


Enterprise Search, 339-340

invoking search queries, 342-346

KQL (Keyword Query Language), 340-341

query completion, 346-351

Search Suggestions, 351-353

search web services, 341-342

lists and libraries with SharePoint server API, 51-58

social data, 354

Activity Feed, 357-359

adding social comments, 359-361

User Profile Service, 354-357

Activity Feed, accessing, 357-359


cross-domain policies to SharePoint, 390-392

external lists, 403

filter parameters, 400

list definitions, 45

script code to CEWP, 142

Silverlight Web Part to host application, 134-135

site Settings page to Elements.xml, 540

web browser preview with Silverlight 5, 409-412

AddItem() method, 276

AddQueryOption() method, 315

ADO.NET Data Services. See WCF Data Services

anonymous methods, Silverlight (.NET), 98-99

anonymous types, Silverlight (.NET), 99-100

API, JavaScript API, 125

App Hub, 419-420


hosting, 138

CEWP, 138-139

in IFrames, 144-146

Windows Phone 7 applications. See Windows Phone 7 applications

ApplyChanges() method, 251, 463-464

ASP.NET applications, SharePoint, 28

ASP.NET web services in SPO (SharePoint Online), 484

assemblies, Client Side Object Model data project (SPO), 488

assembly deployment and redistribution, 287-289

Asset Picker dialog, 123

asynchronous response handling, Silverlight, 106-108


BCS, 394

FBA (forms based authentication), 426-431

authentication request callback, 427-428

authentication response callback, 428-429

authentication response message, 429

authentication.asmx web service, 427

clientconfig change to support cookie container, 430

data retrieval, 431

MainPage class, 426-427

OnAuthenticated event handler, 430

in managed Client Object Models, 519-520

multi-hop authentication problem, 375

UAG (Unified Access Gateway), 431-434

authentication request callback, 427-428

authentication response callback, 428-429

authentication response message, 429

authentication.asmx web service, 427

AutoCompleteBox, 312-313

automatic properties, Silverlight (.NET), 97

Azure RibbonPrototype project (SPO), 502

button click events, 511

creating, 502-503

customer collection, retrieving, 512-513

DataServiceQuery, 512

deploying, 516

GroupRibbonElement Elements.xml file, 505-507

image deployment to SharePoint Online, 509-510

MainPage to display data from SQL Azure, 513-516

MainPage user control XAML markup, 511-512

RibbonPart.cs web part code, 507-509

sandboxed web part, 517-518

search child window XAML markup, 510


BCS (Business Connectivity Services), 375, 392-409

permissions, 401

BDC (Business Data Catalog), 392

BeginExecute() method, 302

BeginGetRequestStream() method, 427

BeginInvoke() method, 264

BeginSaveChanges() method, 305

Behavior<T>, building, 187-190

behaviors, 184-187

Blur, 188-190

building, 187

Behavior<T>, 187-190

TargetedTriggerAction, 193-196

TriggerAction, 190-192

debugging, 196


navigation hierarchy to TreeView control, 468-469

SharePoint data to style setters, 315-317

to SharePoint lists, 296-302

Bing Maps, 523

defining column and content type, 555-558

geo-coding, 547

getting started, 536-539

location, serializing, 534-536

Location fields, 549, 552

Bing Maps field type, 523-526

BingMapsLocation class, 534

Blur Behavior, 188-190

BlurTriggerAction, 192


Client Side Object Model data project (SPO), 490

navigation controls, 471-472

site map providers, 455-460

feature receiver to update web.config, 457-458

PortalSiteMapProvider class, 456

referencing in SharePoint master pages, 459-460

built-in navigation, 447

publishing site navigation, 450-453

Team Site navigation, 448-450

Business Connective Services (BCS), 375

Business Data Catalog (BDC), 392

button click event handler for Client Side Object Model data project, 493-494

button click events, Azure RibbonPrototype project, 511



images, 243-245

paged data, 310-312

server-side caching, 232

calling JavaScript and JQuery from Silverlight, 253-258

casting LINQ queries as DataServiceQuery, 512

CEWP (ContentEditor Web Part)

Applications, hosting, 138-139

files, linking, 143-144

HTML source code, editing, 140-142

script code, adding, 142

child windows, showing/creating, 93-96


CombinedNavSiteMapProvider, 455

MainPage, 426-427

NavigationNode, 464-466

PortalSiteMapProvider, 454-455

SPFeatureReceiver, 457-458

SPWebConfigModification, 457

Client OM (Client Object Model), 261

assembly deployment and redistribution, 287-289

ClientContext object, 266-267

documents, uploading, 282-283

goals of, 261-262

Hello World example, 262-266

list data

creating, 276-277

deleting, 275-276

paging, 277-282

retrieving, 271-274

updating, 274-275

Load() and LoadQuery() methods, 268-270

Ribbon Custom Actions, creating, 283-285

server side exception handling, 285-286

tasks supported by, 270-271

Client Side Object Model data project (SPO), 488

assemblies, 488

button click event handler, 493-494

deploying, 495

.dll files, 490-491

project type, 490

references, 491

response handlers, 494-495

Silverlight Web Part, 496-497

XAML listing, 492-493

Clientaccesspolicy.xml, 377

clientconfig file, forms based authentication, 430

ClientContext object (Client OM), 266-267

cloud computing. See SPO (SharePoint Online)

