Chapter 11. Sending E-mail Using BCS Classes

In this chapter, we will see recipes of e-mail programming using the Business communication services (BCS). We will look at:

  • Creating a simple e-mail message
  • Sending e-mail to Internet e-mail addresses
  • Adding attachments to your message
  • Creating HTML e-mail
  • Running a program and sending its output as an e-mail


This chapter explores useful recipes related to the programming of e-mail sending. We will start with a brief overview of BCS and the various classes available. Then we will see a simple recipe that will generate an e-mail to an SAP user in his or her inbox. Then, we will show how the same program may be changed in order to send the e-mail to Internet e-mail addresses.

We will then add attachments such as an Excel (XML file) to the e-mail. Creating HTML documents will also be discussed. Finally, we will create a program that will execute another ABAP program, convert its output into PDF, and attach the PDF to an e-mail message.

We will see the most important and commonly used classes (and their methods) used for e-mail creation. In addition to e-mail programming classes such as CL_BCS and CL_BCS_DOCUMENT, we will also see classes such as CL_CONVERT_BCS that are used for converting files into appropriate formats suitable for attaching to e-mail documents.

Throughout the chapter, the terms e-mail and SAP Office Document will be used interchangeably.

The BCS classes provide a newer object-oriented means of generating e-mails programmatically. The function modules should no longer be used for sending e-mails. The BCS classes are much simpler to program, particularly when we have attachments involved.

The classes relevant to e-mail programming are discussed as follows:

Class name



This class is for creating sent requests. The document (e-mail body and attachments) is assigned to it and recipients are specified. Finally, the request is sent.


This is the document class for specifying the content of the e-mail and attachments (if any).


This class provides a number of useful methods. The notable one uses an Internet e-mail address such as [email protected] and returns a recipient user object.


This class creates a recipient object based on an SAP user ID to be used.


This class converts data from one format to another, such as conversion of text string to binary table or from a hexadecimal string to a binary table, and so on.

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