

3D formulas

building with mouse, 330

spearing through worksheets, 328-330

3D Maps

animating over time, 607

color categories in, 605


changing colors, 615

resizing, 615

custom maps, 619

creating, 619-621

image preparation, 619

data, inserting, 610-613

Flat Map option, 616

labels, viewing, 617-618

layers, combining, 615

panes, resizing, 616

photos, adding to points, 614

points, animating line between, 617

rotating, 614

satellite photos in, 616

time in, 616-617

tipping, 614

tours, creating, 618

troubleshooting, 613

types of

column charts, 604

heat maps, 604

shaded area maps, 603

ultra-local, 608-610

zooming, 605-606, 614

3D models, 17-18, 639, 665-666

32-bit Excel, 447

64-bit Excel, 447

1904 date system, 85

& (ampersand) operator, joining text, 141-142

* (asterisk) wildcard character, 188

#CALC! error message, 139

#DIV/0! error message, 138

=+ (equal plus), in formulas, 129

###### error message, 139

#FIELD! error message, 139

#N/A! error message, 138

#NULL! error message, 139

? (question mark) wildcard character, 188

#REF! error message, 138

#SPILL! error message, 40, 139

[ ] (square brackets), in date/time formatting, 194

#VALUE! error message, 138


A1 style, R1C1 style versus, 484-485

ABS() function, 163, 182-183

absolute recording of macros, 467-470

absolute references, 120-122

avoiding with names, 326

in links to external workbooks, 310

toggling with relative references, 103

accessibility options, 26-28, 82


data with Power Query M functions, 738-743

slicers with keyboard accelerators, 91

VBA help, 482

Account command (Backstage), 67

ACCRINT() function, 284

ACCRINTM() function, 284

ACOS() function, 298

ACOSH() function, 298

ACOT() function, 299

ACOTH() function, 299

activating. See viewing

active cell

scrolling to, 509

viewing, 102

adding. See also inserting

calculated fields to pivot tables, 411-412

calculations outside pivot table, 405-406

cells in status bar, 73

columns in Power Query, 350


to Quick Access Toolbar, 63-64

to ribbon, 75-77

comments to formulas, 246

fields to pivot tables, 396-397

images to SmartArt, 644

labels to sparklines, 634-637

leading zeros to numbers, 228-229

multiple scenarios, 458


with SUBTOTAL() function, 178-179

with SUM() function, 171-172

photos to 3D Map points, 614

subtotals, 363-365

tabs to ribbon, 77-78

unique values, 389-390

adding machine setting, enabling, 86

Add-Ins settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

addition and multiplication example (order of operations), 137

addresses versus streets in 3D Maps, 613

ADDRESS() function, 233

adjusting pictures, 654. See also changing; editing

artistic effects, 659

brightness/contrast, 656-657

Picture Styles gallery, 657-659

reducing file size, 661

removing background, 659-661

resizing to fit, 654-656

transparency, 653

Advanced Filter command, 385-386

formulas in, 386-387

ranges of values in, 387

advanced filters in macros, 499-500

advanced options for conditional formatting, 577-578

Advanced settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

AGGREGATE() function, 163, 172-175

aligning cells, 530

Alt Text, 26

Alternate Drag-and-Drop menu, creating links with, 307-309

AMORDEGRC() function, 284

AMORLINC() function, 285

ampersand (&) operator, joining text, 141-142

AND() function, 231, 238, 275-276

animating in 3D Maps

map lines, 617

over time, 607

appending worksheets in Power Query, 352-355


chart styles with paintbrush icon, 588-589

themes, 547

Apply Names dialog box, 322

ARABIC() function, 163, 182

Arabic numerals, converting to/from Roman numerals, 182

AREAS() function, 233

arguments in functions

Function Arguments dialog box, 154-157

syntax, 151

arranging pictures, 662-664

array formulas

copying, 340

creating ranges of dates with, 338-339

implicit intersection and, 325-326

array functions, 38

extracting unique values with formulas, 48-50

filtering with formulas, 46-47

formulas with multiple answers, 39-42

generating random numbers, 53-54

generating sequence of numbers, 51-52

sorting with formulas, 42-46

arrow key method (entering formulas), 128-129

Artificial Intelligence feature, 5-6, 38. See also Ideas; Insights

artistic effects, applying to pictures, 659

ASC() function, 168

ASIN() function, 299

ASINH() function, 299

aspect ratio for pictures, unlocking, 655

assigning shortcut keys to macros, 472

asterisk (*) wildcard character, 188

ATAN() function, 299

ATAN2() function, 299

ATANH() function, 299


arrows, 146-147

worksheets with Inquire, 511

AutoAverage, 161-162

AutoComplete, 153

AutoCorrect, 86

AutoCount, 161-162

AutoFilter. See also Filter

grouping dates, 85

in macros, 501

pivot tables, 428-429

automatic grouping of date/time columns in pivot tables, disabling, 82

automatic headers/footers, inserting, 678

automatic page breaks, 675-676

AutoRecover, 67, 83


disabling, 11-12, 82

enabling, 82

AutoShapes. See shapes

AutoSum, 158-159

errors, fixing in macros, 485-486

from top of column, 161

problems with, 159-160

tips for, 160-161

AVEDEV() function, 289

AVERAGE() function, 289

AVERAGEA() function, 289

AVERAGEIF() function, 163

AVERAGEIFS() function, 163, 186-188

Axel font family, 546

axis settings for sparklines

changing, 630-631

troubleshooting, 626


background of pictures, removing, 659-661

backing up menu levels with keyboard accelerators, 90

Backstage view, 66-67

closing, 67


clearing recent list, 68

finding hidden content, 69

marking as final, 69

recovering unsaved, 67

viewing current info, 68

BAHTTEXT() function, 168

bar of pie charts, creating, 596-597

BASE() function, 228-300

BASIC versus VBA, 478

BESSELI() function, 300

BESSELJ() function, 300

BESSELK() function, 300

BESSELY() function, 300

BETA.DIST() function, 289

BETA.INV() function, 289

BIN2DEC() function, 300

BIN2HEX() function, 300

BIN2OCT() function, 300

Binary Power Query M functions, 743-744

BINOM.DIST() function, 289

BINOM.DIST.RANGE() function, 289

BINOM.INV() function, 289

BITAND() function, 301

BITLSHIFT() function, 301

BITOR() function, 301

BITRSHIFT() function, 301

BITXOR() function, 301

blank cells, viewing zero as, 85

blanks in pivot tables, removing, 401-402

blank workbooks, recording macros in, 475-477

bold format, 532

borders, formatting, 533

bottom of data, moving to, 101

brightness (of pictures), adjusting, 656-657

browsing file names in macros, 486-487

building. See also creating; entering

3D formulas with mouse, 330

additional visualizations for Power BI Desktop, 698-699

cell references, 266-267

formulas by typing, 311

visualizations for Power BI Desktop, 694-698



data, shortcut keys for, 97-101

formulas in slow motion, 506-507

calculations, 205

functions for, 14-15

with pivot tables, 403

adding outside pivot table, 405-406

changing field calculation, 406-409

date summaries, 404-405

formulas in, 411-412

running totals and rankings, 409-410

calculator, Excel as, 150

case sensitivity of sorting data, 359-360

CEILING() function, 163, 177-178

CEILING.MATH() function, 164, 177-178

CELL() function, 232, 247


absolute referencing, 120-122

active cell

scrolling to, 509

viewing, 102

adding in status bar, 73

aligning, 530

characters in, finding, 221-224

copying, keeping on Clipboard, 20-22


from past 30 days, 580

from specific days of week, 580

within three days of today, 580


bold/italic/underline, 532

borders, 533

changing numeric formats, 519-521

coloring cells, 533-535

copying formats, 553-556

currency formats, 522

custom number formats, 525-529

date/time formats, 145, 523

font size, 530-531

font typeface, 531

with Format Cells dialog box, 518-519

with formulas, 143-144

fraction formats, 523-524

inserting comments, 552-553

justifying text in ranges, 550-551

merging cells, 536-538

numeric formatting with thousands separators, 522

in pivot tables, 402

resizing columns/rows, 535-536

rotating text, 539-540

with strikethrough, 102

with styles, 541-543

superscripts/subscripts, 24-25

with themes, 543-547

types of, 582-583

wrapping text, 549-550

ZIP code/telephone/SSN formats, 524-525

formulas in

highlighting, 146

marking cells of, 244-245

protecting, 509

highlight cells rules, 570-571

data comparison, 573-574

duplicate/unique values, 574-575

Greater Than/Less Than/Equal rules, 571-573

text containing values, 575-576

inserting, shortcut keys and, 21

mixed referencing, 122-123


advantages of, 315

avoiding absolute references, 326

defining, 316, 322

defining multiple names from labels, 322-324

defining with New Name dialog box, 317-318

in formulas, 320-322

implicit intersection, 325

navigation with Name dialog box, 318-319

two-way lookups with, 324

valid characters for, 316-317

worksheet-level scope, 319-320

number of characters in, finding, 220-221

in pivot tables, retrieving, 270-272

references, building and evaluating, 266-267

relative referencing, 120

returning single, 279


bug in, 23-24

moving to corner of, 102

shortcut keys for, 95-96

unselecting with Ctrl+click, 24

subsets, creating data bars for, 562

symbols, inserting, 507

toggling references with F4, 123-126

viewing contents, 284

visible cells, selecting in macros, 502

watching, 505-506

with hyperlinks, selecting, 268

zero in, viewing as blank, 85


reports, 685

text in merged cells, 536-538

changing. See also adjusting pictures; editing

3D Map column colors, 615

AutoCorrect settings, 86

chart options with plus icon, 590

default chart template, 598

default file location, 84

default font, 548-549

default pivot table layout, 82

default save format, 84

Excel features, requesting, 20, 415

field calculations in pivot tables, 406-409

fields in pivot tables, 397-399

first page number, 685

font size, 530-531

font typeface, 531

gridline color, 85

margins, 673-674

number of recent workbooks, 84

numeric formats, 519-521

orientation, 673

page setup settings, 683

paper size, 673

pie charts to bar of pie charts, 596-597

pivot tables, 403

printer properties, 683

shapes, 648

SmartArt styles, 643-644

sparkline axis settings, 630-631

touchscreen behavior, 82


finding in cell, 221-224

finding number in cell, 220-221

formatting, 547-548

generating, 216-217

numbers for, 217-218

replacing, 224-225

CHAR() function, 168, 216-217

charts. See also sparklines; visualizations

available as sparklines, 623-624


bar of pie charts, 596-597

changing options with plus icon, 590

combo charts, 591

deleting extraneous data, 589-590

histogram charts, 592

Pareto charts, 592-593

from Recommended Charts, 587-588

Sankey charts, 600-601

scatter charts, 595-596

styling with paintbrush icon, 588-589

with templates, 598

troubleshooting chart positioning, 588

waterfall charts, 593-594

default template, changing, 598

new features, 15, 16

pasting data into, 594

plotting data, 246-247

saving as templates, 598-599

Chat panel, 37

check boxes, filtering pivot tables, 419-420

checked out files, saving as server drafts, 82

Child and Parent DAX functions, 726

CHISQ.DIST() function, 290

CHISQ.DIST.RT() function, 290

CHISQ.INV() function, 290

CHISQ.INV.RT() function, 290

CHISQ.TEST() function, 290

CHOOSE() function, 234, 239-242, 248-249

choosing. See selecting

CLEAN() function, 168

cleaning data

with Flash Fill, 356-358

Power Query. See Power Query


filters, 377

pivot table filters, 419

recent workbooks list, 68

slicer filters, 427

clip art, inserting, 652-653

Clipboard, copied cells on, 20-22

Close command (Backstage), 67

closed workbooks, updating links to, 313

closing Backstage view, 67

co-authoring. See shared workbooks

CODE() function, 168, 217-218

Code pane (VBE), 477

collapsed view (subtotals)