collections, generic collections (.NET), 97

column type, Bing Maps, 555-558

CombinedNavSiteMapProvider class, 455

composite controls

Silverlight, connecting web parts, 175-177

web parts as, 63-66

configuring Silverlight Web Part properties, 135

connecting, web parts, 172-174

making connections, 177-181

Silverlight in composite controls, 175-177

ConnectionConsumer, 179

ConnectionSource Web Part, 174

Contact Grid Simple web part, 297-300

Contact Grid web part, 297-300

contacts in Outlook, transferring to SharePoint, 294

Contacts list, 294

content type, Bing Maps, 555-558

content types, SharePoint, 44

ContentEditorWeb Part (CEWP), hosting applications, 138-139

control bindings, adding to WebBrowserControl, 410

control properties, setting (Silverlight), 92


composite controls, web parts as, 63-66

layout controls, Silverlight, 87-91

navigation controls

building, 471-472

rendering on SharePoint master pages, 472-474


binding navigation hierarchy to, 468-469

ExpandTree() method, 469-470

Convert() method, 315

Create Content dialog, 113-115

down-level experience, 118-119

filtering, 115

pluggable provider model, 121

properties, configuring, 117

search box, 116

CreateAllItemsQuery() method, 279

CreateChildControls(), 527

CreateChildControls() method, 233, 250, 462

CreateEditorParts() method, 249


list data, 276-277

Ribbon Custom Actions, 283-285

cross-domain access, 376-379

cross-domain policies, adding to SharePoint, 390-392

crossdomain.xml, 378

current navigation, 451

Current property, 267

CurrentItemStates state group, 241, 245

custom actions, creating Ribbon Custom Actions, 283-285

custom feed reader proxies, building, 386-389

custom Silverlight web part, building, 166-172

custom WCF services for SharePoint, 366-367

consuming custom web services, 372-373

creating custom web services, 367-372

customer collection, retrieving, 512-513


data, designing with (Expression Blend), 213

generating sample data, 213-218

data (SharePoint), databinding SketchFlow, 218-219

data binding

debugging with Silverlight 5, 303

two-way binding, updating SharePoint data with, 304-306

data retrieval

in Silverlight, 239-240

with SharePoint web services, 431

data sources, 454

data transfer to Silverlight

from SharePoint library, 231-240

with hidden web page fields, 226-231

with HTML Bridge, 223-225


SketchFlow to SharePoint data, 218-219

to indexers, 220-221

to Task list, 435-438

DataServiceCollection class, 304

DataServiceContext class, 301

DataServiceQuery for Azure RibbonPrototype project, 512


behaviors, 196

data binding with Silverlight 5, 303

Silverlight, 160

in SPO (SharePoint Online), 485-486

DeleteObject() method, 275

deleting list data, 275-276


Azure RibbonPrototype project, 516

Client Side Object Model data project, 495

REST data project (SPO), 501

deployment of Client OM assemblies, 287-289

Deployment Conflict notice, 51

deployment packages, SPO (SharePoint Online), 481

design, documenting (SketchFlow), 207-208

designing with Data, Expression Blend, 213

generating sample data, 213-215

using sample data, 215-216, 218

developing Windows Phone 7 applications. See Windows Phone 7 applications

development environment

for Windows Phone 7 applications, 438

multi-machine, 439-440

multi-machine with UAG, 440

single machine, 438-439

single machine with Hyper-V, 442-443

single machine with UAG, 441-442

SPO (SharePoint Online), 479-480

development environments

creating, 13

tools for, 13-15

installing SharePoint, 16-25

setting up, 15-16

development framework (Windows Phone 7 applications), 419-420

development tools, 420

Expression Blend, designing Windows Phone 7 applications in, 423-424

Visual Studio, designing Windows Phone 7 applications in, 420-422

Windows Phone Emulator, 424-425


Asset Picker, 123

Create Content, 113-115

down-level experience, 118-119

filtering, 115

pluggable provider model, 121

properties, configuring, 117-118

search box, 116

Edit HTMLSource, 139-142

Silverlight Installer, 119

Dictionary, 356

Dispatcher, 99

DisplayBitmap() method, 243

DisplayImage() method, 241, 244-245

DisplayImageStates state group, 241-243


images, 243-245

maps in Silverlight, 540-549

DisplayPage() method, 310, 314

Dispose() method, 53

.dll files, Client Side Object Model data project (SPO), 490-491

documenting design (SketchFlow), 207-208

documents, uploading, 282-283

down-level experience

Create Content dialog, 118-119

organizational chart, 129

Visio Web Applications, 132


Easy Setup Script, 16

Edit HTMLSource dialog, 139-142

Edit mode, 337


external lists, 405

in-place web part editing experience, SearchView, 328-338

maps in Silverlight, 540-49

web parts, 225, 247-253

editor part, 225, 331

editor parts, 247-253

