Creating an image

Before you can display a graphic in Tk, you must first create a Tk image. To accomplish this, Tk provides the image command. This command allows you to create, delete, and query the keywords for any of the supported image types. The built-in image types are bitmap (two color graphics) and photo. The photo types as shipped in the base distribution are PPM/PGM and GIF.

Based on the keyword used the image command takes several syntactic forms. The syntax and keywords are as follows:

	image keyword path




Creates an image and a command with the same name.


Deletes the named image.


Returns a decimal string containing the height of the image in pixels.


Returns a Boolean value indicating if the named image provided is currently in use.


Returns a list containing the names of all created images.


Returns the type of image as referenced by name.


Returns a lost containing all valid image types.


Returns a decimal string containing the width of the image in pixels.

Getting ready

To complete the following example you will need to have a GIF file to select. Please locate the file tcllogo.gif in your Tcl installation in the demos/Tk8.5/images directory and copy it into your working path.

How to do it…

In the following example we will create an image and display it within a label. Enter the following commands:

1 % image create photo image1 -file tcllogo.gif

2 % label .l -image image1
3 % pack .l

At this point, your window should look like the following:

How to do it…

How it works…

In the first step, we have created a Tk image of the type photo that references the file tcllogo.gif. Next, we have created a label named .l that contains our image.

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