Installing MotionPie

MotionPie is a great solution for many different projects when a camera is involved. To install MotionPie, refer to the following steps:

  1. First, we have to download and format our SD card with the appropriate software:
Download the latest release from the GitHub repository and format your SD card. The link to the repository is If you do not remember how to format your SD card, further reference from Chapter 1Introduction to Raspberry Pi Zero W, where Raspberry Pi Zero W was introduced and go through the instructions once again.
  1. Next, insert your SD card and boot up your board.
  2. We now need to find the IP address or hostname of the Raspberry Pi board. If you are an advanced user, skip this step else, follow the instructions:
  • For Windows users, go to the network, then file explorer, and you should see a computer name such as MP-E28D9CE5. Copy this name and open up a browser. Type the following:
  • Now, if everything is ok, you should have the Motion Pie interface up and running.
  • Another way to find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi board is by navigating to the router and finding out which device connected wirelessly is named Raspberry Pi. To log in as admin, navigate to the key symbol in the upper-left corner. Note that the username is admin and the password should be left blank. Of course, we will change them later, but for now, just log in. If everything goes OK, you will be able to see the interface of the camera and access all the settings for the camera stream.
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