
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


" (double quote), Understanding <loc>
$ (dollar sign), The wildcard directives, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
& (ampersand), Understanding <loc>
' (single quote), Understanding <loc>
* (asterisk) (see asterisk (*))
/ (trailing slash), New sites, Trailing slash
301 permanent redirect, Trailing slash, Overcoming limitations
403 error message, Error Pages
404 error message, Error Pages
500 error message, Error Pages
503 response code, Website maintenance
< (less than sign), Understanding <loc>
> (greater than sign), Understanding <loc>


A/B testing method, A/B testing
AAC sound format, Podcasts
ActionScript, Using Flash
ActiveX controls, Using ActiveX Controls
ad copy, Ad copyDynamic keyword insertion and keyword capitalization, Refine your ad copy
ad groups, creating, Creating an ad group
AddThis service, Stay away from too many bookmarking icons
Adobe Dreamweaver, Complex HTML and Formatting Problems
Adobe Flash, Using Flash, Creating custom website widgets
AdsBot-Google web spider, Important Crawlers
AIM messages, Stay away from too many bookmarking icons
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), AjaxAjax
Alexa website
backlink checker, Free backlink checkers
estimating website traffic, Alexa Reach
finding competitor keywords, Using Alexa keywords
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
Allow directive (robots.txt file), Understanding the robots.txt Format, The Allow directive, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
ampersand (&), Understanding <loc>
Analog tool, Popular Web Stats Tools
Anderson, Chris, Long tail keywords explained
Apache web servers
case sensitivity, Case Sensitivity
creating robots.txt file, Creation of robots.txt
HTTP header directives, HTTP Header Directives
NCSA Combined format, NCSA Combined Format in Apache
URL rewriting, Dealing with dynamic links, Dealing with dynamic links
article submission services, Submitting articles
ArticleGeek website, Submitting articles
building your reputation, Start Building Your Reputation Early
content syndication, Feed readers, Content syndication
deep-linked content, Navigation structure
submitting, Submitting articles
ArticlesBase website, Submitting articles website
canonical link element, Canonical Link Element
meta search engines and, Meta Search Engines
sponsored listings, PPC Platforms
assessment phase (SEO process), The Assessment Phase, Output of the assessment phase
asterisk (*)
in wildcard directives, The wildcard directives, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
in rewrite rule, Dealing with dynamic links
as star operator, New sites, Finding related keywords
ATAG (Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines), Website Accessibility
Atom news feed
Sitemap support, RSS and Atom Sitemaps
website syndication, Website SyndicationUnderstanding syndication formats
website widgets, Creating custom website widgets
Audacity program,
Audible website, Podcasts
Basic HTTP, Protecting directories with .htaccess
DNS crawler, Reverse DNS Crawler Authentication
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG), Website Accessibility
AutoMapIt tool, HTML Sitemap Generators
awards websites, Awards websites
AWStats tool
overview, The Monitoring Phase, Popular Web Stats Tools, Using AWStatsUsing AWStats
user patterns, User Patterns


b2evolution open source software, Free software
back-order brokers, Tapping into expired domain names
Backlink Checker tool, Free backlink checkers
backlink checkers, Free backlink checkersCommercially available backlink checkers
Backlink Watch tool, Free backlink checkers
backlinks (see external links)
Backstreet Browser, Determining online size
badware, Google guidelines website, The World of SEM
Ballmer, Steve, Google Toolbar
Basic HTTP authentication, Protecting directories with .htaccess website, Finding Your Competition
behavior patterns (see user behavior patterns)
Bhargava, Rohit, Social Networking Phenomenon
Bing search engine
background, Bing
content verticals, Google Images
guidelines for, Bing guidelines
industry buzz, BingThe Keyword Dashboard Tool
meta search engines and, Meta Search Engines
requesting site reevaluation, Requesting Bing site reevaluation URL shortening service, Twitter tips, Overcoming limitations
Blended Search results
popular keywords, Popular keywords
Universal Search model, Hybrid Search Engines
blog sites, Blog Sites
building your reputation, Start Building Your Reputation Early
canonical link element, Canonical Link Element
deep-linked content and, Deep-Linked Content
free software, Free software
link building via comments, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
microblogging, Twitter, Overcoming limitations
search engine spam and, Blog, forum, and wiki spam
SMO support, Social Networking Phenomenon
social networking and, Blogs
Technorati support, Technorati blog reactions and Authority
unexpected buzz, Unexpected buzz
Bloglines website, Blogs
bots (see web spiders)
brainstorming keywords, Keyword brainstorming
breadcrumbs, Linking Considerations
breakeven point (PPC), Know your variables, Know your variables
Brin, Sergey, Search Engines That Matter Today: Google
Brinck, Tom, Website Usability
broken outbound links, Broken Outbound LinksRunning
BudURL URL shortening service, Overcoming limitations website, Start with the top general directories
BUST A NAME tool, Keyword-rich domain names
buying cycles, Buying cycles


caching, web pages, Web page caching
call to action (CTA), Conversion and conversion rate
campaigns, creating, Creating a campaignCreating a campaign
canonical link element, Canonical Link ElementPossibility of an infinite loop
Caphyon graphical tools, Establish a Current Baseline
CAPTCHA technique, Automating Search Engine Rank Checking, The nofollow Link Attribute, Further Thoughts
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), CSS
case sensitivity
keyword capitalization, Dynamic keyword insertion and keyword capitalization
robots.txt file, Case Sensitivity
cat system command, Creating a custom HTML Sitemap generator
ccSLDs (country code second-level domains), Country code second-level domains
ccTLDs (country code top-level domains)
assignment regulations, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains
governance model, Domain Name Namespaces
overview, Country code top-level domains
changefreq attribute tag (XML Sitemaps), XML Sitemap Format, Understanding <changefreq>, XML Sitemap Example
click fraud, PPC platform selection
click-through rate (CTR), Interactions with SERPs, Know your variables
Clinton, Bill, Protecting Your Content
CMS (content management system)
canonical link element, Canonical Link Element
free software, Free softwareFree software
paid software, Paid software
prebuilt forms for link building, Take out the guesswork
site implementation software, Site software
CMS Made Simple open source software, Free software
collocation hosting, Collocation hosting
comanaged hosting, Comanaged and managed hosting
Compete tool
estimating website traffic, Compete traffic estimates
finding competitor keywords, Using Compete keywords
overview, Commercially available keyword research tools, Commercially available backlink checkers
competitor analysis
estimating presence, Estimating Social Networking PresenceAdditional tips
historical analysis, Historical Analysis
SEO research phase, Competitor analysis
tracking the competition, Competitor TrackingAutomating Search Engine Rank Checking
website presence, Web Presence and Website Traffic AnalysisDetermining online size
website traffic, Estimating Website TrafficCompete traffic estimates
website traffic analysis, Web Presence and Website Traffic AnalysisDetermining online size
competitor research
current state data, Current State Competitor AuditingCurrent State Competitor Auditing
finding the competition, Finding Your CompetitionCommercially available backlink checkers
future state tracking, Future State Tracking
link-building strategies, Emulate Your Competitors
compression, web server, Web server compression
comScore press release, Search Engine Primer, Search Engines That Matter Today: Google
content considerations
canonical link element, Canonical Link ElementPossibility of an infinite loop
content balance, Content Balance
content ownership, Content ownership
content syndication, Feed readers, Content syndication
content verticals, Content VerticalsGoogle Product Search
content-sharing sites, Content-Sharing SitesITunes podcast publishing
deep-linked content, Deep-Linked Content
duplicated content, URL canonicalization, Content duplication, Content DuplicationPreventing hot links
fine-grained indexing, Fine-Grained Content Indexing
link baiting, Link BaitWidget promotion and distribution
long-term content, Long-Term Content
motives for creating, Content Creation Motives
multiple URLs, Multiple URLsHTTP to HTTPS and vice versa
protecting content, Protecting Your Content
registered services, Provide registered services
search engine spam, Google guidelines
SEO planning and strategy phase, Content strategy
short-term content, Short-Term ContentExpected buzz
similar pages, Similar Pages
website syndication, Website Syndication
content management system (see CMS)
content mashups, Buzz information
conversion rates
long tail keywords, Long tail keywords explainedLong tail keywords explained
niche keywords and, Niche keywords
PPC example, Know your variables
SEO monitoring phase, Conversions
testing, Conversion and conversion rate
converter scripts, Converting IIS W3C to NCSA Combined
Copyscape service, Protecting Your Content
cost of ownership, Lower Cost of Ownership
cost-per-click (CPC), Know your variables, Creating a campaign
country code second-level domains (ccSLDs), Country code second-level domains
country code top-level domains (ccTLDs)
assignment regulations, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains
governance model, Domain Name Namespaces
overview, Country code top-level domains
CPANEL software, Using Webalizer, Web page caching
CPC (cost-per-click), Know your variables, Creating a campaign
crawl augmentation, Crawl augmentation
Crawl-delay directive (robots.txt file), The Crawl-delay directive, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
crawlers (see web spiders)
crawling, More on robots.txt
(see also robots.txt file)
defined, Crawling Versus Indexing
frequency considerations, Crawling frequency
indexing comparison, Crawling Versus Indexing, Social Bookmarking
prohibiting, Why Prohibit Crawling or Indexing?Preventing website performance hits, Disallowing image crawling
Twitter support, Twitter tips
crontab jobs, Monitoring website performance, Scheduling tweets
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), CSS
CTA (call to action), Conversion and conversion rate
CTR (click-through rate), Interactions with SERPs, Know your variables
current state assessment
competitor tracking, Current State Competitor AuditingCurrent State Competitor Auditing
establishing baseline, Establish a Current Baseline
link building, Assess Your Current Situation
SEO research phase, Current state assessment
custom development
benefits, Benefits of custom development
building dynamic site skeleton, Building a dynamic site skeletonBuilding a dynamic site skeleton
disadvantages, Disadvantages of custom development
SEO-friendly site layout, SEO-friendly site layout
site page layout, Site page layouts
Cutts, Matt, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains, What is a canonical link?


