Building serverless architecture

In a traditional scenario, if you want to develop an application, you need to have a server where your desired operating system and required software can be installed. While you are writing your code, you need to make sure that your server is up and running. During deployment, you need to add more servers to keep up with user demand and add scaling mechanisms such as Auto Scaling to manage the desired number of servers to fulfill users' requests. In this entire situation, a lot of effort goes into infrastructure management and maintenance, which has nothing to do with your business problem.

Going serverless gives you the ability to focus on your application and write code for feature implementation without worrying about underlying infrastructure maintenance. Serverless means there is no server to run your code, which frees you up from Auto Scaling and decoupling overheads while providing a low-cost model.

A public cloud, such as AWS, provides several serverless services in the area of computer and data storage, which makes it easier to develop an end-to-end serverless application. When you talk about serverless, the first thing that comes to mind is AWS Lambda functions, which is a Function as a Service (FaaS) and is provided by AWS cloud. To make your application service-oriented, Amazon API Gateway offers you the ability to put RESTful endpoints in front of your AWS Lambda functions and helps you to expose them as microservices. Amazon DynamoDB provides a highly scalable NoSQL database, which is an entirely serverless NoSQL data store, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) provides serverless object data storage.

Let's take a look at an example of a reference serverless architecture in the following architecture diagram for the delivery of a secure survey:

Serverless architecture for a secure survey delivery

In this example, a serverless architecture serves, delivers, and processes secure surveys, all on managed services:

  1. First, a customer requests the website over HTTPS. The web page is served directly from Amazon S3.
  1. The customer's survey is submitted via an AJAX call to Amazon API Gateway.
  2. Amazon API Gateway logs this to Amazon CloudTrail. If a survey's results are lost, or if one of the AJAX calls includes malicious activity of some sort, these logs may be helpful in identifying and fixing the problem.
  3. Amazon API Gateway then turns the AJAX call into an event trigger for an AWS Lambda function, which pulls the survey data and processes it.
  4. The results of the survey are sent by the AWS Lambda function to an Amazon S3 bucket, where they are secured with server-side encryption.
  5. Metadata from the survey, which does not include any personally identifiable information, is then written and stored in a DynamoDB table. This could be used for later queries and analysis.

Due to the increasing popularity of serverless architecture, you will see more reference architectures using serverless services as we move forward with this book. The concept of microservices is also becoming popular with the adoption of RESTful-style architectures. Let's learn more about REST architectures and microservices in the next sections.

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