining learning through tools and techniques, 17981

Best Practice Resource Map, 1801

organizational learning system (OLS), 180

working in downsized environments, 1789

Chief knowledge officers (CKOs), 69, 238

Climate, 49, 501

dimensions of, 51

see also Culture; Environment

CMG plc, 195202

as a knowledge maker, 1956

culture, 1967

intranet development, 1979

intranet use, 2002

auto-publishing, 2001

interpersonal networking, 2012

site manager, 201

subscribe and search, 201

Team Web and discussion forums, 201

knowledge management functions and attributes, 199

organization, 196

tool-kit approach, 199200

Collison, Chris, 156, 157

Commitment, 801, 89

Quidnunc case study, 278

Communication, 87, 126

Communities of practice, 789

bridging the technology gap, 11618

management of, 802

Monsanto case study, 2456

Post Office Consulting case study, 2567

see also Teams for knowledge and learning


core competencies, 89

creation through knowledge and learning, 3441

Competitive strategy, 78

Comprehensiveness, 125

Computers, see Technology

Consistency, effectiveness and, 55, 56

Control cycle, 40

Control processes, 434

COST model, 967

Culture, 50, 514, 77, 138

British Airways case study, 1501

change, 625, 118

components of, 523

cultural values, 656

see also Environment; Knowledge culture; Organizational culture

Customer matrix, 978

Data, 9

Data warehousing, 1056

Decentralization, 1768

Derr, Ken, 1745, 178, 187, 188

Direction-setting processes, 43

Double-loop learning, 1516

Ecological-based organizations, 1367

Economic value added (EVA), 1001

Empowerment, 735

Chevron Corporation case study, 1857

Eng Huang Cheng, 281


information-intensive, 81

learning environment creation, 901

see also Culture

Excalibur Technology, 2867


analysing and packaging of, 3640

experience factories, 367, 3940

Explicit culture, 523

Explicit knowledge, 1011, 269

Externalization, 29

Fayol, Henri, 6

Ferrari, John G., 246

Fluctuation, 28

Focus, 1256

Ford, C3P programme, 2035

interconnected design, 2034

training and, 2045

Generative learning, 1516

Gerstner, Lou, 224

Glaxo Wellcome Research and Development, 69

Groupware, 108

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 20616

future challenges, 21516

HP Consulting, 2078

knowledge management initiative, 2089

approach, 20910

assessment of organizational readiness, 209

launch of, 21012

moving from pilot to company-wide initiative, 215

launching Learning Communities, 21415

workshop, 21214

Hill, Mark, 298

Holt, Laurence, 275

Holtshouse, Dan, 291, 295, 298

Honda Motor Company, 21720

cross-functional skills appreciation, 218

culture, 218

shaping by structures and rewards, 219

design and work layout, 220

effective processing of ideas, 21920

failure acceptance, 220

interaction importance, 21819

knowledge importance, 220

questions and openness, importance of, 21718

rewarding failure and success, 220

value of experience, 21819

IBM, 120, 22132

benefits of knowledge management, 231

intellectual assets through competency networks, 2268

AssetWeb for best practice management, 2278

issue-based problem solving, 22830

knowledge approach, 2246

ICM AssetWeb, 2256

Knowledge Cafe, 228, 229, 230

Knowledge Cockpit, 2301

knowledge vision, 224

lessons from success, 2312

perspective on knowledge, 2224

ICL (International Computers Limited), 2339

Cafe Vik, 235, 2367

future directions, 2389

knowledge initiative beginnings, 234

outcomes, 237

Project Vik, 2346

Implementation gap, 11821

bridging, 11921

Implicit culture, 523

Individuals, 1378

managing the individual towards learning, 8691

motivational factors affecting knowledge sharing, 578

challenges faced, 578

intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, 57

skills and knowledge, 58

personality traits for knowledge management and learning, 567

stages of individual development, 8890

Information, 910

redundancy, 30

Information junkyards, 115

Information service providers, 238

Information technology (IT), 1415, 113, 128

Monsanto case study, 2467

Quidnunc case study, 2767

see also Intranets; Technology

Information-intensive environments, 81

Informational systems, 106

Innovation, 27

Integration gap, 1246

strategic fit, 1256

Intellectual capital (IC) measurement, 1023

Intention, 27

Internalization, 2930

Internet crime, 2845

Intranets, 1067

BP Amoco case study, 15761

CMG case study, 1979, 2002

Post Office Consulting case study, 25761

Involvement, 745

effectiveness and, 55, 56

Junnarkar, Bipin, 246

Knowing-doing gaps, 1201

Knowledge, 910, 4950, 95, 139

age of, 11012

characteristics of, 1112

competency creation, 3441

creation process, 2630

creation spiral, 2930

individual roles for, 846

explicit, 1011, 269

exploration/exploitation, 83, 845

imagery, 4950

importance of, 56

learning process and, 324

leverage of, 11617

management considerations related to outcomes, 834

measurement of, see Knowledge measurement

owners of, 238

power and, 645

repositories, 1056

sharing of, see Knowledge sharing

sponsors, 238

tacit, 1011, 269

Celemi case study, 1667

handling of, 1667

Post Office Consulting case study, 2634

use of, 312

teams for, 7882

