Types of NoSQL data store

Following are the major NoSQL databases types:

  • Columnar databases: Apache Cassandra and Apache HBase are the popular columnar databases. The columnar data store helps you to scan a particular column when querying the data, rather than scanning the entire row. If an item table has 10 columns with one million rows and you want to query the number of a given item available in inventory, then the columnar database will just apply the query to the item quantity column rather than scanning the entire table. 
  • Document databases: Some of the most popular document databases are MongoDB, Couchbase, MarkLogic, Dynamo DB, and Cassandra. You can use a document database to store semi-structured data in JSON and XML formats.
  • Graph databases: Popular graph database choices include Amazon Neptune, JanusGraph, TinkerPop, Neo4j, OrientDB, GraphDB, and GraphX on Spark. A graph database stores vertices and links between vertices called edges. Graphs can be built on both relational and non-relational databases. 
  • In-memory key-value stores: Some of the most popular in-memory key-value stores are Redis and Memcached. They store data in memory for read-heavy applications. Any query from an application first goes to an in-memory database and, if the data is available in the cache, it doesn't hit the master database. The in-memory database is good for storing user-session information, which results in complex queries and frequently requests data such as user profiles. 

NoSQL has many use cases, but to build a data search you need to index all your data. Let's learn more about search data stores.

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