EditPageVM ViewModel, 337

Elements.xml file for GroupRibbonElement module, 505-507

enableHtmlAccess property, 227

EndExecute() method, 309

EndSaveChanges()method, 305

Enterprise Search, accessing, 339-340

invoking search queries, 342-346

KQL (Keyword Query Language), 340-341

query completion, 346-351

Search Suggestions, 351-353

search web services, 341-342

event handlers

MouseClick, 545

SelectedItemChanged, 471

ViewChangedOnFrame, 546

event receivers, 67-68

exception handling

in Render() method, 235

server side exception handling, 285-286

ExceptionHandlingScope class, 286

ExecuteQueryAsync() method, 263-265, 272

expanding TreeView control, 469-470

ExpandTree() method, 469-470


feedback, SketchFlow, 210-211

web parts, 42

Expression Blend, 87, 183

behaviors. See behaviors

designing Windows Phone 7 applications in, 423-424

designing with data, 213

generating sample data, 213-215

using sample data, 215-218

SketchFlow. See SketchFlow

VSM (Visual State Manager) in, 242

external authentication, 520

external content type, creating in SharePoint Designer 2010, 395

External Feed Web Part, 379-381

external list item, updating, 408

external lists

adding, 403

editing, 405

viewing, 403


failedCallback() method, 263-264

FAQ Content Type, 49

FAST Search, 339

FBA (forms based authentication), 426-431

authentication request callback, 427-428

authentication response callback, 428-429

authentication response message, 429

authentication.asmx web service, 427

clientconfig change to support cookie container, 430

data retrieval, 431

MainPage class, 426-427

OnAuthenticated event handler, 430

Feature Designer, 74

feature receivers, 75-77

updating web.config with, 457-458

FeatureDeactivating method, 459

features, 70

Feed Reader Web Part, building, 379-386

feed readers, building custom feed reader proxies, 386-389

feedback, SketchFlow, 209-211

field controls

Media Field Control, 127-128

publishing web sites, 553-555

Silverlight, building, 526-534

field types (SharePoint), 521-522

Bing Maps, 523-526

serializing Bing Maps location, 534-536


.dll files, Client Side Object Model data project (SPO), 490-491

linking in CEWP, 143-144

web.config, updating with feature receiver, 457-458

.wsp, 69

filter parameters, adding, 400

filtering SharePoint data, 312-315

filters, Create Content dialog, 115

forms based authentication (FBA), 426-431

authentication request callback, 427-428

authentication response callback, 428-429

authentication response message, 429

authentication.asmx web service, 427

clientconfig change to support cookie container, 430

data retrieval, 431

MainPage class, 426-427

OnAuthenticated event handler, 430

Full Screen mode in Silverlight, 246-247


generating sample data (SharePoint), 213-215

generic collections, Silverlight (.NET), 97

geo-coding Bing Maps, 547

GetNavigationNode() method, 464-466

GetNavigationNodeCollection() method, 464

GetUsageData() method, 371

global navigation, 451

GroupRibbonElement, Elements.xml file, 505-507


Hello World example (Client OM), 262-266

hidden fields, passing data to Silverlight, 226-231

hosting applications, 138

CEWP, 138-139

in IFrames, 144-146

HTML, editing source code, 139-142

HTML Bridge, 223, 523

passing data to Silverlight, 223-225

via hidden web page fields, 226-231

web part editing, 247-253

HTML tags, stripping, 385

HTMLBridge, 523


IFrames, hosting applications, 144-146


caching, 243-245

displaying, 243-245

state management with VSM (Visual State Manager), 240-242

importing feedback, SketchFlow, 210-211

in-place web part editing experience, SearchView, 328-338

indexer binding syntax, 273

indexers, databinding, 220-221

initialization parameters, setting for Silverlight Web Part, 136-137

InitParams parameter, 226

inking files in CEWP, 143-144


SharePoint, 16-25

Visual Studio Silverlight web parts extension, 156-159

ISilverlightConnection, 174


JavaScript, calling from Silverlight, 253-258

JavaScript API, 125

JQuery, calling from Silverlight, 253-258

JSON, serialization with, 236-239


KQL (Keyword Query Language), Enterprise Search, 340-341


lambda expressions, 98

layout controls, Silverlight, 87-91


accessing with SharePoint server API, 51-58

SharedDocuments library, Silverlight, uploading, 133

SharePoint, 28, 43-50

library content, passing to Silverlight, 231-240

LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 60

to SharePoint, 60-62

Silverlight, .NET, 100-104

LINQ queries, casting as DataServiceQuery, 512

LINQ query syntax, 268

list data

creating, 276-277

deleting, 275-276

paging, 277-282

querying, 294, 296

retrieving, 271-274

updating, 274-275

with SharePoint API, 59-60

list definitions, adding, 45

ListData.svc, retrieving data from, 500-501


