
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


About This Program command, About [This Program]
Accessibility Options control panel, About [This Program]
accounts, Log Out, Keyboard Differences, Getting into Mac OS X, Introducing Accounts, Introducing Accounts, The First Account, Creating an Account, Creating an Account, Creating an Account, Standard accounts, Group, Group, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status, Phase 3: Choose a Picture, Phase 4: Startup Items, Parental Controls, Editing Accounts, Editing Accounts, Setting Up the Login Process, Signing In, Logging Out, Sharing Across Accounts, Sharing Across Accounts, Sharing Across Accounts, Fast User Switching, Fast User Switching, FileVault, The Setup Assistant
account groups, Group
account photos, Phase 3: Choose a Picture
administrator vs. standard, Creating an Account
creating, Creating an Account
creating the first account, The Setup Assistant
defined, Introducing Accounts
deleting, Editing Accounts
Drop Box folder, Fast User Switching
editing, Editing Accounts
Fast User Switching, Fast User Switching
File Vault, FileVault
guest accounts, Group
logging in, Getting into Mac OS X, Setting Up the Login Process
logging out, Log Out, Signing In, Logging Out
Menulet, Keyboard Differences
name, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status
parental controls, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status, Parental Controls
passwords, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status
Public folder, Sharing Across Accounts
settings, The First Account
Shared folder, Sharing Across Accounts
sharing folders among, Sharing Across Accounts
sharing-only, Standard accounts
startup items, Phase 4: Startup Items
types of, Creating an Account
Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Reader
ACT, Acrobat Reader
Active Desktop, About [This Program]
Activity Monitor, TextEdit as Web Designer
ad hoc networks, File Sharing
Add Hardware control panel, About [This Program]
Add/Remove Programs control panel, Add or Remove Programs Control Panel
Address Book, .Mac Sync, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book, Completing and Deleting To Dos, Address Book, Address Book, Groups, Removing someone from a group, Removing someone from a group, Changing the Address Book Display, Address-Book Backups
adding from email messages, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book
backing up, Address-Book Backups
creating and editing contacts, Address Book
groups, Groups
pictures in, Removing someone from a group
printing, Changing the Address Book Display
searching for addresses, Removing someone from a group
syncing between Macs, .Mac Sync
tips and tricks, Address Book
Adobe programs, Adobe [your favorite program here]
AdSubtract, Ad Subtract (Pop-up Stopper)
AIM network, The RSS screen saver
AirPort Utility, AirPort Utility
aliases, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once
benefits of, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once
defined, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once
All Programs menu, Add or Remove Programs Control Panel
Alt -tab, The New, Improved “Alt-Tab”
Alt key, Where the Windows Keys Went, Add or Remove Programs Control Panel
antivirus software, Microsoft Money
AOL, Adobe [your favorite program here]
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
Apache, System Folder
Appearance settings, Accounts, Accounts, Accounts, Accounts, Turning Off Smoothing on Tiny Fonts
Desktop color scheme, Accounts
font smoothing, Turning Off Smoothing on Tiny Fonts
highlight color, Accounts
scroll bar settings, Accounts
Apple Store file transfers, Transfer by Apple Genius, Ways to Move Your Email
email and address book, Ways to Move Your Email
AppleCare, Help by Telephone
AppleScript, Menulets = Tray, Address Book
script menu, Menulets = Tray
Application menu, The Application Menu
Applications folder, Where Your Stuff Is
archiving files and folders, What Labels Are Good For
arrow notation, About→These→Arrows
audio chats, Audio Chats
Automatic Update, Add or Remove Programs Control Panel
Automator, Automator


Back to My Mac, Screen Sharing with Back to My Mac
Backspace key, Where the Windows Keys Went, Add or Remove Programs Control Panel
backups, Monitors, Backup, Printing Options
.Mac program, Backup
Address Book, Printing Options
battery, Menulets = Tray, Sleep Tab, Sleep Tab
menu-bar gauge, Menulets = Tray, Sleep Tab
power settings, Sleep Tab
BIOS, Add or Remove Programs Control Panel
Bluetooth, Menulets = Tray, Turning Off Smoothing on Tiny Fonts, Bluetooth
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
pairing with other gear, Bluetooth
settings, Turning Off Smoothing on Tiny Fonts
bookmarks (Favorites), Bookmarks (Favorites), .Mac Sync, Address bar, Address bar
adding, Address bar
managing, Address bar
syncing between Macs, .Mac Sync
transferring from pc, Bookmarks (Favorites)
Boolean searches, Boolean searches
Boot Camp, Yahoo Messenger, Boot Camp, Installing Boot Camp, Phase 3: Install the drivers, Forth and Back, Windows/Mac, Forth and Back, Windows/Mac, Boot Camp Tip-O-Rama, Boot Camp Tip-O-Rama
familiar Windows keystrokes in, Forth and Back, Windows/Mac
installing, Installing Boot Camp
removing Windows, Boot Camp Tip-O-Rama
requirements, Boot Camp
right-clicking in, Phase 3: Install the drivers
switching between Mac and Windows, Forth and Back, Windows/Mac
tips and tricks, Boot Camp Tip-O-Rama
Briefcase, Add or Remove Programs Control Panel
broadband connections, Broadband Connections
burning CDs and DVDs, Erasing a Disk, Burn Folders: Without the Disc, Burn Folders: With a Blank Disc On Hand, Burn Folders: With a Blank Disc On Hand
-RW (rewritable disks), Burn Folders: With a Blank Disc On Hand
with a disk, Burn Folders: With a Blank Disc On Hand
without a disk (burn folder), Burn Folders: Without the Disc


Calculate All Sizes option, Other View Options
Calculator, Limit by recent date, Calculator, Conversions, Conversions, Calculator
calculations in Spotlight menu, Conversions
calculations within a document, Conversions
using Spotlight menu, Limit by recent date
calendar, GarageBand
Camera & Scanner Wizard, Calculator
Caps Lock key, Keyboard Tab
disabling, Keyboard Tab
Carbon programs, Smart Folders, Two Kinds of Programs: Cocoa and Carbon
CDs and DVDs, Disk Differences, Disk icons, Erasing a Disk, Burn Folders: With a Blank Disc On Hand, Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive, iTunes: Burning Music CDs, Calculator
auto-playing music CDs, Burn Folders: With a Blank Disc On Hand
burning, Erasing a Disk
burning music CDs, iTunes: Burning Music CDs
Desktop icons, Disk icons
ripping in iTunes, Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive
CDs and DVDs see also key; DVD Player, CDs & DVDs, System Profiler
settings, CDs & DVDs
System Profiler, System Profiler
Character Map, Calculator
Character Palette, Keyboard Viewer
Chess, Chess
children’s software, AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
Clear key, What the Special Mac Keys Do
clicking, The Very Basics, Keyboard Tab
double-click settings, Keyboard Tab
Clipboard, Calculator
clipping files, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
clock, Menulets = Tray, CDs & DVDs
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
settings, CDs & DVDs
Close button, The Folder Proxy Icon, Sheets
“unsaved” dot, Sheets
Cocoa programs, Smart Folders, Two Kinds of Programs: Cocoa and Carbon, The Cocoa Difference, The Font Panel, Services
advantages of, The Cocoa Difference
Font panel, The Font Panel
Services menu, Services
Color Picker dialog box, .sit, .zip, .tar, .gz, and .dmg
column view, Column View, Column View, Column View, Manipulating the Columns, View Options, View Options, View Options
column widths, Manipulating the Columns
defined, Column View
icon previews, View Options
preview column, View Options
sorting, Column View
text size, View Options
columns (list view), Flippy Triangles, Flippy Triangles
adjusting width, Flippy Triangles
hiding and showing, Flippy Triangles
command line, Terminal
compressing files and folders, What Labels Are Good For
Connect to Server command, Connection Method B: Connect to Server
Control key, Keyboard Differences, What the Special Mac Keys Do, Turning on Spaces, Keyboard Tab
disabling, Keyboard Tab
Spaces, Turning on Spaces
control panel, Calculator
Control-clicking, The Very Basics, On, Off, and Sleep
converting documents to Mac format, Bookmarks (Favorites)
cookies, Creating RSS summaries, Creating RSS summaries
Safari, Creating RSS summaries
copy and paste, Copying by Dragging, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode), Copy, Cut, Paste
icons, Copying by Dragging
text and graphics, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
Cover Flow view, Cover Flow View, Cover Flow View, Cover Flow View, Cover Flow View, Cover Flow View
defined, Cover Flow View
movies in, Cover Flow View
PDF documents in, Cover Flow View
size of, Cover Flow View
CPU monitor, Activity Monitor
CrossOver, Virtualization Tip-O-Rama
Ctrl key, Copy, Cut, Paste