dedicated server hosting, Dedicated server hosting website, Tracking your bookmarks
Didit study, The Golden Triangle website
detecting new competitors, New competitor detection
Google index size, Google and Social Media Sites
overview, Digg
social bookmarking example, Integrating social bookmarks on your site
URL history, (URL history)
website widget, Popular website widgets
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Protecting Your Content
Disallow directive (robots.txt file)
code example, Understanding the robots.txt Format, The Allow directive
overview, The Disallow directive, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
discussion forums
deep-linked content and, Deep-Linked Content
search engine spam, Blog, forum, and wiki spam
submitting postings, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
DIV tags
HTML traps, Using External DIVs
search engine indexing and, JavaScript-Generated Content
text font color scheme, The text font color scheme
Django open source software, Free software
DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), Protecting Your Content web directory, Web Directories, Start with the top general directories, Finding Your Competition
DNS crawler authentication, Reverse DNS Crawler Authentication
document security, REP and document security search engine, Meta Search Engines
dollar sign ($), The wildcard directives, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
domain brokers, Buying existing domains
domain names
buying, Buying Domain NamesRenewing domains
buying existing, Buying existing domains
buying misspellings, Domain name resellers, Acquiring misspelled domain names
buying via unsolicited approach, Utilizing the unsolicited approach
domain resellers, Domain name resellers
estimating net worth, Estimating domain worth
exact keyword matching, Exact keyword matching
expired, Tapping into expired domain namesTapping into expired domain names, Expired domains, Acquiring expired domains
keyword matches for, Domain Name KeywordsPartial keyword matching
keyword-rich, Keyword-rich domain names
namespaces, Domain Name NamespacesCountry code second-level domains
nonsensical, Nonsensical domain names, Domain Name Keywords
number of registrations, Competition
parking, Parking domains
partial keyword matching, Partial keyword matching
redirecting misspellings, Domain misspellings
registration period, Domain registration period
renewing, Renewing domains
size considerations, Domain name size
suggestion tools, Keyword-rich domain names
transferring, Transferring domains
vendor discounts, Domain name resellers
domain parking, Parking domains
domain redemption cycle, Tapping into expired domain names
domain transfer, Transferring domains
DomainsBot tool, Keyword-rich domain names
DomainTools tool, Keyword-rich domain names
doorway (splash) pages, Splash or Doorway Pages, Google guidelines, Doorway pages
double quote (“), Understanding <loc>
Drupal open source software, Free software, Canonical Link Element
dynamic keyword insertion, Dynamic keyword insertion and keyword capitalization
dynamic links
JavaScript support, JavaScript Dynamic Links and MenusJavaScript Dynamic Links and Menus
<noscript> tags, JavaScript Dynamic Links and Menus
URL rewriting and, Dealing with dynamic links
dynamic websites
building site skeleton, Building a dynamic site skeletonBuilding a dynamic site skeleton
CMS support, Free software
search engine confusion, Dealing with dynamic links
dynamic widget traps, Dynamic Widget Traps
ActiveX controls, Using ActiveX Controls
Flash files, Using Flash
Java applets, Using Java Applets


e107 open source software, Free software
.edu domains, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains
EDUCAUSE, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains
microblogging and, Twitter
newsletters via, Run a daily, weekly, or monthly email newsletter
Enquiro study, The Golden Triangle
entity association graph, Entity association graph
entity escape codes, Understanding <loc>
error pages, Error Pages
escape codes, Understanding <loc>
exact keyword matching, Exact keyword matching
expired domain names, Tapping into expired domain namesTapping into expired domain names, Expired domains, Acquiring expired domains
external links
age considerations, Age of backlinks
anchor text considerations, Topical link relevance
assessing current situation, Assess Your Current Situation
competitor analysis, Emulate Your Competitors
competitor research, Competitor Backlink ResearchCommercially available backlink checkers
deep-linked content and, Resurfacing
defined, External Links
from .edu/.gov domains, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains
Hilltop Algorithm and, Backlinks from expert sites and the Hilltop Algorithm
link anchor text, Keywords in the Link Anchor Text
managing, Know Your ReferrersParsing the TSV file
quality of, Quantity and Quality of External LinksRelative popularity among peer sites
quantity of, Quantity and Quality of External LinksRelative popularity among peer sites
relative page position, Relative page position
relative site popularity, Relative popularity among peer sites
SEO monitoring phase, Website referrals
speed of accumulation, Speed of backlink accumulation
splitting PageRank effect, Spilling PageRank effect
tracking for competitors, Current State Competitor Auditing
web directories and, Backlinks from directories
external optimization, External optimization
external ranking factors
broken outbound links, Broken Outbound LinksRunning
defined, External Ranking Factors
external links, External LinksRelative popularity among peer sites
user behavior patterns, User Behavior PatternsUser Behavior Lessons
website age, Website Age
website performance, Website Performance
externalFileImport function (JavaScript/Ajax), Ajax
Eyetools study, The Golden Triangle
eZ Publish open source software, Free software
EZineArticles website, Submitting articles


Facebook website
account types, Facebook account types
background, Facebook
building your reputation, Start Building Your Reputation Early
Google index size, Google and Social Media Sites
usage tips, Facebook tips
YouTube support, YouTube website, Site software
feed readers, Feed readersFeed readers
FeedBlitz website, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
FeedBurner tool
Analyze section, FeedBurner features
features supported, FeedBurner featuresFeedBurner features
Feed Subscribers metric, Understanding FeedBurner
FeedFlare option, FeedBurner features
FeedMedic service, FeedBurner features
future considerations, Future of FeedBurner
Google Analytics and, Future of FeedBurner
integrating with sites, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
Monetize section, FeedBurner features
Optimize section, FeedBurner features
overview, Understanding FeedBurner
Publicize section, FeedBurner features
SmartCast option, FeedBurner features
SmartFeed option, FeedBurner features
social media sites and, Google and Social Media Sites
Troubleshootize section, FeedBurner features
Feedity website, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
FFA (Free For All) sites, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings
Filo, David, Yahoo!
filtering data, Filtering Specific Data
find system command, Creating a custom HTML Sitemap generator
first-tier search engines, First-Tier Search Engines
Flash platform, Using Flash, Creating custom website widgets
Flickr website
background, Flickr
creating website widgets, Widget promotion and distribution
Google index size, Google and Social Media Sites
tools and resources available, Flickr tools and resources
usage tips, Flickr tips
follow directive, HTML Meta Directives
<font> tag, The text font color scheme
HTML traps, Complex HTML and Formatting Problems
intelligent page, Use Intelligent Page Formatting
forum postings
deep-linked content and, Deep-Linked Content
search engine spam, Blog, forum, and wiki spam
submitting, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
frameborder property (iframes), Using Iframes
frames as HTML traps, Using FramesUsing Frames
<frameset> tags, Using Frames
Free For All (FFA) sites, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings
free hosting, Free hosting
free keyword research tools, Free keyword research tools
defined, Defining funnels
search, Search funnels


