Video Streaming

In this menu, you will be able to set the video streaming options. The options are related to the video that you will see in the browser when you connect to the Raspberry Pi Zero W board. The following is a list of parameters that are necessary and important when you need to lower your video quality or when you have other streaming issues:

  • Streaming Frame Rate: This is exactly the same as mentioned previously under Video device.
  • Streaming Quality: Here, you may have to increase or reduce the quality of your video. Again, remember that if you have access to your camera streaming footage over a low bandwidth connection, it is always good practice to reduce the streaming quality. However, if you just need to store the video quality to a hard drive, you may consider maximizing the quality since you do not really need to care about streaming issues.
  • Streaming Image Resizing: You can enable this feature if you want MotionPie to resize the images before being sent to a browser. But, since we are using the MotionPie software with our Raspberry Pi Zero W board, it is not recommended to do this. So, skip this option and go to the next one.
  • Streaming Port: It is important to set the streaming port carefully. This is the port that the device will listen to, for connections looking to view the stream. This is the port that you will use from your browser to connect to the camera streaming footage; for example, you can type http://motionpie:8081 in a browser if your streaming port is 8081.
  • Motion Optimization: Lastly, this option will reduce the frame rate whenever no motion is detected. It is useful because you can save a lot of bandwidth. In some cases, we need to reduce as much bandwidth as we can, so keep this option in mind.

The following is an image showing all the options that you can set up and change in the Video Streaming menu:

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