Dashboard, Uninstalling Software, Uninstalling Software, Dashboard, Dashboard Tips, Dashboard Preferences, .Mac Sync, Dashboard
defined, Uninstalling Software
making your own Widgets, Dashboard Preferences
moving and closing Widgets, Dashboard
syncing widgets between Macs, .Mac Sync
tips and tricks, Dashboard Tips
data detectors, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book
Date & Time, Menulets = Tray, CDs & DVDs
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
settings, CDs & DVDs
Del key, Where the Windows Keys Went
Delete key, Where the Windows Keys Went, What the Special Mac Keys Do, Copy, Cut, Paste
Desktop, Home Folder, Logging In, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper), Copy, Cut, Paste
background picture, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper)
elements of, Logging In
Desktop pictures, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper), Desktop & Screen Saver, Desktop & Screen Saver, Making the picture fit
auto-changing, Making the picture fit
choosing, Desktop & Screen Saver
dial -up modems, Menulets = Tray, Commercial Hot Spots, Setting Up the Modem, Going Online
connecting and disconnecting, Going Online
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
setting up accounts, Setting Up the Modem
dialog boxes, Control Dialog Boxes, Help Menu
keyboard control, Control Dialog Boxes, Help Menu
dictionary, Limit by recent date, Dashboard
using Spotlight menu, Limit by recent date
digital cameras, Digital Cameras
directories, Copy, Cut, Paste
disability assistance, Spotlight
disk activity monitor, Activity Monitor
Disk Defragmenter, Copy, Cut, Paste
.dmg (disk image) files, Installing Mac OS X Programs
disk images, Disk Images (.dmg files), Disk Utility, the disk-image program, Disk Utility, the disk-image program, Disk Utility, the disk-image program, Turning an image into a CD, Turning an image into a CD
creating, Disk Utility, the disk-image program
encrypting, Turning an image into a CD
formatting, Disk Utility, the disk-image program
mounting, Turning an image into a CD
Disk Utility, AirPort Utility, AirPort Utility, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program, Gray Screen During Startup
cloning disks, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
disk images, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
disk repair, Gray Screen During Startup
disk repair functions, AirPort Utility
partitioning, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
RAID arrays, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
disks, Disk Differences, Disk icons, Keyboard Translation Guide, Disks, Disks, Disks, Erasing a Disk, Activity Monitor, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program, Disks
Desktop icons, Disk icons
disk activity monitor, Activity Monitor
ejecting, Disks
erasing, Erasing a Disk, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
partitioning, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
startup disks, Keyboard Translation Guide, Disks
working with, Disk Differences
Display control panel, Disks
DLL files, Disks
Dock, Dock = Taskbar, Dock = Taskbar, Disk icons, The Quick Look Slideshow, The Quick Look Slideshow, Stacks, Stacks, Stacks, Creating and removing stacks, Auto-hiding the Dock, Moving the Dock to the sides of the screen, Using the Dock, Using the Dock, Drag and Drop, How Documents Know Their Parents, Control the Menus, Help Menu
adding and removing icons, The Quick Look Slideshow
as Taskbar replacement, Dock = Taskbar
auto-hiding, Auto-hiding the Dock
defined, Dock = Taskbar
dragging and dropping onto, How Documents Know Their Parents
dragging to, Drag and Drop
keyboard control, Control the Menus
keyboard shortcuts, Help Menu
moving to side of screen, Moving the Dock to the sides of the screen
shortcut menus, Using the Dock
shrinking and enlarging, Creating and removing stacks
Stacks, Stacks
switching applications, Using the Dock
three ways to display folder contents, Stacks
turning off Stacks, Stacks
document -program relationships, How Documents Know Their Parents
documents, How Documents Know Their Parents, Bookmarks (Favorites)
converting from PC to Mac, Bookmarks (Favorites)
reassigning program using Dock, How Documents Know Their Parents
Documents folder, System Folder
DOS, Calculator, Disks
double-clicking, The Very Basics
drag and drop, Drag and Drop, Moving and Copying Icons, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
icons, Moving and Copying Icons
text and graphics, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
to the Dock, Drag and Drop
dragging, The Very Basics
Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Microsoft Publisher
Drop Box folder, Fast User Switching
DVD Player, iTunes: Burning Music CDs, DVD Movies, Playing a Movie, Full-Screen Playback, Full-Screen Playback
full-screen playback, Full-Screen Playback
keyboard shortcuts, Playing a Movie
movie playback, DVD Movies
subtitles and languages, Full-Screen Playback


F1, F2, F3... keys, What the Special Mac Keys Do, Keyboard & Mouse
Fast User Switching, Fast User Switching
Favorites, Favorites
faxing, Menulets = Tray, Faxing, Setting Up Faxing, Setting Up Faxing, Sending
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
receiving faxes, Sending
sending the fax, Setting Up Faxing
setting up, Setting Up Faxing
file associations, How Documents Know Their Parents, How Documents Know Their Parents, Reassigning Documents to Programs
forcing using Dock, How Documents Know Their Parents
reassigning, Reassigning Documents to Programs
file sharing, File Sharing, File Sharing, File Sharing, Setup: Sharing Any Folder, Setup: Sharing Any Folder, Accessing Shared Files, Connection Method B: Connect to Server, Networking with Windows
accessing shared folders (Connect to Server), Connection Method B: Connect to Server
accessing shared folders (using sidebar), Accessing Shared Files
any-folder method, Setup: Sharing Any Folder
between Mac and PC, Networking with Windows
permissions, Setup: Sharing Any Folder
Public folder, File Sharing
setting up, File Sharing
file sizes, Sorted alignment, Sorting the List, Other View Options, The Get Info Panels
showing folder sizes, Other View Options
sorting by, Sorting the List
File Vault, FileVault
filename extensions, How Documents Know Their Parents
filenames, Renaming Icons
FileVault, Frequently Asked Questions
and Time Machine, Frequently Asked Questions
Finder, Log Out, The Finder Sidebar, Disk icons, System, In the Finder
keyboard shortcuts, In the Finder
Sidebar, The Finder Sidebar
Simple Finder, System
window views, Disk icons
finding files, The Spotlight Menu
Firefox, Eudora
firewall, The Firewall
Firewire disk mode, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
flippy triangles, Flippy Triangles
floppy disks, Favorites
Fn key, What the Special Mac Keys Do
folder options, Favorites
folder proxy icon, The Folder Proxy Icon
folders, Flippy Triangles, Other View Options, Stacks, Stacks, Spring-Loaded Folders: Dragging Icons into Closed Folders, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once, Broken Aliases, Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever
aliases, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once
Calculate All Sizes option, Other View Options
color labels, Broken Aliases
flippy triangles, Flippy Triangles
in the Dock: three views, Stacks
locked files, Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever
spring-loaded, Spring-Loaded Folders: Dragging Icons into Closed Folders
Stacks, Stacks
Font Book, PDF Files
Font panel, The Cocoa Difference, Font libraries
fonts, Grid spacing, The Font Panel, Fonts—and Font Book, Fonts—and Font Book, Font Book: Installing and Managing Fonts, Adding, removing, and hiding fonts, Font libraries, Font libraries, Number of Recent Items, Input Menu Tab, Keyboard Viewer
Character Palette, Keyboard Viewer
deleting and hiding, Adding, removing, and hiding fonts
font libraries, Font libraries
Font panel, The Font Panel, Font libraries
installing and managing, Font Book: Installing and Managing Fonts
Keyboard Viewer, Input Menu Tab
smoothing settings, Number of Recent Items
type size for icon labels, Grid spacing
where they live, Fonts—and Font Book
force quitting programs, Quitting Programs, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
Forward delete key, Where the Windows Keys Went, Copy, Cut, Paste
Front Row, Sound Effects Tab, DVD Player, Front Row
keyboard shortcuts, Front Row
sound effects, Sound Effects Tab
FTP, FTP (File Transfer Protocol)