generic modifiers, Types of modifiers, Make use of generic keyword modifiers
generic top-level domains (gTLDs)
governance model, Domain Name Namespaces
overview, Generic top-level domainsGeneric top-level domains
sponsored, Generic top-level domains script, Automating Search Engine Rank Checking
Glossarist tool, Free keyword research tools
goals, defining, Defining goalsDefining goals
Golden Triangle, The Golden Triangle
Google AdSense
click fraud, PPC platform selection
earnings explanation, AdSense Earnings
news feed support, FeedBurner features
overview, Search Engine Marketing, Google AdSense
setting up, AdSense Setup
usage tips, AdSense Tips
website setup, AdSense Website Setup
Google AdWords
ad setup options, Ad SetupDynamic keyword insertion and keyword capitalization
campaign setup, Campaign SetupCreating an ad group
click fraud, PPC platform selection
creating a Google account, Creating a Google accountCreating a Google account
keyword match types, Keyword Match TypesNegative match
navigating through, Navigating through AdWords
overview, Search Engine Marketing, PPC Platforms
setting up, AdWords SetupNavigating through AdWords
testing, AdWords TestingMultivariate testing
usage tips, AdWords TipsConversion rate
Google AdWords Keyword Tool
additional information, Keywords in the Link Anchor Text, Google keyword tools and resources
finding competitor keywords, Using the Google AdWords Keyword Tool Website Content feature
overview, Keywords in the Page Copy, Google AdWords Keyword ToolGoogle AdWords Keyword Tool
search volume considerations, Keyword Strategy
Google Analytics
assessing current situation, Assess Your Current Situation
Benchmarking page, Benchmarking
Browser capabilities option, Browser capabilities
Content section, Content
Dashboard page, DashboardNetwork properties
defining funnels, Defining funnels
defining goals, Defining goalsDefining goals
establishing keyword baseline, Establish a Current Baseline
FeedBurner tool and, Future of FeedBurner
installation and setup, Installation and Setup
Languages page, Languages
Map Overlay page, Map Overlay page
navigating, Navigating Google Analytics
Network properties option, Network properties
New vs. returning page, New versus returning visitors
overview, Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics, Google Analytics
shortcomings, Google Analytics ShortcomingsMetrics accuracy
tracking user behavior patterns, Google Analytics
Traffic Sources section, Traffic Sources
viewing goal stats, Viewing goal stats
Visitor loyalty menu item, Visitor pages
Visitor recency page, Visitor pages
Visitor trending option, Visitor trending
Visitors Overview page, Visitors Overview page
Google Base, Google Product Search
Google bombing, Keywords in the Link Anchor Text
Google Content Network, Creating a campaign, Google Content Network or Google SERPs
Google filetype:txt command, Common robots.txt Configurations
Google Images, Google Images
Google inanchor: command, Estimating keyword competition, revisited, Choosing Better Keywords
Google Insights for Search tool, Google Insights for Search
Google intitle: command, Estimating keyword competition, revisited, Choosing Better Keywords
Google inurl: command, Estimating keyword competition, revisited, Choosing Better Keywords
Google link: command, Know Your Referrers, Basic ways to find competitor backlinks
Google Local Business Center, Consider regional directories, Finding Your Competition
Google News, Google News
Google PageRank algorithm
backlink checkers and, Free backlink checkers
defined, Search Engine Rankings
distributed internal link popularity, Distributed internal link popularity
.gov/.edu domains, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
splitting effect on links, Spilling PageRank effect
URL canonicalization and, URL canonicalization
web directories and, Backlinks from directories, Directories
Google Product Search platform, Google Product Search
Google Reader, Feed readers, YouTube
Google related: command, Continue with niche directories, The manual approach
Google search engine
additional information, Search Engines That Matter Today: Google
background, Search Engines That Matter Today: Google
canonical link element, Canonical Link Element
DMCA and, Protecting Your Content
dominance of, Search Engine Primer
Flash support, Google’s support of Adobe Flash
guidelines for, Google guidelines
keyword tools and resources, Google keyword tools and resourcesGoogle Insights for Search
long-term content, Long-Term Content
meta search engines and, Meta Search Engines
paid links and, Paid Ads (or Links)
requesting site reevaluation, Requesting Google site reevaluation
SOAP API toolkit, Automating Search Engine Rank Checking
social media sites and, Google and Social Media Sites
specific directives, Google-specific directives
typical SERP layout, SERP Real EstateNiche keywords
Universal Search model, Hybrid Search Engines
web directories and, Start with the top general directories
YouTube videos, YouTube
Google Sets tool, Google keyword tools and resources, Google Sets
Google site: command URL shortening service, Twitter tips
obtaining relative index size, Determining online size
obtaining site size, Estimating size of content
viewing domains, Generic top-level domains
Google Sitelinks feature, Sitelinks
Google Sitemap Checker, XML Sitemap Validators
Google Sitemap Generator, XML Sitemap Generators
Google Sitemap Protocol (see XML Sitemaps)
Google Toolbar, Google Toolbar
Google Trends
expected buzz, Expected buzz
overview, Google keyword tools and resources, Google Trends, Future events, buying cycles, and buzz information
unexpected buzz, Unexpected buzz
Google Webmaster Tools
assessing current situation, Assess Your Current Situation
Change of address subsection, Change of address
Crawl errors page, Crawl errors
Crawl stats page, Crawl stats
Crawler access option, Crawler access
Dashboard page, Dashboard, Using Google Webmaster Tools to submit Sitemaps
Diagnostics section, The Diagnostics SectionHTML suggestions
duplicate content URLs, Trailing slash
establishing keyword baseline, Establish a Current Baseline
Google Sitelinks feature, Sitelinks
HTML suggestions page, HTML suggestions
Internal links page, Internal links
Keywords page, Keywords
Links to your site option, Links to your site
overview, Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics
Settings option, Settings
setup, Webmaster Tools Setup
Site configuration section, The “Site configuration” SectionSettings
Sitemap submissions, Using Google Webmaster Tools to submit SitemapsUsing Google Webmaster Tools to submit Sitemaps
Sitemaps option, Sitemaps, Using Google Webmaster Tools to submit Sitemaps
Subscriber stats page, Subscriber stats
Top search queries option, Top search queries
validation tools, Validation of robots.txt
viewing backlinks, Know Your Referrers
Your site on the web section, The “Your site on the web” SectionSubscriber stats
Googlebot web spider
description, Important Crawlers
file types supported, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
showing activity breakdown, Crawl stats
signature example, Spotting a Web Spider in Web Logs
typical request, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
Googlebot-Image spider, Spotting a Web Spider in Web Logs, Important Crawlers
Googlebot-Mobile spider, Important Crawlers
.gov domains, Backlinks from .edu and .gov domains
greater than sign (>), Understanding <loc>
grep system command, Creating a custom HTML Sitemap generator
Gross, Bill, The World of SEM
gTLDs (generic top-level domains)
governance model, Domain Name Namespaces
overview, Generic top-level domainsGeneric top-level domains
sponsored, Generic top-level domains


<head> tag
canonical link element, Canonical link element format
HTML meta directives, HTML Meta DirectivesGoogle-specific directives
heading tags, keywords in, Keywords in the Heading Tags
hidden links, Hidden links
hidden text, Google guidelines, Hidden or small textCSS
Hilltop Algorithm, Backlinks from expert sites and the Hilltop Algorithm
HitTail tool, Additional competitive keyword discovery tools
Hitwise Intelligence study, The Trust Factor
Hitwise tool, Commercially available backlink checkers
hosting providers
buying services, Domain name resellers, Hosting Options
choosing platforms, Choosing PlatformsSelecting the development platform
collocation hosting, Collocation hosting
comanaged hosting, Comanaged and managed hosting
dedicated server hosting, Dedicated server hosting
free hosting, Free hosting
hosting types, Hosting TypesInternal hosting
internal hosting, Internal hosting
managed hosting, Comanaged and managed hosting
shared hosting, Shared hosting
web page caching, Web page caching
web server compression, Web server compression
hot link prevention, Preventing hot links
HotScripts website, Site software
.htaccess file
document security, REP and document security
error pages, Error Pages
handling website maintenance, Website maintenance
hot link prevention, Preventing hot links
HTTP header directives, HTTP Header Directives
redirect mechanism, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
redirecting domain misspellings, Domain misspellings
trailing slash, Trailing slash
URL variables and, Session IDs and URL Variables
WWW prefix, WWW prefix
HTML forms, Create Smart HTML Forms
HTML meta directives, HTML Meta DirectivesGoogle-specific directives
HTML reports, Final HTML Report, Report metrics summary
HTML Sitemaps, HTML SitemapsCreating a custom HTML Sitemap generator
HTML tags (see specific tags)
HTML traps
complex HTML, Complex HTML and Formatting Problems
external DIV tags, Using External DIVs
extremely large pages, Extremely Large Pages
formatting problems, Complex HTML and Formatting Problems
frames, Using FramesUsing Frames
graphical text, Using Graphical TextUsing Graphical Text
iframes, Using IframesUsing Iframes
HTML validation, Complex HTML and Formatting Problems
.htpasswd file, Protecting directories with .htaccess
HTTP header directives, HTTP Header Directives
HTTrack Website Copier, Determining online size
Hulu website, Widget promotion and distribution
hybrid search engines, Hybrid Search Engines


ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), Domain Name Namespaces
iframes (inline frames), Using IframesUsing Iframes
iGooMap tool, XML Sitemap Generators
case insensitivity, Case Sensitivity
NCSA Combined format and, Converting IIS W3C to NCSA Combined
URL rewriting, Dealing with dynamic links
implementation phase (SEO process), The Implementation Phase, Internal optimization, External optimization, Output of the implementation phase
inbound links (see external links)
index directive, HTML Meta Directives
crawling comparison, Crawling Versus Indexing, Social Bookmarking
deep-linked content, Deep-Linked Content
defined, Search Engine Indexing, Crawling Versus Indexing
fine-grained, Fine-Grained Content Indexing
frames and, Using Frames
hidden DIV tags and, JavaScript-Generated Content
prohibiting, Why Prohibit Crawling or Indexing?Preventing website performance hits
social media sites, Google and Social Media Sites
Twitter support, Twitter tips
infinite loops, Possibility of an infinite loop script, Parsing the TSV file
inner page invisibility, Pagination problems
internal hosting, Internal hosting
internal links, Internal link architecture, Distributed internal link popularity
internal optimization, Internal optimization
internal ranking factors
analyzing SERPs, Analyzing SERPs
defined, Internal Ranking Factors
on-page ranking factors, On-Page Ranking FactorsCalculating the optimum number of words per page
on-site ranking factors, On-Site Ranking FactorsFreshness of Pages
putting it all together, Putting It All TogetherReport metrics summary
Internet Archive site
background, Historical Analysis
blocking, Common robots.txt Configurations, Blocking Internet Archiver
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), Domain Name Namespaces
iProspect survey, The Trust Factor
iTunes platform, FeedBurner features, Podcasts, ITunes podcast publishing


Jaiku website, Google and Social Media Sites
Java applets, Using Java Applets, Creating custom website widgets
JavaScript language
Ajax and, AjaxAjax
dynamic links and menus, JavaScript Dynamic Links and MenusJavaScript Dynamic Links and Menus
dynamic text within, JavaScript-Generated ContentJavaScript-Generated Content
Google Analytics support, Based on JavaScript
sneaky redirects, Google guidelines
Joomla! open source software, Free software, Canonical Link Element


Kanoodle platform, PPC Platforms search engine, Meta Search Engines
KeyCompete tool, Additional competitive keyword discovery tools
Keyword Dashboard tool, The Keyword Dashboard Tool
Keyword Discovery tool, Free keyword research tools, Commercially available keyword research tools
Keyword Elite tool, Commercially available keyword research tools
keyword forecast tool, Keyword forecast
keyword group detection tool, Keyword group detection
keyword modifiers, Keyword ModifiersKeyword combinations
keyword mutation detection tool, Keyword mutation detection
keyword prominence, Keyword Prominence
keyword proximity, Keyword Proximity
keyword rankings (see rankings)
keyword research
additional tools, Additional keyword research toolsCommercially available keyword research tools
buying cycles, Buying cycles
buzz information, Buzz information
compiling targeted draft list, Compile a Draft List of Keywords You Wish to TargetCommercially available keyword research tools
establishing current baseline, Establish a Current Baseline
estimating search volume, Estimating keyword search volume
evaluating keywords, Evaluate Your KeywordsEstimating keyword search volume
finalizing keyword list, Finalize Your Keyword List
finding additional keywords, Finding Additional Competitor KeywordsAdditional competitive keyword discovery tools
future events, Future events
implementing strategy, Implement Your Strategy
keyword modifiers, Keyword ModifiersKeyword combinations, Make use of generic keyword modifiers
keyword stemming, The Importance of Word StemmingThe Importance of Word Stemming, Utilize keyword stemming
Latent Semantic Indexing, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
Microsoft Office support, Make use of Microsoft Word
predictive SEO, Predictive SEOBuzz information
process overview, Keyword Research Process
researching competitors, Keyword-Based Competitor ResearchUtilizing SEO tools and automation
SEO research phase, Keyword research
strategy for, Keyword StrategyLong tail keywords explained
keyword stemming, The Importance of Word StemmingThe Importance of Word Stemming, Utilize keyword stemming
keyword stuffing, Google guidelines, Keyword stuffing
AdWords match types, Keyword Match TypesNegative match
AdWords tips, Keywords
average page densities, Keywords in the Page Copy
brainstorming, Keyword brainstorming
broad, Long Tail Keywords
capitalization considerations, Dynamic keyword insertion and keyword capitalization
choosing better, Choosing Better Keywords
domain name, Domain Name KeywordsPartial keyword matching
dynamic insertion, Dynamic keyword insertion and keyword capitalization
evaluating, Evaluate Your KeywordsEstimating keyword search volume
exact matching, Exact keyword matching
finalizing list, Finalize Your Keyword List
finding related, Continue by finding related keywordsFinding related keywords
in <meta> tag, Keywords in the <meta> Description TagSearch engine alternative to <meta> description tags
in heading tags, Keywords in the Heading Tags
in link anchor text, Keywords in the Link Anchor TextKeywords in the Link Anchor Text
in outbound links, Keywords in outbound links
in page copy, Keywords in the Page Copy
in page URL, Keywords in the Page URL
language and, Keywords and LanguagePage and site theme
localized terms, Make use of localized terms
long tail, Long tail keywords explained
narrow, Long Tail KeywordsLong tail keywords explained
partial matching, Partial keyword matching
SEO tuning, SEO Keyword Tuning with PPC Testing
in <title> tag, Keywords in the <title> TagTitle keywords in the page copy
web stat monitoring and, Searches/Keywords
KeywordSpy tool, Commercially available keyword research tools, Additional competitive keyword discovery tools
Krug, Steve, Website Usability
KwMap tool, Free keyword research tools


campaign options, Creating a campaign
keywords and, Keywords and LanguagePage and site theme
lastmod attribute tag (XML Sitemaps), XML Sitemap Format, Understanding <lastmod>, Multiple XML Sitemaps
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Page and site theme
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
less than sign (<), Understanding <loc>
link anchor text
backlink checkers and, Free backlink checkers
keywords in, Keywords in the Link Anchor TextKeywords in the Link Anchor Text
topical relevance, Topical link relevance
link bait
custom website widgets, Creating custom website widgets
defined, Link Bait
popular website widgets, Popular website widgets
types of content hooks, Link Bait
website widget overview, Website widgets in detail
widget promotion/distribution, Widget promotion and distribution
link building
assessing current situation, Assess Your Current Situation
basic elements, Basic Elements
building complementary sites, Build a Complementary Site
building your reputation, Start Building Your Reputation Early
link baiting and, Link BaitWidget promotion and distribution
natural link acquisition, Natural Link Acquisition
newsgroups and, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
quality considerations, Link Sources and Link Quality
SEO planning and strategy phase, Link-building strategy
SMO and, Social Networking Phenomenon
social bookmarking, Social BookmarkingStay away from too many bookmarking icons
submitting articles, Submitting articles
submitting blog comments, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
submitting forum postings, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
web directories and, DirectoriesConsider regional directories
website syndication, Website SyndicationFuture of FeedBurner
Link Diagnosis tool, Free backlink checkers
link farms, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings script, Running
LinkedIn website, Start Building Your Reputation Early, LinkedIn
links (see specific types of links)
LinkVendor tool, Number of sites
loc attribute tag (XML Sitemaps), XML Sitemap Format, Understanding <loc>, XML Sitemap Example
logfiles (see web server logs)
long tail keywords, Long tail keywords explained
long-term content, Long-Term Content website, Meta Search Engines
LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis), Page and site theme
LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing), Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)