Adding Control Bindings to the WebBrowserControl, 410

Adding Editable Properties to a Web Part, 40

Adding the HTTP Handler to web.config, 391

Adding the Site Settings Page to Elements.xml, 540

An Anonymous Event Handler, 98

An Anonymous Method, 98

An Anonymous Type with LINQQuery, 100

Anonymous Types, 100

The Application Startup Event Passes InitParams to Main, 180

Application_Startup for the MapViewSLApplication, 540

BingMapsLocation Class, 534

The Button Click Event Handler, 86

Calling the Custom Web Service, 372

Calling the User Profile Web Service from Silverlight, 355

CAML Query for Answered FAQ items, 58

Choosing list definition settings, 47

Clientaccesspolicy.xml, 377

Code for a Custom Blur Behavior, 188-189

Code for Data Binding Templates, 65

Code to Generate Sample Data, 214-215

Code to Load a Query Packet XML Template in SearchService.cs, 343

Code to Read an RSS or ATOMFeed in Silverlight, 106

Combo Box SelectionChanged Event Handler, 103

ConnectionSource Web Part Implements a Connection, 178

ConnectionTarget Web Part Implements a Connection Consumer, 179

Copying User Profile Properties to the ViewModel’s Properties Collection, 356

CreateChildControls(), 37, 527

CreateChildControls() in the Silverlight Plugin Control, 176

Creating Subclasses of ResultsItem, 362

crossdomain.xml, 378

Custom TriggerAction, 191

Customer Class, 97, 101

CustomersChildWindow Constructor, 102

Databinding Sketchflow to SharePoint Data, 218-220

Declaring a Site Column and Content Type, 557

Defining a View for the FAQ List, 50

Dependency Property to Control the Blur Radius, 189

Display Mode Rendering, 529

DisplayUrl() Function, 57

Edit Mode Rendering, 531

EditorPart for SearchView, 331

EditorPartControlID Property, 331

Elements.xml for a Page Layout, 562

Elements.xml in a New Module, 153

Elements.xml to Deploy a Silverlight Application, 154

Elements.xml under FAQListinstance, 50

Elements.xml with SharePointPackage Name Token, 162

Error Handling Script in the Custom Silverlight Web Part, 168

ExternalFeed Web Part, 381

FeatureActivated Event Receiver, 76

Feed Proxy Implemented in GetFeed.aspx.cs, 388

Field Control Value Property, 526

Function to SortSearch Result Items into Two Subclasses, 364

Geo-Coding with Bing Maps, 547

Handling Asynchronous Completion with Anonymous, 107

Handling Query Completion, 407

Handling the Activity Feed Completion, 359

Handling the Search Suggestions Results in SearchSuggestionsBox.xaml.cs, 353

Helper Function to Extract Property Values from Search Results XML, 350

Helper Functions for InitParams and Queryinfo Processing, 337

HttpHandler to Provide the Cross-Domain Access Policy, 390

implementing INotifyPropertyChanged, 326

Initializing the Customer List, 101

Initializing the Query Packet XML, 344

InitParams Processing in the Application Startup Event, 335

The ISilverlightConnection Interface, 174

ItemDeleting Event Receiver, 69

ITestService Service contract, 370

LINQ Code for FAQL Web Part, 61

LINQ Version of Data Binding Code, 66

Main Page Code for MapViewSL Application, 541

Main Page Constructor for MapEditSL Application, 544

Main Page XAML for MapViewSL Application, 541

MainPage_Loaded Event, 170

MapEditSL XAML, 543

MapSelectControlClass Handles Field Input, 532

MapSettings.aspx Page to Save Application, 538

Markup in a Visual Web Part, 54

Method to Display the Detail ChildWindow, 407

Method to Show the Child Window, 96

MouseClick Event Handler, 545

Overriding the CreateEditorParts() Method, 331

Posting a Note for a User with the Social Data Service, 360

Properties in the Web Part Template File, 43

PropertyMap Dictionary Manages Properties to Be Displayed, 356

Query Completed Event Handler, 348

The Queryinfo Class holds Web Part Configuration Settings, 329

Querying and Binding List Data, 56

Querying the External List, 406

QuestionButton Click Event Handler, 59

Requesting the User’s Activity Feed, 358

ResultsItem Class for View Binding, 347

Running a User Query in SearchService.cs, 345

SampleSearch Query Packet XML, 342

SampleSearch Results.XML, 346

Saving the Application ID in the Web Property Bag, 538

Search Complete Event Handler in MainPage ViewModel, 351

SharePoint Field Type Class, 524

Showing a Preview Web Page, 411

Silverlight Application_Startup EventHandler, 382

The Silverlight Client Adds the Feed Proxy to a Newsfeed URL, 389

Silverlight Object Tag in the Custom Silverlight Web Part, 169

Silverlight Web Part in the Page Wiki Field, 164

simpleFeedVM Code to Retrieve a Newsfeed, 384

SLConnectionTarget Receives and Displays Text, 181

SLGridWebPart.webpart File Sets WebPart Values, 163

StripHtml Strips Out HTML tags, 386

Targeted TriggerAction, 193

TestService Implementation, 370

