
Thanks to the fine people at Apress:

  • Ralph Moore edited the second edition with record speed, yet took the care to proof every word, even fixing some sentences that were originally untouched from the previous edition.

  • Scott Preston was the technical editor. A number of his suggestions clarified complicated steps, inserted tips, or specified another part supplier.

  • April Milne and Jerry Votta of the art department replaced my telestrator-style chicken scratches with clean, consistent overlays on dozens of illustrations.

  • Steve Anglin, the Assistant Editorial Director, was always in ear shot (or e-mail shot) to remove obstacles from the book's path to production.

  • Jim Markham is the friendly and incredibly productive Coordinating Editor. Although this book wouldn't have happened without Steve, it would have taken another six months if not for Jim.

I also want to extend my thanks to all the people from the first edition: Gary Cornell, Dan Appleman, Grace Wong, Stephanie Rodriguez, Sofia Marchant, Jim Munro, Dave Baum, and Tom Gavin.

Thanks to my family, Rachel, James, Sam, Pumpkin, Raisin, and Bones for their love and understanding–even when I spend too much time at the computer or machining in the basement.

Finally, a big hello to everyone at SmartSignal: Stacey, Trung, Jon, Nasser, Chad, Matt, Bryan, Greg, Rich, George, Dave, Patrick, Bob, and Jim.

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