maintenance phase (SEO process), The Maintenance Phase, Output of the maintenance phase
MakeWords tool, Keyword-rich domain names
Mamba open source software, Free software search engine, Meta Search Engines
managed hosting, Comanaged and managed hosting
Mapsbuilder tool, XML Sitemap Generators
Mediapartners-Google web spider, Important Crawlers
MediaWiki open source software, Free software
meta search engines, Meta Search Engines
<meta> tag
HTML directives in, HTML Meta DirectivesGoogle-specific directives
keyword prominence in, Keyword Prominence
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
keywords in, Keywords in the <meta> Description TagSearch engine alternative to <meta> description tags
new sites, New sites
targeting, Targeting HTML meta tags
microblogging, Twitter, Overcoming limitations
ActiveX controls, Using ActiveX Controls
canonical link element, Canonical Link Element
PPC platform and, The World of SEM
on URL rewriting, Dealing with dynamic links
validation tools, Validation of robots.txt
Yahoo! and, Yahoo!, Free backlink checkers
Microsoft adCenter Labs platform, Microsoft adCenter LabsSearch funnels
Microsoft adCenter platform, PPC Platforms
Microsoft Bing (see Bing search engine)
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, Make use of Microsoft Word
Microsoft FrontPage, Automating Search Engine Rank Checking
Microsoft Office, Blocking Office documents, Make use of Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word, Make use of Microsoft WordMake use of Microsoft Word
Milstein, Sarah, Overcoming limitations
mirror sites, Mirror sites
misspellings of domain names, Domain name resellers, Domain misspellings, Acquiring misspelled domain names
Miva platform, PPC Platforms
mobile Sitemaps, Mobile Sitemaps
mod_rewrite module, Dealing with dynamic links
money modifiers, Types of modifiers
monitoring phase (SEO process)
conversion rates, Conversions
output of, Output of the monitoring phase
overview, The Monitoring Phase
search engine rankings, Search engine rankings
web spider activity, Web spider activity
website referrals, Website referrals
website traffic, Website traffic
monitoring website performance, Monitoring website performance
MP3 sound format, Podcasts
MSNBot web spider, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers, Important Crawlers
MSNBot-Media web spider, Important Crawlers
MSNBot-News web spider, Important Crawlers
multivariate testing, Multivariate testing
MySpace website
building your reputation, Start Building Your Reputation Early
Google and, Search Engines That Matter Today: Google
Google index size, Google and Social Media Sites
overview, MySpace
YouTube support, YouTube
MySQL database, Creating the database, Building the interface


Naber, Daniel, HTML Sitemap Generators
Nameboy tool, Keyword-rich domain names
namespaces, Domain Name NamespacesCountry code second-level domains
natural link acquisition, Natural Link Acquisition
breadcrumbs, Linking Considerations
deep-linked content and, Navigation structure
Google AdWords, Navigating through AdWords
Google Analytics, Navigating Google Analytics
HTML frames and, Using Frames
NCSA Combined format, NCSA Combined Format, NCSA Combined Format in Apache, Converting IIS W3C to NCSA Combined
NCSA Common format, NCSA Common Format
Netcraft survey, Competition
netstat command, Google Toolbar
news feeds
Sitemap support, RSS and Atom Sitemaps
website syndication, Website SyndicationIntegrating FeedBurner with your site
website widgets, Creating custom website widgets
news Sitemaps, News Sitemaps, Google News
<news:keywords> tag, News Sitemaps
NewsGator website, Blogs
newsgroups, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
NewsIsFree website, Blogs
newsletters, email, Run a daily, weekly, or monthly email newsletter
niche directories, Continue with niche directories, Niche directory hubs
niche keywords
domain name keywords, Domain Name Keywords
niche modifiers, Niche modifiers
organic results, Niche keywords
noarchive directive, HTML Meta Directives
nofollow directive, HTML Meta Directives
nofollow link attribute
backlink checkers and, Free backlink checkers
fine-grained indexing, Fine-Grained Content Indexing
format, Format
forum postings and, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings, Blog, forum, and wiki spam
industry buzz, The nofollow Link Attribute
overview, The nofollow Link Attribute
pagination problems and, Pagination problems
paid links and, Paid Ads (or Links), Paid links
Twitter support, Twitter tips
usage tips, Further Thoughts
web directories and, Directories
<noframes> tags, Using Frames
noimageindex directive, Google-specific directives
noindex directive, HTML Meta Directives
noindex meta tag, Fine-Grained Content Indexing, Mirror sites
nonsense words for domain names, Nonsensical domain names, Domain Name Keywords
noodp directive, HTML Meta Directives
<noscript> element, The <noscript> element, Hidden links
nosnippet directive, HTML Meta Directives
notranslate directive, Google-specific directives
noydir directive, Yahoo!-specific directives


Offline Explorer Pro, Determining online size
on-page ranking factors
keyword prominence, Keyword Prominence
keyword proximity, Keyword Proximity
keywords in <meta> tag, Keywords in the <meta> Description TagSearch engine alternative to <meta> description tags
keywords in <title> tag, Keywords in the <title> TagTitle keywords in the page copy
keywords in heading tags, Keywords in the Heading Tags
keywords in link anchor text, Keywords in the Link Anchor TextKeywords in the Link Anchor Text
keywords in page copy, Keywords in the Page Copy
keywords in page URL, Keywords in the Page URL
outbound links, Quality Outbound Links
web page age, Web Page Age
web page size, Web Page Size
on-site ranking factors
content size/quantity, Size or Quantity of Content
domain name keywords, Domain Name KeywordsPartial keyword matching
freshness of pages, Freshness of Pages
linking considerations, Linking ConsiderationsURL canonicalization
OneRiot real-time search, Real-Time Search, OneRiot Real-Time Search
Open Directory Project, Web Directories, HTML Meta Directives
open source software, Free software
organic content, Organic content
organic results, SERP Real Estate, Niche keywords, The Trust Factor
osCommerce open source software, Free software
outbound links
broken, Broken Outbound LinksRunning
keywords in, Keywords in outbound links
quality, Quality Outbound Links
outsourcing, SEO challenges and, Outsourcing
O’Reilly, Tim, Overcoming limitations


page copy
keywords in, Keywords in the Page Copy
title keywords in, Title keywords in the page copy
page URLs
keywords in, Keywords in the Page URL
multiple slashes, Multiple slashes
Page, Larry, Search Engines That Matter Today: Google
paid links
overview, Paid Ads (or Links)
search engine spam, Paid links
partial keyword matching, Partial keyword matching
.passwd file, Protecting directories with .htaccess
pay-per-click advertising (see PPC advertising)
Peggs, Tobias, OneRiot Real-Time Search
performSpecial function (JavaScript), Doorway pages
PHP language
automating ping submissions, Automating ping submissions
handling website maintenance, Website maintenance
include command, Reverse DNS Crawler Authentication
Twitter scheduler application, Creating the database, Sending tweets
web server compression, Web server compression
ping method, XML Sitemap Submissions, Using the ping method to submit SitemapsAutomating ping submissions
ping URLs, Blogs
planning and strategy phase (SEO process)
content strategy, Content strategy
link-building strategy, Link-building strategy
output of, Output of the planning and strategy phase
overview, The Planning and Strategy Phase
search engine targeting strategy, Search engine targeting strategy
SEM strategy, SEM strategy
social media strategy, Social media strategy
technical strategy, Technical strategy
Podcast Alley website, Podcasts website, Podcasts,
podcasts, FeedBurner features, Podcasts
popular keywords
Blended Search results, Popular keywords
domain name matches, Domain Name Keywords
search engine bias for, Backlinks from expert sites and the Hilltop Algorithm
PostRank website, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
PPC advertising
background, The World of SEM
click fraud, PPC platform selection
defined, The World of SEM
knowing campaign variables, Know your variablesKnow your variables
major platforms, The World of SEMPPC platform selection
SEM process, The SEM ProcessThe campaign refinements phase
SEO comparison, The Big Picture, Lower Cost of Ownership
SEO keyword tuning, SEO Keyword Tuning with PPC Testing
Yahoo! Search Marketing platform, Yahoo! Search Marketing
priority attribute tag (XML Sitemaps), XML Sitemap Format, Understanding <priority>
Pulse Rank algorithm, OneRiot Real-Time Search
pure text Sitemaps, Pure Text (URL Listing) Sitemaps