The TextBox and Button in XAML, 86

Updated LINQQuery to Call getResultsItem(), 364

Updated Results ListBox, 365

Updating CreateChildControls() to Use Custom Properties, 41

Updating the EditorPart Hidden Field in a ViewModel Property Setter, 338

Updating the External List Item, 408

Updating the List with LINQ, 63

Using a Lambda Expression to Define an Anonymous Function, 98

Using Layout Controls in XAML, 90

Using the Serialized() and Load() Methods, 536

ViewChangedOnFrame Event Handler, 546

Web Part Code to Pass Queryinfo in a Hidden Field, 333

The Web Part as a Composite Control, 64

The XAML Markup for a New Silverlight Project, 84

XML Declaration of a Field Type, 525


accessing with SharePoint Server, 51-58

binding to, 296-302

CAML Query to Access the External List, 405

SharePoint, 28, 43-50

Lists.asmx, 320

load times for Silverlight applications, reducing, 137-138

Load() method, 268-270, 464

LoadQuery() method, 268-270

Location fields

Bing Maps, 549, 552

publishing websites, 563-564


MainPage for Azure RibbonPrototype project, 511-516

MainPage class, 426-427

managed Client Object Models, authentication, 519-520

managed paths, testing, 229

managed properties, 343

mapping fields to Office properties, 399

maps, displaying and editing (in Silverlight), 540-549

MapViewSL Silverlight, 540-549

master pages

navigation controls, rendering, 472-474

site map providers, referencing, 459-460

Media Field Control, 127-128

Media Web Part, 114, 121-123

JavaScript API, 125

Ribbon, 125

skins, 126

MessageReceived event handler, 181

method syntax query, 269


anonymous methods, .NET, 98-99

ApplyChanges(), 463-464

BeginGetRequestStream(), 427

CreateChildControls(), 462

ExpandTree(), 469-470

FeatureDeactivating, 459

GetNavigationNode(), 464-466

GetNavigationNodeCollection(), 464

Load(), 464

OnPreRender(), 466

Serialize(), 464

SyncChanges(), 463-464

MouseClick event handler, 545

MouseStates state group, 241

multi-hop authentication problem, 375

multi-machine development environment, 439-440

multi-machine with UAG development environment, 440

multicast, Silverlight, 106

MVVM (Model View View Model) pattern, 323-328

My Sites, organizational charts, 128


namespaces, SPO (SharePoint Online) restrictions, 486-488


built-in navigation, 447

publishing site navigation, 450-453

Team Site navigation, 448-450

navigation controls

building, 471-472

rendering on SharePoint master pages, 472-474

Navigation Web Part, 461-471

binding navigation hierarchy to TreeView control, 468-469

editor part, 462-464

ExpandTree() method, 469-470

NavigationNode class, 464-466

SelectedItemChanged event handler, 471

Silverlight application startup event handler, 468

site map providers

building, 455-460

explained, 453-455

referencing in SharePoint master pages, 459-460

navigation controls

building, 471-472

rendering on SharePoint master pages, 472-474

Navigation Web Part, 461-471

binding navigation hierarchy to TreeView control, 468-469

editor part, 462-464

ExpandTree() method, 469-470

NavigationNode class, 464-466

SelectedItemChanged event handler, 471

Silverlight application startup event handler, 468

NavigationNode class, 464-466

.NET, Silverlight, 97

anonymous methods, 98-99

anonymous types, 99-100

automatic properties, 97

generic collections, 97

LINQ, 100-104

networking, Silverlight

sockets and multicast, 106

WCF Data Services, 105

WCF RIA Services, 105

web services, 105

WebClient class, 105


OData (Open Data Protocol), 292-293

Office, mapping fields to properties, 399

Office hub, 417-419

OnAuthenticated event handler, 430

OnPreRender() method, 466

Open Data Protocol (OData), 292-293

organizational charts, down-level experience, 129

organizational charts, 128

Out of Browser feature, 267

Outlook, contacts (transferring to SharePoint), 294


Packaging Explorer, 71

page layout, defining in SharePoint, 558-563


list data, 277-282

SharePoint data, 306-310

caching paged data, 310-312


filter parameters, adding, 400

Silverlight, 82

pass through, BCS, 394

passing data to Silverlight

from SharePoint library, 231-240

with hidden web page fields, 226-231

with HTMLBridge, 223-225

patterns, MMVM (Model View View Model), 323-328

People search, SearchView, 323

permissions, BCS, 401

PictureView, state groups, 241

Placing Silverlight on an HTML Page, 81

PlayStates state group, 241

pluggable provider model, Create Content dialog, 121

policy files, 378

PolicyHandler, 390

PopulateComplete() method, 353

populating editor part, 462-463

PortalSiteMapProvider, 456-457

PortalSiteMapProvider class, 454-455

preview web pages, showing, 411

printing in Silverlight, 246-247


Azure RibbonPrototype project (SPO), 502

button click events, 511