iCal, .Mac Sync, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book, To Dos, GarageBand, GarageBand, Making an Appointment, The long way, What to Do with an Appointment, Rescheduling events, Deleting events, Deleting events, To Do Lists
calendar categories, Deleting events
data detectors, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book
day/week/month views, GarageBand
making an appointment, Making an Appointment
printing from, Rescheduling events
reminder alarms, The long way
rescheduling events, What to Do with an Appointment
searching for events, Deleting events
syncing between Macs, .Mac Sync
To Do list, To Dos, To Do Lists
iChat, Menulets = Tray, The RSS screen saver, The RSS screen saver, The Buddy Lists, Sorting and sizing your friends, In-chat fun, In-chat fun, In-chat fun, In-chat fun, In-chat fun, Audio Chats, Video Chats, Video Chats, Sharing Your Screen, iChat Theater, Mail & iChat
audio chats, Audio Chats
available networks, The RSS screen saver
blue screen effects, Video Chats
Buddy List, The Buddy Lists
iChat Theater (exhibiting documents), iChat Theater
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
parental controls, Mail & iChat
screen sharing, Sharing Your Screen
sending files, In-chat fun
smilies, In-chat fun
SMS messages to phones, In-chat fun
text chats, Sorting and sizing your friends
text formatting, In-chat fun
transcripts, In-chat fun
video chats, Video Chats
icon view, Icon View
icons, The Very Basics, The Four Window Views, Grid spacing, Grid spacing, Grid spacing, Grid spacing, Grid spacing, Keeping Icons Neat and Sorted, Renaming Icons, Selecting Icons, Copying by Dragging, Copying by Dragging, Copying by Using Copy and Paste, Copying by Using Copy and Paste, Making Spring-Loaded Folders Work, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once, Broken Aliases, Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever, The Spotlight Menu
aliases, Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once
color labels, Broken Aliases
copy and paste, Copying by Using Copy and Paste
copying, Copying by Dragging
defined, The Very Basics
designing your own, Making Spring-Loaded Folders Work
finding, The Spotlight Menu
grid spacing, Grid spacing
icon size, The Four Window Views
label font size, Grid spacing
label position, Grid spacing
locked files, Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever
moving, Copying by Dragging
previews of, Grid spacing
printing list of, Copying by Using Copy and Paste
renaming, Renaming Icons
selecting, Selecting Icons
Show Item Info option, Grid spacing
sorting and aligning, Keeping Icons Neat and Sorted
iDisk, .Mac Services, Pulling it onto your screen, Pulling it onto your screen, The Public folder, The Public folder, iDisk options
defined, Pulling it onto your screen
password protection, iDisk options
Public folder, The Public folder
pulling onto your screen, Pulling it onto your screen
summoning from Windows, The Public folder
iMovie, iChat
input menu, Menulets = Tray, Exposé & Spaces
installing Mac OS X, Getting Ready to Install, Getting Ready to Install, Three Kinds of Installation, Three Kinds of Installation, The Upgrade Installation, The Upgrade Installation, Erase & Install, Erase & Install
basic installation, Three Kinds of Installation
clean install, The Upgrade Installation
erase & install, Erase & Install
setup assistant, Erase & Install
system requirements, Getting Ready to Install
three kinds of installation, Three Kinds of Installation
upgrade installation, The Upgrade Installation
installing programs, Installing Mac OS X Programs
International, Exposé & Spaces, Exposé & Spaces, Input Menu Tab, Keyboard Viewer
Character Palette, Keyboard Viewer
Keyboard Viewer, Input Menu Tab
language settings, Exposé & Spaces
number formats, Exposé & Spaces
Internet, Network Central—and Multihoming, Network Central—and Multihoming, Automatic Configuration, Ethernet Connections, Settings from Windows 98, Windows Me, Dial-up Modem Connections, Disconnecting, Making the Switch, Address-Book Backups, The Firewall
broadband connections, Automatic Configuration
dial-up modems, Dial-up Modem Connections
Ethernet connections, Ethernet Connections
firewall, The Firewall
Internet connection sharing, Making the Switch
locations, Disconnecting
setting up, Network Central—and Multihoming
specifying preferred browser, Address-Book Backups
transferring Internet settings from PC, Network Central—and Multihoming
Wi-Fi connections, Settings from Windows 98, Windows Me
Internet connection sharing, Making the Switch
Internet Explorer, ICQ, FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Internet location files, Backup
Internet options, FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
iPhoto, iChat
IRQs, FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
iTornado, Transfers by iTornado
iTunes, ICQ, iTunes: The Digital Jukebox, iTunes: The Digital Jukebox, iTunes: The Digital Jukebox, The iPod and iPhone, The iTunes Store, The iTunes Store, Restrictions, Playing with Playback, Playing with the graphic equalizer, Preventing ear-blast syndrome, Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive, Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive, Creating playlists, iTunes: Burning Music CDs
burning music CDs, iTunes: Burning Music CDs
defined, iTunes: The Digital Jukebox
graphic equalizer, Playing with the graphic equalizer
iPod and iPhone, The iPod and iPhone
iTunes Store, The iTunes Store
keyboard shortcuts, Playing with Playback
playback tricks, Restrictions
playing across the network, The iTunes Store
playing audio CDs, iTunes: The Digital Jukebox
playlists, Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive
ripping CDs, Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive
smart playlists, Creating playlists
Sound Check, Preventing ear-blast syndrome