management of, 802

transfer of, see Knowledge transfer

versus learning, 1617

see also Knowledge culture; Knowledge management

Knowledge-based economy, 111

demands of, 111

Knowledge culture, 767

individuals and, 568

leadership actions for, 778

managing people towards, 924

balanced autonomy, 923

integrated socio-technical system, 934

personalized recognition, 93

resource availability, 94

Post Office Consulting, 2556

see also Culture

Knowledge management, 1213, 26, 4950

as core competency, 89

benefits of, 112

emergence of, 36

future developments, 12633

changing workplace, 1312

knowledge business and knowledge marketplace, 132

organizational gains from, 12931

societal impact, 132

importance of for organizations, 1656

matrix, 97100

customer matrix, 978

organization matrix, 989

supplier matrix, 99

technology matrix, 99100

model, 967

personality traits for, 567

reasons for programme failure, 11226

implementation gap, 11821

integration gap, 1246

technology gap, 11318

transfer gap, 1224

strategies, 203

evolutionary stages, 223

technology implementation, 1089

technology role, 1315

see also Management; specific case studies

Knowledge measurement, 95103

Celemi case study, 16772

knowledge management matrix, 97100

customer matrix, 978

organization matrix, 989

supplier matrix, 99

technology matrix, 99100

popular tools, 1003

balanced scorecard (BSC), 1012

economic value added (EVA), 1001

intellectual capital (IC) measurement, 1023

Quidnunc case study, 278

Knowledge owners, 238

Knowledge sharing, 645

British Airways case study, 1501

cultural norms for, 5962

empowerment and, 735

individual roles for, 846

leadership and, 723

personal motivational factors and, 578

challenges faced, 578

intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, 57

skills and knowledge, 58

Post Office Consulting case study, 25761

strategies for, 659

cultural values, 656

human networks, 668

recruitment of suitable personnel, 66

rewards and motivation, 68

role of a champion, 689

structure and, 589

Xerox case study, 2925, 2967

Knowledge sponsors, 238

Knowledge transfer, 128

barriers to, 1223

cultural norms for, 5962

individual roles for, 846

transfer gap, 1224

Leadership, 715, 121, 137

actions for knowledge culture, 778

Chevron Corporation case study, 1878

empowerment and, 735

knowledge sharing/transfer and, 61, 723, 124

learning environment creation, 901

Xerox case study, 298

see also Management

Learning, 1520, 139

action learning, 18

adaptive learning, 1516

barriers to, removal of, 91

competency creation, 3441

generative learning, 1516

management considerations related to outcomes, 834

managing the individual towards learning, 8691

personality traits and, 567

process, 325

team learning, 47

teams for, 7882

management of, 802

types of, 1516

versus knowledge, 1617

Learning environment, leadership role, 901

Learning organizations, 1378

Chevron Corporation case study, 1756, 17988

Honda Motor Company case study, 21720

process context, 448

building a shared vision, 47

mental models, 467

personal mastery, 46

systems thinking, 456

team learning, 478

see also Organizational learning

Lucent Technologies, 2402

Management, 713

considerations for different types of outcomes, 83

individual roles for knowledge creation and transfer, 846

knowledge sharing and, 723

managing individuals towards learning, 8691

creating a learning environment, 901

managing people towards knowledge climates and cultures, 924

availability of resources, 94

balanced autonomy, 923

integrated socio-technical system, 934

personalized recognition, 93

managing teams for knowledge and learning, 802

acting a facilitators, 812

building information-intensive environments, 81

ensuring commitment, 801

focus on learning, 82

process-based management, 135

task-based management, 1345

values-based management, 1356

see also Knowledge management; Leadership

Managerial processes, 434

Martin, Robert L., 242

Measurement, see Knowledge measurement

Mechanistic knowledge management, 21

Mental models, 467

Mission, 556

mission statements, 767

Monsanto case study, 244

Moffat, Jerry, 178

Monitoring processes, 434

Monsanto Company, 2437

communities of knowledge practice, 2456

information technology, 2467

knowledge management process, 2445

knowledge management structures, 245

linking knowledge management to company mission, 244

results, 247


Chevron Corporation case study, 1878

for knowledge sharing, 68

for learning, 88

Motivational factors, 578

challenges faced, 578

intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, 57

skills and knowledge, 58

Negotiating processes, 43

Networking, 668

O'Connell, Patrick, 262

Oil & Gas Consultants International, 180

Openness, 60, 63

Operational processes, 41

Operational systems, 106

Organic knowledge management, 21

Organization matrix, 989

Organizational culture, 512

CMG case study, 1967

effectiveness role, 546

adaptability, 55

consistency, 55, 56

involvement, 55, 56

mission/long-term vision, 556

individuals and, 567

knowledge sharing and, 656

cultural norms for knowledge sharing and transfer, 5962