creating, 502-503

customer collection, retrieving, 512-513

DataServiceQuery, 512

deploying, 516

GroupRibbonElement Elements.xml file, 505-507

image deployment to SharePoint Online, 509-510

MainPage to display data from SQL Azure, 513-516

MainPage user control XAML markup, 511-512

RibbonPart.cs web part code, 507-509

sandboxed web part, 517-518

search child window XAML markup, 510

Client Side Object Model data project (SPO), 488

.dll files, 490-491

assemblies, 488

building, 490

button click event handler, 493-494

deploying, 495

references, 491

response handlers, 494-495

Silverlight Web Part, 496-497

XAML listing, 492-493

REST data project (SPO), 497

creating, 497

deploying, 501

methods to retrieve data from ListData.svc, 500-501

references, 498-499

response handler, 501

Silverlight Web Part, 502

XAML listing, 499-500


automatic properties, .NET, 97

configuring in Create Content dialog, 117-118

control properties, setting (Silverlight), 92

mapping to office, 399

Silverlight Web Part, configuring, 135

prototypes, building (SketchFlow), 197-202


SketchFlow prototypes to SharePoint, 211-213

web sites, field controls, 553-555

Windows Phone 7 applications, 443-444

publishing websites

Location fields, 563-564

navigation, 448-453


queries, SearchView, 322

query completion, Enterprise Search, 346-351

querying list data, 294-296


redistribution of Client OM assemblies, 287-289

reducing load times for Silverlight applications, 137-138

referencing site map provider, 459-460

RefreshData() method, 302, 305

RegisterReceiver() method, 179

Render() method, exception handling, 235

rendering navigation controls, 472-474

Representational State Transfer (REST), 292

requirements for WCF Data Services, 293-294

resource points, 483

response handlers for Client Side Object Model data project, 494-495

response handling, asynchronous (Silverlight), 106-108

REST (Representational State Transfer), 292

REST data project (SPO), 497

creating, 497

deploying, 501

methods to retrieve data from ListData.svc, 500-501

references, 498-499

response handler, 501

Silverlight Web Part, 502

XAML listing, 499-500

retrieving data

in Silverlight, 239-240

with SharePoint web services, 431

retrieving list data, 271-274

Revert to Self, BCS, 394

RIA (rich Internet applications), 79

Ribbon, 125

Ribbon Custom Actions, creating, 283-285

RibbonPart.cs, web part code, 507-509

RibbonPrototype project (SPO), 502

button click events, 511

creating, 502-503

customer collection, retrieving, 512-513

DataServiceQuery, 512

deploying, 516

GroupRibbonElement Elements.xml file, 505-507

image deployment to SharePoint Online, 509-510

MainPage to display data from SQL Azure, 513-516

MainPage user control XAML markup, 511-512

RibbonPart.cs web part code, 507-509

sandboxed web part, 517-518

search child window XAML markup, 510

rich Internet applications (RIA), 79

root directory, testing, 229


sample data (SharePoint)

generating, 213-215

using, 215-218

sandboxed solutions, 35, 69

SPO (SharePoint Online), 482-483

script code, adding to CEWP, 142

search box, Create Content dialog, 116

search child window, XAML markup, 510

search queries, Enterprise Search, 342-346

Search Suggestions, Enterprise Search, 351-353

search web services, Enterprise Search, 341-342


People search, 323

queries, 322

updating for Silverlight 5, 361-366

web part sample solution, 322-323

in-place web part editing experience, 328-338

MVVM pattern, 323-328

Secure Store Service, BCS, 394

security trimming, 232

SelectedItemChanged event handler, 471

serialization with JSONserializer, 236-239

Serialize() method, 464

serializing Bing Maps location, 534-536

server side exception handling, 285-286

server-side caching, 232

Shared Documents library, Silverlight, uploading, 133

SharePoint, 4-5

cross-domain policies, adding, 390-392

custom WCF services, 366-367

consuming custom web services, 372-373

creating custom web services, 367-372

field types, 521-522

Bing Maps, 523-526

installing, 16-25

integration with Silverlight, 9-11

libraries, 43-46, 48-50

LINQ, 60-62

lists, 43-50

page layout, defining, 558-563

publishing SketchFlow prototypes to, 211-213

transferring Outlook contacts to, 294

web services, 320-321

SharePoint API, updating list data, 59-60

SharePoint content, 28-33

SharePoint Customization Wizard, 68

SharePoint data

binding to style setters, 315-317

filtering and sorting, 312-315

paging, 306-310

caching paged data, 310-312

updating, 304-306

SharePoint Designer 2010, creating external content type, 395

SharePoint field type class, 524

SharePoint library, passing data to Silverlight, 231-240

SharePoint lists, binding to, 296-302

SharePoint Online. See SPO (SharePoint Online)