copying, 368-369

formatting, 369-370

sorting, 366-367

collapsing. See resizing

collections (VBA), 479

coloring cells, 533-535

color scales, 557, 563-564


in 3D maps, 605, 615

in custom number formats, 528

filtering by, 48, 380-381

of gridlines, changing, 85

multiple colors in data bars, 586

sorting by, 48, 359

in themes

choosing, 545

in old Office theme, 545

column charts, 604

as sparklines, 623

COLUMN() function, 234

column headings, printing, 685


in 3D Maps

changing colors, 615

resizing, 615

adding in Power Query, 350

identifying filtered, 376

multiple columns, VLOOKUP function with, 15

resizing, 360, 535-536, 554

sorting, left-to-right sorts, 360

COLUMNS() function, 234

COMBIN() function, 164

COMBINA() function, 164

combination macro example, 497-498

advanced filters, 499-500

AutoFilter, 501

final code, 502-503

selecting visible cells, 502

Combiner Power Query M functions, 745


3D Map layers, 615

filters, 376

multiple formulas, 332-335

rules, 582-583

combo charts, creating, 591

comma delimited files (CSV), viewing data loss warning, 82


in Backstage view, 66-67

Excel 2003 keyboard accelerators, list of, 106-113

on Quick Access Toolbar

adding, 63-64

removing, 64

repeating, 103-104, 509

on ribbon, 58-59

adding, 75-77

finding, 61-63

selecting with keyboard accelerators, 88-89


adding to formulas, 246

formatting, 37

inserting in cells, 552-553

printing, 685

threaded, 36-37

Compact Form layout (pivot tables), 399-400

Comparer Power Query M functions, 745


dates with conditional formatting, 573-574

lists, 255-256

worksheets with Inquire, 511

comparison operators, list of, 237

COMPLEX() function, 301

CONCATENATE() function, 168, 210

CONCAT() function, 14, 168, 210

conditional calculations, 186-188

conditional formatting. See also data visualizations

advanced options, 577-578

combining rules, 582-583

copying, 584

deleting rules, 583-584

formulas in, 578-579

finding cells from past 30 days, 580

finding cells from specific days of week, 580

finding cells within three days of today, 580

highlighting entire row, 580-581

highlighting every other row, 581-582

highlight cells rules, 570-571

date comparison, 573-574

duplicate/unique values, 574-575

Greater Than/Less Than/Equal rules, 571-573

text containing values, 575-576

pasting, 554

for pivot tables, 584-585

on ranges, 185

top/bottom rules, 568-569

unique values in, 570

conditionally summing database records, 274


in custom number formats, 528

testing multiple

with AND() function, 238

with OR() function, 239

CONFIDENCE.NORM() function, 290

CONFIDENCE.T() function, 290

connecting worksheets, 303-304

creating links

with Alternate Drag-and-Drop menu, 307-309

with mouse, 309-310

with Paste Options menu, 306-307

in Trust Center, 312-313

by typing, 311

to unsaved workbooks, 311

suppressing Update Links dialog box, 314

updating links, 313

viewing side by side, 304-305

Consolidate dialog box, 389-390

constants, names for, 327

contextual tabs, viewing, 60-61

contrast (of pictures), adjusting, 656-657

CONVERT() function, 301



to text, 143

to values, 309

Roman/Arabic numerals, 182

text case, 211-212

text dates to real dates, 199-200

text times to real times, 200-201

text to number/date, 229


array formulas, 340

cells, keeping on Clipboard, 20-22

conditional formatting, 584

data in collapsed view, 368-369

filtered results, 384-385

formats, 553

with Format Painter, 554-555

to new worksheet, 555-556

pasting conditional formats, 554

pasting formats, 553-554


with Ctrl+Enter key, 130

cutting versus, 142-143

by double-clicking fill handle, 131

by dragging fill handle, 131

list of methods, 130

with Table tool, 132-133

pivot tables for every Report Filter value, 429-430

sparklines, 637

copyrighted images, 653

corner of selection, moving to, 102

CORREL() function, 290

COS() function, 299

COSH() function, 299

COT() function, 299

COTH() function, 299

COUNT() function, 175-176

COUNTA() function, 175-176

COUNTIF() function, 164

COUNTIFS() function, 164, 186-188

counting data with COUNT() and COUNTA() functions, 175-176

counting distinct in pivot tables, 436-438

COUPDAYBS() function, 285

COUPDAYS() function, 285

COUPDAYSNC() function, 285

COUPNCD() function, 285

COUPNUM() function, 285

COUPPCD() function, 285

COVARIANCE.P() function, 290

COVARIANCE.S() function, 290

Create PivotTable dialog box, 395

creating. See also building; entering


bar of pie charts, 596-597

changing options with plus icon, 590

combo charts, 591

deleting extraneous data, 589-590

histogram charts, 592

Pareto charts, 592-593

from Recommended Charts, 587-588

Sankey charts, 600-601

scatter charts, 595-596

styling with paintbrush icon, 588-589

with templates, 598

troubleshooting chart positioning, 588

waterfall charts, 593-594

color scales, 563-564

custom 3D maps, 619-621

data bars, 560

drill-down hierarchies for Power BI Desktop, 700-702

frequency distributions, 592-593

links in worksheets

with Alternate Drag-and-Drop menu, 307-309

with mouse, 309-310

with Paste Options menu, 306-307

in Trust Center, 312-313

by typing, 311

to unsaved workbooks, 311

pivot table medians with DAX Measures, 440-443

pivot tables

adding fields, 396-397

from blank pivot table, 395

changing fields, 397-399

from Data Model, 435-436

with Recommended PivotTable dialog box, 393-395

ranges of dates with array formulas, 338-339

scenarios, 457

sparklines, 624-628

summary reports, 458

surveys, 30-36

table relationships for Data Model, 433-434

themes, 545-546

time functions in pivot tables with DAX Measures, 443-445

tours in 3D Maps, 618

Word Clouds, 599-600


dates or numbers as, 277


with AND, 275-276

with OR, 276-277

criteria ranges

creating, 275

headings for, 272

miracle version, 277-278

cropping pictures, 655-656

cross-filtering visualizations for Power BI Desktop, 699

CSC() function, 299

CSCH() function, 299

CSV files, saving, 25-26

Ctrl+Enter key, copying formulas, 130

CUMIMPT() function, 285

CUMPRINC() function, 285

currency formats, 522

current date/time, calculating, 195-196

current workbook, viewing info, 68

custom 3D Maps, 619

creating, 619-621

image preparation, 619

Custom AutoFilter dialog box, 383

custom headers/footers, inserting, 678-679

customizations (ribbon)

exporting, 78-79

frequently asked questions, 79

resetting to original ribbon, 79

Customize Ribbon settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

customizing. See also Excel Options dialog box

data bars, 560-562

Quick Access Toolbar, 64-66

sparklines, 628-630

custom lists

editing, 84

sorting pivot tables by, 445-446

sorting with, 360-361

custom number formats, 525-526

colors in, 528

conditions in, 528

date/time in, 528-529

decimal places in, 527-528

scientific notation in, 529

text/spacing in, 527

zones in, 526

custom tabs (ribbon), creating, 78

custom visualizations

for Power BI Desktop, importing, 702-703

Office 365 support, 599-601

cutting formulas versus copying, 142-143


dashboards in Power BI Desktop, 687


importing, 688-689

preparing in Excel, 688

preparing in Power BI, 691-693

interface, 689-691

publishing to, 704-705


additional, building, 698-699

building, 694-698

cross-filtering, 699

drill-down hierarchy, 700-702

importing custom, 702-703

dashboards in Power View, 705-706


accessing with Power Query M functions, 738-743

cleaning with Flash Fill, 356-358. See also Power Query

copying in collapsed view, 368-369

counting with COUNT() and COUNTA() functions, 175-176

deleting from charts, 589-590


Advanced Filter command, 385-386

clearing filters, 377

by color, 380-381

combining filters, 376

by date, 381-382

enabling Filter, 373-374

formatting and copying results, 384-385

formulas in advanced filters, 386-387

identifying filtered columns, 376

new features, 372-373

ranges of values in advanced filters, 387

reapplying filters, 374

refreshing filters, 377

resizing drop-down menu, 377

selecting items in drop-down menu, 375-376

by selection, 377-380

special filters by data type, 382-384

totaling results, 384

finding last row, 488

fitting to printed page, 675

formatting in collapsed view, 369-370

inserting in 3D Maps, 610-613

last data row, looping through, 491


with legacy connectors, 345

with Power Query, 344-345

from single workbook, 345-346

loading and refreshing in Power Query, 351-352

missing data in sparklines, 637-638

moving to end of, 475

pasting into charts, 594

plotting charts, 246-247

for Power BI Desktop

importing, 688-689

preparing in Excel, 688

preparing in Power BI, 691-693

profiling in Power Query, 355

refreshing in pivot tables, 402

selecting for charts, 588

sorting, 358

case sensitivity, 359-360

in collapsed view, 366-367

by color or icon, 359

with custom lists, 360-361

left-to-right sorts, 360

one-click sorting, 361-362

troubleshooting, 362


adding, 363-365

copying data in collapsed view, 368-369

of dates by month, 372

formatting data in collapsed view, 369-370

of multiple fields, 371

one-page summaries with, 366

removing, 370

sorting data in collapsed view, 366-367

transactional data

consolidating and adding unique values, 389-390

finding unique values, 387-389

pivot tables. See pivot tables

transforming in Power Query, 346-348

transposing, 268-270

unpivoting in Power Query, 349-350

data bars, 557-558

creating, 560

customizing, 560-562

in pivot tables, 584-585

multiple colors, 586

options available, 558-559

for subset of cells, 562

database functions, 231, 272-274

conditionally summing database records, 274

creating criteria ranges, 275

criteria range headings, 272

criteria range miracle version, 277-278

dates or numbers as criteria, 277

joining criteria with AND, 275-276

joining criteria with OR, 276-277

list of, 236

returning all records, 275

returning single cell, 279

Data Import wizards, viewing legacy wizards, 82

data loss warning, viewing, 82

data manipulation shortcut keys, 97-101

Data Model, 432

benefits, 447

building pivot table, 435-436

counting distinct in pivot tables, 436-438

creating pivot table medians, 440-443

creating table relationships, 433-434

creating time functions, 443-445

including filtered items in subtotals, 438-440

limitations, 445-447

preparing data, 432

VLOOKUP function versus, 432

Data settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

Data Table command

random scenario modeling, 453-455

two-variable what-if analysis, 451-452

data types, 6-7

Data view (Power BI Desktop), 691

data visualizations. See also conditional formatting

color scales, creating, 563-564

data bars, 558

creating, 560

customizing, 560-562

in pivot tables, 584-585

multiple colors, 586

options available, 558-559

for subset of cells, 562

icon sets

mixing icons, 568

realigning numbers in, 566-567

setting up, 565-566

types of, 564-565

Date Filter fly-out, 421-422

DATE() function, 166, 197-198

DATEDIF() function, 166, 203-205

Cate Power Query M functions, 746-749

date stamps, shortcut keys for, 103


calculations on, 188-190

comparing with conditional formatting, 573-574

converting text to, 229

as criteria, 277

in custom number formats, 528-529

date calculations, 197-198

filtering by, 381-383, 427

Flash Fill and, 357

formatting, 145, 191-194


in AutoFilter, 85

by day of week, 201-202

into weeks, 202-203

limitations on, 190

Lotus 1-2-3 compatibility, 191, 446

math with, 144-145

by month, subtotals of, 372

in pivot tables, summaries of, 404-405

ranges, creating with array formulas, 338-339

time calculations, 198

date/time columns in pivot tables, disabling automatic grouping, 82

date/time formats, 523

date/time functions


text dates to real dates, 199-200

text times to real times, 200-201

current date/time, 195-196

date calculations, 197-198

elapsed time, 203-206

end of month, 206

extracting date/time portions, 196-197

grouping dates

by day of week, 201-202

into weeks, 202-203

list of, 166-168

time calculations, 198

workdays, 206-209

Date and Time DAX functions, 714-715

DateTime Power Query M functions, 750-751

DateTimeZone Power Query M functions, 751-752

DATEVALUE() function, 166, 199-200

DAVERAGE() function, 236, 273

DAX functions

Date and Time, 714-715

Excel equivalents, 709-713

Filter, 718-720

Information, 720-721

Logical, 721

Math and Trig, 722-725

other, 725-726

Parent and Child, 726

Statistical, 727-731

Text, 732-733

Time Intelligence, 716-718

DAX Measures

creating pivot table medians, 440-443

creating Time functions, 443-445

troubleshooting, 443

day of week, grouping dates by, 201-202

DAY() function, 166, 196-197

DAYS() function, 166, 199, 206

DAYS360() function, 166

DB() function, 285

DCOUNT() function, 236, 273-274

DCOUNTA() function, 236, 273-274

DDB() function, 285

debugging mode (macros), 496

DEC2BIN() function, 301

DEC2HEX() function, 301

DEC2OCT() function, 301

DECIMAL() function, 301

decimal places in custom number formats, 527-528

decimal points in adding machine setting, enabling, 86

decision-making with IF() function, 237-242

default chart template, changing, 598

default font, changing, 548-549

defaults for pivot tables, setting, 82, 413-415


names, 316, 322

for formulas, 327-328

multiple names from labels, 322-324

with New Name dialog box, 317-318

worksheet-level scope, 319-320

ranges as tables, 132

DEGREES() function, 299

deleting. See removing


separating text by, 509-510

splitting in Power Query, 353-354

DELTA() function, 301

dependents, viewing, 147

describing ranges, 263-265

Developer tab, viewing, 60

DEVSQ() function, 291

DGET() function, 236, 274, 279

Diagram view, creating table relationships, 434

dialog boxes

launchers, 58-59

legacy dialog boxes, selecting in, 92

direct precedents, viewing, 146-147


automatic grouping of date/time columns in pivot tables, 82

AutoSave, 11, 12, 82

CSV file warning, 25-26

DISC() function, 285

distinct counts in pivot tables, 436-438

division remainder, finding, 184-185

DMAX() function, 236, 273

DMIN() function, 236, 273

documenting worksheets, 261-262

Document Inspector, 69

DOLLAR() function, 168

DOLLARDE() function, 285

DOLLARFR() function, 285

double-clicking fill handle, copying formulas by, 131

DPRODUCT() function, 236, 273

dragging fill handle, copying formulas by, 131

drawing tools, new features, 19

drill-down hierarchies for Power BI Desktop, 700-702

drop-down lists, navigating with keyboard accelerators, 90

drop-down menu (Filter)