Kazaa, ICQ
kernel panic, Can’t Move or Rename an Icon
key, Keyboard Differences, Where the Windows Keys Went, What the Special Mac Keys Do, Keyboard Tab
disabling, Keyboard Tab
purpose of, Keyboard Differences
keyboard, Keyboard Differences
Mac vs. PC differences, Keyboard Differences
keyboard shortcuts, The Very Basics, Home Folder, The Four Window Views, Cover Flow View, Moving and Copying Icons, The Spotlight Window, Customizing Spotlight, The New, Improved “Alt-Tab”, Exposé: Death to Window Clutter, Another way to Exposé, Reassigning all documents of one type, Keyboard control, Playing a Movie, The Big Picture, Front Row, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File, The Master Mac OS X Secret Keystroke List, Startup Keystrokes, Menu, Help Menu, Help Menu, The Dock, Managing Programs
changing Spotlight keystroke, Customizing Spotlight
Cover Flow view, Cover Flow View
dialog boxes, Help Menu
Dock, The Dock
DVD Player, Playing a Movie
Expose, Another way to Exposé
Finder, Startup Keystrokes
folder shortcuts, Moving and Copying Icons
force quitting, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
Front Row, Front Row
Home folder, Home Folder
iTunes, Keyboard control
master list, The Master Mac OS X Secret Keystroke List
menus, Menu
menus, Dock, windows, etc., Reassigning all documents of one type
on aluminum Apple keyboards, Exposé: Death to Window Clutter
power button, Help Menu
programs, Managing Programs
Spotlight, The Spotlight Window
switching programs, The New, Improved “Alt-Tab”
window views, The Four Window Views
word processing, The Big Picture
Keyboard Viewer, Input Menu Tab
keyboards, What the Special Mac Keys Do, What the Special Mac Keys Do, Exposé: Death to Window Clutter, Exposé & Spaces, Keyboard & Mouse, Keyboard & Mouse, Keyboard & Mouse, Keyboard & Mouse, Trackpad options, Zoom
aluminum Apple keyboards, Exposé: Death to Window Clutter
Bluetooth options, Trackpad options
F1, F2, etc. functions, Keyboard & Mouse
illumination settings, Keyboard & Mouse
international layouts, Exposé & Spaces
key repeat rate, Keyboard & Mouse
numeric keypad, What the Special Mac Keys Do
settings, Keyboard & Mouse
typing assistance (Sticky Keys), Zoom
various Apple types, What the Special Mac Keys Do
keychain, .Mac Sync, Logout Options, Locking and unlocking the Keychain, Managing Keychain
locking and unlocking, Locking and unlocking the Keychain
managing, Managing Keychain
syncing between Macs, .Mac Sync


labels, Broken Aliases, Broken Aliases, Broken Aliases, What Labels Are Good For
benefits of, Broken Aliases
defined, Broken Aliases
editing names and colors, What Labels Are Good For
language settings, Laptop Options
laptops, That One-Button Mouse, Menulets = Tray, What the Special Mac Keys Do, What the Special Mac Keys Do, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper), Arrangement Tab, Sleep Tab, Keyboard & Mouse, Mouse Tab
(Forward Delete) key, What the Special Mac Keys Do
auto brightness, Arrangement Tab
battery gauge, Menulets = Tray
Fn key, What the Special Mac Keys Do
illumination settings, Keyboard & Mouse
power settings, Sleep Tab
shutting down, That One-Button Mouse
trackpad settings, Mouse Tab
two-finger scrolling, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper)
Library folder, System Folder
Limewire, ICQ
list view, Sorted alignment, Sorting the List, Flippy Triangles, Your Choice of Columns
columns, Your Choice of Columns
flippy triangles, Flippy Triangles
sorting, Sorting the List
locations, Switching Locations, Switching Locations, Creating a New Location, Making the Switch
creating, Creating a New Location
defined, Switching Locations
switching, Making the Switch
locked files, Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever
logging in, Getting into Mac OS X, Accounts, Parental Controls, & Security, Setting Up the Login Process, Setting Up the Login Process, Safe Mode (Safe Boot), FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
accounts, Accounts, Parental Controls, & Security
automatic, Setting Up the Login Process
configuring, Setting Up the Login Process
Safe mode, Safe Mode (Safe Boot)
logging out, Log Out, Signing In, Logging Out, Logout Options
automatic, Logout Options
login items, Phase 4: Startup Items


Mac OS X, The Missing Manual Series, What Mac OS X Gives You, What Mac OS X Takes Away, Window Controls, Removing or Shrinking the Toolbar, The Spotlight Menu, Exposé: Death to Window Clutter, Spaces: Your Free Quad-Display Mac, Installing Mac OS X Programs, Dashboard, Yahoo Messenger, Safari & iChat, Accounts, Parental Controls, & Security, Networking, File Sharing, & Screen Sharing, System Preferences, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard), Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox, Getting Ready to Install, The Upgrade Installation, Troubleshooting, Startup Keystrokes
accounts, Accounts, Parental Controls, & Security
advantages of, What Mac OS X Gives You
clean install, The Upgrade Installation
Dashboard, Dashboard
explanation of Leopard name, The Missing Manual Series
Expose, Exposé: Death to Window Clutter
finding files, The Spotlight Menu
Help system, Removing or Shrinking the Toolbar
included programs, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
installing, Getting Ready to Install
installing programs, Installing Mac OS X Programs
master keyboard shortcuts list, Startup Keystrokes
networking, Networking, File Sharing, & Screen Sharing
reasons to switch, What Mac OS X Takes Away
running Windows on, Yahoo Messenger
Safari, Safari & iChat
Spaces, Spaces: Your Free Quad-Display Mac
System Preferences, System Preferences
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting
Utilities folder, Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox
window elements, Window Controls
MacAfee VirusScan, ICQ
Macintosh see also documents; icons; keyboards; programs, Power On, Dude, That One-Button Mouse, On, Off, and Sleep, On, Off, and Sleep, Restart, Restart, Log Out, Keyboard Differences, Where the Windows Keys Went, Disk Differences, Status Bar, Universal Apps (Intel Macs), FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode), System Preferences, System Profiler, Troubleshooting
disks on, Disk Differences
FireWire disk mode, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
Intel processors, Universal Apps (Intel Macs)
keyboard, Where the Windows Keys Went
keyboard differences vs. PC, Keyboard Differences
logging out, Log Out
on, off, sleep, On, Off, and Sleep
restarting, Restart
secret two-button mouse, That One-Button Mouse
shutting down, Restart
sleep mode, On, Off, and Sleep
System Preferences, System Preferences
System Profiler, System Profiler
terminology differences, Status Bar
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting
turning on, Power On, Dude
Mail, .Mac Sync, Backup, Checking Your Mail, Checking Your Mail, The Mailboxes List, Writing Messages, Attaching Files to Messages, Attaching Files to Messages, Attaching Files to Messages, Signatures, Stationery, Reading Email, Threading, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book, Opening Attachments, Replying to a Message, Forwarding Messages, Forwarding Messages, Forwarding Messages, Filing Messages, Filing Messages, Flagging Messages, Finding text within an open message, Message Rules, Using the Junk Mail Filter, RSS Feeds, Notes, To Dos, Mail & iChat
adjusting panes, Checking Your Mail
capturing addresses, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book
checking your mail, Checking Your Mail
composing and sending, Writing Messages
data detectors, Adding the Sender to Your Address Book
deleting messages, Finding text within an open message
file attachments (receiving), Opening Attachments
file attachments (sending), Attaching Files to Messages
filing, Filing Messages
finding messages, Flagging Messages
flagging, Filing Messages
forwarding, Forwarding Messages
mailbox list, The Mailboxes List
message rules, Message Rules
notes, Notes
parental controls, Mail & iChat
plain text vs. formatted, Attaching Files to Messages
printing, Forwarding Messages
reading and processing, Reading Email
redirecting, Forwarding Messages
replying, Replying to a Message
RSS feeds, RSS Feeds
signatures, Signatures
spam filter, Using the Junk Mail Filter
spelling checker, Attaching Files to Messages
stationery, Stationery
syncing settings between Macs, .Mac Sync
threading, Threading
To Do list, To Dos
Mail command, Mail
Mail control panel, FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Maximize button (Zoom button), Minimize Button, Maximize Button
memory, The System monitor tabs, System Profiler
monitor, The System monitor tabs
System Profiler, System Profiler
menu, Disk icons
menulets, Dock = Taskbar, Menulets = Tray, AirPort (Wi-Fi) Connections, Sleep Tab
battery gauge, Sleep Tab
described individually, Menulets = Tray
Wi-Fi connections, AirPort (Wi-Fi) Connections
menus, The Very Basics, Log Out, Keyboard Differences, The menu bar, Getting Help in Mac OS X, Reassigning all documents of one type, CDs & DVDs, Desktop & Screen Saver, Maximize Button, Menu
complete keyboard control, Reassigning all documents of one type
defined, The Very Basics
keyboard shortcuts, Menu
keyboard-shortcut symbols in, Keyboard Differences
Mac vs. Windows, Maximize Button
menu bar, The menu bar
menu-bar clock, CDs & DVDs
searching for a command, Getting Help in Mac OS X
turning off the translucence, Desktop & Screen Saver
where to find them, Log Out
Microsoft Access, Microsoft Access
Microsoft Money, Microsoft Money
Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office
Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Publisher
Migration Assistant, Keychain Access
Minesweeper, Microsoft Publisher
minimizing windows, Title Bar, Zoom Button, Moving windows among screens, Minimize Button
all simultaneously, Title Bar
Minimize button, Zoom Button, Minimize Button
modems, Commercial Hot Spots, Dial-up Modem Connections, Creating a New Location
cellular, Creating a New Location
dial-up, Dial-up Modem Connections
monitors, Menulets = Tray, Menulets = Tray, Monitors, Monitors, Monitors, Monitors, Activating the screen saver, Displays, Arrangement Tab, Arrangement Tab, Arrangement Tab, Color Tab, Spotlight
adjusting resolution, Menulets = Tray
adjusting screen zoom and contrast, Spotlight
brightness and contrast, Arrangement Tab
changing resolution, Displays
color calibration, Color Tab
connecting projectors, Monitors
Display settings, Activating the screen saver
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
mirroring, Monitors
multiple, Arrangement Tab
multiple monitors, Monitors
refresh rate, Arrangement Tab
mouse, The Very Basics, That One-Button Mouse, That One-Button Mouse, That One-Button Mouse, On, Off, and Sleep, Keystrokes, Mouse, Keyboard & Mouse, Keyboard Tab, Keyboard Tab, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
basics, The Very Basics
double-click settings, Keyboard Tab
how to right click, That One-Button Mouse
installing non-Apple mice, Mouse
keyboard control of, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
left-handers, That One-Button Mouse
Mighty Mouse, That One-Button Mouse
motion settings, Keyboard Tab
multi-button (Expose), Keystrokes
replacing, On, Off, and Sleep
settings, Keyboard & Mouse
Movies folder, System Folder
MSN Messenger, Microsoft Publisher
multiple monitors, Monitors, Arrangement Tab
Music folder, System Folder
MusicMatch, Street Atlas USA
My Documents, My Pictures..., Maximize Button


