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  1 Security today

  1.1  Spring Security: The what and the why

  1.2  What is software security?

  1.3  Why is security important?

  1.4  Common security vulnerabilities in web applications

Vulnerabilities in authentication and authorization

What is session fixation?

What is cross-site scripting (XSS)?

What is cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

Understanding injection vulnerabilities in web applications

Dealing with the exposure of sensitive data

What is the lack of method access control?

Using dependencies with known vulnerabilities

  1.5  Security applied in various architectures

Designing a one-piece web application

Designing security for a backend/frontend separation

Understanding the OAuth 2 flow

Using API keys, cryptographic signatures, and IP validation to secure requests

  1.6  What will you learn in this book?

  2 Hello Spring Security

  2.1  Starting with the first project

  2.2  Which are the default configurations?

  2.3  Overriding default configurations

Overriding the UserDetailsService component

Overriding the endpoint authorization configuration

Setting the configuration in different ways

Overriding the AuthenticationProvider implementation

Using multiple configuration classes in your project

  3 Managing users

  3.1  Implementing authentication in Spring Security

  3.2  Describing the user

Demystifying the definition of the UserDetails contract

Detailing on the GrantedAuthority contract

Writing a minimal implementation of UserDetails

Using a builder to create instances of the UserDetails type

Combining multiple responsibilities related to the user

  3.3  Instructing Spring Security on how to manage users

Understanding the UserDetailsService contract

Implementing the UserDetailsService contract

Implementing the UserDetailsManager contract

  4 Dealing with passwords

  4.1  Understanding the PasswordEncoder contract

The definition of the PasswordEncoder contract

Implementing the PasswordEncoder contract

Choosing from the provided implementations of PasswordEncoder

Multiple encoding strategies with DelegatingPasswordEncoder

  4.2  More about the Spring Security Crypto module

Using key generators

Using encryptors for encryption and decryption operations

  5 Implementing authentication

  5.1  Understanding the AuthenticationProvider

Representing the request during authentication

Implementing custom authentication logic

Applying custom authentication logic

  5.2  Using the SecurityContext

Using a holding strategy for the security context

Using a holding strategy for asynchronous calls

Using a holding strategy for standalone applications

Forwarding the security context with DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable

Forwarding the security context with DelegatingSecurityContext-ExecutorService

  5.3  Understanding HTTP Basic and form-based login authentications

Using and configuring HTTP Basic

Implementing authentication with form-based login

  6 Hands-on: A small secured web application

  6.1  Project requirements and setup

  6.2  Implementing user management

  6.3  Implementing custom authentication logic

  6.4  Implementing the main page

  6.5  Running and testing the application

  7 Configuring authorization: Restricting access

  7.1  Restricting access based on authorities and roles

Restricting access for all endpoints based on user authorities

Restricting access for all endpoints based on user roles

Restricting access to all endpoints

  8 Configuring authorization: Applying restrictions

  8.1  Using matcher methods to select endpoints

  8.2  Selecting requests for authorization using MVC matchers

  8.3  Selecting requests for authorization using Ant matchers

  8.4  Selecting requests for authorization using regex matchers

  9 Implementing filters

  9.1  Implementing filters in the Spring Security architecture

  9.2  Adding a filter before an existing one in the chain

  9.3  Adding a filter after an existing one in the chain

  9.4  Adding a filter at the location of another in the chain

  9.5  Filter implementations provided by Spring Security

10 Applying CSRF protection and CORS

10.1  Applying cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection in applications

How CSRF protection works in Spring Security

Using CSRF protection in practical scenarios

Customizing CSRF protection

10.2  Using cross-origin resource sharing

How does CORS work?

Applying CORS policies with the @CrossOrigin annotation

Applying CORS using a CorsConfigurer

11 Hands-on: A separation of responsibilities

11.1  The scenario and requirements of the example

11.2  Implementing and using tokens

What is a token?

What is a JSON Web Token?

11.3  Implementing the authentication server

11.4  Implementing the business logic server

Implementing the Authentication objects

Implementing the proxy to the authentication server

Implementing the AuthenticationProvider interface

Implementing the filters

Writing the security configurations 280Testing the whole system

12 How does OAuth 2 work?

12.1  The OAuth 2 framework

12.2  The components of the OAuth 2 authentication architecture

12.3  Implementation choices with OAuth 2

Implementing the authorization code grant type

Implementing the password grant type

Implementing the client credentials grant type

Using refresh tokens to obtain new access tokens

12.4  The sins of OAuth 2

12.5  Implementing a simple single sign-on application

Managing the authorization server

Starting the implementation

Implementing ClientRegistration

Implementing ClientRegistrationRepository

The pure magic of Spring Boot configuration

Obtaining details about an authenticated user

Testing the application

13 OAuth 2: Implementing the authorization server

13.1  Writing your own authorization server implementation

13.2  Defining user management

13.3  Registering clients with the authorization server

13.4  Using the password grant type

13.5  Using the authorization code grant type

13.6  Using the client credentials grant type

13.7  Using the refresh token grant type

14 OAuth 2: Implementing the resource server

14.1  Implementing a resource server

14.2  Checking the token remotely

14.3  Implementing blackboarding with a JdbcTokenStore

14.4  A short comparison of approaches

15 OAuth 2: Using JWT and cryptographic signatures

15.1  Using tokens signed with symmetric keys with JWT

Using JWTs

Implementing an authorization server to issue JWTs

Implementing a resource server that uses JWT

15.2  Using tokens signed with asymmetric keys with JWT

Generating the key pair

Implementing an authorization server that uses private keys

Implementing a resource server that uses public keys

Using an endpoint to expose the public key

15.3  Adding custom details to the JWT

Configuring the authorization server to add custom details to tokens

Configuring the resource server to read the custom details of a JWT

16 Global method security: Pre- and postauthorizations

16.1  Enabling global method security

Understanding call authorization

Enabling global method security in your project

16.2  Applying preauthorization for authorities and roles

16.3  Applying postauthorization

16.4  Implementing permissions for methods

17 Global method security: Pre- and postfiltering

17.1  Applying prefiltering for method authorization

17.2  Applying postfiltering for method authorization

17.3  Using filtering in Spring Data repositories

18 Hands-on: An OAuth 2 application

18.1  The application scenario

18.2  Configuring Keycloak as an authorization server

Registering a client for our system

Specifying client scopes

Adding users and obtaining access tokens 444Defining the user roles

18.3  Implementing the resource server

18.4  Testing the application

Proving an authenticated user can only add a record for themself

Proving that a user can only retrieve their own records

Proving that only admins can delete records

19 Spring Security for reactive apps

19.1  What are reactive apps?

19.2  User management in reactive apps

19.3  Configuring authorization rules in reactive apps

Applying authorization at the endpoint layer in reactive apps

Using method security in reactive apps

19.4  Reactive apps and OAuth 2

20 Spring Security testing

20.1  Using mock users for tests

20.2  Testing with users from a UserDetailsService

20.3  Using custom Authentication objects for testing

20.4  Testing method security

20.5  Testing authentication

20.6  Testing CSRF configurations

20.7  Testing CORS configurations

20.8  Testing reactive Spring Security implementations


appendix A. Creating a Spring Boot project




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