resizing, 377

selecting items, 375-376

drop zones (pivot tables), 400-401

DSTDEV() function, 236, 273-274

DSTDEVP() function, 236, 273-274

DSUM() function, 236, 273-274

duplicate values, conditional formatting, 574-575

Duration Power Query M functions, 752-753

DURATION() function, 286

DVAR() function, 236, 273-274

DVARP() function, 236, 273-274


Ease of Access settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80-82

EDATE() function, 166

Edit Default Layout dialog box, 13, 413-415

editing. See also adjusting pictures; changing

custom lists, 84

data, shortcut keys for, 97-101

equations, 507-508

macros, 477-478

preventing, 69

Edit Links dialog box, 313-314

EFFECT() function, 286

effects in themes, 546

elapsed time, calculating, 203-206

embedding custom visualizations as images, 600-601

enabling. See also viewing

adding machine setting, 86

AutoSave, 82

Filter, 373-374

LinkedIn features, 81

macro settings, 466

ENCODEURL() function, 283

end of month, calculating, 206

engineering functions, list of, 300-302

entering. See also building; creating

data, shortcut keys for, 97-101

formulas, 119-120

arrow key method, 128-129

list of methods, 126-127

mouse method, 127-128

Enter mode (formula box), 579

EOMONTH() function, 166, 206

Equal To rules, 571-573

Equation Editor, 508


editing, 507-508

solving, troubleshooting, 508

ERF() function, 301

ERFC() function, 301

error cells, ignoring with AGGREGATE() function, 172-175

error checking with IFERROR() and IFNA() function, 242-244

error messages

in formulas, 138-140

in functions, 152

Error Power Query M functions, 753

error values, replacing when printing, 685

ERROR.TYPE() function, 232


AutoSum errors, fixing in macros, 485-486

magnitude of, determining with ABS() function, 182-183

etiquette for shared workbooks, 11

Evaluate Formula dialog box, 506-507


cell references, 266-267

formulas, 136, 149-150

EVEN() function, 164

Evolutionary engine (Solver), 463

EXACT() function, 169, 226-227

exact values, finding, 251-253


as calculator, 150

feature changes, requesting, 20, 415

Excel 2003 keyboard accelerators, 104-105

invoking, 105-106

list of, 106-113

Excel 2019

extended functionality, 4

keyboard accelerators

accessing slicers, 91

backing up a menu level, 90

KeyTips for, 87-88

navigating drop-down lists, 90

selecting gallery options, 89-90

selecting in legacy dialog boxes, 92

selecting ribbon commands, 88-89

troubleshooting, 90

new features

3D models, 17-18

accessibility improvements, 26-28

calculation functions, 14-15

charts, 15-16

copied cells on Clipboard, 20-22

disabling CSV file warning, 25-26

formatting superscripts/subscripts, 24-25

Home screen, 28

icons, 16-17

inking tools, 19

pivot table improvements, 12-14

Power Query, 8-9

shared workbooks, 9-11

unselecting cells, 24

Excel Options dialog box, 79

AutoRecover settings, 83

customizing Quick Access Toolbar, 64-66

help with settings, 80-81

image size settings, 83

new settings, 81-82

protected mode for Internet-originated files, 83

settings categories, 80

submitting ideas for new settings, 81

suggested options, 84-86

Trusted Document settings, 84

expanding formula bar, 71. See also resizing

EXP() function, 164

EXPON.DIST() function, 291

exponents, calculating, 186

Export command (Backstage), 67


ribbon customizations, 78-79

worksheets as PDF, 686

Expression Power Query M functions, 753

extended functionality in Excel 2019, 4

extended selection shortcut keys, 96-97

external workbooks, links to, 310


date/time portions, 196-197

unique values with formulas, 48-50


F.DIST() function, 291

F.DIST.RT() function, 291

F4 key, toggling references, 123-126

F6 Loop, 90

F9 key, evaluating formulas, 149-150

FACT() function, 164

FACTDOUBLE() function, 164

FALSE() function, 231, 251-253

feature changes, requesting, 20, 415

Feedback command (Backstage), 67

Fields panel (Power BI Desktop), 690

fields (pivot tables)

