In Linux operating systems, there is one command called scp and it can transfer files from and to a remote server. This is useful because sometimes we do not have a graphical user interface and scp is our only option. USB drives work as well but we suppose that we transfer files over the network. scp is a command-line tool and is easy to work with.

To transfer a file from your computer to a remote server (Raspberry Pi) type the following command:

scp <file-transferred> <user>@<pi-address>:<where to put>

Here <user> is pi and <pi-address> is the IP address of Raspberry Pi. Notice that there are : between the IP address and the file transferred. If you are inside a folder and want to copy all the files, replace <file-transfer> with *.

On the other hand, to transfer from your remote server (Raspberry Pi) to your local machine type the following:

scp username@remote:/file/to/send /where/to/put
scp <user>@<pi-address>:<file-transferred> <where to put>

You can always view more about a Linux command using the following command:

man <linux-command>
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