Animating a Salvattore grid

The testimonials component is a very simple grid built with Salvattore. While it is a neat grid, we want to make it a little flashier. Let's simply add an animation from Animate.css, the fadeIn class, so that the grid appears to fade into view when the Testimonial tab is open:

    <div class="myphoto-testimonials-grid animated fadeIn" data- 

When a user clicks on the Testimonials tab, the tab panel will open and then the grid will fade into view.

We can go a bit further and actually apply an animation to the column groups to induce optimal motion sickness. In myphoto.css, we already leverage the data-columns attribute to allow Salvattore to create the column groups for the grid and apply the appropriate style:

    .myphoto-testimonials-grid[data-columns]::before {
content: '4 .column.size-1of4';

We can make the columns bounce into view by simply extending this rule to include the animated and bounceIn classes:

    .myphoto-testimonials-grid[data-columns]::before {
content: '4 .column.size-1of4.animated.bounceIn';

Now, when the tab is opened, the whole grid fades in while the column groups also have a bounce effect. It's a little crass, but it's effective. The resulting markup for the component should look like the following:

Figure 7.7: By examining the page source inside our browser, we can see that the testimonial grid now has bounce and fade effects applied to it

As far as Animate.css goes, that is all there is. A nice, simple, and elegant library for providing nice, simple, and elegant animations. For a full list of effects, take a look at the Animate demo website at

Next, we will take a look at a complementary library—Hover.

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