adding, 396-397

calculated fields, 411-412

changing, 397-399

changing calculation, 406-409

file location for saving workbooks, changing default, 84

File menu

Backstage view, 66-67

clearing recent workbooks list, 68

closing, 67

Document Inspector, 69

marking workbook as final, 69

recovering unsaved workbooks, 67

viewing current workbook info, 68

Print panel, 681-682

changing page setup settings, 683

changing printer properties, 683

selecting printer, 682

selecting what to print, 682-683

file names, browsing in macros, 486-487

file size of pictures, reducing, 661

files. See workbooks

filled map charts, 15-16

fill handle, copying formulas, 131

filling wide tables, 259-260

Filter. See also AutoFilter

clearing filters, 377

by color, 380-381

combining filters, 376

by date, 381-382

enabling, 373-374

formatting and copying results, 384-385

identifying filtered columns, 376

new features, 372-373

reapplying filters, 374

refreshing filters, 377

resizing drop-down menu, 377

selecting items in drop-down menu, 375-376

by selection, 377-380

special filters by data type, 382-384

totaling results, 384

Filter DAX functions, 718-720

filtered rows, ignoring with AGGREGATE() function, 172-175



Advanced Filter command, 385-386

advanced filters in macros, 499-500

AutoFilter in macros, 501

clearing filters, 377

by color, 380-381

combining filters, 376

by date, 381-382

enabling Filter, 373-374

formatting and copying results, 384-385

formulas in advanced filters, 386-387

identifying filtered columns, 376

new features, 372-373

ranges of values in advanced filters, 387

reapplying filters, 374

refreshing filters, 377

resizing drop-down menu, 377

selecting items in drop-down menu, 375-376

by selection, 377-380

special filters by data type, 382-384

with SUBTOTAL() function, 179

totaling results, 384

with formulas, 46-47

pivot tables

AutoFiltering, 428-429

with check boxes, 419-420

clearing filters, 419

copying for every Report Filter value, 429-430

with Date Filter fly-out, 421-422

dates with timeline feature, 427

including filtered items in subtotals, 438-440

with Label Filter fly-out, 420-421

with row label filters, 417-419

with slicers, 423-427

Top 10 filter, 422-423

troubleshooting, 420

visualizations for Power BI Desktop, cross-filtering, 699

FILTERXML() function, 283-284

financial data, viewing with waterfall chart, 593-594

financial functions, list of, 284-288

FIND() function, 169, 221-224

FINDB() function, 169



from past 30 days, 580

from specific days of week, 580

within three days of today, 580

characters in cell, 221-224

commands on ribbon, 61-63

division remainder, 184-185

Edit Links dialog box, 314

exact values, 251-253


with AutoComplete feature, 153

on Formulas tab, 152-153

with Insert Function dialog box, 154

hidden content, 69

last data row, 488

last record, 475

number of characters in cell, 220-221

position of matching value, 254-255

print settings, 668-670

unique values, 387-389

values based on ranges, 249-250

F.INV() function, 291

F.INV.RT() function, 291

FISHER() function, 291

FISHERINV() function, 291

fitting data to printed page, 675

five-icon sets, 565

FIXED() function, 169

fixing. See troubleshooting

Flash Fill, 356

dates and, 357

numbers and, 356

troubleshooting, 357-358

Flat Map option (3D Maps), 616

FLOOR() function, 164, 177-178

FLOOR.MATH() function, 164, 177-178

flow control in macros

If-End-If, 491

Select Case, 491-492


as trusted locations, 85

workbooks in, appending worksheets from, 354-355

font size, changing, 530-531

font typeface, changing, 531


default font, changing, 548-549

in themes, choosing, 546

footers, 677-678

automatic, inserting, 678

custom, inserting, 678-679

different in same document, 680

pictures, inserting, 679

scaling, 681

FORECAST() function, 291

FORECAST.ETS() function, 292

FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT() function, 292


FORECAST.ETS.STAT() function, 292

FORECAST.LINEAR() function, 292

Format Cells dialog box, 518-519

numeric formats, changing, 521

viewing, 193

Format Painter, 55, 554-555

formatting. See also conditional formatting; presentation formatting


with formulas, 143-144

inserting comments, 552-553

justifying text in ranges, 550-551

in pivot tables, 402

with strikethrough, 102

types of formatting, 582-583

wrapping text, 549-550

characters, 547-548

comments, 37

conditional formatting on ranges, 185


in collapsed view, 369-370

shortcut keys for, 97-101

dates/times, 145, 191-194, 357

filtered results, 384-385

invoice register example (macros), 474

browsing file names, 486-487

finding last record, 475

recording in blank workbook, 475-477

variable number of rows, 475

mail merge example (macros), 467-469

absolute recording, 469-470

recording steps, 471-473

relative recording, 470-471

running macro, 473-474


in pivot tables, 401-402

as text, 227-228

pivot tables, 412-413

quick formatting, 576

ranges, 53

text with mini toolbar, 70-71


aligning cells, 530

benefits of, 515-517

bold/italic/underline, 532

borders, 533

changing numeric formats, 519-521

coloring cells, 533-535

copying formats, 553-556

currency formats, 522

custom number formats, 525-529

date/time formats, 523

default font, 548-549

font size, 530-531

font typeface, 531

with Format Cells dialog box, 518-519

fraction formats, 523-524

with Home tab icons, 517-518

merging cells, 536-538

numeric formatting with thousands separators, 522

resizing columns/rows, 535-536

rotating text, 539-540

with styles, 541-543

with themes, 543-547

ZIP code/telephone/SSN formats, 524-525

formula bar, expanding, 71


3D formulas

building with mouse, 330

spearing through worksheets, 328-330

=+ in, 129

absolute referencing, 120-122

adding comments to, 246

in advanced filters, 386-387

array formulas

copying, 340

creating ranges of dates with, 338-339

building by typing, 311

calculating in slow motion, 506-507

cells, formatting, 143-144

in conditional formatting, 578-579

finding cells from past 30 days, 580

finding cells from specific days of week, 580

finding cells within three days of today, 580

highlighting entire row, 580-581

highlighting every other row, 581-582

converting to values, 309


with Ctrl+Enter key, 130

cutting versus, 142-143

by double-clicking fill handle, 131

by dragging fill handle, 131

list of methods, 130

with Table tool, 132-133

for criteria ranges, 277-278

date math, 144-145

DAX Measures, troubleshooting, 443

entering, 119-120

arrow key method, 128-129

list of methods, 126-127

mouse method, 127-128

error messages in, 138-140

evaluating, 136, 149-150

extracting unique values with, 48-50

filtering with, 46-47

implicit intersection, 325

marking cells of, 244-245

mixed referencing, 122-123

with multiple answers, 39-42

multiple formulas, combining, 332-335

names for, defining, 327-328

names in, 320-322

operators in

list of, 135

order of operations, 136-138

in pivot tables, 411-412

protecting, 509

R1C1 style

A1 style versus, 484-485

fixing AutoSum errors in, 485-486

range of, transposing, 335-338

references to previous worksheet, 331-332

relative referencing, 120

sorting with, 42-46

spearing, 172

speed of, 260

with Stocks and Geography data types, 6-7

SUM function and, 119

syntax, 119

text, 261-262

converting to, 143

joining, 141-142

toggling references with F4, 123-126


auditing arrows, 146-147

dependents, 147

direct precedents, 146

Evaluate Formula dialog box, 149

Excel as calculator, 150

F9 key, 149-150

highlighting formula cells, 146

implicit intersection, 126

Show Formulas mode, 145

Trace Error feature, 140

Watch Window feature, 148

two-way lookups with intersection operator, 324

values versus, 118

Formulas settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

Formulas tab, finding functions on, 152-153

FORMULATEXT() function, 234, 261-262

For-Next loops, 489-490

four-icon sets, 565

fraction formats, 523-524

frequency distributions, creating, 592-593

FREQUENCY() function, 292

from-scratch macro example, 487

deleting records in loop, 494-495

finding last data row, 488

If-End-If flow control, 491

looping through rows, 489-490

looping with FinalRow, 491

range references, 490

Select Case flow control, 491-492

testing each record in loop, 492-493

F.TEST() function, 291

full-screen Print Preview, 672

Function Arguments dialog box, 154-157

Function Power Query M functions, 753


array functions, 38

extracting unique values with formulas, 48-50

filtering with formulas, 46-47

formulas with multiple answers, 39-42

generating random numbers, 53-54

generating sequence of numbers, 51-52

sorting with formulas, 42-46

AutoAverage feature, 161-162

AutoComplete feature, 153

AutoCount feature, 161-162

AutoSum feature, 158-159

problems with, 159-160

tips for, 160-161

from top of column, 161

calculation functions, new features, 14-15

database functions, 231, 272-274

conditionally summing database records, 274

creating criteria ranges, 275

criteria range headings, 272

criteria range miracle version, 277-278

dates or numbers as criteria, 277

joining criteria with AND, 275-276

joining criteria with OR, 276-277

list of, 236

returning all records, 275

returning single cell, 279

date/time functions

converting text dates to real dates, 199-200

converting text times to real times, 200-201

current date/time, 195-196

date calculations, 197-198

elapsed time, 203-206

end of month, 206

extracting date/time portions, 196-197

grouping dates by day of week, 201-202

grouping dates into weeks, 202-203

list of, 166-168

time calculations, 198

workdays, 206-209

DAX equivalents, 709-713. See also DAX funtions

engineering functions, list of, 300-302

error messages in, 152

financial functions, list of, 284-288

Formulas tab, finding functions, 152-153

help with

Function Arguments dialog box, 154-157

Help topics, 157-158

ToolTips, 155

information functions, 231

adding comments to formulas, 246

list of, 232-233

marking formula cells, 244-245

plotting chart data, 246-247

returning worksheet name, 247

testing value types, 245

Insert Function dialog box, 154

linked data types, 231, 279-281

logical functions, 231

decision-making, 237-238

error checking, 242-244

list of, 231-232

nesting IF() functions, 239-242

reversing values, 242

testing multiple conditions, 238-239

lookup functions, 231

building and evaluating cell references, 266-267

comparing lists, 255-256

describing ranges, 263-265

documenting worksheets, 261-262

filling wide tables, 259-260

finding exact values, 251-253

finding position of matching value, 254-255

finding values based on ranges, 249-250

Fuzzy Lookup add-in, 281

inserting hyperlinks, 267-268

left lookups, 256-259

list of, 233-235

matching lists, 253-254

multiple lookups, 260-261

retrieving cells from pivot tables, 270-272

simple lookups with CHOOSE, 248-249

transposing data, 268-270

math functions

adding numbers, 171-172, 178-179

available in AGGREGATE(), 174-175

conditional calculations, 186-188

converting Roman/Arabic numerals, 182

counting data, 175-176

finding division remainder, 184-185

generating random numbers, 180-182

greatest common denominator, 183-184

ignoring error cells/filtered rows, 172-175

least common multiple, 183-184

list of, 163-166

magnitude of error, 182-183

rounding numbers, 176-178

square roots and exponents, 186

matrix functions, list of, 300

nesting, 50

Power Query M equivalents, 736-738. See also Power Query M functions

statistical functions, list of, 289-298

syntax, 151-152

text functions

character generation, 216-217

character numbers, 217-218

converting text case, 211-212

converting text to number/date, 229

finding characters in cell, 221-224

finding number of characters in cell, 220-221

formatting numbers as text, 227-228

joining text, 210-211

list of, 168-170

removing leading/trailing spaces, 212-215

repeating text, 225-226

replacing characters, 224-225

returning original text, 229

splitting text, 218-220

testing case, 226-227

time functions, creating with DAX Measures, 443-445

trigonometry functions, list of, 298-299

web functions, list of, 283

funnel charts, 15

Funnel icon, deleting extraneous data from charts, 589-590

Fuzzy Lookup add-in, 281

FV() function, 286

FVSCHEDULE() function, 286


galleries, 57, 89-90

GAMMA() function, 292

GAMMA.DIST() function, 292

GAMMA.INV() function, 292

GAMMALN() function, 292

GAUSS() function, 292

GCD() function, 164, 183-184

General settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

generating random numbers, 180-182

geographic data, 279-281

Geography data type, 6-7

GEOMEAN() function, 292

GESTEP() function, 301

GetOpenFileName in macros, 486-487

GETPIVOTDATA() function, 234, 270-272

GetSaveAsFileName in macros, 486-487

Girvin, Mike, 48, 339

Goal Seek, 458-460

Go To Special dialog box, 368

Greater Than rules, 571-573