see also Culture

Organizational learning, 1516, 138

approaches to, 1720

as core competency, 89

Chevron Corporation case study, 17988

processes, 43

see also Learning organizations

Organizational processes, 413

behavioural processes, 423

change and learning processes, 43

work processes, 412

Organizational structure, 62

Chevron Corporation case study, 1768

CMG case study, 196

Organizations, 67

as people, project and experience factories, 3641

decentralization, 1768

development stages, 1338

ecological-based organization, 1367

process-based management, 135

task-based management, 1345

values-based management, 1356

see also Learning organizations

Orrico, Ralph, 299, 301

Pacific Coast Oil Company, 173, see also Chevron Corporation

Pacific Western Airlines (PWA), 24850

PDCA cycle, 956, 181

People factory, 36, 39

Performance support systems (PSSs), 128

Personal mastery, 46

Personality traits for knowledge management and learning, 567

Persson, Anders, 285, 286, 287

Philosophy statements, 767

Platt, Lew, 208

Ponchon, Patrick, 2989

Pornography, Internet and, 2845

Post Office Consulting, 2534

after action review (AAR), 2734

communities of practice, 2567

knowledge culture, 2556

knowledge interviews, 26163

costs of, 269

entry-expert-exit (3Es) interview system, 2634

examples, 2689

interview process, 2648

organizational applications of, 2723

running of, 2712

target individuals, 26970

knowledge programme, 2545

knowledge sharing through the intranet, 25761

Post Office (PO), 2513, 2734, see also Post Office Consulting

Prediction, 312

Problem finding, 31

Problem solving, 31

IBM, 22830

Process approaches, 256, 324, 448, 137

knowledge creation process, 2630

Processes, 414

administrative, 42

control, 434

direction-setting, 43

managerial, 434

organizational, 413

behavioural processes, 423

change and learning processes, 43

work processes, 412

process-based management, 135

selling, 43

work, 412

Project factory, 36, 39

Project teams, 78, see also Teams for knowledge and learning; Teamwork

Quality circles (QCs), 989

Quidnunc, 2759

discussion folders, 277

future challenges, 2789

information technology processes, 2767

knowledge issue, 276

knowledge management, 276

measurements, 278

knowledge yellow pages, 277

people commitment, 278

Reactive knowledge management, 201

Recognition, 93

Repositories of knowledge, 1056

Resource availability, 94

Reward system, encouragement of knowledge sharing, 61, 68, 124

Risk tolerance, 74

Schingen, Maria, 263

Selling processes, 43

Senior management, see Management

Shared vision, 47, 91

Sharing, see Knowledge sharing

Sherriff, Jim, 209

Singapore Airlines (SIA), 2803

booking information management, 281

continuous improvement culture, 283

e-business, 2812

internal information flow management, 282

listening to knowledgeable customers, 2823

reasons for success, 280

Single-loop learning, 1516

Skandia navigator, 1023

Skills cycle, 40

Skills directory, 1078

Socialization, 29

Socio-technical integration, 934

Standard Oil Company of California, 1734, see also Chevron Corporation

Stanford, Naomi, 149

Stevens, Delia, 149

Strategic integration, 1256

Structural intellectual capital (SIC), 127

Supplier matrix, 99

Sveiby, Dr Karl Erik, 168

Swedish National Crime Intelligence, 2848

future challenges, 288

Internet crime, 2845

knowledge problem, 286

outcomes, 288

technological solution, 2868

Systems thinking, 456

Tacit knowledge, 1011, 269

Celemi case study, 1667

handling of, 1667

Post Office Consulting case study, 2634

use of, 312

Task-based management, 1345

Team learning, 47

Teams for knowledge and learning, 7882, 137

management of, 802

acting as facilitators, 812

building information-intensive environments, 81

ensuring commitment, 801

focus on learning, 82

Teamwork, 634

Technology, 34, 1039, 138

for knowing what employees know, 1078

groupware, 108

skills directory, 1078

for knowing what organizations know, 1057

data warehousing/creating knowledge repositories, 1056

intranets, 1067

implementation of, 1089

role in knowledge management, 1315

Swedish National Crime Intelligence case study, 2868

see also Information technology

Technology gap, 11318

bridging, 11618

creative analogies, 11516

deep insights, 11415

human interaction, 114

Technology matrix, 99100

Thames Water, 1478

Thinking, 116

3M, 52

Todd, Keith, 234, 239

Total quality management (TQM), 95

TOTS (trust, openness and teamwork for sharing) model, 634

Training, 61

Ford case study, 2045

Transfer gap, 1224

Trust, 60, 623

Tucker, Laura, 296


cultural, 656

values-based management, 1356

Vision, long-term, 556

Ward, Barbara, 196

Web masters, 238

Weber, Max, 7

Work processes, 412

World Bank, 1467

Xerox Corporation, 289302

competing in a turbulent environment, 28990

DocuShare, 2967

Eureka project, 2935

human resource challenge, 298301

knowledge management strategy, 2902

making it work, 2956

knowledge sharing, 2923

leadership, 298

Portals, 2978

yellow pages, 297

Yellow pages, 14

BP Amoco case study, 15761

Quidnunc case study, 277

Xerox Corporation case study, 297

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