XAMPP package is a free package to download and is actually a set of tools necessary for running your website. XAMPP has Apache server, MySQL, and some other functionalities. You can download XAMPP from https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html.

XAMPP allows you to install this software and control whether you want to activate and start the Apache server necessary to run and execute PHP code and MySQL, necessary if your website has an interaction with databases, such as WordPress. The XAMPP control panel looks as follows:

Through this control panel, you can start the Apache server, MySQL service, and many other services. For the sake of simplicity, we will start only the Apache server and the MySQL service. Note that in the case of any errors, close the applications that are running on port 80 or 8080, such as Skype or Steam. If everything goes OK, Apache and MySQL will be marked with a green color.

XAMPP creates a local server. As a result, the machine that XAMPP is installed on is the actual server. You need to install XAMPP on the Raspberry Pi Zero W board. On the official website, you will find that XAMPP is available for many operating systems. XAMPP has a specific location where you need to place files, so the whole thing will work. In Windows, the location is under C:xampphtdocs, and in Linux, it is under the path /opt/lampp/htdoc. Obviously, since Raspberry Pi is Linux, you will need to create a folder inside the htdocs folder after installation.

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