greatest common denominator, 183-184

green bar formatting, creating, 185

green triangles in numbers as text, removing, 86

GRG engine (Solver), 463


color, changing, 85

printing, 685

Group and Outline buttons (subtotals), 365



in AutoFilter, 85

by day of week, 201-202

into weeks, 202-203

pictures, 664

groups of sparklines, creating, 626-628

GROWTH() function, 293


HARMEAN() function, 293

headers, 677-678

automatic, inserting, 678

custom, inserting, 678-679

different in same document, 680

pictures, inserting, 679

scaling, 681


column/row headings, printing, 685

for criteria ranges, 272

repeating on each page, 674

heat maps, 557, 604


for Excel Options dialog box settings, 80-81

with functions

Function Arguments dialog box, 154-157

Help topics, 157-158

ToolTips, 155

in VBA, accessing, 482

HEX2BIN() function, 301

HEX2DEC() function, 301

HEX2OCT() function, 301

hidden content, finding, 69

hidden data in sparklines, 637-638

Hide command with SUBTOTAL() function, 179


all pictures, 663

icons in icon sets, 568

interface, 85

hierarchical charts in SmartArt, 644-646

hierarchies, creating for Power BI Desktop, 700-702

highlight cells rules, 570-571

date comparison, 573-574

duplicate/unique values, 574-575

Greater Than/Less Than/Equal rules, 571-573

text containing values, 575-576


formula cells, 146

rows with conditional formatting, 580-582

histogram charts, creating, 592

HLOOKUP() function, 234

Home command (Backstage), 66

Home screen, new features, 28

Home tab

icons, formatting with, 517-518

numeric formats, changing, 519-521

HOUR() function, 166, 196-197

HYPERLINK() function, 234, 267-268


cells with, selecting, 268

inserting, 267-268

HYPGEOM.DIST() function, 293


icon sets, 557

mixing icons, 568

realigning numbers in, 566-567

setting up, 565-566

types of, 564-565

icons, 639. See also commands

filtering by, 48

on Home tab

changing numeric formats, 519-521

formatting with, 517-518

inserting, 16-17, 664-665

on ribbon, size of, 78

sorting by, 48, 359

Ideas artificial intelligence tool, 5, 394

ideas for new settings, submitting, 81

If-End-If flow control, 491

IF() function, 231, 237-238

nesting, 239-242

IFERROR() function, 232, 242-244

IFNA() function, 232, 242-244

IFS() function, 14, 232, 239-242

ignoring error cells/filtered rows with AGGREGATE() function, 172-175

IMABS() function, 301


adding to SmartArt, 644

embedding custom visualizations as, 600-601

preparing for custom 3D maps, 619

resizing, 83

IMAGINARY() function, 301

IMARGUMENT() function, 301

IMCONJUGATE() function, 302

IMCOS() function, 302

IMCOSH() function, 302

IMCOT() function, 302

IMCSC() function, 302

IMCSCH() function, 302

IMDIV() function, 302

IMEXP() function, 302

IMLN() function, 302

IMLOG2() function, 302

IMLOG10() function, 302

implicit intersection, 41-42, 126, 325


custom visualizations for Power BI Desktop, 702-703


into Power BI Desktop, 688-689

viewing legacy Data Import wizards, 82

IMPOWER() function, 302

IMPRODUCT() function, 302

IMREAL() function, 302

IMSEC() function, 302

IMSECH() function, 302

IMSIN() function, 302

IMSINH() function, 302

IMSQRT() function, 302

IMSUB() function, 302

IMSUM() function, 302

IMTAN() function, 302

indenting macro code, 497

INDEX() function, 234

as alternative to OFFSET() function, 265

filling wide tables, 259-260

left lookups, 256-259

INDIRECT() function, 234, 266-267, 325

Info command (Backstage), 67-68

INFO() function, 232

Information DAX functions, 720-721

information functions, 231

adding comments to formulas, 246

list of, 232-233

marking formula cells, 244-245

plotting chart data, 246-247

returning worksheet name, 247

testing value types, 245

inking tools, new features, 19

Inquire, 511

Insert Chart dialog box, 587-588

Insert Function dialog box, 154

inserting. See also adding

3D models, 17-18

automatic headers/footers, 678

cells, shortcut keys and, 21

chart data by pasting, 594

columns in Power Query, 350

comments in cells, 552-553

custom headers/footers, 678-679

data in 3D Maps, 610-613

hyperlinks, 267-268

icons, 16-17, 664-665

manual page breaks, 676

pictures, 651

from computer, 652

in headers/footers, 679

multiple pictures, 652

online pictures/clip art, 652-653

screen clippings, 662

shapes, 646-648

slicers, 423-424

SmartArt, 641-643

symbols in cells, 507

text boxes, 650-651

WordArt, 648-649

worksheets in workbooks, 70

Insights artificial intelligence tool, 5, 394

installing Solver, 461

interactive reports in Power BI Desktop, visualizations

additional, building, 698-699

building, 694-698

cross-filtering, 699

drill-down hierarchies, 700-702

importing custom, 702-703

INTERCEPT() function, 293


Backstage view, 66-67

clearing recent workbooks list, 68

closing, 67

Document Inspector, 69

marking workbook as final, 69

recovering unsaved workbooks, 67

viewing current workbook info, 68

hiding, 85

in Power BI Desktop, 689-691

Quick Access Toolbar, 63

adding commands to, 63-64

customizing, 64-66

removing commands from, 64

touch mode, 69


adding commands to, 75-77

adding tabs to, 77-78

commands on, 58-59

creating custom tabs, 78

dialog box launchers, 58-59

exporting customizations, 78-79

finding commands on, 61-63

Format Painter, 55

frequently asked customization questions, 79

galleries, 57

icon size, 78

look of, 55-57

resetting to original, 79

resizing, 59-60, 63

scrolling through tabs, 58

selecting commands with keyboard accelerators, 88-89

viewing contextual tabs, 60-61

viewing Developer tab, 60

status bar, viewing statistics in, 73

view modes, switching, 73-74

Internet-originated files, protected mode for, 83

intersection operator

implicit intersection, 325

two-way lookups with, 324

INT() function, 164

INTRATE() function, 286

invoice register formatting example (macros), 474

browsing file names, 486-487

finding last record, 475

recording in blank workbook, 475-477

variable number of rows, 475

IPMT() function, 286

IRR() function, 286

IS functions, 245

ISBLANK() function, 232

ISERR() function, 233

ISERROR() function, 233

ISEVEN() function, 233

ISFORMULA() function, 233, 244-245

ISLOGICAL() function, 233

ISNA() function, 233

ISNONTEXT() function, 233

ISNUMBER() function, 233

ISODD() function, 233

ISOWEEKNUM() function, 167, 202-203

ISPMT() function, 286

ISREF() function, 233

ISTEXT() function, 233

italic format, 532


JavaScript User Defined Functions, 465



with AND, 275-276

with OR, 276-277

tables with Data Model

building pivot table, 435-436

creating relationships, 433-434

preparing data, 432

text, 141-142, 210-211

justifying text in ranges, 550-551


keyboard accelerators. See also shortcut keys

Excel 2003, 104-105

invoking, 105-106

list of, 106-113

Excel 2019

accessing slicers, 91

backing up a menu level, 90

KeyTips for, 87-88

navigating drop-down lists, 90

selecting gallery options, 89-90

selecting in legacy dialog boxes, 92

selecting ribbon commands, 88-89

troubleshooting, 90

KeyTips, 87-88

KURT() function, 293


Label Filter fly-out, 420-421


in 3D Maps, viewing, 617-618

defining names from, 322-324

on sparklines, adding, 634-637

landscape orientation, 673

Language settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

LARGE() function, 293

last data row

finding, 488

looping through, 491

last record, finding, 475

layers in 3D Maps, combining, 615

LCM() function, 164, 183-184

leading spaces, removing, 212-215

leading zeros, adding to numbers, 228-229

leap day, Lotus 1-2-3 compatibility and, 191, 446

least common multiple, 183-184

LEFT() function, 169, 218-220

LEFTB() function, 169

left lookups, 256-259

left-to-right sorts, 360

legacy connectors, loading data with, 345

legacy Data Import wizards, viewing, 82

legacy dialog boxes, selecting in with keyboard accelerators, 92

legal issues, copyrighted images, 653

LEN() function, 169, 220-221

LENB() function, 169

Less Than rules, 571-573

line charts, as sparklines, 623

lines between 3D Map points, animating, 617

Lines Power Query M functions, 754

LINEST() function, 293

linked data types, 6-7, 231, 279-281

LinkedIn, enabling features, 81


in worksheets

creating by typing, 311

creating in Trust Center, 312-313

creating to unsaved workbooks, 311

creating with Alternate Drag-and-Drop menu, 307-309

creating with mouse, 309-310

creating with Paste Options menu, 306-307

suppressing Update Links dialog box, 314

updating links to closed workbooks, 313

updating links to missing linked workbooks, 313

to external workbooks, 310

Links tab (Trust Center), 312-313

List Averages Power Query M functions, 754

List Generators Power Query M functions, 755

List Information Power Query M functions, 755

List Membership Power Query M functions, 756

List Numerics Power Query M functions, 756

List Ordering Power Query M functions, 756-757

List Selection Power Query M functions, 757-758

List Set Operations Power Query M functions, 758

List Transformation Power Query M functions, 758-759


comparing, 255-256


editing, 84

sorting pivot tables by, 445-446

sorting with, 360-361

matching, 253-254

LN() function, 299

loading data

with legacy connectors, 345

Power Query, 344-345, 351-352

from single workbook, 345-346

local 3D Maps, 608-610

locations in 3D Maps, troubleshooting, 613

LOG() function, 299

LOG10() function, 299

LOGEST() function, 293

Logical DAX functions, 721

logical functions, 231

decision-making, 237-238

error checking, 242-244

list of, 231-232

nesting IF() functions, 239-242

reversing values, 242

testing multiple conditions, 238-239

Logical Power Query M functions, 759

logical values, reversing, 242

LOGNORM.DIST() function, 293

LOGNORM.INV() function, 294

LOOKUP() function, 234-235, 260-261

lookup functions, 231

building and evaluating cell references, 266-267

comparing lists, 255-256

describing ranges, 263-265

documenting worksheets, 261-262

filling wide tables, 259-260

finding exact values, 251-253

finding position of matching value, 254-255

finding values based on ranges, 249-250

Fuzzy Lookup add-in, 281

inserting hyperlinks, 267-268

left lookups, 256-259

list of, 233-235

matching lists, 253-254

multiple lookups, 260-261

retrieving cells from pivot tables, 270-272

simple lookups with CHOOSE, 248-249

transposing data, 268-270

lookups, two-way lookups with intersection operator, 324


deleting records, 494-495

with FinalRow, 491

testing each record, 492-493

through rows, 489-490

Lotus 1-2-3 compatibility with dates/times, 191, 446

LOWER() function, 169, 211-212

LP Solver engine (Solver), 463


M language, 351

macros. See also VBA

assigning shortcut keys, 472

combination macro example, 497-498

advanced filters, 499-500

AutoFilter, 501

final code, 502-503

selecting visible cells, 502

editing, 477-478

from-scratch example, 487

deleting records in loop, 494-495

finding last data row, 488

If-End-If flow control, 491

looping through rows, 489-490

looping with FinalRow, 491

range references, 490

Select Case flow control, 491-492

testing each record in loop, 492-493

indenting code, 497

invoice register formatting example, 474

browsing file names, 486-487

finding last record, 475

recording in blank workbook, 475-477

variable number of rows, 475

mail merge formatting example, 467-469

absolute recording, 469-470

recording steps, 471-473

relative recording, 470-471

running macro, 473-474

R1C1 style

A1 style versus, 484-485

fixing AutoSum errors in, 485-486

recording, 466-467

absolute recording, 467-470

examining code from, 483

in blank workbooks, 475-477

relative recording, 467, 470-471

security settings, 466

troubleshooting, debugging mode, 496

undo and, 474

magnitude of error, determining with ABS() function, 182-183

mail merge formatting example (macros), 467-469

absolute recording, 469-470

recording steps, 471-473

relative recording, 470-471

running macro, 473-474

manual page breaks

automatic breaks versus, 676

inserting, 676

moving, 677

removing, 677

maps. See 3D Maps

margins, adjusting, 673-674

marking formula cells, 244-245

MATCH() function, 235

comparing lists, 255-256

filling wide tables, 259-260

finding position of matching value, 254-255

left lookups, 256-259

matching lists, 253-254

math functions

adding numbers, 171-172, 178-179

available in AGGREGATE(), 174-175

conditional calculations, 186-188

converting Roman/Arabic numerals, 182

counting data, 175-176

finding division remainder, 184-185

generating random numbers, 180-182

greatest common denominator, 183-184

ignoring error cells/filtered rows, 172-175

least common multiple, 183-184

list of, 163-166

magnitude of error, 182-183

rounding numbers, 176-178

square roots and exponents, 186

Math and Trig DAX functions, 722-725

matrix functions, list of, 300

MAX() function, 294

MAXA() function, 294

MAXIFS() function, 14, 164, 186-188

MDETERM() function, 300

MDURATION() function, 286

Measures (DAX)