ranking aggregator services, Establish a Current Baseline script, Putting It All Together
analyzing SERPs, Analyzing SERPs
automating checking, Automating Search Engine Rank CheckingAutomating Search Engine Rank Checking
external ranking factors, External Ranking FactorsPlan for long-term benefits
fluctuations in, Ranking Fluctuations
on-page ranking factors, On-Page Ranking FactorsCalculating the optimum number of words per page
on-site ranking factors, On-Site Ranking FactorsFreshness of Pages
overview, Search Engine RankingsSearch Engine Rankings
Pulse Rank algorithm, OneRiot Real-Time Search
putting it all together, Putting It All TogetherReport metrics summary
SEO monitoring phase, Search engine rankings
SMO and, Social Networking Phenomenon
RapidFeeds website, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
Rebex Internet Log Converter, Converting IIS W3C to NCSA Combined
reciprocal links, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings
Reddit website, Integrating social bookmarks on your site
Reference tool, Free keyword research tools
referral links (see external links)
regional directories, Consider regional directories
regional search engines, Regional Search Engines
renewing domains, Renewing domains
REP (Robots Exclusion Protocol), Robots Exclusion Protocol
(see also robots.txt file)
background, Robots Exclusion Protocol
dealing with rogue spiders, Dealing with Rogue Spiders
document security and, REP and document security
good web spiders and, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
nofollow link attribute, The nofollow Link Attribute
prohibiting crawling/indexing, Why Prohibit Crawling or Indexing?Preventing website performance hits
research phase (SEO process)
business research, Business research
competitor analysis, Competitor analysis
current state assessment, Current state assessment
keyword research, Keyword research
output of, Output of the research phase
overview, The Research Phase
rewrite rule, Dealing with dynamic links
RFC-3986 standard, Understanding <loc>
RFC-3987 standard, Understanding <loc>
robots (see web spiders)
Robots Exclusion Protocol (see REP)
robots meta directives, Robots Meta DirectivesGoogle-specific directives
robots-nocontent directive, Yahoo!-specific directives
robots.txt file
assembling, Crawler access
background, More on robots.txt
blocking crawling, New sites
case sensitivity, Case Sensitivity
common configurations, Common robots.txt ConfigurationsBlocking Internet Archiver
content duplication and, Content duplication
creating, Creation of robots.txt
directives supported, Understanding the robots.txt Format, Robots.txt DirectivesThe Crawl-delay directive, Summary of the robots.txt DirectiveSummary of the robots.txt Directive
format overview, Understanding the robots.txt Format
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
list of important crawlers, Important Crawlers
placement considerations, Placement of robots.txt
search engine traps and, Robots.txt
search engine verticals, Google Images
validating, Validation of robots.txt
XML Sitemap support, XML Sitemap Auto-Discovery
rogue web spiders, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers, Dealing with Rogue Spiders
RSS news feed
FeedBurner support, FeedBurner features
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
podcast support, Podcasts
Sitemap support, RSS and Atom Sitemaps
SMO support, Social Networking Phenomenon
website syndication, Website SyndicationUnderstanding syndication formats
website widgets, Creating custom website widgets
Rubin, Jeffrey, Website Usability


Scoopler real-time search, Real-Time Search
scraper sites, Scraper sites
<script> tag, The <noscript> element
automating ping submissions, Automating ping submissions
blogging-related, Blogs
building complementary sites, Site software
converter, Converting IIS W3C to NCSA Combined
finding keyword rankings, Establish a Current Baseline
menu, JavaScript Dynamic Links and Menus
program directory structure, Program directory structure
typical execution, Putting It All Together website, Site software website, Site software
search engine cloaking, Session IDs and URL Variables, Google guidelines, Cloaking
search engine indexing (see indexing)
search engine marketing (see SEM)
search engine optimization (see SEO)
search engine rankings (see rankings)
search engine results page (see SERP)
search engine spam
badware, Google guidelines
blogs and, Blog, forum, and wiki spam
cloaking, Google guidelines, Cloaking
CSS and, CSS
defined, What Constitutes Search Engine Spam?
doorway pages, Google guidelines, Doorway pages
duplicate content, Google guidelines
example, Titles in search results, Search Engine Spam
expired domains and, Acquiring expired domains
forum postings and, Blog, forum, and wiki spam
Google guidelines, Google guidelines
hidden links, Hidden links
hidden text, Google guidelines, Hidden or small textCSS
keyword stuffing, Google guidelines, Keyword stuffing
link farms, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings
misspelled domain names and, Acquiring misspelled domain names
<noscript> element, The <noscript> element, Hidden links
overview, Understanding Search Engine Spam
paid links, Paid links
penalizing websites for, What If My Site Is Penalized for Spam?
reciprocal links, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings
scraper sites, Scraper sites
site hacking and, Site hacking
sneaky redirects, Google guidelines, Doorway pages
techniques used, Search Engine Spam in DetailSite hacking
text font color scheme, The text font color scheme
tiny text, Tiny text
web rings, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings
search engine traps
defined, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
dynamic widget traps, Dynamic Widget TrapsUsing ActiveX Controls
error pages, Error Pages
HTML traps, HTML TrapsComplex HTML and Formatting Problems
JavaScript traps, JavaScript TrapsAjax
robots.txt file, Robots.txt
session IDs, Session IDs and URL Variables
splash/doorway pages, Splash or Doorway Pages
URL variables, Session IDs and URL Variables
website performance traps, Website Performance TrapsWeb page caching
search engine verticals, Search engine targeting strategy, Vertical SearchGoogle Product Search
search engines, The Big Picture
(see also specific search engines)
alternative to <meta> tags, Search engine alternative to <meta> description tags
automating rank checking, Automating Search Engine Rank CheckingAutomating Search Engine Rank Checking
blocking specific, Allowing Google and Yahoo!, but rejecting all others
dynamic site confusion, Dealing with dynamic links
first-tier, First-Tier Search Engines
hybrid, Hybrid Search Engines
inner page invisibility, Pagination problems
keyword suggestions, Using search engine keyword suggestions and related searches
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
meta, Meta Search Engines
page and site themes, Page and site theme
popular keyword bias, Backlinks from expert sites and the Hilltop Algorithm
query interface and, The Search (or Query) Interface, Analyzing the Search Engine Query InterfaceInteractions with SERPs
regional, Regional Search Engines
second-tier, Second-Tier Search Engines
SEO-related sites, SEO-Related Sites Provided by Search Engines
Sitemap submissions, XML Sitemap Submissions
social bookmark comparison, Social Bookmarking
targeting strategy, Search engine targeting strategy
topical (vertical), Search engine targeting strategy, Topical (Vertical) Search Engines
URL canonicalization, URL canonicalization
web directories and, Web Directories, Start with the top general directories
web page viewers, Search engine web page viewer
web spider–based, Web Spider–Based Search Engines, Search Engine AnatomySearch Engine Indexing
Search Forecast tool, Free keyword research tools
search funnels, Search funnels
search results
Keyword Dashboard tool, The Keyword Dashboard Tool
keyword strategy example, Keyword Strategy
keyword suggestions, Using search engine keyword suggestions and related searches
niche keywords, Niche keywords
popular keywords, Popular keywords
titles in, Titles in search results
Twitter and, Twitter tips
YouTube videos, YouTube
addressing concerns, Addressing SearchWiki Concerns
benefits, Benefits of SearchWiki
industry buzz, SearchWiki
overview, SearchWiki in ActionSearchWiki in Action
second-tier search engines, Second-Tier Search Engines
Section 508 Federal Accessibility Standards, Website Accessibility
secure web browsers, HTTP to HTTPS and vice versa
security, document, REP and document security
SEM (search engine marketing), Search Engine Marketing
(see also Google AdSense; Google AdWords)
campaign creation phase, The campaign creation phase
campaign monitoring and analysis phase, The campaign monitoring and analysis phase
campaign refinements phase, The campaign refinements phase
content creation phase, The content creation phase
defined, The Big Picture
major PPC platforms, The World of SEMPPC platform selection
planning and research phase, The planning and research phase
PPC fundamentals, PPC FundamentalsKnow your variables
process overview, The SEM Process
SEO comparison, The SEM Process
SEO planning and strategy phase, SEM strategy
SMO and, Social Networking Phenomenon
SEMRush tool, Utilizing SEO tools and automation
SEO (search engine optimization)
alternatives to, SEO Alternatives
anticipating future events, Predictive SEOBuzz information
background, The Big Picture
benefits, SEO BenefitsLower Cost of Ownership
challenges, SEO ChallengesSmall companies and individuals
cost of ownership, Lower Cost of Ownership
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
lack of guarantees, No Guarantees
organizational structure, Organizational StructureSmall companies and individuals
PPC comparison, The Big Picture, Lower Cost of Ownership
ranking fluctuations, Ranking Fluctuations
SERP real estate, SERP Real EstateNiche keywords
time factors, Time Factors
volume of competition, Competition
SEO process
assessment phase, The Assessment Phase
implementation phase, The Implementation Phase
maintenance phase, The Maintenance Phase
monitoring phase, The Monitoring Phase
planning and strategy phase, The Planning and Strategy PhaseOutput of the planning and strategy phase
process phases, The SEO Process
research phase, The Research PhaseOutput of the research phase
SEO SpyGlass tool, Commercially available backlink checkers
SeoQuake tool, Utilizing SEO tools and automationUtilizing SEO tools and automation
SERP (search engine results page)
AdWords tips, Google Content Network or Google SERPs
analyzing, Analyzing SERPs
niche keywords, Niche keywords
on-page ranking factors, On-Page Ranking FactorsCalculating the optimum number of words per page
on-site ranking factors, On-Site Ranking FactorsFreshness of Pages
popular keywords, Popular keywords
query interface and, The Search (or Query) Interface, Interactions with SERPs
trust factor, The Trust Factor
typical Google layout, SERP Real EstateNiche keywords
Universal Search model, Hybrid Search Engines
session IDs, Session IDs and URL Variables
session_start method, Building a dynamic site skeleton
7Search platform, PPC Platforms
shared hosting, Shared hosting, Web page caching
ShareThis service, Stay away from too many bookmarking icons
short-term content, Short-Term ContentExpected buzz
single quote ('), Understanding <loc>
site hacking, Site hacking
Site Map Pro tool, HTML Sitemap Generators
site page layout
building dynamic site skeleton, Building a dynamic site skeletonBuilding a dynamic site skeleton
consistency in, Site page layouts
creating simple, Create Simple Page Layouts
intelligent page formatting, Use Intelligent Page Formatting
SEO-friendly, SEO-friendly site layout
site review websites, Site review websites
Sitemap directive (robots.txt file)
overview, The Sitemap location directive, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
Sitemap location and naming, Sitemap Location and Naming
XML Sitemap submissions, XML Sitemap Submissions
SiteMap Generator tool, XML Sitemap Generators
SitemapDoc tool, XML Sitemap Generators
Sitemaps, Sitemaps
(see also HTML Sitemaps; XML Sitemaps)
background, Sitemaps
deep-linked content and, Sitemaps
defined, JavaScript Dynamic Links and Menus
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
mobile, Mobile Sitemaps
news, News Sitemaps, Google News
news feed support, RSS and Atom Sitemaps
pure text, Pure Text (URL Listing) Sitemaps
reasons for using, Why Use Sitemaps?History of changes
video, Video Sitemaps
Slurp web crawler
overview, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers, Important Crawlers
signature example, Spotting a Web Spider in Web Logs
SMO (social media optimization), Social Networking Phenomenon, Understand the benefits
SMS messages, Stay away from too many bookmarking icons, Twitter
sneaky redirects, Google guidelines, Doorway pages
SOAP API toolkit, Automating Search Engine Rank Checking
social bookmarking
clutter considerations, Stay away from too many bookmarking iconsStay away from too many bookmarking icons
integrating on sites, Integrating social bookmarks on your site
overview, Social BookmarkingSocial Bookmarking, Social Bookmarking SitesStumbleUpon
popular providers, Social Bookmarking
search engine comparison, Social Bookmarking
tracking, Tracking your bookmarks
social media optimization (SMO), Social Networking Phenomenon, Understand the benefits
social media strategy
building your reputation, Start Building Your Reputation Early
content syndication, Feed readers
creating website widgets, Widget promotion and distribution
estimating presence, Estimating Social Networking PresenceAdditional tips
forming, Social Media StrategyReevaluate your strategy
Google and, Google and Social Media Sites
SEO planning and strategy phase, Social media strategy
social networking
automation considerations, Using AutomationExtending the application
background, Social Networking Phenomenon
community rules, Social Platforms and Communities
real-time search, Real-Time Search
site examples, Social Networking SitesLinkedIn
SoyBomb nonsense word generator, Nonsensical domain names
spam, Search Engine Spam
(see also search engine spam)
domain name misspellings and, Domain name resellers
forum postings and, Utilizing blog comments, newsgroups, and forum postings
penalizing websites for, What If My Site Is Penalized for Spam?
Twitter considerations, Twitter tips
unethical SEO, Search Engine Spam
spamdexing (see search engine spam)
spidering (see crawling)
spiders (see web spiders)
splash/doorway pages, Splash or Doorway Pages, Google guidelines, Doorway pages
sponsored gTLDs, Generic top-level domains
sponsored links, SERP Real Estate
SpyFu tool, Additional competitive keyword discovery tools
StumbleUpon website
Google index size, Google and Social Media Sites
overview, StumbleUpon
social bookmarking example, Integrating social bookmarks on your site
Summize real-time search, Real-Time Search
Sun Microsystems, Using Java Applets
.swf files, Google’s support of Adobe Flash
swf2html utility, Google’s support of Adobe Flash
synonyms, Continue by finding related keywords


