Speeding Up Development Using Third-Party Plugins

The previous chapter showed us how to style the content for MyPhoto and how to improve a website's overall appearance by using and customizing different Bootstrap components. We learned how to use Bootstrap's navbar, how to use icons, and how to customize a website's scrolling behavior using the Scrollspy plugin.

In this chapter, we will emphasize the power of third-party plugins, introducing you to some essential third-party (and hence non-Bootstrap) plugins that will help speed up the development of the most common and mundane features of your website. Building on the features implemented throughout the previous chapters, we will first teach you how to quickly and efficiently implement client-side browser detection using the jQuery browser plugin (jquery.browser). We will then improve the display of our tabular Events section using pagination, first covering Bootstrap's pagination and then showing you how to rapidly improve the default pagination feature using bootpag, Bootstrap's pagination plugin. Further improvements to our Events section will be made by adding images using Bootstrap Lightbox. Finally, staying within our tabular data display, we will improve the display of the price list of MyPhoto using jQuery DataTables.

To summarize, this chapter will cover the following:

  • Browser detection using the jQuery browser plugin
  • Improved pagination using bootpag
  • Using Bootstrap Lightbox to display images
  • Enhancing the display of tabular data using DataTables
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