creating pivot table medians, 440-443

creating time functions, 443-445

troubleshooting, 443

MEDIAN() function, 294

medians in pivot tables, creating with DAX Measures, 440-443

menu levels, backing up with keyboard accelerators, 90

merging cells, 536-538

methods (VBA), 479

MID() function, 169, 218-220

MIDB() function, 169

MIN() function, 294

MINA() function, 294

MINIFS() function, 14, 165, 186-188

mini toolbar, formatting text, 70-71

MINUTE() function, 167, 196-197

MINVERSE() function, 300

miracle version of criteria ranges, 277-278

MIRR() function, 286

missing data in sparklines, 637-638

missing linked workbooks, updating links to, 313

missing pivot table tools, troubleshooting, 403

mixed referencing, 122-123

mixing icons in icon sets, 568

MMULT() function, 300

MOD() function, 165, 184-185


Goal Seek, 458-460

Monte Carlo analysis, 464

Scenario Manager, 455-456

adding multiple scenarios, 458

creating scenarios, 457

creating summary reports, 458

Solver, 460-463

what-if analysis, 449-450

random scenarios, 453-455

with two variables, 451-452

MODE.MULT() function, 294

MODE.SNGL() function, 294

Monte Carlo analysis, 464

MONTH() function, 167, 196-197


daily dates by, 372

end of month calculations, 206

More commands (ribbon), 59


building 3D formulas, 330

creating links with, 309-310

mouse method (entering formulas), 127-128


to corner of selection, shortcut keys for, 102

to end of data, 475

manual page breaks, 677

ToolTips, 155

to top/bottom of data, shortcut keys for, 101

MROUND() function, 165, 177

MULTINOMIAL() function, 165

multiple answers, formulas with, 39-42

multiple colors in data bars, 586

multiple columns, VLOOKUP function with, 15

multiple conditions, testing

with AND() function, 238

with OR() function, 239

multiple fields, subtotals of, 371

multiple formulas, combining, 332-335

multiple lookups, 260-261

multiple names, defining, 322-324

multiple pictures, inserting, 652

multiple pivot tables, slicers for, 425-426

multiple scenarios, adding, 458

MUNIT() function, 300


N() function, 233, 246

NA() function, 233, 246-247

name box, resizing, 319

Name dialog box, navigation with, 318-319

name of worksheet, returning with CELL() function, 247

named ranges in Scenario Manager, 455


advantages of, 315

avoiding absolute references, 326

defining, 316, 322

for formulas, 327-328

multiple names from labels, 322-324

with New Name dialog box, 317-318

worksheet-level scope, 319-320

in formulas, 320-322

holding values, 327

implicit intersection, 325

navigation with Name dialog box, 318-319

references with worksheet-level scope, 320

of tables, 316

two-way lookups with, 324

valid characters for, 316-317


drop-down lists with keyboard accelerators, 90

multiple worksheets in workbooks, 70

with Name dialog box, 318-319

shortcut keys for, 94-95

negative data bars, 559

negative time, allowing, 85

NEGBINOM.DIST() function, 294


functions, 50, 157

IF() functions, 239-242

parentheses example (order of operations), 137-138

NETWORKDAYS() function, 167, 206-208

NETWORKDAYS.INTL() function, 167, 208-209

New command (Backstage), 67

new features in Excel 2019

3D models, 17-18

accessibility improvements, 26-28

calculation functions, 14-15

charts, 15-16

copied cells on Clipboard, 20-22

disabling CSV file warning, 25-26

in Excel Options dialog box, 81-82

for filtering data, 372-373

formatting superscripts/subscripts, 24-25

Home screen, 28

icons, 16-17

inking tools, 19

pivot table improvements, 12-14

Power Query, 8-9, 355

shared workbooks, 9-10

etiquette for, 11

saving online, 10-11

submitting ideas for, 81

unselecting cells, 24

new features in Office 365

array functions, 38

extracting unique values with formulas, 48-50

filtering with formulas, 46-47

formulas with multiple answers, 39-42

generating random numbers, 53-54

generating sequence of numbers, 51-52

sorting with formulas, 42-46

learning about, 54

ribbon changes, 29-30

Smart Lookup feature, 38

surveys, 30-36

threaded comments, 36-37

Workbook Statistics panel, 37

New Name dialog box

defining names, 317-318

names for holding values, 327

NOMINAL() function, 286

non-breaking spaces, 215

Normal view mode, 73, 684

NORM.DIST() function, 294

NORM.INV() function, 294

NORM.S.DIST() function, 295

NORM.S.INV() function, 295

Not Equal To rules, 571-573

NOT() function, 232, 242

NOW() function, 167, 195-196

NPER() function, 286

NPV() function, 287

Number Bytes Power Query M functions, 760

Number Constants Power Query M functions, 760

Number Conversion and Formatting Power Query M functions, 761

Number Information Power Query M functions, 761

Number Operations Power Query M functions, 762

Number Random Power Query M functions, 762

Number Rounding Power Query M functions, 763



leading zeros, 228-229

with SUBTOTAL() function, 178-179

with SUM() function, 171-172

for characters, 217-218


Roman/Arabic numerals, 182

text to, 229

as criteria, 277

describing ranges, 263-265

filtering by, 382

Flash Fill and, 356

formatting in pivot tables, 401-402

generating random, 180-182

in icon sets, realigning, 566-567

random numbers, generating, 53-54

rounding, 176-178

sequences of, generating, 51-52

serial numbers for dates/times, 189

as text, 227-228

joining, 141-142

removing green triangles, 86

Number Trigonometry Power Query M functions, 763

NUMBERVALUE() function, 169

numeric formats

changing, 519-521

currency, 522

custom, 525-526

colors in, 528

conditions in, 528

date/time in, 528-529

decimal places in, 527-528

scientific notation in, 529

text/spacing in, 527

zones in, 526

date/time, 523

fractions, 523-524

with thousands separators, 522

ZIP codes/telephone numbers/SSNs, 524-525


object variables in VBA code, 483-484

objects (VBA), 479

OCT2BIN() function, 302

OCT2DEC() function, 302

OCT2HEX() function, 302

ODD() function, 165

ODDFPRICE() function, 287

ODDFYIELD() function, 287

ODDLPRICE() function, 287

ODDLYIELD() function, 287

Office 365, 3-4

Artificial Intelligence feature, 5-6

custom visualization support, 599-601

new features

array functions, 38-54

learning about, 54

ribbon changes, 29-30

Smart Lookup feature, 38

surveys, 30-36

threaded comments, 36-37

Workbook Statistics panel, 37

Stocks and Geography data types, 6-7

Office 2003 Access Key mode, 105

Office 2019, support period for, 4

Office Intelligent Services, 81

Office theme, 543, 545

OFFSET() function, 235, 263-265

OLAP models, limitations, 445-447

one-click printing, 667-668

one-click sorting, 361-362

one-page summaries with subtotals, viewing, 366

online, saving workbooks, 10-11

online pictures, 639

inserting, 652-653

Open command (Backstage), 67

opening right-click menus, shortcut keys for, 102

operators in formulas

list of, 135

order of operations, 136-138

Options command (Backstage), 67

Options dialog box. See Excel Options dialog box

order of operations in formulas, 136

addition and multiplication example, 137

nesting parentheses example, 137-138

unary minus example, 136

OR() function, 232, 239, 276-277

organizational charts in SmartArt, 644-646

orientation, adjusting, 673

original text, returning, 229

other DAX functions, 725-726

overview of worksheets, viewing, 72


Page Break preview mode, 73

page breaks

automatic, 675


automatic versus, 676

inserting, 676

moving, 677

removing, 677

Page Layout view, 73, 684

page numbers

on printed documents, troubleshooting, 672

setting first page number, 685

page setup settings, changing, 683

paintbrush icon, applying chart styles, 588-589

panes in 3D Maps, resizing, 616

paper size, adjusting, 673

parameters (VBA), 480-482

Parent and Child DAX functions, 726

parentheses in formulas, 137-138

Pareto charts, creating, 592-593

parts of speech analogy (VBA), 478-479

collections, 479

examining recorded code, 483

objects and methods, 479

parameters, 480-482

properties, 482-483

Paste Options menu, creating links with, 306-307

Paste Special dialog box, creating scatter charts, 595-596


conditional formats, 554

data into charts, 594

formats, 553-554

PDF, exporting as, 686

PDURATION() function, 287

PEARSON() function, 295

PERCENTILE.EXC() function, 295

PERCENTILE.INC() function, 295

PERCENTRANK.EXC() function, 295

PERCENTRANK.INC() function, 295

performance, troubleshooting, 663

PERMUT() function, 295

PERMUTATIONA() function, 295

PHI() function, 295

PHONETIC() function, 169

photos in 3D Maps, adding to points, 614

PI() function, 165

pictures, 639

adjusting, 654

artistic effects, 659

brightness/contrast, 656-657

Picture Styles gallery, 657-659

reducing file size, 661

removing background, 659-661

resizing to fit, 654-656

grouping, 664

in headers/footers, inserting, 679

hiding all, 663

inserting, 651

from computer, 652

multiple pictures, 652

online pictures/clip art, 652-653

screen clippings, 662

transparency, 653

Picture Styles gallery, 657-659

pie charts, changing to bar of pie charts, 596-597

pivot tables. See also Power Pivot

additional information, 416

calculations and roll-ups, 403

adding outside pivot table, 405-406

changing field calculation, 406-409

date summaries, 404-405

formulas in, 411-412

running totals and rankings, 409-410

capabilities of, 391-392

cells in, retrieving, 270-272

Compact Form layout, 399-400

conditional formatting for, 584-585

counting distinct in, 436-438


adding fields, 396-397

from blank pivot table, 395

changing fields, 397-399

from Data Model, 435-436

with Recommended PivotTable dialog box, 393-395

Data Model benefits, 447

Data Model limitations, 445-447

date/time columns, disabling automatic grouping, 82

defaults, setting, 82, 413-415


AutoFiltering, 428-429

with check boxes, 419-420

clearing filters, 419

copying for every Report Filter value, 429-430

with Date Filter fly-out, 421-422

dates with timeline feature, 427

including filtered items in subtotals, 438-440

with Label Filter fly-out, 420-421

with row label filters, 417-419

with slicers, 423-427

Top 10 filter, 422-423

troubleshooting, 420

formatting, 412-413

medians in, creating with DAX Measures, 440-443

new features in, 12-14

numeric formatting, 401-402

rearranging, 400-401

removing blanks, 401-402

rules for, 392-395

single cell formatting, 402

sorting, 430, 445-446

Tabular Form layout, 399-400

Time functions, creating with DAX Measures, 443-445


changing pivot table, 403

missing tools, 403

rankings, 411

refreshing data, 402

viewing contextual tabs, 60

plotting chart data, 246-247

plus icon, changing chart options, 590

PMT() function, 287, 450

Point mode (formula box), 579

points in 3D Maps

adding photos, 614

animating line between, 617

POISSON.DIST() function, 295

portrait orientation, 673

position of matching value, finding, 254-255

Power BI Desktop, 687


importing, 688-689

preparing in Excel, 688

preparing in Power BI, 691-693

interface, 689-691

Power View and, 706

publishing to, 704-705

signing in, 687


additional, building, 698-699

building, 694-698

cross-filtering, 699

custom, Office 365 support, 599-601

drill-down hierarchies, 700-702

importing custom, 702-703

Power Map add-in. See 3D Maps

Power Pivot, 431. See also Data Model

benefits, 447

limitations, 445-447

resources for information, 447

sorting by custom lists, 445-446

Power Query, 8-9, 343, 465

capabilities of, 343-344

columns, adding, 350


loading, 344-346

loading and refreshing, 351-352

transforming, 346-348

unpivoting, 349-350

delimiters, splitting to new rows, 353-354

new features, 355

resources for information, 447

reviewing, 350-351

workflow, establishing, 344

worksheets, appending, 352-355

Power Query M functions

accessing data, 738-743

Binary, 743-744

Combiner, 745

Comparer, 745

Date, 746-749

DateTime, 750-751

DateTimeZone, 751-752

Duration, 752-753

Error, 753

Excel equivalents, 736-738

Expression, 753

Function, 753

Lines, 754

List Averages, 754

List Generators, 755

List Information, 755

List Membership, 756

List Numerics, 756

List Ordering, 756-757

List Selection, 757-758

List Set Operations, 758

List Transformation, 758-759

Logical, 759

Number Bytes, 760

Number Constants, 760

Number Conversion and Formatting, 761

Number Information, 761

Number Operations, 762

Number Random, 762

Number Rounding, 763

Number Trigonometry, 763

Record Information, 764

Record Selection, 764

Record Serialization, 764

Record Transformation, 765

Replacer, 765

Splitter, 765-766

Table Column Cperations, 766-767

Table Construction, 767-768

Table Conversion, 768

Table Information, 768

Table Row Operations, 768-770

Text Comparison, 772

Text Extraction, 770

Text Information, 770

Text Membership, 771

Text Modification, 771

Text Transformation, 772-773

Time, 773-774

Type, 774-775

URI, 775

Value, 775

Power View, 705-706

POWER() function, 165, 186

PPMT() function, 287

precedents, viewing direct, 146-147

preparing data

for Data Model, 432

for Power BI Desktop, 688, 691-693

presentation formatting

3D models, 665-666

icons, 664-665


adjusting with ribbon tab, 654-661

inserting, 651-653

screen clippings, 662

selecting and arranging, 662-664


changing, 648

inserting, 646-648

SmartArt, 640-641

adding images to, 644

changing styles, 643-644

inserting, 641-643

organizational and hierarchical charts, 644-646

text boxes, 650-651

WordArt, 648-649

preventing editing, 69

previewing printed document, 670-672

previous worksheet, referencing in formulas, 331-332

PRICE() function, 287

PRICEDISC() function, 287

PRICEMAT() function, 287

print area, selecting, 675

Print command (Backstage), 67

Print panel, 681-683


changing properties, 683

selecting, 682

printing workbooks

automatic page breaks, 675

centering reports, 685

column/row headings, 685

comments, 685

error values, 685

finding print settings, 668-670

fitting data to page, 675

gridlines, 685

headers/footers, 677-681

manual page breaks, 676-677

margins, 673-674

one-click printing, 667-668

orientation, 673

Page Layout view, 684

page number settings, 685

paper size, 673

as PDF, 686

previewing printed document, 670-672

Print panel, 681-683

repeating headings, 674

selecting print area, 675