SharePoint server API, accessing lists and libraries, 51-58

SharePoint Workspace Mobile application, 418

ShowDetail() method, 407

showing child windows, 93-96


asynchronous response handling, 106-108

BCS, 392-409

building apps with Visual Studio 2010, 82-86

calling JavaScript and JQuery, 253-258

child windows, showing/creating, 93-96

composite controls, connecting web parts, 175-177

control properties, setting, 92

data retrieval in, 239-240

debugging, 160

field controls, building, 526-534

Full Screen mode, 246-247

integration with SharePoint, 9-11

layout controls, 87-91

maps, displaying and editing, 540-549

navigation. See navigation

.NET, 97

anonymous methods, 98-99

anonymous types, 99-100

automatic properties, 97

generic collections, 97

LINQ, 100-104


sockets and multicast, 106

WCF Data Services, 105

WCF RIA Services, 105

web services, 105

WebClient class, 105

overview, 6-9

parameters, 82

passing data

with hidden web page fields, 226-231

with HTML Bridge, 223-225

from SharePoint library, 231-240

placing on web pages, 80-82

printing in, 246-247

toolbox, 87-91

web parts, 151-152

building, 159-165

building manually, 152-156

Visual Studio Silverlight web parts extension, 156-159

Silverlight 5, 108-109

debugging data binding, 303

updating SearchView for, 361-366

web browser preview, adding, 409-412

Silverlight Client Object Model. See Client OM

Silverlight Installer dialog, 119

Silverlight Web Part, 133

adding to Client Side Object Model data project, 496-497

adding to host application, 134-135

adding to REST data project (SPO), 502

application load time, reducing, 137-138

initialization parameters, passing, 136-137

properties, configuring, 135

SilverlightClientOM project, 488

assemblies, 488

building, 490

deploying, 495

.dll files, 490-491

references, 491

response handlers, 494-495

Silverlight Web Part, 496-497

XAML listing, 492-494

SilverlightPlugin control, 177

SilverlightREST project

creating, 497

references, 498-499

single machine development environment, 438-439

single machine with Hyper-V development environment, 442-443

single machine with UAG development environment, 441-442

site collections, 72

SharePoint, 28

site map nodes, 453

site map providers

building, 455-460

feature receiver to update web.config, 457-458

PortalSiteMapProvider class, 456

explained, 453-455

referencing in SharePoint master pages, 459-460

Site Settings page, adding to Elements.xml, 540

sites, 72

top-level, 74

SketchFlow, 183, 197

databinding to indexers, 220-221

databinding to SharePoint data, 218-219

documenting design, 207-208

feedback, 209-211

prototypes, building, 197-202

publishing prototypes to SharePoint, 211-213

SketchFlow Player, 202-207

SketchFlow Player, 202-207

skins, 126

SLConnectionSource Sends Information on the KeyUp Event, 180

SLGridWebPart, 164

social comments, adding, 359-361

social data, accessing, 354

Activity Feed, 357-359

adding social comments, 359-361

User Profile Service, 354-357

sockets, Silverlight, 106

Solution Explorer, 71

Solution Gallery, 70

solutions, 69, 71-74

features, 70

sandboxed solutions, 69

sorting SharePoint data, 312-315

source code (HTML), editing, 139-142

SPFeatureReceiver class, 457-458

SPMetal, 60

SPO (SharePoint Online)

