
Web hosting is a means by which you can host your files or website on a computer, where you or everyone has access to it from all over the world; for example, an e-shop has a website hosted on a server, and you are able to access and interact with the server through your browser or your mobile phone. Thus, the web hosting is more about the server side, how you can save your files and serve them to anyone that requests them. To make this easier to understand, let's look the following image, where the client (computer) is requesting a website using his browser, and the server is responding back with the website:

As we can see in the preceding image, the client is requesting a website from the server and the server serves that webpage to the client; thus, we have two communication directions and two arrows. The user may be using a desktop PC or mobile phone; he may also be using Firefox, Google Chrome, or any other browser. The server is usually a big server building similar to the preceding image but can also be a small pocket-size Raspberry Pi Zero W board. The important thing is that we always have a client who requests things and a server ready to respond if of course the client is authorized to receive these files. In this chapter, the client will be us or anyone in the world, and the server will be our Raspberry Pi Zero W board. Now, let's see some options we normally have when we buy a hosting package.

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