troubleshooting page numbers, 672

PROB() function, 296

PRODUCT() function, 165

profiling data, 355

Project Explorer pane (VBE), 477

Proofing settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

PROPER() function, 169, 211-212

properties (VBA), 482-483

Properties pane (VBE), 477

protected mode for Internet-originated files, 83


formula cells, 509

workbooks, marking as final, 69

worksheets, 508-509

Publish command (Backstage), 67

publishing to Power BI Desktop, 704-705

PV() function, 287


QUARTILE.EXC() function, 296

QUARTILE.INC() function, 296

queries. See Power Query

question mark (?) wildcard character, 188

Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), 63


adding, 63-64

removing, 64

customizing, 64-66

settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

touch mode, 69

quick formatting, 576

QUOTIENT() function, 165


R1C1 style

A1 style versus, 484-485

fixing AutoSum errors in, 485-486

RADIANS() function, 299

RANDARRAY function, 45, 53-54

RANDBETWEEN() function, 165, 180-182

RAND() function, 165, 180-182

random numbers, generating, 53-54, 180-182

random scenario modeling, 453-455

random sorts, 45

Range property, syntax, 493


conditional formatting, 185

criteria ranges

creating, 275

headings for, 272

miracle version, 277-278

of dates, creating with array formulas, 338-339

describing, 263-265

formatting, 53

of formulas, transposing, 335-338

justifying text in, 550-551


advantages of, 315

avoiding absolute references, 326

defining, 316, 322

defining multiple names from labels, 322-324

defining with New Name dialog box, 317-318

in formulas, 320-322

implicit intersection, 325

navigation with Name dialog box, 318-319

in Scenario Manager, 455

two-way lookups with, 324

valid characters for, 316-317

worksheet-level scope, 319-320

rectangular ranges, toggling references with F4, 125-126

referencing in macros, 490

selecting, shortcut keys for, 102

as tables, defining, 132

values based on, 249-250, 387

RANK.AVG() function, 296, 411

RANK.EQ() function, 296, 411

rankings in pivot tables, 409-410

RATE() function, 288

realigning numbers in icons sets, 566-567

reapplying filters, 374

rearranging pivot tables, 400-401

RECEIVED() function, 288

Recent File List command (Backstage), 67

recent workbooks list

changing number to view, 84

clearing, 68

Recommended PivotTable dialog box, 393-395

Record Information Power Query M functions, 764

recording macros, 466-467

absolute recording, 467-470

in blank workbooks, 475-477

examining code from, 483

relative recording, 467, 470-471

steps for mail merge formatting example, 471-473



conditionally summing, 274

returning all, 275

deleting in loop, 494-495

testing in loop, 492-493

unique records, advanced filters in macros, 499-500

Record Selection Power Query M functions, 764

Record Serialization Power Query M functions, 764

Record Transformation Power Query M functions, 765

recovering unsaved workbooks, 67

rectangular ranges, toggling references with F4, 125-126

reducing picture file size, 661

reference functions. See lookup functions


absolute references, 120-122

avoiding with names, 326

in links to external workbooks, 310

building and evaluating, 266-267

mixed referencing, 122-123

to names with worksheet-level scope, 320

to previous worksheet in formulas, 331-332

to ranges in macros, 490

relative referencing, 120

toggling with F4, 123-126



in pivot tables, 402

in Power Query, 351-352

filtered pivot tables, troubleshooting, 420

filters, 377

relationships, creating for Data Model, 433-434

Relationships view (Power BI Desktop), 691

relative recording of macros, 467, 470-471

relative references, 103, 120

remainder in division, finding, 184-185

Remove Duplicates command, finding unique values, 387-389


blanks in pivot tables, 401-402

commands from Quick Access Toolbar, 64

data from charts, 589-590

green triangles in numbers as text, 86

leading/trailing spaces, 212-215

manual page breaks, 677

non-breaking spaces, 215

picture background, 659-661

records in loop, 494-495

rules, 583-584

subtotals, 370

renaming worksheets, 90


commands, 103-104, 509

headings on each page, 674

text, 225-226

REPLACE() function, 170

REPLACEB() function, 170

Replacer Power Query M functions, 765


characters, 224-225

error values when printing, 685

Report Filter values, copying pivot tables for, 429-430

Report view (Power BI Desktop), 691

reports, centering, 685

REPT() function, 170, 225-226

requesting Excel feature changes, 20, 415

resetting ribbon to original, 79


3D Map columns, 615

3D Map panes, 616

columns/rows, 360, 535-536, 554

Filter drop-down menu, 377

name box, 319

pictures, 83, 654-656

ribbon, 59-60, 63

slicers, 424-425

sparklines, 634-637

resources for information

learning about new features, 54

Power Pivot and Power Query, 447

retrieving cells in pivot tables, 270-272


all database records, 275

original text, 229

single cell, 279

worksheet name with CELL() function, 247

reversing logical values, 242

reviewing Power Query, 350-351


commands on, 58-59

adding, 75-77

finding, 61-63

selecting with keyboard accelerators, 88-89


exporting, 78-79

frequently asked questions, 79

resetting to original ribbon, 79

dialog box launchers, 58-59

Format Painter, 55

galleries, 57

icon size, 78

look of, 55-57

new features, 29-30

resizing, 59-60, 63


adding, 77-78

creating custom, 78

scrolling through, 58

viewing contextual tabs, 60-61

viewing Developer tab, 60

Ribbon Commander, 78

RibbonML, 78

RibbonX, 79

RIGHTB() function, 170

right-click menus, opening, 102

right-dragging, creating links with, 307-309

RIGHT() function, 170, 218-220

roll-ups with pivot tables, 403-405

ROMAN() function, 165, 182

Roman numerals, converting to/from Arabic numerals, 182

roots, calculating, 186


3D Maps, 614

text, 539-540

ROUND() function, 165, 176

ROUNDDOWN() function, 165, 177

rounding numbers, 176-178

ROUNDUP() function, 165, 176

ROW() function, 235

row headings, printing, 685

row label filters for pivot tables, 417-419

check boxes, 419-420

Date Filter fly-out, 421-422

Label Filter fly-out, 420-421

Top 10 filter, 422-423


deleting in loop, 494-495

highlighting with conditional formatting, 580-582

last data row, finding, 488

looping through, 489-491

resizing, 535-536

splitting delimiters in Power Query, 353-354

testing each in loop, 492-493

variable number of, 475

ROWS() function, 235

RRI() function, 288

RSQ() function, 296

RTD() function, 235

rules. See also conditional formatting

combining, 582-583

deleting, 583-584

highlight cells, 570-571

date comparison, 573-574

duplicate/unique values, 574-575

Greater Than/Less Than/Equal rules, 571-573

text containing values, 575-576

top/bottom, 568-569

running macros, steps for mail merge formatting example, 473-474

running totals in pivot tables, 409-410


Sankey charts, creating, 600-601

satellite photos in 3D Maps, 616

Save As command (Backstage), 67

Save command (Backstage), 67

Save settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80


charts as templates, 598-599

CSV files, disabling warning, 25-26

themes, 546


AutoRecover settings, 83

AutoSave, 11-12, 82

changing default file location, 84

changing default format, 84

as checked out server drafts, 82

online, 10-11

worksheets as PDF, 686

scaling headers/footers, 681

scatter charts, creating, 595-596

Scenario Manager, 455-456

adding multiple scenarios, 458

creating scenarios, 457

creating summary reports, 458


adding multiple, 458

creating, 457

scenes in 3D Maps, creating, 618

scientific notation in custom number formats, 529

scope of names, 319-320

screen clippings, 662


to active cell, 509

through ribbon tabs, 58

search box, finding commands, 61-63

SEARCH() function, 170, 221-224

SEARCHB() function, 170

SEC() function, 299

SECH() function, 299

SECOND() function, 167, 196-197


enabling macros, 466

protected mode for Internet-originated files, 83

Trusted Document settings, 84

Select Case flow control, 491-492



bug in, 23-24

with hyperlinks, 268

moving to corner of, 102

unselecting with Ctrl+click, 24

colors in themes, 545

data for charts, 588

extended selections, shortcut keys for, 96-97

Filter drop-down menu items, 375-376

fonts in themes, 546

gallery options with keyboard accelerators, 89-90

in legacy dialog boxes with keyboard accelerators, 92

merged cells, 538-539

pictures, 662-664

print area, 675

printer, 682

ranges, shortcut keys for, 102

ribbon commands with keyboard accelerators, 88-89

slicer items, 103, 427

themes, 544-545

visible cells in macros, 502

what to print, 682-683


filtering by, 377-380

shortcut keys, 95-96

separating text by delimiter, 509-510

SEQUENCE function, 51-52

sequences of numbers, generating, 51-52

serial numbers for dates/times, 189

SERIESSUM() function, 300

server drafts, saving checked out files as, 82

setting pivot table defaults, 413-415

setting up icon sets, 565-566

settings for printing, finding, 668-670

shaded area maps, 603

shapes, 639

changing, 648

inserting, 646-648

Share command (Backstage), 67

shared workbooks, 9-10

etiquette for, 11

saving online, 10-11


ribbon customizations, 78-79

themes, 547

SHEET() function, 233

SHEETS() function, 233

shortcut keys. See also keyboard accelerators

assigning to macros, 472

copying in collapsed view, 369

date/time stamps, 103

for extended selection, 96-97

finding last record, 475

formatting strikethrough, 102

inserting cells, 21

for manipulating data, 97-101

moving to corner of selection, 102

moving to end of data, 475

moving to top/bottom of data, 101

for navigation, 94-95, 376

opening right-click menus, 102

repeating commands, 103-104, 509

scrolling to active cell, 509

for selection, 95-96

ranges, 102

slicer items, 103

switching worksheets, 101

toggling absolute/relative references, 103

unselecting cells, 24

viewing active cell, 102

Windows Ctrl keys, 93-94

Show Formulas mode, 145

shrinking. See resizing

SIGN() function, 165

signing in to Power BI Desktop, 687

SIN() function, 299

single cell, returning, 279

SINGLE() function, 41-42, 326

SINH() function, 299

sizing. See resizing

SKEW() function, 296

SKEW.P() function, 296

slicers, 417, 423

accessing with keyboard accelerators, 91

clearing filters, 427

inserting, 423-424

for multiple pivot tables, 425-426

resizing, 424-425

selecting items in, 103, 427

SLN() function, 288

SLOPE() function, 296

slow motion formula calculation, 506-507

SMALL() function, 296

SmartArt, 639-641

adding images to, 644

changing styles, 643-644

inserting, 641-643

organizational and hierarchical charts, 644-646

Smart Lookup feature, 38

Social Security number (SSN) formats, 524-525

Solver, 460-463

solving equations, troubleshooting, 508

SORTBY function, 42-46

SORT function, 42-46


data, 358

case sensitivity, 359-360

in collapsed view, 366-367

by color or icon, 359

with custom lists, 360-361

with formulas, 42-46

left-to-right sorts, 360

one-click sorting, 361-362

troubleshooting, 362

pivot tables, 430

by custom lists, 445-446


leading/trailing spaces, removing, 212-215

non-breaking spaces, removing, 215

spacing in custom number formats, 527

sparklines, 624

axis settings

changing, 630-631

troubleshooting, 626

charts available as, 623-624

copying, 637

creating, 624-626

groups of, 626-628

customizing, 628-630

labels, adding, 634-637

missing data in, 637-638

resizing, 634-637

stacked column charts as, 633-634

win/loss sparklines, 632-633

spearing formulas, 172

spearing through worksheets with 3D formulas, 328-330

special filters by data type, 382-384

speed of formulas, 260

Splitter Power Query M functions, 765-766


delimiters in Power Query, 353-354

text, 218-220

SQRT() function, 165, 186

SQRTPI() function, 165, 186

square brackets [ ] in date/time formatting, 194

square roots, calculating, 186

stacked column charts as sparklines, 633-634

stacking. See nesting

STANDARDIZE() function, 296

Statistical DAX functions, 727-731

statistical functions, list of, 289-298

status bar, viewing statistics in, 73

STDEVA() function, 297

STDEVPA() function, 297

STDEV.P() function, 297

STDEV.S() function, 297

STEYX() function, 297

Stocks data type, 6-7

streets versus addresses in 3D Maps, 613

strikethrough, formatting cells with, 102


applying with paintbrush icon, 588-589

formatting with, 541-543

Picture Styles gallery, 657-659

SmartArt styles, changing, 643-644

submitting ideas for new settings, 81

subscripts, formatting, 24-25

subset of cells, data bars for, 562

SUBSTITUTE() function, 170, 224-225

Subtotal command, 363-365

SUBTOTAL() function, 165, 178-179


adding, 363-365

copying data in collapsed view, 368-369

of dates by month, 372

formatting data in collapsed view, 369-370

of multiple fields, 371

one-page summaries with, viewing, 366

in pivot tables, including filtered items, 438-440

removing, 370

sorting data in collapsed view, 366-367

SUM() function, 119, 165, 171-172. See also AutoSum feature

SUMIF() function, 165

SUMIFS() function, 166, 186-188

summary reports, creating, 458

summing database records, 274

SUMPRODUCT() function, 166, 300

SUMSQ() function, 297

SUMX2MY2() function, 297

SUMX2PY2() function, 297

SUMXMY2() function, 297

superscripts, formatting, 24-25

support periods for Windows and Office, 4

suppressing Update Links dialog box, 314

surveys, creating, 30-36

SWITCH() function, 14, 232, 239-242


view modes, 73-74

worksheets, shortcut keys for, 101

SYD() function, 288

symbols, inserting in cells, 507


T() function, 170, 229

T.INV() function, 297

T.INV.2T() function, 297

T.TEST() function, 297

Table Column operations Power Query M functions, 766-767

Table Construction Power Query M functions, 767-768

Table Conversion Power Query M functions, 768

Table Information Power Query M functions, 768

Table Row Operations Power Query M functions, 768-770


joining with Data Model

building pivot table, 435-436

creating relationships, 433-434

preparing data, 432

names, 316

ranges as, defining, 132

wide tables, filling, 259-260

Table tool, copying formulas with, 132-133

tabs (ribbon)

