Adding attachments to your message

In this recipe, we will see how we can add attachments to our e-mail message (we will use the program created in the previous recipe). We will also use the code fragment from the XML String (for Excel data) generated in the Downloading into Excel made easy using simple transformations recipe of Chapter 10, Simple Transformations chapter.

We will copy the program of the last recipe and add the transformation code for the conversion into binary file of the XML string. We will then write the code for attaching the XML file to the e-mail message. The recipe shows the additional code required to attach a file to the e-mail.

The necessary steps for defining the send request and the subsequent steps are the same. This recipe code will be inserted after the create_document method call of the cl_document_bcs class and before the set_document method call of the cl_bcs class.

How to do it...

We will now perform the steps shown as follows:

  1. After the CALL TRANSFORMATION statement, we will declare internal table attached_xml based on the table type solix_tab. We then call the static method string_to_solix of the cl_bcs_convert class for creating binary content out of the XML string. The solix_tab type is an internal table in binary format. The code page for Unicode UTF-16LE is passed 4103. The result is then stored in converted form in the attached_xml file.
    How to do it...
  2. Next, we call the method add_attachment of the class cl_bcs_document. For the parameter attachment type I_ATTACHMENT_TYPE, we pass the value BIN. For the name of the file (i_attachment_subject), we specify the name XML Excel Data.XLS. The parameter i_att_content_hex is for passing the internal table containing the file to be attached.
    How to do it...

How it works...

After the CALL TRANSFORMATION statement, we have the file content in the form of a large XML string. This string needs to be converted to an Excel format. We convert this into a binary format (an internal table based on dictionary structure SOLIX) using the static method string_to_solix of the class cl_bcs_convert. The structure of SOLIX is as follows:

How it works...

For converting the XML string into binary data, we use the code page 4103. Excel files expect the data to be in the UTF-16 LE format, that is, 4103.

The code is then added to insert the attachment to the created document using the add_attachment method of the cl_bcs_document class.

The attachment subject is the name of the file (in our case XML Excel Data.XLS) as it should appear in the receiver's inbox, the type is BIN meaning binary. For the content of the file, the i_att_content_hex parameter is supplied with the converted Excel file data. The attachment appears as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

The file when opened in Excel looks like following screenshot:

How it works...

There's more...

Similarly, other types of attachments such as PDF or HTML may be added to your documents.

If we need to know the code page of the underlying application server, we go to transaction SNL1. For our server, the code page 4103 is used for the UTF-16 LE encoding.

There's more...
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