Benefits of system modernization

Creating a future digital strategy by addressing the growing need for legacy system modernization can have many advantages, as shown in the following diagram:

Benefits of legacy system modernization

The following are the significant benefits of an application modernization:

  • Customer satisfaction: Using the latest technology gives a better user interface (UI) and omnichannel experience. You don't need to build different variations of the UI; it can be built once and deployed across devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. A fast and slick UI leads to better customer experience and business growth.
  • Future-proof business strategy: Your application modernization allows you to be more agile and innovative. The team can accommodate the changing needs of the business comfortably and evolve with new technology.
  • Stay ahead of the competition: Users always looking for the latest stuff and tend to move into the new application, which gives a better experience. The modernization of your application helps you to stay ahead of the competition by adding the latest trends. For example, voice integration is extensively being provided in apps, and you can enhance security with face detection. This is only possible when your application is adopting the latest technology.
  • Applicating reliability and performance: Every new version of a software API and an operating system tries to address and improve performance issues. Using the latest software and hardware helps you to achieve better performance, scalability, and high availability. Application modernization helps you to reduce operational outage and enhance security.
  • Ability to use cutting-edge technology: Legacy systems prevent you from getting insight from data that could help you to grow your business significantly. By modernizing your database and creating a data lake, you can perform big data and machine learning to get all kinds of insight. This also helps you to retain employees when people get the opportunity to work in new technologies.
  • Cost saving: Overall, any modernization leads to cost-saving by reducing operational maintenance and providing a more natural upgrade. Utilization of open source software reduces licensing costs, hardware flexibility helps to adopt a cloud pay-as-you-go model, and automation helps to reduce the human resources needed for routine jobs and improves overall efficiency.

However, there are several benefits of legacy system modernization, but these could be very complex and require lots of effort. A careful assessment needs to be conducted to take the right approach. Let's explore more on the assessment techniques of a legacy application.

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