authentication, 519-520

Azure RibbonPrototype project, 502

button click events, 511

creating, 502-503

customer collection, retrieving, 512-513

DataServiceQuery, 512

deploying, 516

GroupRibbonElement Elements.xml file, 505-507

image deployment to SharePoint Online, 509-510

MainPage to display data from SQL Azure, 513-516

MainPage user control XAML markup, 511-512

RibbonPart.cs web part code, 507-509

sandboxed web part, 517-518

search child window XAML markup, 510

blocked namespaces, 486-488

Client Side Object Model data project, 488

assemblies, 488

button click event handler, 493-494

deploying, 495

.dll files, 490-491

project type, 490

references, 491

response handlers, 494-495

Silverlight Web Part, 496-497

XAML listing, 492-493

debugging, 485-486

deployment packages, 481

development environment, 479-480

explained, 477-478

REST data project, 497

creating, 497

deploying, 501

methods to retrieve data from ListData.svc, 500-501

references, 498-499

response handler, 501

Silverlight Web Part, 502

XAMLlisting, 499-500

sandboxed solutions, 482-483

web services, 484

SPService, 18

SPTextField, 534

SPWebConfigModification class, 457

startup event handler, 468

state groups, 241

state management with VSM (Visual State Manager), 240-242

states, 241

storyboards, 241

stripping HTML tags, 385

style setters, binding SharePoint data to, 315-317

succeededCallback() method, 263-264

SyncChanges() method, 251, 463-464


TargetedTriggerAction, building, 193-196

Task list, databinding to, 435-438

Team Site, navigation, 447-450


managed paths, 229

root directory, 229

TestService, 370

toolboxes, Silverlight, 87-91

tools for SharePoint and Silverlight development environment, 13-15

top-level sites, 74

transferring Outlook contacts to SharePoint, 294

TreeView control

binding navigation hierarchy to, 468-469

ExpandTree() method, 469-470

TriggerAction, building, 190-192

two-way binding, updating SharePoint data with, 304-306

types, anonymous types (.NET), 99-100


UAG (Unified Access Gateway), 431-434

ULS (Unified Logging Service), 113

Update() method, 265, 274

UpdateLocationField() method, 546

UpdatePageControls()method, 309

UpdatePaging() method, 280


external list item, 408

list data, 274-275

with SharePoint API, 59-60

SearchView for Silverlight 5, 361-366

SharePoint data, 304-306


documents, 282-283

Silverlight to Shared Documents library, 133

User Profile Service, accessing, 354-357

UserControl element, 93

Using Behaviors to “Bind” a View Event to a ViewModel Method, 328

using statement (C#), 53


value converters, 315

ViewChangedOnFrame event handler, 546

viewing external lists, 403

ViewModel, 324

virtualizing workflows, 130

down-level experience (Visio Web Applications), 132

Visio Web Applications

down-level experience, 132

workflows, virtualizing, 130

Visual State Manager (VSM), 240-242

Visual Studio 2010

building Silverlight apps, 82-86

designing Windows Phone 7 applications in, 420-422

Visual Studio Silverlight web parts extension, 156

installing, 156-159

Visual Web Parts, 36

VSM (Visual State Manager), 240-242

vti (Vermeer Technologies, Inc.), 334


WC web services in SPO (SharePoint Online), 484

WCF Data Services

advantages of, 291

list data, querying, 294-296

requirements for, 293-294

SharePoint data

binding to style setters, 315-317

caching paged data, 310-312

filtering and sorting, 312-315

paging, 306-310

updating, 304-306

SharePoint lists, binding to, 296-302

Silverlight, 105

WCF RIA Services, Silverlight, 105

web browser preview, adding with Silverlight 5, 409-412

web pages

hidden fields, passing data to Silverlight, 226-231

Silverlight, placing on, 80-82

web part sample solution, Search View, 322-323

in-place web part editing experience, 328-338

MVVM pattern, 323-328

web parts, 5

as composite controls, 63-66

building, 33-42


applications, hosting, 138-139

files, linking, 143-144

HTML source code, editing, 140-142

script code, adding, 142

connecting, 172-174

making connections, 177-181

Silverlight in composite controls, 175-177

custom Silverlight web parts, building, 166-172

editing, 225, 247-253

exporting, 42

Media Web Part, 114, 121-123

JavaScript API, 125

Ribbon, 125

skins, 126

Navigation Web Part, 461-471

binding navigation hierarchy to TreeView control, 468-469

editor part, 462-464

ExpandTree() method, 469-470

NavigationNode class, 464-466

SelectedItemChanged event handler, 471

Silverlight application startup event handler, 468

Silverlight, 151-152

building, 159-165

building manually, 152-156

Visual Studio Silverlight Web parts extension, 156-159

Silverlight Web Part, 133

adding to Client Side Object Model data project, 496-497

adding to host application, 134-135

adding to REST data project (SPO), 502

application load time, reducing, 137-138

initialization parameters, passing, 136-137

properties, configuring, 135

web services

authentication.asmx, 427

in SPO (SharePoint Online), 484

SharePoint, 320-321

Silverlight, 105

web sites, publishing with field controls, 553-555

web.config file, updating with feature receiver, 457-458

WebClient class, Silverlight, 105

Windows Phone 7 applications, 417

App Hub, 419-420


FBA (forms based authentication), 426-431

UAG (Unified Access Gateway), 431-434

development environment, 438

multi-machine, 439-440

multi-machine with UAG, 440

single machine, 438-439

single machine with Hyper-V, 442-443

single machine with UAG, 441-442

development framework, 419-420

development tools, 420

Expression Blend, 423-424

Visual Studio, 420-422

Windows Phone Emulator, 424-425

Office hub, 417-419

publishing, 443-444

Task list, databinding to, 435-438

Windows Phone Emulator, 424-425

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 82

wizards, SharePoint Customization Wizard, 68

workflows, virtualizing, 130

down-level experience (Visio Web Applications), 132

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 82

.wsp files, 69


XAML, 85

for Client Side Object Model data project, 492-493

XML, declaration of field types, 525

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