NaturallySpeaking, Microsoft Publisher
Netscape, Netscape
Network Neighborhood, Maximize Button
networking, Printer Sharing, The iTunes Store, Multihoming, Automatic Configuration, Ethernet Connections, Settings from Windows 98, Windows Me, Disconnecting, Making the Switch, Networking, File Sharing, & Screen Sharing, Wiring the Network, File Sharing, File Sharing, Networking with Windows, Screen Sharing, The System monitor tabs
Activity Monitor, The System monitor tabs
ad hoc networks, File Sharing
between Mac and PC, Networking with Windows
broadband connections, Automatic Configuration
Ethernet connections, Ethernet Connections
file sharing, File Sharing
Internet connection sharing, Making the Switch
locations, Disconnecting
multihoming, Multihoming
playing iTunes across the network, The iTunes Store
printing sharing, Printer Sharing
screen sharing, Screen Sharing
setting up a network, Networking, File Sharing, & Screen Sharing
Wi-Fi connections, Settings from Windows 98, Windows Me
newsgroup readers, Netscape
Norton AntiVirus, Netscape
Norton Utilities, Netscape
Notepad, Netscape, Maximize Button
Notes, .Mac Sync, Adding RSS Feeds
in Mail, Adding RSS Feeds
syncing between Macs, .Mac Sync
Notification Area, System Tray
number formats, Exposé & Spaces
numeric keypad, What the Special Mac Keys Do


Old Finder Mode, Fine-tuning the Sidebar
Open dialog box, Spotlight
Option key, Where the Windows Keys Went, What the Special Mac Keys Do, Title Bar, Keyboard Tab
disabling, Keyboard Tab
minimize all windows, Title Bar
purpose of, Where the Windows Keys Went
Option-clicking, The Very Basics
Outlook, Ways to Move Your Email, Netscape
transferring mail to the Mac, Ways to Move Your Email
Outlook Express, Netscape
Outlook vs. Outlook Express, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
O2M (Outlook2Mac), Ways to Move Your Email


Page Down key, What the Special Mac Keys Do
Page Up key, What the Special Mac Keys Do
Paint Shop Pro, Paint Shop Pro
Palm Desktop, Paint Shop Pro
Parallels, Boot Camp, Windows in a Window, Virtualization Tip-O-Rama
tips and tricks, Virtualization Tip-O-Rama
parental controls, Phase 3: Choose a Picture, Parental Controls, Parental Controls, System, Only allow selected applications, Hide profanity in Dictionary, Mail & iChat, Time Limits, Logs
activity logs, Logs
hiding profanity in dictionary, Only allow selected applications
limited mail and chat partners, Mail & iChat
limiting programs and activities, Parental Controls
restricting adult Web sites, Hide profanity in Dictionary
Simple Finder, System
time limits, Time Limits
partitioning, Installing Boot Camp, Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
for Boot Camp, Installing Boot Camp
passwords, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status, Four Mac OS X Security Shields, FileVault, Logout Options
for accounts, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status
forgotten, Four Mac OS X Security Shields
keychain, Logout Options
master password, FileVault
password hints, Phase 2: Name, Password, and Status
path bar, Scroll Bars
PDF files, Cover Flow View, What Quick Look Knows, The Print Command, PDF Files, PDF Files, Opening PDF Files, Fonts—and Font Book, Fonts—and Font Book, Fonts—and Font Book, The Sidebar, Preview as PDF Reader, Preview as PDF Reader, Preview as PDF Reader, Preview as PDF Reader, Preview as PDF Reader, QuickTime Player, QuickTime Player
adding keywords to, QuickTime Player
advantages of, PDF Files
annotating, Preview as PDF Reader
bookmarking, Preview as PDF Reader
copying from, Preview as PDF Reader
creating, PDF Files
exporting pages from, Preview as PDF Reader
from any program, The Print Command
in Cover Flow, Cover Flow View
in Preview, The Sidebar
in Quick Look, What Quick Look Knows
navigating, Preview as PDF Reader
opening, Opening PDF Files
saving to iPhoto, Fonts—and Font Book
saving web receipts, Fonts—and Font Book
searching in, QuickTime Player
sending by email, Fonts—and Font Book
peripherals, Printers and Printing
permissions, Setup: Sharing Any Folder, First Resort: Repair Permissions
repairing, First Resort: Repair Permissions
Personal Web Server, Personal Web Server
Phone & Modem Options control panel, Personal Web Server
Photo Booth, iChat, Still Photos, 4-Up Photos, 4-Up Photos, Movies, Movies
4-up photos, 4-Up Photos
blue screen background effects, 4-Up Photos
exporting from, Movies
movies, Movies
still photos, Still Photos
Picasa, Paint Shop Pro
Pictures folder, System Folder
playlists, Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive
PocketPC, Paint Shop Pro
Power Options control panel, Personal Web Server
powering on, Power On, Dude, Help Menu
keyboard shortcuts, Help Menu
PowerPoint, PowerPoint
PPP menulet, Menulets = Tray
Preview, Preview, Preview, The Sidebar
as graphics editor, Preview
as PDF reader, The Sidebar
Printer Sharing, Personal Web Server
printing, Printers and Printing, Setting Up a Printer, The Printer List, Making the Printout, Making the Printout, The Print Command, The Print Command, Printing, Printing, Printer Sharing, Finding an Address
Address Book, Finding an Address
choosing a default printer, The Printer List
making the printout, Making the Printout
managing the print queue, Printing
Page Setup, Making the Printout
preview, The Print Command
printing sharing, Printer Sharing
saving as PDF, The Print Command
scheduled, Printing
setting up a printer, Setting Up a Printer
printing sharing, Printer Sharing
privileges, Setup: Sharing Any Folder
PrntScrn key, Personal Web Server
processors, System Profiler
System Profiler, System Profiler
program -document relationships, How Documents Know Their Parents
Program Files folder, Personal Web Server
programs see also Address Book; Calculator; Exposé; etc., Using the Dock, Secret menus, Drag and Drop, Smart Folders, Opening Mac OS X Programs, The Application Menu, Quitting Programs, Quitting Programs, The New, Improved “Alt-Tab”, Moving windows among screens, The Open File Dialog Box, Universal Apps (Intel Macs), Installing Mac OS X Programs, Uninstalling Software, Dashboard, ACDSee, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard), Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox, System Profiler, Troubleshooting, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File, Application Won’t Open, Disks, Help Menu
application menu, The Application Menu
Carbon vs. Cocoa, Smart Folders
Dashboard, Dashboard
exiting, Disks
finding Mac equivalents of PC programs, ACDSee
force quitting, Quitting Programs
frozen, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
included with Mac OS X, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
installing, Installing Mac OS X Programs
keyboard shortcuts, Help Menu
open at login, Secret menus
Open dialog box, The Open File Dialog Box
opening, Opening Mac OS X Programs
quitting, Quitting Programs
quitting from the Dock, Drag and Drop
switching, The New, Improved “Alt-Tab”
switching with Dock, Using the Dock
System Profiler, System Profiler
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting
uninstalling, Uninstalling Software
Universal (Intel Macs), Universal Apps (Intel Macs)
Utilities folder, Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox
window management, Moving windows among screens
won’t open, Application Won’t Open
projectors, Menulets = Tray
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
Properties dialog box, Personal Web Server
Public folder, System Folder, Fast User Switching, Setup: The Public Folder
file sharing, Setup: The Public Folder