adding, 77-78

contextual tabs, viewing, 60-61

creating custom, 78

Developer tab, viewing, 60

scrolling through, 58

Tabular Form layout (pivot tables), 399-400

TAN() function, 299

TANH() function, 299

TBILLEQ() function, 288

TBILLPRICE() function, 288

TBILLYIELD() function, 288

T.DIST() function, 297

T.DIST.2T() function, 297

T.DIST.RT() function, 297

telephone number formats, 524-525

Tell Me What You Want to Do search box, 61-63

templates, saving charts as, 598-599


multiple conditions

with AND() function, 238

with OR() function, 239

records in loop, 492-493

text case, 226-227

value types, 245


centering in merged cells, 536-538

containing values, conditional formatting for, 575-576


case, 211-212

to number/date, 229

in custom number formats, 527

default font, changing, 548-549

filtering by, 382


bold/italic/underline, 532

characters, 547-548

font size, 530-531

font typeface, 531

with mini toolbar, 70-71

formulas as, 143, 261-262

joining, 141-142, 210-211

justifying in ranges, 550-551

numbers as, 86, 227-228

removing leading/trailing spaces, 212-215

repeating, 225-226

returning original, 229

rotating, 539-540

separating by delimiter, 509-510

splitting, 218-220

wrapping, 549-550

text boxes, 639, 650-651

Text Comparison Power Query M functions, 772

text dates, converting to real dates, 199-200

Text DAX functions, 732-733

Text Extraction Power Query M functions, 770

text functions

character generation, 216-217

character numbers, 217-218

converting text case, 211-212

converting text to number/date, 229

finding characters in cell, 221-224

finding number of characters in cell, 220-221

formatting numbers as text, 227-228

joining text, 210-211

list of, 168-170

removing leading/trailing spaces, 212-215

repeating text, 225-226

replacing characters, 224-225

returning original text, 229

splitting text, 218-220

testing case, 226-227

Text Information Power Query M functions, 770

TEXT() function, 170, 227-228

TEXTJOIN() function, 14, 141, 170, 210-211

Text Membership Power Query M functions, 771

Text Modification Power Query M functions, 771

text times, converting to real times, 200-201

Text Transformation Power Query M functions, 772-773

themes, 543

applying, 547

choosing, 544-545

colors in

choosing, 545

old Office theme, 545

components of, 544

creating, 545-546

effects in, 546

fonts in, choosing, 546

Office theme, 543

saving, 546

sharing, 547

thousand separators, numeric formatting with, 522

threaded comments, 36-37

three-icon sets, 565

time/date DAX functions, 714-715

time/date formats, 523

time/date functions

converting text dates to real dates, 199-200

converting text times to real times, 200-201

current date/time, 195-196

date calculations, 197-198

elapsed time, 203-206

end of month, 206

extracting date/time portions, 196-197

grouping dates by day of week, 201-202

grouping dates into weeks, 202-203

list of, 166-168

in pivot tables, creating with DAX Measures, 443-445

time calculations, 198

workdays, 206-209

TIME() function, 167, 198

Time and Date DAX functions, 714, 715

Time Intelligence DAX functions, 716-718

Time Power Query M functions, 773, 774

timelines, 417, 427

time Power Query M functions, 773-774


in 3D Maps, 616-617

animating 3D Maps over, 607

calculations on, 188-190

converting text to, 229

in custom number formats, 528-529

date calculations, 197-198

formatting, 191-194

grouping by day of week, 201-202

grouping into weeks, 202-203

limitations on, 190

Lotus 1-2-3 compatibility, 191, 446

negative time, allowing, 85

time calculations, 198

time stamps, shortcut keys for, 103

TIMEVALUE() function, 167, 200-201

tipping 3D Maps, 614

TODAY() function, 167, 195-196

toggling references, 103, 123-126

toolbars. See mini toolbar; Quick Access Toolbar; ribbon


for Excel Options dialog box settings, 80-81

for Format Painter, 55

for functions, 155

Top 10 filter for pivot tables, 422-423

top/bottom rules, 568-569

top of data, moving to, 101

totaling filtered results, 384

totals in pivot tables, including filtered items, 438-440

touch mode, 69

touchscreen behavior, changing, 82

tours in 3D Maps, creating, 618

Trace Dependents feature, 147

Trace Error feature, 140

Trace Precedents feature, 147

trailing spaces, removing, 212-215

transactional data

consolidating and adding unique values, 389-390

finding unique values, 387-389

pivot tables. See pivot tables, 391

transforming data in Power Query, 346-348

transparency of pictures, 653

TRANSPOSE() function, 235, 268-270


data, 268-270

ranges of formulas, 335-338

TREND() function, 298

Trig and Math DAX functions, 722-725

trigonometry functions, list of, 298-299

TRIM() function, 170, 212-215

TRIMMEAN() function, 298


3D Maps, 613

array formulas, copying, 340

AutoSum errors in macros, 485-486

chart positioning, 588

date filters, 382

DAX Measures, 443

Edit Links dialog box, finding, 314

filtering pivot tables, 420

Flash Fill, 357-358


auditing arrows, 146-147

dependents, 147

direct precedents, 146

Evalute Formula dialog box, 149

Excel as calculator, 150

F9 key, 149-150

highlighting formula cells, 146

implicit intersection, 126

Show Formulas mode, 145

Trace Error feature, 140

Watch Window feature, 148

FORMULATEXT() function, 262

importing data into Power BI Desktop, 689

inserting cells with shortcut keys, 21

keyboard accelerators, 90

macros, debugging mode, 496

manual page breaks, 676

OFFSET() function, 265

page numbers on printed documents, 672

performance, 663

pivot tables

changing pivot tables, 403

missing tools, 403

rankings in, 411

refreshing data, 402

viewing contextual tabs, 60

PMT function, 450

selecting cells bug, 23-24

selecting merged cells, 538-539

solving equations, 508

sorting data, 362

sparkline axis settings, 626

TRIM() function, 215

unique values, 570

TRUE() function, 232, 249-250

TRUNC() function, 166

Trust Center links, creating, 312-313

Trust Center settings (Excel Options dialog box), 80

Trusted Document settings, 84

trusted locations, folders as, 85

two-variable what-if analysis, 451-452

two-way lookups with intersection operator, 324

TYPE() function, 233

Type Power Query M functions, 774-775

typing links to worksheets, 311


ultra-local 3D Maps, 608-610

unary minus example (order of operations), 136

underline format, 532

undo, macros and, 474

undocking pivot table field list, 396

UNICHAR() function, 170, 216-217

UNICODE() function, 170, 217-218

UNIQUE function, 48-50

unique records, advanced filters in macros, 499-500

unique values

conditional formatting, 570, 574-575

consolidating and adding, 389-390

extracting with formulas, 48-50

finding, 387-389

unlocking aspect ratio for pictures, 655

unpivoting data in Power Query, 349-350

unsaved workbooks

creating links to, 311

recovering, 67

unselecting cells with Ctrl+click, 24

Update Links dialog box, suppressing, 314

updating links in worksheets

to closed workbooks, 313

to missing linked workbooks, 313

suppressing Update Links dialog box, 314

UPPER() function, 170, 211-212

URI Power Query M functions, 775


Value Power Query M functions, 775

VALUE() function, 170, 229


converting formulas to, 309

duplicate, conditional formatting, 574-575

formulas versus, 118

holding in names, 327

ranges in advanced filters, 387

text containing, conditional formatting for, 575-576


conditional formatting, 570, 574-575

consolidating and adding, 389-390

extracting with formulas, 48-50

finding, 387-389

Values Filter fly-out (Top 10 filter), 422-423

value types, testing, 245

VARA() function, 298

variable number of rows, 475

variables in VBA code, 483-484

VAR.P() function, 298

VAR.S() function, 298

VARPA() function, 298

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). See also macros

accessing help, 482

parts of speech analogy, 478-483

collections, 479

examining recorded code, 483

objects and methods, 479

parameters, 480-482

properties, 482-483

variables in, 483-484

VBE (Visual Basic Editor), panes in, 477

VDB() function, 288

videos, creating in 3D Maps, 618

view modes, switching, 73-74


3D Map labels, 617-618

active cell, shortcut keys for, 102

cell contents, 284

contextual tabs, 60-61

current workbook info, 68

data loss warning with comma delimited files (CSV), 82

dependents, 147

Developer tab, 60

direct precedents, 146-147

expanded formula bar, 71

financial data with waterfall chart, 593-594

Format Cells dialog box, 193

icons with whitespace (touch mode), 69

legacy Data Import wizards, 82

one-page summaries with subtotals, 366

recent workbooks, changing number of, 84

status bar statistics, 73


overview, 72

side by side, 304-305

switching view modes, 73-74

zooming in/out, 72

zero in cells as blank, 85

visible cells, selecting in macros, 502

Visual Basic Editor (VBE), panes in, 477

Visual Basic for Applications. See VBA

visualizations. See also data visualizations

custom visuals, Office 365 support, 599-601

for Power BI Desktop

additional, building, 698-699

building, 694-698

cross-filtering, 699

drill-down hierarchies, 700-702

importing custom, 702-703

Visualizations panel (Power BI Desktop), 690

VLOOKUP() function, 235

Data Model versus, 432

finding exact values, 251-253

finding values based on ranges, 249-250

Fuzzy Lookup add-in with, 281

matching lists, 253-254

with multiple columns, 15


watching cells, 505-506

Watch Window feature, 148

waterfall charts, creating, 593-594

watermarks in headers/footers, inserting, 679

web functions, list of, 283

WEBSERVICE() function, 283

WEEKDAY() function, 167, 201-202, 580

WEEKNUM() function, 167, 202-203

weeks, grouping dates into, 202-203

WEIBULL.DIST() function, 298

what-if analysis, 449-450

random scenarios, 453-455

with two variables, 451-452

whitespace around icons, viewing with touch mode, 69

wide tables, filling, 259-260

wildcard characters, 188

Windows, support period for, 4

Windows Ctrl shortcut keys, 93-94

win/loss charts as sparklines, 623, 632-633

WordArt, 639, 648-649

Word Clouds, creating, 599-600


blank workbooks, recording macros in, 475-477

clearing recent list, 68

data, loading from, 345-346

external workbooks, links to, 310

finding hidden content, 69

in folders, appending worksheets from, 354-355

Internet-originated, protected mode for, 83

presentation formatting

3D models, 665-666

icons, 664-665

pictures, 651-664

screen clippings, 662

shapes, 646-648

SmartArt, 640-646

text boxes, 650-651

WordArt, 648-649


automatic page breaks, 675

centering reports, 685

column/row headings, 685

comments, 685

error values, 685

finding print settings, 668-670

fitting data to page, 675

gridlines, 685

headers/footers, 677-681

manual page breaks, 676-677

margins, 673-674

one-click printing, 667-668

orientation, 673

Page Layout view, 684

page number settings, 685

paper size, 673

as PDF, 686

previewing printed document, 670-672

Print panel, 681-683

repeating headings, 674

selecting print area, 675

troubleshooting page numbers, 672

protecting, marking as final, 69

recent, changing number to view, 84

recovering unsaved, 67


AutoRecover settings, 83

AutoSave, 11-12, 82

changing default file location, 84

changing default format, 84

as checked out server drafts, 82

sharing, 9-10

etiquette for, 11

saving online, 10-11

Trusted Document settings, 84

viewing current info, 68

worksheets in

creating links by typing, 311

creating links in Trust Center, 312-313

creating links to unsaved workbooks, 311

creating links with Alternate Drag-and-Drop menu, 307-309

creating links with mouse, 309-310

creating links with Paste Options menu, 306-307

inserting new, 70

missing linked workbooks, 313

navigating multiple, 70

suppressing Update Links dialog box, 314

updating links to closed workbooks, 313

viewing side by side, 304-305

Workbook Statistics panel, 37

WORKDAY() function, 167, 206-208

WORKDAY.INTL() function, 168, 208-209

workdays, calculating, 206-209

workflow for Power Query, establishing, 344

worksheet-level scope of names, 319-320


appending in Power Query, 352-355

auditing with Inquire, 511

connecting, 303-304

creating links by typing, 311

creating links in Trust Center, 312-313

creating links to unsaved workbooks, 311

creating links with Alternate Drag-and-Drop menu, 307-309

creating links with mouse, 309-310

creating links with Paste Options menu, 306-307

suppressing Update Links dialog box, 314

updating links to closed workbooks, 313

updating links to missing linked workbooks, 313

viewing side by side, 304-305

documenting, 261-262

exporting as PDF, 686


aligning cells, 530

benefits of, 515-517

bold/italic/underline, 532

borders, 533

changing numeric formats, 519-521

coloring cells, 533-535

copying formats, 553-556

currency formats, 522

custom number formats, 525-529

date/time formats, 523

default font, 548-549

font size, 530-531

font typeface, 531

with Format Cells dialog box, 518-519

fraction formats, 523-524

with Home tab icons, 517-518

merging cells, 536-538

numeric formatting with thousands separators, 522

resizing columns/rows, 535-536

rotating text, 539-540

with styles, 541-543

with themes, 543-547

ZIP code/telephone/SSN formats, 524-525

inserting new, 70

name of, returning with CELL() function, 247

navigating multiple, 70

previous worksheet, referencing in formulas, 331-332

protecting, 508-509

renaming, 90

spearing through with 3D formulas, 328-330

suppressing Update Links dialog box, 314

switching, shortcut keys for, 101

updating links, 313


overview, 72

side by side, 304-305

switching view modes, 73-74

zooming in/out, 72

workspaces in Power BI Desktop, publishing to, 704-705

wrapping text, 549-550


XIRR() function, 288

XNPV() function, 288

XOR() function, 232

XY scatter charts, creating, 595-596


YEARFRAC() function, 168, 203

YEAR() function, 168, 196-197

YIELD() function, 288

YIELDDISC() function, 288

YIELDMAT() function, 288


Z.TEST() function, 298


in cells, viewing as blank, 85

leading zeros, adding to numbers, 228-229

ZIP code formats, 524-525

zones in custom number formats, 526

zooming in/out, 72, 605-606, 614

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