Tab Separated Value (TSV) format, Utilizing Yahoo! Site Explorer, Parsing the TSV file
Technorati website
blogging support, Technorati blog reactions and Authority, Blogs
Google index size, Google and Social Media Sites
A/B testing method, A/B testing
conversion rates, Conversion and conversion rate
Google AdWords, AdWords TestingMultivariate testing
interface design, Test Your Interface Design for Usability
multivariate, Multivariate testing
PPC campaigns, SEO Keyword Tuning with PPC Testing
text ads, Anatomy of a text ad
text font color scheme, The text font color scheme
Thatcher, Jim, Website Accessibility
third-party software
advantages, Advantages of using third-party software
disadvantages, Disadvantages of using third-party software
free CMS software, Free software
paid CMS software, Paid software
timing out on a request, Very Slow Pages
tiny text, Tiny text
TinyURL URL shortening service, Overcoming limitations
<title> tag
HTML Sitemap generation, HTML Sitemap Generators
keyword prominence in, Keyword Prominence
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
keywords in, Keywords in the <title> TagTitle keywords in the page copy
TLDs (top-level domains), Website Essentials
(see also ccTLDs; gTLDs)
number of registrations, Competition
top-level domains (see ccTLDs; gTLDs; TLDs)
topical (vertical) search engines, Search engine targeting strategy, Topical (Vertical) Search Engines
Topsy real-time search, Real-Time Search
competitors, Competitor TrackingAutomating Search Engine Rank Checking, Observe and track your competition
conversions, Conversion tracking with web server logs
referrals, Assess Your Current Situation
social bookmarks, Tracking your bookmarks
user behavior patterns, Google Analytics, Google Toolbar
web spiders, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
website syndication and, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
trailing slash (/), New sites, Trailing slash script, HTML Sitemap Generators
TSV (Tab Separated Value) format, Utilizing Yahoo! Site Explorer, Parsing the TSV file
Tucows website, Site software
TweetMeme real-time search, Real-Time Search
Twitter API, Sending tweets
Twitter scheduler application, Creating a Twitter SchedulerExtending the application
Twitter website
additional information, Twitter tips
building your reputation, Start Building Your Reputation Early
creating website widgets, Widget promotion and distribution
Google index size, Google and Social Media Sites
microblogging, Twitter, Overcoming limitations
overview, Twitter
real-time search, Twitter Real-Time Search
tools supported, Twitter tools
usage tips, Twitter tipsTwitter tips


unavailable_after directive, Google-specific directives
unethical SEO (see spam)
Universal Search model, Hybrid Search Engines
UPposition graphical tools, Establish a Current Baseline
URL canonicalization, URL canonicalization
URL rewriting
additional information, Dealing with dynamic links
dealing with dynamic links, Dealing with dynamic links
as hosting option, Hosting Options
HTML Sitemaps and, Creating a custom HTML Sitemap generator
redirecting domain misspellings, Domain misspellings
trailing slash, Trailing slash
WWW prefix, WWW prefix
URL shortening services, Additional tips, Overcoming limitations
<url> tag, XML Sitemap Format, Understanding <loc>
URL tracking, Tracking your bookmarks
URL variables, Session IDs and URL Variables
user agents, Using Webalizer
user behavior patterns
analyzing query interface, Analyzing the Search Engine Query InterfaceInteractions with SERPs
Google Analytics tracking, Google Analytics
Google Toolbar tracking, Google Toolbar
web stats monitoring, User PatternsUser Patterns


validation tools, Complex HTML and Formatting Problems, Validation of robots.txt, XML Sitemap Validators
Validome tool, XML Sitemap Validators
VeriSign report, Competition
vertical (topical) search engines, Search engine targeting strategy, Topical (Vertical) Search Engines
video Sitemaps, Video Sitemaps
<video:content> tag, Video Sitemaps
Vimeo website, Widget promotion and distribution
virtual hosting, Shared hosting
virtual private servers (VPSs), Internal hosting
Visual Thesaurus tool, Free keyword research tools search engine, Meta Search Engines
VPSs (virtual private servers), Internal hosting


WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative), Website Accessibility
Web 2.0 Domain Name Generator, Nonsensical domain names
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), Website Accessibility
web analytics software, Assess Your Current Situation
(see also Google Analytics)
tracking spiders, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
web browsers
ensuring compatibility, Ensure Web Browser Compatibility
keyword-based competitor research, Utilizing SEO tools and automationUtilizing SEO tools and automation
<noscript> element, The <noscript> element
secure, HTTP to HTTPS and vice versa
tracking user behavior patterns, Google Toolbar
web server compression, Web server compression
Web CEO Ltd graphical tools, Establish a Current Baseline
web directories
defined, Web Directories
external links and, Backlinks from directories
general, Start with the top general directories
link building and, DirectoriesConsider regional directories
listed, Web Directories
niche, Continue with niche directories, Niche directory hubs
regional, Consider regional directories
web page caching technique, Web page caching
web pages
age considerations, Web Page Age
calculating optimum number of words, Calculating the optimum number of words per page
consistent page layouts, Site page layoutsBuilding a dynamic site skeleton
distributed internal link popularity, Distributed internal link popularity
freshness considerations, Freshness of Pages
HTML traps, Extremely Large Pages
inner page invisibility, Pagination problems
intelligent formatting, Use Intelligent Page Formatting
pages themes, Page and site theme
pagination problems, Pagination problems
priority considerations, Page priority
relative position of links, Relative page position
similar content, Similar Pages
size considerations, Web Page Size
tying searches to, Tying Searches to Individual Web Pages
types of elements, Types of Web Page Elements
website performance traps, Very Slow PagesWeb page caching
web rings, Link farms, reciprocal links, and web rings
web server compression, Web server compression
web server logs
establishing keyword baseline, Establish a Current Baseline
NCSA Combined format, NCSA Combined Format
NCSA Common format, NCSA Common Format
overview, Web Server Logs and Formats
spotting web spiders in, Spotting a Web Spider in Web Logs
tracking conversions, Conversion tracking with web server logs
tracking spiders, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
web spam (see search engine spam)
web spiders, XML Sitemaps
(see also XML Sitemaps)
Ajax and, Ajax
defined, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
hidden text and, Google guidelines, Hidden or small textCSS
interpreting robots.txt file, More on robots.txt
list of important, Important Crawlers
list of known, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
patterns of activity, Web Spider Patterns
rogue, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers, Dealing with Rogue Spiders
SEO monitoring phase, Web spider activity
session IDs and, Session IDs and URL Variables
spotting in web logs, Spotting a Web Spider in Web Logs
timing out on a request, Very Slow Pages
tracking, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers
web stats monitoring, Web Spider Hits
web spider–based search engines, Web Spider–Based Search Engines, Search Engine AnatomySearch Engine Indexing
web stats monitoring
assessing current situation, Assess Your Current Situation
AWStats, Using AWStatsUsing AWStats
filtering specific data, Filtering Specific Data
tools listed, The Monitoring Phase
tools lists, Popular Web Stats Tools
tying searches to pages, Tying Searches to Individual Web Pages
unique versus total visitors, Unique Versus Total Visitors
user behavior patterns, User PatternsUser Patterns
web server logs, Spiders, Robots, Bots, and Crawlers, Web Server Logs and FormatsSpotting a Web Spider in Web Logs
web spider patterns, Web Spider Patterns
Webalizer, Using WebalizerUsing Webalizer
WebLog Expert, Using WebLog ExpertWeb Spider Hits
Webalizer tool
overview, The Monitoring Phase, Popular Web Stats Tools, Using WebalizerUsing Webalizer
user patterns, User Patterns
WebLog Expert tool
additional information, Web Spider Hits
number of hits, Number of Hits
number of page views, Number of Page Views
number of visitors, Number of Visitors
overview, The Monitoring Phase, Popular Web Stats Tools
referrers to sites, Referrers
search engine hits, Search Engine (Referral) Hits
searches/keywords, Searches/Keywords
web spider hits, Web Spider Hits website, Blogs
Webmaster Toolkit, Free keyword research tools
website syndication
feed readers, Feed readersFeed readers
FeedBurner tool, Understanding FeedBurnerFuture of FeedBurner
formats supported, Understanding syndication formats
keyword-based competitor research, The manual approach
overview, Website Syndication
website traffic
competitor analysis, Web Presence and Website Traffic AnalysisDetermining online size
content creation motives, Catching additional traffic
estimating, Estimating Website TrafficCompete traffic estimates
SEO monitoring phase, Website traffic
spam and, Domain name resellers
website usability
adhering to standards, Website Usability
creating simple page layouts, Create Simple Page Layouts
creating smart HTML forms, Create Smart HTML Forms
ensuring browser compatibility, Ensure Web Browser Compatibility
general considerations, General Considerations
intelligent page formatting, Use Intelligent Page Formatting
knowing the demographics, Know Your Demographics
linking considerations, Linking Considerations
optimizing sites for speed, Optimize Your Site for Speed
relative page position of links, Relative page position
testing interface design, Test Your Interface Design for Usability
website widgets, Website widgets in detailWidget promotion and distribution
accessibility considerations, Website Accessibility
AdSense setup, AdSense Website Setup
age considerations, Website Age
awards, Awards websites
Coming Soon page, New sites
complementary, Build a Complementary Site
consistent page layouts, Site page layoutsBuilding a dynamic site skeleton
content-sharing, Content-Sharing SitesITunes podcast publishing
custom development, Employing Custom DevelopmentDealing with dynamic links
deep-linked content and, Deep-Linked Content
domain name options, Domain Name OptionsRenewing domains
finding PageRank values of, Quantity and Quality of External Links
history of changes, History of changes
hosting options, Hosting OptionsInternal hosting
integrating FeedBurner with, Integrating FeedBurner with your site
integrating social bookmarking, Integrating social bookmarks on your site
linking architecture, Internal link architecture
maintenance considerations, Website maintenanceWebsite maintenance
monitoring performance, Website Performance
page themes, Page and site theme
penalizing for spam, What If My Site Is Penalized for Spam?
performance traps, Website Performance TrapsWeb page caching
poor linking structure, Poor linking site structure
popular keyword bias for, Backlinks from expert sites and the Hilltop Algorithm
prebuilt forms for link building, Take out the guesswork
preventing performance hits, Preventing website performance hits
protecting content, Protecting Your Content
saving bandwidth, Saving website bandwidth
site hacking, Site hacking
site mirroring, Mirror sites
site review, Site review websites
size considerations, Large sites
social bookmarking, Social Bookmarking, Social Bookmarking SitesStumbleUpon
social networking, Social Networking SitesLinkedIn
third-party software, Utilizing Free or Paid SoftwarePaid software
Under Construction page, New sites
unique versus total visitors, Unique Versus Total Visitors
Webtrends tool, Popular Web Stats Tools
welcome files, Web page caching
wget command, Web page caching
Who.Is service
geographical location information, Geographical location information
historical information, Historical Analysis
hosting and ownership information, Hosting and ownership information
protecting content and, Protecting Your Content
researching domain names, Utilizing the unsolicited approach
subdomain information, Finding subdomains, Widget promotion and distribution
wiki spam, Blog, forum, and wiki spam
Wikipedia, Long-Term Content
wildcard directives (robots.txt file), The wildcard directives, Disallowing image crawling, Summary of the robots.txt Directive
Windows Sound Recorder,
Word Generator, Nonsensical domain names
word stemming, The Importance of Word StemmingThe Importance of Word Stemming
WordPress open source software, Free software, Canonical Link Element, Blogs
Wordtracker tool, Free keyword research tools, Commercially available keyword research tools
Wordze tool, Commercially available keyword research tools
WWW prefix, WWW prefix


X-Robots-Tag, Fine-Grained Content Indexing, Mirror sites, Google Images
XML Sitemap Generator, HTML Sitemap Generators
XML Sitemap Validator, XML Sitemap Validators
XML Sitemaps
auto-discovery, XML Sitemap Auto-Discovery
background, Sitemaps
code example, XML Sitemap Example
crawling frequency, Crawling frequency
entity escape codes, Understanding <loc>
formats supported, XML Sitemap FormatUnderstanding <priority>
generators supported, XML Sitemap Generators
limitations, XML Sitemap Limitations
location and naming, Sitemap Location and Naming
multiple, Multiple XML Sitemaps
page priority, Page priority
reasons for using, Why Use XML Sitemaps?
requirements for saving files, XML Sitemaps
showcasing links, Internal link architecture
submissions, XML Sitemap SubmissionsAutomating ping submissions
validators supported, XML Sitemap Validators
XML-RPC services, Blogs
XOOPS open source software, Free software


Yahoo! Directory, Start with the top general directories, Finding Your Competition
Yahoo! Local Listing, Consider regional directories
Yahoo! Media RSS, FeedBurner features
Yahoo! Research platform, Yahoo! keyword tools, Yahoo! Research
Yahoo! search engine
background, Yahoo!
canonical link element, Canonical Link Element
guidelines for, Yahoo! guidelines
inanchor: operator and, Estimating keyword competition, revisited
keyword tools, Yahoo! keyword tools
PPC platform and, The World of SEM
requesting site reevaluation, Requesting Yahoo! site reevaluation
specific directives, Yahoo!-specific directives
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Yahoo! keyword tools, Yahoo! Search Marketing, PPC Platforms
Yahoo! Site Explorer
assessing current situation, Assess Your Current Situation
competitor backlink research, Basic ways to find competitor backlinks
overview, Utilizing Yahoo! Site Explorer, Free backlink checkers
Yahoo-MMAudVid crawler, Important Crawlers
Yahoo-MMCrawler crawler, Important Crawlers
Yandex search engine, Search Engine Primer, The World of SEM
Yang, Jerry, Yahoo! website, Start with the top general directories
YouTube website
additional information, YouTube
creating website widgets, Widget promotion and distribution
Google and, Google and Social Media Sites
overview, YouTubeYouTube tools and resources
tools and resources available, YouTube tools and resources
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