Safari, Dashboard Preferences, Fonts—and Font Book, Address-Book Backups, Address-Book Backups, Safari, Browsing Basics and Toolbars, Browsing Basics and Toolbars, Safari Toolbars, Safari Toolbars, Address bar, Address bar, Address bar, Address bar, Address bar, Address bar, Address bar, Status Bar, SnapBack, Impersonating Internet Explorer, Impersonating Internet Explorer, Impersonating Internet Explorer, Expanding Web forms, Expanding Web forms, Designate Your Home Page, Designate Your Home Page, The History Menu, Zoom in on PDF Pages, Tabbed Browsing, Tabbed Browsing, Tabbed Browsing, Tabbed Browsing, Viewing an RSS Feed
address bar, Browsing Basics and Toolbars
autocomplete, Address bar
bookmarks (adding), Address bar
bookmarks (managing), Address bar
browsing basics, Safari
cookies (erasing), Tabbed Browsing
Debug menu, Impersonating Internet Explorer
designating start page, Designate Your Home Page
embedded PDF documents, Zoom in on PDF Pages
expanding Web forms, Expanding Web forms
finding text, Designate Your Home Page
Google Search box, Address bar
history (erasing), Tabbed Browsing
History menu, The History Menu
impersonating Internet Explorer, Impersonating Internet Explorer
making your own Widgets, Dashboard Preferences
pop-up ads, Status Bar
private browsing, Tabbed Browsing
reload button, Address bar
RSS feeds, Viewing an RSS Feed
saving graphics to hard drive, Safari Toolbars
saving Web pages to disk, Expanding Web forms
SnapBack, SnapBack
specifying preferred browser, Address-Book Backups
tabbed browsing, Tabbed Browsing
text size, Address bar
toolbars, Browsing Basics and Toolbars
turning off graphics, Impersonating Internet Explorer
URL tips and tricks, Safari Toolbars
Web clips, Address bar
Web receipts, Fonts—and Font Book
Safe mode, Safe Mode (Safe Boot), Regional and Language Options Control Panel
Save dialog box, Control Dialog Boxes, Control Dialog Boxes, The Mini Finder, Spotlight
navigating, The Mini Finder
Spotlight in, Spotlight
tour of, Control Dialog Boxes
ScanDisk, Regional and Language Options Control Panel
Scheduled Tasks, Regional and Language Options Control Panel
scrap files, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode), Regional and Language Options Control Panel
screen sharing, Bluescreen Backdrops and Video FX, Screen Sharing, Screen Sharing, Mac #2: Take Control, Screen Sharing with Back to My Mac, Screen Sharing with Back to My Mac
Back to My Mac, Screen Sharing with Back to My Mac
between Mac and PC, Screen Sharing with Back to My Mac
iChat, Bluescreen Backdrops and Video FX
on local network, Screen Sharing
setting up permissions, Screen Sharing
taking control of another Mac, Mac #2: Take Control
screensavers, The RSS screen saver, Logout Options, Making the picture fit, Screen Saver, Pictures, Pictures, Activating the screen saver
activating, Activating the screen saver
choosing, Screen Saver
password protection, Pictures
password required, Logout Options
RSS feeds, The RSS screen saver
using your own photos, Pictures
screenshots (screen captures), The Cocoa Difference, Solitaire, Solitaire, Grab, Grab
built-in keystrokes, Solitaire
Grab, Grab
Grab command, The Cocoa Difference
timed, Grab
Script menu, Menulets = Tray, Address Book
scroll bars, Scroll Bars, Appearance
settings, Appearance
search, The Spotlight Menu, Removing someone from a group
in Address Book, Removing someone from a group
Search with Google command, Open URL
security, Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash, Tabbed Browsing, Accounts, Parental Controls, & Security, Fast User Switching, Four Mac OS X Security Shields, Four Mac OS X Security Shields, The Firewall, The Firewall, FileVault, Logout Options, Logout Options, Pictures
accounts, Accounts, Parental Controls, & Security
Apple philosophy, Four Mac OS X Security Shields
auto-logout, Logout Options
File Vault, FileVault
firewall, The Firewall
keychain, Logout Options
password-protected screensaver, Pictures
private browsing, Tabbed Browsing
Secure Empty Trash, Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash
secure hard drive erase, The Firewall
special Mac OS X features, Fast User Switching
warning messages, Four Mac OS X Security Shields
selecting icons, Selecting Icons
Services menu, The Cocoa Difference, The Cocoa Difference, Mail, Make New Sticky Note, Open URL, Open URL
Grab command, The Cocoa Difference
Mail command, Mail
Make New Sticky Note, Make New Sticky Note
Search with Google command, Open URL
Summarize command, Open URL
setup assistant, Erase & Install
Shared folder, Fast User Switching
Sharing preferences, Making the Switch
Shift clicking, The Very Basics
Shortcut menus, Search
shutting down, Restart, Laptop Options
scheduled, Laptop Options
Sidebar, Zoom Button, Fine-tuning the Sidebar, How Documents Know Their Parents, Accessing Shared Files
accessing shared folders, Accessing Shared Files
adjusting and rearranging, Fine-tuning the Sidebar
dragging and dropping onto, How Documents Know Their Parents
signatures, Signatures
Simple Finder, Use Simple Finder
Sites folder, System Folder, Bluetooth Tab
Skype, RealPlayer
Sleep mode, On, Off, and Sleep, Logout Options, Color Tab
password required, Logout Options
timing settings, Color Tab
slideshows in Quick Look, The Quick Look Slideshow
smart folders, Privacy Settings
SnagIt, RealPlayer
Software Update, Sharing
Solitaire, Solitaire
sorting icons, Use as Defaults, Sorting the List, Column View
column view, Column View
icon view, Use as Defaults
list view, Sorting the List
sounds, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper), Software Update, Software Update, Software Update, Sound Effects Tab, Sound Effects Tab, Output Tab
error beeps, Software Update
Front Row sound effects, Sound Effects Tab
input/output options, Output Tab
settings, Software Update
sound effects, Software Update
transferring from pc, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper)
volume slider, Sound Effects Tab
Sounds & Audio Devices, Search
Spaces, Keystrokes, Keystrokes, Turning on Spaces, Using Spaces, The big picture, Moving windows among screens
big-picture view, The big picture
defined, Keystrokes
moving windows between, Moving windows among screens
setting up, Turning on Spaces
tips and techniques, Using Spaces
speech, Microsoft Publisher, Output Tab, The Mac Reads to You
dictation software, Microsoft Publisher
speech recognition (command and control), Output Tab
text to speech (the Mac reads), The Mac Reads to You
spelling checker, Writing Messages
Mail, Writing Messages
Spotlight, The Get Info Panels, The Spotlight Menu, The Spotlight Menu, Spotlight-Menu Tips, Advanced Menu Searches, Advanced Menu Searches, Advanced Menu Searches, Limit by recent date, Limit by recent date, Limit by recent date, Limit by recent date, Boolean searches, Spotlight Window from Spotlight Menu, The Basic Search, Where to Look, Where to Look, Kind, Kind, What to Do with Search Results, Customizing Spotlight, Privacy Settings, Privacy Settings, Privacy Settings, Open URL
advanced searches, Advanced Menu Searches
as calculator, Limit by recent date
as dictionary, Limit by recent date
basics of, The Spotlight Menu
Boolean searches, Boolean searches
customizing search categories, Customizing Spotlight
Finder window, Spotlight Window from Spotlight Menu
limiting by date, Limit by recent date, Kind
limiting by kind, Advanced Menu Searches, Kind
limiting by metadata, Limit by recent date
memorized searches, Privacy Settings
menu, The Get Info Panels
multi-criteria searches, The Basic Search
privacy settings, Privacy Settings
quote marks in, Advanced Menu Searches
search by filename, Where to Look
Services menu, Open URL
smart folders, Privacy Settings
tips and tricks, Spotlight-Menu Tips
what to do with the results, What to Do with Search Results
where to look, Where to Look
spring -loaded folders, Secret menus, Spring-Loaded Folders: Dragging Icons into Closed Folders
on the Dock, Secret menus
ssh, Sharing
Stacks, Stacks, Stacks
turning off, Stacks
Start menu, Search
starting up, Laptop Options, Can’t Move or Rename an Icon, Safe Mode (Safe Boot), Startup Keystrokes
keyboard shortcuts, Startup Keystrokes
Safe mode, Safe Mode (Safe Boot)
scheduled, Laptop Options
troubleshooting, Can’t Move or Rename an Icon
startup disks, Keyboard Translation Guide, Disks
booting in Windows, Keyboard Translation Guide
StartUp folder, Search
status bar, Status Bar
Stickies, Make New Sticky Note, Safari, Safari, Creating Sticky Notes, Creating Sticky Notes, Formatting Notes, TextEdit
creating, Creating Sticky Notes
defined, Safari
formatting, TextEdit
Make New Sticky Note, Make New Sticky Note
organizing, Creating Sticky Notes
saving and exporting, Formatting Notes
Street Atlas USA, Street Atlas USA
Summarize command, Open URL
Services menu, Open URL
switching, What Mac OS X Takes Away
reasons for, What Mac OS X Takes Away
switching programs (“Alt -tab”), The New, Improved “Alt-Tab”
symbols, Keyboard Viewer
sync, Menulets = Tray, .Mac Sync
.Mac sync, .Mac Sync
Menulet, Menulets = Tray
System control panel, Search
System folder, System Folder
System Preferences, Creating and removing stacks, Another way to Exposé, Boot Camp Tip-O-Rama, .Mac Sync, Network Central—and Multihoming, Internet Sharing, Creating an Account, The System Preferences Window, The System Preferences Window, .Mac, Accounts, Appearance, Number of Recent Items, CDs & DVDs, CDs & DVDs, Clock Tab, Activating the screen saver, Energy Saver, Laptop Options, Keyboard & Mouse, QuickTime, Sharing, Sharing, Sound, Speech, Startup Disk, Universal Access
.Mac, .Mac
Accounts, Creating an Account, Accounts
Appearance, Appearance
Bluetooth, Number of Recent Items
CDs and DVDs, CDs & DVDs
Date & Time, CDs & DVDs
Desktop & Screen Saver, Clock Tab
Displays, Activating the screen saver
Dock, Creating and removing stacks
Energy Saver, Energy Saver
Exposé & Spaces, Another way to Exposé
International, Laptop Options
Keyboard & Mouse, Keyboard & Mouse
Network, Network Central—and Multihoming
opening and arranging, The System Preferences Window
QuickTime, QuickTime
Sharing, Internet Sharing, Sharing
Software Update, Sharing
Sound, Sound
Speech, Speech
Startup Disk, Boot Camp Tip-O-Rama, Startup Disk
syncing between Macs, .Mac Sync
Universal Access, Universal Access
System Profiler, Keychain Access
System tray, System Tray


