Difficulty in keeping up with user demand

Customer focus is the key to business success, and being unable to keep up with the latest technology trends can harm a business significantly. You can take the example of Nokia mobile phones, which used to lead the world mobile-phone market. As smartphones came into play nearly a decade ago, Nokia still stuck with a legacy system, and this resulted in near bankruptcy. It was a similar story with Kodakā€”one of the largest businesses in the photo-camera industry. Kodak was unable to move with digital innovation and adopt this into its systems, which resulted in Kodak becoming bankrupt in 2012. There are many such examples where large enterprises have been unable to survive due to a lack of legacy modernization and innovation.

In the current climate of fast-changing technology and fierce competition, users are very demanding. Now, organizations have to change as per the user's terms, as they have multiple demands. As technology moves, the user moves with it and starts using the most recent and popular app. Your competitor can jump ahead if they are providing new features as per the user demand.

A legacy system also poses challenges for enterprise applications with an internal user base. An old system that was built on mainframes mostly uses the command line, which is not very user-friendly in the digital age, whereas new-generation workers demand a more user-friendly system to perform their routine tasks. However, you may face significant resistance from management, who may have been working with legacy systems for decades and are settled with this.

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