task manager, Quitting Programs
Taskbar, System Tray
TaxCut, Street Atlas USA
Terminal, Terminal, Terminal, A Terminal crash course, Unix programs, Navigating in Unix, Navigating in Unix
basics of, A Terminal crash course
defined, Terminal
getting help, Navigating in Unix
navigating, Navigating in Unix
Unix programs, Unix programs
text chats, Sorting and sizing your friends
TextEdit, Formatting Notes, Working in TextEdit, Working in TextEdit, Style Sheets, Tables, Tables
basic web design, Tables
editing in, Working in TextEdit
Microsoft Word compatibility, Working in TextEdit
style sheets, Style Sheets
tables, Tables
thesaurus, Dashboard
Time Machine, Monitors, Time Machine, Time Machine, How the Backups Work, How the Backups Work, How the Backups Work, How the Backups Work, Changing Time Machine Settings, Recovering from iPhoto, Address Book, and Mail, Recovering from iPhoto, Address Book, and Mail, Recovering the entire hard drive, Recovering the entire hard drive, Recovering the entire hard drive, Recovering the entire hard drive, Frequently Asked Questions
and FileVault, Frequently Asked Questions
changing settings, How the Backups Work
defined, Time Machine
deleting items from all backups, Recovering the entire hard drive
excluding folders from, How the Backups Work
frequently asked questions, Recovering the entire hard drive
full backup drive, How the Backups Work
how it works, How the Backups Work
multiple backup disks, Recovering the entire hard drive
multiple Macs, Recovering the entire hard drive
recovering entire hard drive, Recovering from iPhoto, Address Book, and Mail
recovering files, Changing Time Machine Settings
recovering from iPhoto, Mail, and Address Book, Recovering from iPhoto, Address Book, and Mail
setting up, Time Machine
time zone, CDs & DVDs
title bar, Window Controls, Title Bar, The Folder Proxy Icon
folder proxy icon, The Folder Proxy Icon
secret hierarchical menu, Title Bar
To Do lists, Notes, Deleting events
iCal, Deleting events
Mail, Notes
toolbar, Fine-tuning the Sidebar, Fine-tuning the Sidebar, The Finder Toolbar, Removing or Shrinking the Toolbar, Control the Menus
buttons on, The Finder Toolbar
hiding and showing, Fine-tuning the Sidebar
keyboard control, Control the Menus
Old Finder Mode, Fine-tuning the Sidebar
shrinking or hiding, Removing or Shrinking the Toolbar
ToolTips, ToolTips
trackpads, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper), Mouse Tab, Mouse Tab, Trackpad Gestures, Trackpad Gestures, Trackpad Gestures, Trackpad Gestures, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
drag lock, Trackpad Gestures
dragging on pad, Trackpad Gestures
gestures, Mouse Tab
keyboard control of, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
options, Trackpad Gestures
right-clicking, Trackpad Gestures
two-finger scrolling, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper)
transferring address book from Eudora, Eudora Method (Free)
transferring address book from Outlook, Transferring Your Outlook Address Book, Transferring Your Outlook Address Book, Transferring Your Outlook Address Book, CSV Method (Free, to Entourage Only)
CSV method, CSV Method (Free, to Entourage Only)
Outlook2Mac method, Transferring Your Outlook Address Book
Thunderbird method, Transferring Your Outlook Address Book
transferring email and contacts from Outlook Express, Eudora Method (Free)
transferring email from Outlook to the Mac, Ways to Move Your Email, Thunderbird Method (Time-Consuming, Free), Alternative Method (Free, to Eudora Only), Alternative Method (Free, to Eudora Only)
Eudora method, Alternative Method (Free, to Eudora Only)
Exchange Servers, Alternative Method (Free, to Eudora Only)
Outlook2Mac method, Ways to Move Your Email
Thunderbird method, Thunderbird Method (Time-Consuming, Free)
transferring email settings from PC, Email Settings
transferring email, contacts, and settings from PC, FireWire Disk Mode (Target Disk Mode)
transferring files from pc, Creating a Web Clip Widget, Transfer by Apple Genius, Transfers by iTornado, Transfers by Disk, Transfers by Disk, Transfers by Network, Transfers by Network, Transfers by Email, Transfers by Email, Transfers by Email, Where to Put Your Copied Files
by Apple Store, Transfer by Apple Genius
iTornado, Transfers by iTornado
over the network, Transfers by Network
via Bluetooth, Transfers by Email
via CD or DVD, Transfers by Disk
via email, Transfers by Email
via file-sending web site, Transfers by Network
via hard drive or flash drive, Transfers by Disk
via iDisk, Transfers by Email
where to put the files, Where to Put Your Copied Files
transferring Internet settings from PC, Network Central—and Multihoming
Trash, Changing Labels, Changing Labels, Changing Labels, Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash, Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash, Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever, Deleting Messages
defined, Changing Labels
emptying, Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash
in Mail, Deleting Messages
locked files, Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever
rescuing from, Changing Labels
Secure Empty Trash, Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash
Tray, System Tray
troubleshooting, Screen Sharing, Troubleshooting, Troubleshooting, First Resort: Repair Permissions, First Resort: Repair Permissions, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File, Fourth Resort: Restart, Can’t Move or Rename an Icon, Application Won’t Open, Kernel Panic, Safe Mode (Safe Boot), Gray Screen During Startup, Gray Screen During Startup, Gray Screen During Startup, Where to Get Troubleshooting Help, Help Online, Help by Telephone
Apple Tech Support, Help by Telephone
blue screen at startup, Gray Screen During Startup
disk repair, Gray Screen During Startup
force quitting, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
frozen programs, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
getting troubleshooting help, Where to Get Troubleshooting Help
gray screen at startup, Gray Screen During Startup
kernel panic, Kernel Panic
minor glitches, Troubleshooting
online resources, Help Online
preferences file, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
program won’t open, Application Won’t Open
reinstalling software, Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
repairing permissions, First Resort: Repair Permissions
restarting, Fourth Resort: Restart
Safe mode, Safe Mode (Safe Boot)
sharing between Mac and PC, Screen Sharing
startup problems, Can’t Move or Rename an Icon
updating programs, First Resort: Repair Permissions
TurboTax, Street Atlas USA
turning on the Macintosh, Power On, Dude
TweakUI, ToolTips


uninstalling programs, Uninstalling Software
unit conversions, Calculator
Universal (Intel Macs), Universal Apps (Intel Macs)
Universal Access, Spotlight, Spotlight, Spotlight, Zoom, Zoom, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
adjusting screen zoom and contrast, Spotlight
flashing for error beeps, Zoom
mouse assistance, Mouse & Trackpad Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
typing assistance (Sticky Keys), Zoom
VoiceOver (screen reader), Spotlight
Unix, Terminal, Unix programs, Navigating in Unix, Navigating in Unix
learning more, Navigating in Unix
navigating in, Navigating in Unix
Unix programs, Unix programs
Utilities folder, TextEdit as Web Designer


wallpaper, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper), Desktop & Screen Saver
transferring from the PC, Desktop Pictures (Wallpaper)
Web clips, Dashboard Preferences, Address bar, Address bar
Dashboard, Address bar
Safari, Address bar
Web receipts, Fonts—and Font Book
Web see also Safari, Email, Address-Book Backups, Safari & iChat, Hide profanity in Dictionary, Tables
building your own site, Email
designing pages in TextEdit, Tables
restricting adult Web sites, Hide profanity in Dictionary
Safari, Safari & iChat
specifying preferred browser, Address-Book Backups
Web server, System Folder
Web sharing, Bluetooth Tab
Wi-Fi connections, Settings from Windows 98, Windows Me, AirPort (Wi-Fi) Connections, Commercial Hot Spots, Ethernet Networks, AirPort Utility
AirPort Utility, AirPort Utility
commercial hot spots, Commercial Hot Spots
menulets, AirPort (Wi-Fi) Connections
setting up a network, Ethernet Networks
Wikipedia, Dashboard
WinAmp, Street Atlas USA
window edges, ToolTips
Windows (Microsoft Windows), Status Bar
terminology differences, Status Bar
Windows Explorer, Disks
Windows folder, ToolTips
Windows Media Player, Street Atlas USA, ToolTips
Windows Messenger, Windows Messenger
Windows on the Mac, Yahoo Messenger, Windows on Macintosh
Boot Camp, Windows on Macintosh
windows see also Exposé, Window Controls, Title Bar, The Folder Proxy Icon, Close Button, Minimize Button, Zoom Button, The Finder Sidebar, Fine-tuning the Sidebar, Fine-tuning the Sidebar, Fine-tuning the Sidebar, Scroll Bars, Scroll Bars, Scroll Bars, Status Bar, Disk icons, Arrange by, View Options, The Finder Toolbar, Copying by Using Copy and Paste, Moving windows among screens, Moving windows among screens, Control the Menus
background colors and photos, Arrange by
Close button, Close Button
elements of, Window Controls
folder proxy icon, The Folder Proxy Icon
four views of, Disk icons
hiding and showing, Moving windows among screens
keyboard control, Control the Menus
management, Moving windows among screens
managing and shuffling, Fine-tuning the Sidebar
Minimize button, Zoom Button
multiple simultaneous, View Options
Old Finder Mode, Fine-tuning the Sidebar
path bar, Scroll Bars
printing list of contents, Copying by Using Copy and Paste
resize box, Scroll Bars
scroll bars, Scroll Bars
Sidebar, The Finder Sidebar
status bar, Status Bar
title bar, Title Bar
toolbar, Fine-tuning the Sidebar
toolbar buttons, The Finder Toolbar
Zoom button, Minimize Button
WINNT folder, ToolTips
WinZip, WinZip
word processing see also TextEdit, Keyboard
keyboard shortcuts, Keyboard
WordPad, Windows Messenger
WordPerfect, WinZip


Xgrid sharing, Sharing


Yahoo Messenger, WinZip


zipping files and folders, What Labels Are Good For, Windows Messenger
Zoom button, Minimize Button
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